//------------------------------// // Crystal Empire Concert // Story: A Boy's Tears // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// At night, after the talent show, Colin felt so proud at himself for winning the talent show at the school. Johnny and his closest friends/bandmates are feeling the same way as he was. The boy was sitting at home sitting on the couch waiting for dinner. Fluttershy was humming to herself while making him a salad and never stopped her smile ever since Colin and his brother won the show. Now she really wishes that she can meet the boys parents. "Dinner's coming, sweetie." She called. "Okay, mommy." Colin replied to her. He looked at his big brother and friends who were playing with so,e of Fluttershy's animals. He decided to thank the, again for their big help tonight. "Johnny, guys?" He began. "I would really love to say thanks again for helping me." "You're welcome, little man." Johnny smiled, then he gave his younger sibling gentle punch on the arm. "And, we would like to thank you for performing other us." Severin added. "It was really magnifique, Colin. You are really gifted in the art of musique." "Thanks, Severin. But, I don't know if I would say that." "Ah, don't be so modest, Colin." Christian said. "You have an amazing singing voice, and are a perfect fifth member for us." "Yeah. And remember when you were playing a piano song a few years ago?" Bobby reminded "I do." "So, why are you feeling skeptical? You have an amazing talent." "You're right, Johnny. Everyone really loved the song, and were all crying. Besides, we did win the show after all." "Hell yeah. Of course we did." The five all laughed. "Alright, sweetie, dinner's ready." The yellow pegasus called out. Colin rushed over to the table and went to eat his dinner. "So, what about you, Johnny? Would you and your friends like anything for dinner?" "What do you have?" Johnny asked "Salads, zesty cucumber sandwiches, corn with mashed potatoes, and others." "Hmm, I think I would like the corn and mashed potatoes. Oh! And can I please have some gravy on the side as well?" "Oh yes of course. I have mushroom gravy if you don't mind." "Mushrooms? We love mushroom gravy." "Yeah!" All the band members exclaimed proudly. Fluttershy giggled nervously. "Okay. Okay. I suppose I can help you with that, but I think it might take a little while." "That's cool." Christian said. Then Flutterhsy went back to the kitchen to fetch the older guys their dinner of choice. "Do you think we might have been a little been too pushy to her?" Bobby asked "No. Well, maybe a little." Johnny said. "Well, she doesn't mind doing that, right?" "Right you are." Severin pointed out. "Although i do have a feeling we should not try and do something to insult her. She looks rather sensitive." "That's a good point." So after Colin had his dinner, he sat on the couch again, then Fluttershy was finished with Johnny and the guys' dinner then they all dug in on their food. He wished that this moment could last forever and that he and his friends could stay with him forever, but he knows they can't and have to finish college. He realized that what matters is that Johnny and his best friends know that he is okay, alive, and that they are spending time with him at least. After they all ate, they all gave a loud burp with Bobby having the lowest and the longest, then they all had a good laugh and fist-bumped one another. "Hey, Severin?" "Oui, Colin?" "I forgot to tell you this, and I was about to tell you this when we went on stage to perform the song, so... i know a friend who is a zebra and is from a place called Zebrica." "Really? An Equestrian version of Africa? what about her." "Her name is Zecora. She lives on the outskirts of Ponyville I'm the Everfree forest, and she said she would like to meet you when I met her. So, would you like to meet her some time? If that's alright with you." The Gabonese rhythm guitarist smiled. "Well, i would definitely love to meet this... Zecora sometime." "Good. What do you think, mommy? can we visit Zecora again?" "Well... I guess we can. But I might bring Twilight and Spike again." "That sounds great." "you sure you don't mind coming with us tomorrow?" Fluttershy asked the band "We don't mind at all, Fluttershy." Johnny replied. "We love this place." "Indeed, and I really want to meet this Zecora." Severin replied. "I might as well warn you the Everfree forest can be quite dangerous and-" Fluttershy was interrupted when she heard a knock on the door. "Oh, excuse me, let me get that." She opened the door, and as if she appared out of magic, it was Zecora herself. "Oh, Zecora. Hello." Fluttershy greeted. "What an adorable hi, Fluttershy." the zebra replied to her. "Zecora!" Colin exclaimed. "How are you." "Hello young Colin, I just thought I would say hello and drop in." "So, you're Zecora." Severin noticed. "Colin and I were just talking about you." "I see. Are