//------------------------------// // Day Two // Story: Anglosphere // by NYChris824 //------------------------------// I woke up at 7:20 as usual, I hate that about me, I wake up early because I'm used to getting up early for school. Even if I'm up til 2am on a Saturday the latest I'll be up by is 8:30. So I spent the next 30 minutes watching Bob Ross paint on YouTube, what? Don't judge, Bob Ross is awesome. I finally got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower. I went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal, while watching Animal House, which is an awesome movie. My doorbell rang in the middle of the toga party, I just assumed it was one of the guys, so I called out while I got up and walked to answer the door, instead one of my other neighbors was there. This one had four hooves, blue fur and a pair of wings. "Heya Dash, what's up? "Nothing much, same old, what about you?" "Voted to be ambassador last night, so still freaking out on the inside, come in, it's freezing out here." I said waving her in, she flew in. We walked/flew through the living room, I decided on the long way to the kitchen since I wanted to look at the backyard. Dash was eye level with a bunch of family photos, she glanced at them on the way by. I waited for her to ask a question about them, but none came, so that caught me off guard. "Woah, what is that?" She asked, pointing a hoof at the TV, in awe. "That's a television, but it's called TV more often. It's used for entertainment, think like a projector, but not needing a projector." I explained, they explained they had projectors, Nelson said we had them too, but none of us mentioned TV. We talked about stuff, while she watched Animal House and I explained everything that happened so far. I cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast and sat down in my dad's chair to watch the movie. I told her I was heading up to change, but she could hang out down here still. I came back down to hear more voices, three very distinct and one normal voice. The guys and Applejack were here too, must not have heard them knock, or enter. "What's up guys and Applejack?" I asked. "Well sugarcube, Rainbow and Ah are here to take ya'll to town and introduce us to everypony" she said, looking at the distracted pegasus. "Alright let me get ready to head then, we'll cut through the garage." We already told them about cars, planes and trains. We decided to save space flight when we meet Princess Luna, surprise the ruler of the night, moon and the stars with the fact we've been there. Princess Celestia agreed, she had a fun side she said, as well as enjoyed planking her sister. We went through the garage when an idea came to Brian. "Why don't we drive to town?". Good idea, but I'm sure the ponies would flip out. "Good idea and we could park just outside of town to afraid scaring anyone" Nelson said, that works too. The only issue is I have a Ford Edge, a corvette, and a pickup truck . There's six of us and the Edge holds five and the truck is filled with junk. "We'll have to take two cars in that case." I said, grabbing the keys and my wallet. What? Force of habit, besides I'm not getting pulled over my a cop pony for speeding. We went out to the garage and headed for to Ponyville. I was in my Edge with Noah and Dash, while Brian, Nelson and Applejack were in some British SUV. I told Brian I would do 30mph, which is about 48kph according to my conversion app. We arrived outside of town in after about five or so minutes, better than a fifteen minute walk in the freezing cold. I put on my turn signal and pulled over. I put it in park, turned it off and hopped out to meet the others outside. We walked to the center of town towards the multistory gazebo which is the town hall. There was a podium set up just outside a pair of doors. We met up with the rest of the ponies on the side and discussed the plan. "Ok, so the Mayor will start off by talking, the. She'll introduce me, I'll talk about you and then you all come out and answer any questions." Twilight explained, she was on top of her shit, from what a certain pony told me Twilight is known for her checklists, even a checklist to make a checklist, safe to say she was organized af. The meeting went well, better than expected, the only issues were the green unicorn who went off screaming humans were real and she was right or something like that. The other issues was explaining why humans wore clothes all the time (warmth and cover reproductive organs), but it was more embarrassment than anything else. Turns out the unicorn is a firm believer in humans, which are basic their version of Bigfoot, and us showing up proved her right she even wanted to study one of us. We were immediately concerned considering all the horror movies with weird people, but replace them with a unicorn. The ten of us returned to Twilight's treehouse (I don't know what else to call it) and talked about random stuff, hobbies, interests etc. They asked us what us what our cutie marks are, which apparently tell a pony what they'll do as a job. They magically appear on the pony's thigh flank, and come around when a pony is about twelve or thirteen, so it almost is the start of puberty. Noah explained humans don't get cutie marks, but choose on a career based on what they like to do. "Hey Twilight, can I bum a piece of paper and a pen?" I asked, I had to ask Princess Celestia some questions on the international community here. "Sure, what for?" She asked "Work related stuff, anything I should know about what's going on. Stuff like that" I explained as she floated a piece of paper and a quill. A quill? Throwback to the 1700s around here, but they have electricity so that's all that matters to me. Dear Princess Celestia, I was wondering if there is anything I should know about in the international community, mainly any tensions between two countries. Also is there any sort of dress code for the meeting? I know ponies go around 'naked' except for special events, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. From Chris P.S should I sign these letters with Ambassador Murray or would that be for official letters? "Here Spike" I said while throwing the letter at him, turn out he can send letters to the Princess by burning them and she'll get them no matter where either of them are. I'll never get over this magic shit. Her response was confusing to say the least, confusing as shit. The most I could under stand was tension between the Minotaurs and Zebras over some island chain. Reminds me of the Chinese vs. Japanese vs. six other countries in Asia. "So what are the names of some the major cities here" Noah asked, for whatever reason. "Well, there's Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Trottingham, Coltimore, Stalliongrad, Cloudsdale, Hoofington, Las Pegasus and Mountreal." Twilight rattled off. All but one are rip offs from home, the guys and I exchanged 'this is some bullshit' glances at each other. "What we're some of yours, if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy asked, God, she would always do that. She's so kind, but everything she asks you do do is followed with a 'if you don't mind' something like that. She literally took after her name. "They... They are almost the as ours, Manhattan is a borough of New York City, which I grew up close to, Philadelphia, Nottingham, Baltimore, Stalingrad, Huntington, Las Vegas and Montreal. And there are only what we have in common. There's still Paris, Moscow, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Bejing, Hong Kong, Seoul, London... There's still plenty more, I could be here for at least five minutes rattling off names." "By Celestia, how many humans live on Earth?" Twilight asks "We hit 7 billion within the last two years so maybe 7.2 billion or so." All of their jaws became unhinged at the answer. "There's not even 50 million ponies in Equestria!" Rarity exclaims, I excepted Twilight to say that and then say whatever the population of the planet is. A couple of hours later, we all went home, with all of us having to do things, but we were going to meet up later and go out for dinner. I went home, read some more on the other countries of the world. There's Equestria, the Griffon Empire, the Badlands (home of the dragons), Zebrica (another ripoff ) and the Minotaur Tribes, which from what I read reminds me of the Native Americans for some odd reason. I rewarded myself with a beer, I have to ask about the drinking age here, but my house my rules and playing some Madden 16.