you Severin maybe?" "Yes. I am." "Did you see our performance earlier?" Johnny asked "I most certainly did. It was a very nice and sweet thing for honoring parents from their youngest kid." Zecora complimented. "I was really fabulous and spontaneous." "Glad you loved it." Christian said. "Anything for my little brother." said Johnny giving his sibling a hug. "We did it for our parents. "So, How is your potions coming?" Fluttershy asked curiously. "I am doing very well creating my brews, completing my cure for strep-throat I will do." she answered. "Now, since I am here, what have you been doing recently, my dear?" "Just hanging out with my friends and family." the boy replied. "So, I think you and I have so much to talk about, Zecora." Severin said. "So do we." said the other three bandmates. "Wonderful. I will promise you Fluttershy that it will not take a long, for pf course I will leave to let you enjoy the night with your son." 'Wonderful. You can have a seat wherever you would like." Then the zebra sat down on the couch and then Severin sat down next to her. "So, you are from a place called Zebrica, correct?" "That you are right, for I would hate to say that telling you everything about it would take all night." Severin chuckled. "I understand. And it would mean the same thing for me telling you about Africa as well." "I must do say you have very handsome long dreads on your head." Zecora complimented. "They looked well groomed and it really suits somepony like you." "Merci. I always had this dreadlocks with me ever since I was a small child. And indeed, they really suit me as a rocker. And of clurse I do take care of it, for I always rinse, lather, and repeat when I am in my shower." "And we must say what nice Mohawk and necklaces and bracelets toy have." Said Christian. "Do you and other zebras in Equestria were the alot. "A very generous and kind compliment, I thank you, and yes, wearing these beautiful golden accessories are what we zebras always do." "So, Zecora?" "Yes?" "Parlez-vous Francais?" "Oui, Je parle Francais. Understanding French I can definitely know, even though I do not use it everyday." "Magnifique. " Severin remarked. "French is very well spoken where I come from. A country called Gabon. I could tell you all about it, but I am afraid that would take all night to finish too." Then he and the zebra chuckled. "I understand, for it is sometimes best for some things, to focus at the matter at hand." "Exactly." Meanwhile, with the other band members they were whispering to themselves about this new friendship. "Look at that, boys." Johnny said. "Severin had just met Zecora for the first time, and now they both like each other a great deal." "I know. It's like.... some kind of special connection or something." "But it's alright, right?" Colin asked. "Oh of coyrse, Colin. We really like her too." "That is good to hear." Said Fluttershy. "These two seem like very good friends and do have this special connection. Like.... like.... like their paths were meant to be aligned." "Yeah. I know, right?" Said Bobby. "Well, i am very happy that these two are friends. They sound like they have some stuff in common together." Fluttershy remarked. "Thank you, Fluttershy. That means alot." Said Severin, somehow overheard the last part she said. "Indeed, we do have quite a few things that are also aligned with one another." "I agree, and I know, it sounds a little strange maybe." Zecora replied. Then they had some conversations of one another while the others were feeding the animals dinner fo the night. "Umm, Severin, Zecora?" Flutterhsy said "Yes?" They both said. "We're going outside for a little while to feed the animals living out here. Are yo two going to be alright while we are out for a little while?" "Of course." Severin remarked "I do not mind, so go ahead and take your time." Zecora added. Then Colin, Fluttershy, and the other bandmates went outside to feed the animals living outdoors. Then on, Severin and Zecora continued giving interesting questions and facts to one another about Zebrica and Africa alike. The next morning, Colin was still asleep in his bed, Johnny and his bandmates are sleeping downstairs in sleeping bags that Fluttershy got out for them to stay for the night. "Colin, sweetie. It's time to wake up." said a voice that didn't really sound like his mother, but he knew who it was, alright. "Come on, dear, rise and shine." the voice sang. It sounded more deeper than Fluttershy and a little more motherly. However, he rolled over and turned the other way, sighing. "I think i know how we can get him up sis." said another voice that sounded a little higher than the other, and reminded him of Rarity's voice, except it sounded a little more elegant, and less mid-Atlantic. "Ooh. Good idea, Luna." Celestia had a semi-sneaky smile on her face and conjured a purple feather. She used her magic from her horn to tickle the boy's face. He laughed from all the tickling and the princess' knew that it was working. Of there is one thing a six year old boy couldn't resist, it was being tickled by a feather, great or small. Finally, the boy woke up with a smile. He rubbed his eyes to keep his vision from getting blurry and gasped with joy to see the two alicorns. "Celestia! Luna!" He said. "Hello, Colin." Celestia said, also very happy to see him again. "How did you sleep?" "Good, Luna. Not that i'm happy to see you, but what are yoy doing here?" "Twilight told us that your big brother Johnny, and his band, came looking for you in Equestria, and said that you two are together again. "Yeah. I'm so glad he's back." "Indeed, and we also heard you performed a song with them at your school talent show to play a tribute to your parents" Celestia stated warmly. "I did, and it was a lot of fun. I even won the talent show last night.." Celestia and her sister gasped. "That's, great, sweetie." Said Luna. "Congratulations, dear. We are so proud of you. Come here." The two alicorns opened their arms out and Colin hugged them tightly. "Thanks, your majesties. I also wouldn't have won without Johnny helping me." "You did do a wonderful job, that's what we heard from Twilight." Luna stated. "I did. You should ask anyone here, they loved me and the band." "I'm pretty sure they did." Celestia winked. "So where is your brother and his friends. We would like to meet them. Wouldn't we, Luna?" "Of course." "Yeah. I'll show you them right now. I'm pretty sure they are awake right now." "Excellent. Do take us to them." "Okay." The boy went downstairs and the princess' followed him from behind. "Ah, good morning, champ." Johnny greeted his sibling. "How did my Rockstar brother sleep last night?" "Very good, Johnny." The by replied. "I want to introduce you to two family members of mine." "Sure, where can we meet them?" Asked Christian "You won't have to look far." Luna teased lightly. Then the princess revealed themselves as they were at the first floor. Johnny and his bandmates looked at them in awe. Never had they seen somepony that looks so majestic as these two before. "Well, you look like really handsome humans." said Celestia. "Very nice an handsome looking gentlemen." "You... you look really beautiful." Bobby said in awe. "That's really, sweet." said Luna. "Thank you." "My name is Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and guardian of the sun." "And I am princess Luna, co-ruler, and guardian of the moon." "Princess'?" siad Johnny. He and his friends then bowed to them in respect. "Our apologies for not bowing to you, your majesties." Celestia and Luna smiled warmly. "It's quite alright, dear. You don't have to be so formal to me and Luna." Then the larger alicorn walked up to them. "Twilight told us that you all and Colin won the talent show and performed a tribute to your parents." "Yeah, well, we were just helping my brother." Johnny flushed. He smiled at his younger brother. "So, what brings you here?" they all got up again. "And how can we assist you, your majesties?" Severin added. "Oh, we just wanted to meet you in the flesh and congratulate you on your performance." Luna stated. "Oh. Thank you for your appreciation." said Christian. "And Colin did pretty well too, that's what we heard." Celestia added "Yeah, he was awesome. He would make an excellent rocker someday." Johnny said, gently rubbing Colin's hair again. "I would, wouldn't i?" "Your parents would be proud of you for your performance last night. Just as me and Luna are proud of you all." "Thanks, your majesties." said all the band members. Then they all heard another pair of hooves coming down from the stairs. It was Fluttershy, who just made a cute yawn from her sleep. "Good morning, everypony." she said. She noticed princess Celestia and Luna and bowed to them in respect. "Your majesties." she said. "I did not expect you to come here." "It's quite alright, Fluttershy." Celestia stated warmly. "We just wanted to meet Colin's friends here. And congratulate them on their performance last night." "He was one in a million." Fluttershy stated proudly. She gave Colin a tender kiss on his cheek. "Thanks mommy." "So, what will you all do now?" asked Luna Johnny had a sad expression on his face. He knew that Colin would hate to hear it, but he does have college work to catch on, as do his buddies. "Well.... I think me and the boys have to go now." The others agreed with the band leader. Colin's face immediately turned into a frown. "What? now?" he said. The two sisters, and Fluttershy noticed this and wanted to try and soothe him and calm him "Ah, come on, Colin." Johnny said, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder. "This was supposed to be a happy reunion for you and me. Oh, and the boys here." "But... It seems too fast to say goodbye." Colin said, about ready to cry again. "I... I... need to be alone." he ran upstairs and went to his room, and slam the door, loudly. The sisters, Fluttershy, animals, and the band looked at eachother. "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. I swear." Johnny said. "Oh we know." said Fluttershy. "I know you would never do that." "Yes, child." said Luna. "He is just upset." "Why don't we just go talk to him." Celestia suggested "Well, I think he is having real issues with this, so why don't we just leave him alone for a while. Like my father always said, it is best to be alone at times when you are feeling depressed." Severin stated "That is true." Celestia agreed. "But, he is my baby." Fluttershy protested "Well, if you can talk to him, go for it." said Johnny." "Right." then Fluttershy looked at Celestia and Luna for approval. The two nodded a yes to her. "Go to him." Celestia said. Fluttershy smiled and she went upstairs and knocked on Colin's door. "Sweetie, it's mommy." she said from the other side of the door. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm fine." the boy replied in his room. From the sound of it, he was weeping softly. "I'm fine." "Sweetie, please let me in." Fluttershy begged. She decided that this was for her son's sake, and didn't wait for any reply. So she went inside his room and was crying under the covers quietly, still in his pajamas. She saw his face showing from the blanket, slowly streaming with tears. She got on the bed and sat next to him, but Colin turned the other way from her. "Sweetie, please. What's the matter?" "I don't want Johnny to leave me yet." He replied as he sniffed his nose from his sobbing. "Oh, sweetie. I understand how you feel. It's okay if you will miss Johnny." "Yeah but... I just want him to stay with me a little longer. Maybe... One more day." "You know you have me, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Big Mac, and everypony else in Equestria." Fluttershy reassured. "I know. But... I love Johnny. He... Is my best friend. Not that I don't love you or anything, of course I love you, mommy. But... Johnny is so much to me. He's my big brother." Fluttershy gently stroke his back to soothe him. "Shhh. I understand, Colin. I know how much he means to you." "He does." "Sweetie, look at me." She softly begged. The boy reluctantly turned back to her to face her, and sniffed his nose again. "Please don't cry. I cannot stand to see you like this. Please, give me a smile." "No." "Oh sweetie, I-" Then the door came open, and it revealed Johnnh, who was alone. He looked at the two. "Colin? You alright little buddy?" He asked "Yeah. I'm fine. The boy replied. The older brother sat down next to him. "Listen buddy, I know it's hard for you, but this isn't a final goodbye." "I know. But... But I want to stay for at least spend one more day with me. Please." He sobbed a little louder and let more tears escape from his pupils. "Just for one more day. Please." Johnny looked rather guilty. How could he possibly say no to one of his favorite things in the world? All Colin wants is to spend a little more time with him. "Well.... Alright. I guess I can stay here for one more day." Colin stopped his crying and revealed his whole self from the covers. "What about your college work?" "Ah, it can wait. Our teacher is very understandable on why we are staying here." "Thank you, Johnny." Said Fluttershy. "Thank you for deciding this decision. I'm very grateful for you to keep my baby happy." "Your welcome Fluttershy. How can I possibly ignore a request from my little bro?" She smiled warmly at him, and Colin Lilly smirked, stopping any more tears escape. "Well, I might as well tell the guys. And... Come here, you." He opened his arms ready for another hug. The boy grasped him really tightly and sobbed into his shirt under the leather jacket. "Thank you. Thank you." He said with gratitude. "You're welcome, Colin." He replied, then they both let go. "So, I might as well call our teacher and told him that we found you. Although, I don't really think he would believe me about Equestria." "Yeah. Right." Then the brother exited the room to tell his buds of the change of plans. "So, do you feel better now, sweetie?" Fluttershy asked "Yep. I do." "Would you like to come back downstairs now?" "Yes, mommy." Then he followed her back downstairs. The two princess' looked him and looked rather worried of him. "Are you alright, sweetie?" Celestia asked softly "Yeah. I do." "Good. Would you like a hug from us?" "Well... okay." Then the boy ran up to the co-rulers and they hugged him. Like many people would say, hugs are the best answer. After they disbanded, Celestia said "well, it is good to see you deciding to stay for one moreday with your brother, Johnny. And, we really need to head back to Canterlot now. Royal duties to resume." "Indeed. Nice seeing you again Colin." Luna added "Bye Celestia, Bye Luna." "And it was an honor to meet you boys." Celestia added "Nice meeting you too." Said Christian. Then with their magic, the two allicorns as they zapped themselves back to Canterlot. "So, what would you like to do?" Asked Johnny. "Like you and me having a little fun time together." "Well... I Don't know. There are so many things to chose." Colin replied. "I don't know what we can do first." "That's alright, Colin." "Well, I think me and my friends were having our usual pet gathering at the lark together." Fluttershy noted. "You and your brother can have fun then. Like, have a little walk with one another? Have a race?" "That sounds perfect." Said Severin. Then there was another knock on the door. "I'll get it." Fluttershy said. It was a mail pony. "A delivery for Fluttershy." He said. "Thank you, sir." The Fluttershy. She opened the envelope and it revealed to be a letter. "What does it say?" Dear Fluttershy Twilight told me and Shining Armor about Colin's brother Johnny coming to Equestria, and reuniting together. She also notified me that his band was with him, and performed a tribute with him to their parents for a school talent show. We would be honored if we would see a performance. Mostly Shining, of course, but I would be curious to hear them and meet this band myself too. If they can't perform for any reason, I understand. But, it would be nice to meet Johnny and his band. Please notify us when you get the chance. If you ask where, either Ponyville, or the Crystal Empire, which other you chose is alright with us. Princess Cadence "This Cadence wants me and my boys here to perform another concert?" Johnny said. He was thinking about what he should do about this. This sounded like huge honor for This Cadence and Shining Armor, who was most eager than his wife, to give him and his friends quite an honor for him. "Wow, that sounds awesome." said Colin. "What do you think, big brother?" "Well.... I don't know. I'm a little worn out from last night." the elder sibling said with uncertainty. "Oh come on, Johnny." Colin begged. "I really want to hear you play some more." "And think about it. We can get more publicity." Bobby reminded. "This is our big chance to hit a large stage, more people to perform for." "Indeed. We can entertain all of Colin's friends and new family once more. I am really starting to like Equestria. So magical, and beautiful. Unlike our world, that is." said Severin "What's wrong with your homeworld?" Fluttershy asked curiously "Oh nothing really. It does have some magic like a few tribes I know in Gabon, but nothing like this." Severin clarified. "Besides, Everyone here is really nice to us, and the whole town of Ponyville loved our performance mon ami. If we should give them an encore, I say that we should, mon ami." "They're right. Think about it, all the fans cheering us on. And being asked by a princess and a prince is a huge awesome favor." Christian added. "Oh yes, It is quite an honor for Cadence and Shining Armor for them to give you quite an opportunity." "see? even Fluttershy agrees with us. So should her friends if they were here with us." Severin pointed. "Well.... Alright. Besides, I always wanted to play in front of a larger audience, and I know you guys dream the same way as I do." "Have you performed at any shows before?" Colin asked curiously "Oh heck yeah." Said the elder sibling. "We did many shows, but usually those gigs are like in clubs and the theater in our college for all the students and staff." "Well, how would you feel about performing for a bigger audience, my boy?" Said a gentleman's voice out of nowhere. A magic cloud appeared and it revealed to be the master of chaos." "Discord!" Said Fluttershy happily. "You weren't eavesdropping, were you?" "Oh of course not, my dear Fluttershy" Discord chuckled. "Yes." "Very funny, Discord." Said Colin. "Oh, and hello, again, Colin. Here, have so me hot chocolate." He conjured some ho cocoa for Colin and gave it to him." "Thank you." "Anytime, garçon. Anytime. So, I am very sorry for intruding, but I couldn't help but overhear you boys getting a message from Princess Cadence and Shining Armor asking you to perform a son for them." "Uhh yeah. We're planning on doing that." Johnny said "Perfect! You made an amazing, rocking performance yesterday, and I am sure that your next performance will be just as amazing." "So, are you going to do it in the Crystal Empire? Or Ponyville?" Fluttershy asked curiously. "Ooh, I say we should go for the Crystal Empire. We wouldn't want the lovely, adorable couple to be put through so much trouble coming through here." Discord suggested. "Well, I always wanted to see the Crystal Empire." Colin added. "That can be arranged." Said Fluttershy. "We might as well tell Twilight and our friends that princess Cadence and Shining Armir gave us this message." "Good idea." *** In the park, Flutterhsy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the other friends were playing with their pets on their usually playtime and gathering. Colin was playing with Fluttershy and Angel, and even had the opportunity to play wi the other pets like Owlicious, Winona, and even Opalescence, and she really does not like playing with anyone, not even Rarity. "So Johnny, Severin, Christian and Bobby are going to play another concert for us?" Said Rainbow, obviously hyped about hearing this event. "I am so going to see it. It will be so awesome like last night from the talent show." "Alright, alright, Rainbow." Twilight chuckled. "Try to calm down. Now we are all just excited as you are, but we don't know where they will perform yet." "Still working on it." Christian notified "Ah! I thought f it a,ready." Johnny said. "We will do it in the Crystal Empire." They all cheered at his decision. "So, is there like a stadium or a really large area we can perform in the Crystal Empire?" "Oh yes. They do have a stadium and a large theater, oh and a large open space for you to perform if you would prefer to do that." Rarity answered "That sounds perfect." "Do you think the stadium will be a good place?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "Sure it will. You heard the music at the Equestria games there, and I'm sure that everypony will hear it too." Said Spike Twilight said "true" in agreement "So, uhh, Johnny? I was wondering if I can have.... Your guys' autographs?" Rainbow had a piece of paper with her, and looked rather quite eager to get the guys' signatures, since she is becoming a big fan of their music already. "Sure thing, Rainbow." Johnny said. He took out a pen and wrote his signature on the form, and his friends followed after. Rainbow had a cute dumb s,Ike on her face and kept saying "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh." Over and over again. ""So, how many songs will you perform?" Asked Colin curiously "I was just thinking maybe a few songs like two three or four, but not a full setlist on a CD or anything like that." Johnny clarified. "That is mighty fine with us." Said Applejack. "Colin!" Called a deep voice. It was Big Mc, who decided to show up and probably see Colin again. He seems to take great proudness of being his new father "Hi, daddy." The boy said "How are you doin' this morning?" The red stallion hugged him "I'm fine. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor asked my brother and the guys to play a concert at the Crystal Empire tonight." "Really?" Said Big Mac in surprise. "That is quite amazing. Can I come with you guys to watch ya play again?" "Sure, you can all come." Said Johnny. His friends agreed with him and said yes to him. "So, it's settled. We go there tonight." Said Twilight proudly "Right!" They all agreed Then they all continued playing with the pets. For the boy, he was wrestling his older brother playfully like a pair of lion cubs playing. Fluttershy was a little concerned if Johnny will go easy on Colin while they are playing." "Oh don't worry, Fluttershy. They are just playing. Besides, I know that if they were not playing, you would know, right?" "That is true." "Come here you!" Said Johnny playfully. He gently picked him up and pretended to fly the boy around like an airplane while Colin made turbine noises. It was the evening and Colin was off of the train and officially in the Crystal Empire, a,one with his friends and family. He looked in awe at the large crystalline castle and crystalline buildings all around him. They all shined and glittered under the moonlight. "Wow, are they all made of crystals?" the boy said in amazement "Yep. All of the buildings." Twilight replied. "What do you think, squirt? Isn't this place cool or what?" said Rainbow boastfully "Yeah. Really cool." "So, would you like a little tour of the Crystal Empire before the show?" Fluttershy asked him. "Yes, please." "And when does our show start?" asked Christian "Don't worry, we'll ask princess Cadence and Shining Armor about that." said Twilight. "Besides, we came here early, remember?" "Right." the four band members replied. "Well, I suppose we can stay with you guys and look at the place." Johnny compromised. "So, where should we go first?" "The castle." the mane six and Spike all said. "Of course." Then they all went to the mane attraction. When they all got inside, Colin, and the band were quite amazed by the interior. Never had they seen such a beautiful interior inside a castle such as this one. "Ah, Colin. Good to see you again." said a voice. It was Princess Cadence in front of them with her husband "Hey, little buddy. Nice to see you." Shining said "Cadence! Shining!" Colin exclaimed with joy. He ran up to them and the two hugged him, knowing why he rushed to them. "It's good to see you too." "How have you been?" asked Shining "Good. I've been good." "That is wonderful to here. Ah! Twilight." Cadence noticed her. They both did the pact they did when she was a foalsitter for her. "Twili! Guys." Shining exclaimed. "How is my little sister doing?" "Sister?" the band said in unison. "Oh yeah. We forgot to tell you all, didn't we. Shining is my big brother." Twilight clarified. "Oh. That explains alot." said Bobby. "So, you guys are the band?" Shining noticed. "You guys look awesome." "So, which one of you guys is Johnny?" Cadence asked. "That's me. I'm Johnny Frasier." "I am Severin Belizaire, Johnny's longtime friend." "Christian Martinez." "And I am Bobby Holmes." "Wow. Nice to meet all of you." Cadence said "The honor is ours, your majesty." the four bowed to her in respect. "So, Twilight told us about you four and how you performed well in Colin's talent show last night." "Yep. We even won the show by a long shot." Christian clarified. "Perfect. We are so proud of you little buddy." shining said, rubbing the boy's hair. "So, are you here to perform at the stadium?" "You know it." said Johnny. "But, I think we should look at the city. It looks so awesome. besides, we're still a little early, right?" "Way early." said Applejack jokingly. They all laughed. "So, a tour of the castle would be nice." the yellow pegasus said "Of course. You can help set up the stage while me, and Shining can show him and the band around." "Don't worry, Fluttershy. He'll be safe with us." "I know, Johnny. I know." "Well come on, then." said Shining. The five followed the two around the castle and they all really loved the designs. "Hey everypony look!" said a voice. "It's great and honorable Spike the brave and Glorious!" thena large group of crystal ponies rushed around him, asking for autographs. "What's going on here?" asked Severin "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that I am a hero to the Crystal Empire." "He saved us twice." said a stallion The band looked rather impressed with the baby dragon. "That's cool, Spike. Congratulations." Johnny said, giving him a gentle fist him. "Thanks. I am a real hero after all. Can somepony please give me a bowl of gems?" Twilight smirked and nodded her head sideways. "Anyway, let's go." Cadence said. They went upstairs to their first stop. As for Twilight, and her friends, they went to the stadium to set everything up for the dudes to play for the concert. All the crystal ponies with Spike carried him like his own personal servants. *** After the end of the little castle tour, they all had a little break and talked with one another. "So, what did you think, little buddy?" Shining asked the boy "It was amazing. The servants were really nice. "Good. So, was it long for you? do your legs hurt from all that walking?" "No." the boy replied. "I'm fine. Well... they might be a little sore, but still, i'm be fine." "I'm glad." "We can tell you princess, that we have seen castles in our world, but never like this." Johnny said. "It looks very cool and very sparkly." "Thanks, the Crystal heart is what keeps it this way." "Crystal what?" asked Bobby "Oh, we forgot to show that, didn't we? The crystal heart is what brings good to the Crystal Empire for a millennium. However, there was an evil stallion named King Sombra who ruled it with an iron fist and enslaved the crystal ponies "Oh no." Colin expressed "But Celestia and Luna defeated them the first time, and Twilight, Spike and the others defeated him again the second time not a while ago." Cadence clarified. "That's awesome. So, about the concert, will their be a lot of ponies coming to watch us play? I know that almost all of Ponyville is coming to hear us, but anyone else coming?" "We... don't know, the entire Crystal Empire will hear you of course, but I do not know about Canterlot or other cities for sure." Shining said. "And Princess Celestia and Luna said they will come too." "Oh alright. I'm pretty sure the place would be packed anyway." said Christian. "I can almost see the crowd cheering us on already." said Bobby, dreaming of how the night will go Then the door opened and it revealed to be Discord. "Alright boys, you are all up now." "Perfect, let us get out instruments." said Severin. "Of course. "Oh! Can I still watch you guys from backstage?" Colin asked eagerly. "yeah, of course." The band gathered their stuff and walked to the stadium with Colin and the couple behind them. "Hey uh wait!" Colin said. "I... I want to play with you guys instead. Is... that okay?" "Really? that's good. We can have an extra member for the concert." said Severin. "What do you say, mes ami?" "I say we should let him play with us again." Christian said. "Me too." Bobby added "Well then he will play as he requested." said Johnny "yay!" the boy cheered. "You will be a great guitarist, Colin." said Severin. "I just know you will." The stadium was packed filled with a large audience already. And the stage looked perfect. They hoped everything will go well for them and Colin was watching them and waved at them good luck. What would the audience think of them? Will they love them or hate them? There was also a large crowd in front of the stage and Fluttershy, Big, Mac, and the others were in the first rows. The rest consisted of Ponyville and some familiar faces from Canterlot like Moon Dancer, and her friends, Fleur De Lis and Fancy Pants, and even Celestia and Luna, who were sitting on their thrones Johnny tapped into the microphone and the whole crowd was silent when all saw the group on the TVs next to the stage. "Hello Equestria!" Johnny announced. "We might not be ponies, I know, but we are from another world and here to entertain you with really awesome rock n' roll!" the crowd then cheered them on. "Now, I am Johnny Fraser, and these are my boys." "I'm Severin Beletaire on the rythim guitar." the crowd cheered again "I'm Christian Martinez on a pretty sick bass!" "And I am Bobby Holmes on drums, baby!" "And we are known as...." in a group they all exclaimed "Evil Eland!" then the crowd cheered even louder. "Now, we would like to introduce you all, even though all of Ponyville and some ponies from Canterlot know him, Colin Fraser my little brother!" "Yay Colin!" Fluttershy said. "He will also perform with us, as an extra guitarist." he looked away from the microphone, and looked at his younger brother, looking quite nervous. "Come on little buddy. Don't be nervous. You'll be with us." the boy slowly walked on the stage so he can show himself, then the crowd cheered again. "Here's the guitar for you." then Severin gave the boy the guitar to play on. "Alright, are you all ready to rock?!" Johnny exclaimed. Then the crowd roared. "Okay, here we go!" Rights for this song go to Black Label Society Everyone cheered in amazement and applauded for them. All of the ponies not from Ponyville were liking this band a great deal already since they already heard them play. "Alright, now this is a cover from a song called 'Rock you like a Hurricane" from the band called the Scorpions. One, two, one two three four." Rights for this song go to Scorpions The crowd cheered even louder for that performance. "Is everyone having an amazing time?" Johnny called "Yeah!" they all shouted "Alright, now, we have one more song for you to play. But do not worry, everyone, we will play for you again. We promise!" they cheered with excitement. "Okay. Hit it boys!" Rights for this song go to Guns N Roses "Thank you all, good night!" Johnny said as the conclusion for the concert. "Let's hear it for my boys, Bobby, Christian, Severin." he picked up Colin gently "And my little brother, Colin." then they cheered in the loudest applause they can cheer. "Okay, boys, let's pack it up." Then most of the viewers of the stadium had left the are. Except for Ponyville, and the Canterlot residents. Fluttershy ran up to Colin and hugged him really tightly. "Oh I am so proud of you, sweetie." then she kissed him "You guys were so awesome!" said Rainbow. "You guys should perform more often." "Oh I concur, you all did an amazing job. Especially you, precious." Rarity added. She gently squeezed the boy's cheeks playfully. "You guys all rocked out there." said Big Mac. "I am proud of you, my son." "Thanks, mommy. Thanks daddy." the boy replied. "And we would like to thank you all for your support too." said Severin. "Oh Colin, you are such an amazing musician." said Fancy Pants. "Wouldn't you agree my dear Fleur?" "Oh yes. I agree one hundred percent." the beautiful unicorn replied. "You did a wonderful job, sweetie." then Fleur gave him a hug. They all went "Aww" from the sight of that. "Thanks Fleur, thanks Fancy Pants." the boy replied. "Colin!" said two voices. Two griffons flew over and it was the same two griffons as he met before. "Giselle! Natayla!" the boy shrieked. He felt himself off the ground as the black griffon gently carried him. "You guys watched us too?" "Of course, little buddy." Giselle replied "We love Rock n Roll. And you guys rocked the stadium." Natayla added "Griffons? they have Griffons in Equestria too?" said Severin in amazement "Yep, and other creatures, but it's a long story." Giselle pulled out a pen and paper. "Can we have your guys autograph?" "Sure." Johnny chuckled. The four band members signed more papers to all of Ponyville and even Fancy Pants and Fleur. "I hope you all enjoyed our performance." "Wait!" said Lyra. "What about Colin? he played with you guys too. I think he should give us autographs too." "Well, I don't know if he would like that." "No, I don't mind, Johnny." the boy replied. then he signed autographs with the band too. This was the best night ever for him in his childhood. "You all did a rather amazing performance." siad Celestia. "We hope that you will perform again." "We will. We promise." said Christian "Perfect. I'll help you all with that, with the snap of my finger." said Discord. "Well, I think we should all head home then." They all agreed with Severin and they all said their byes and Colin went with Fluttershy and the band back home to Ponyville.