A New World, a Fearful Way

by Votederpycausemufins

ch. 51 In Ponyville

The train came to a halt. Passengers started to get off and into town. Out of one of the cars came a large group mainly consisted of pokemon. Once they had all gotten off, one of them started to call off names.
“Okay, Matrix, you’ve got Grumpig. Kya, you’re with Sparks. Midnight and Caddi are together. Linoone and Ziggs are here, as well as Citrus, Angela, Ben and I. Did I forget anyone?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Good. Okay, we’re gonna be here for three days. We need to find someplace that we can stay at until we leave then. We also want to visit Arceus, but with everything else that needs to be done, we might have to do that tomorrow.”
A few of the visitors groaned. “Well if you want to do it today, I suggest we start looking for a place to stay. Kya, think you would be good at that. Sparks, stay with your mom and Angela, make sure they don’t do anything we’ll regret.”
The second Lea finished her sentence, Sparks sped off. Kya quickly went off after him, and, after she sighed, Angela followed.
Lea told most of the others to go look around but kept Matrix with her. “I want to try and go to this town’s library at some point, but first we need to find where it is. I’ll carry Grumpig for a while now if you help.”
Matrix nodded. “Sure, just as long as we get to explore later.”

Sparks was running off into the town, excited to explore a new place. Kya was right behind him, trying to make sure he didn’t get lost. Trailing angrily behind the two of them was Angela, starting to curse under her breath.
Soon, the three of them came to an area packed with ponies. Sparks was small enough that he was able to easily get through while the other two lost him in the crowd. The little Dunsparce went a bit further when he saw two beings he had never seen before. He thought they might be pokemon, but after that one griffon he saw he wasn’t sure.
He quickly made his way up to the one that looked like it was wearing a dress and said “Pretty!”
“Hm?” The Gardevoir looked down at him and smiled. “Aww, hi there.”
Sparks nuzzled her then looked at her friend and nuzzled him too. “I like! Friend?”
“Oooh, you’re so cute!” She picked him up and smiled at the Gallade accompanying her. “Gene, can we keep him?”
Gene smiled and laughed. “We should make sure his parents aren’t around here first Belle.”
Sparks looked around, not seeing Kya. “Mommy?” He teared up a little upon not seeing the Quilava.
“Aw, don’t cry cutie pie,” Belle said, wiping away his tears. “We’ll help you find your mom.”
From the crowd, Kya finally made her way to the other side and saw Sparks. The first two things she registers was he was with psychics, and her son was crying. “Oh my goodness, Sparks! Ember!”
The fire type launched her attack at Gene and Belle before quickly grabbing Sparks away. “Angela! Help!”
Gene pulled his hat off and shook out a bit of fire clinging to the brim. “Okay, that was weird,” he looked over at Belle. “You alright?”
She nodded. “I’m fine... should we go after them? Make sure the little guys okay?”
Before the pair could Angela Came out from the crowd with a very angry look on her face. ‘If we weren’t related, I swear I could kill Kya. She always makes me take on the psychics. This is the fourth time! Why keep giving me all these false alarms?’
Gene noticed the approaching Absol and stepped in front of Belle. “Can I help you?” He asked wearily.
“I just want to know if this is just Kya being stupid again and calling me for another false alarm.”
“Um... we just got attacked by a Quilava after we found a little Dunsparce who was looking for his mom.” Belle explained. “Is that who you’re talking about?”
Angela gave a large sigh. “Yep, that’s her. The Dunsparce is her son and she has a terrible fear of psychics. I can’t really blame her for it since she was almost killed twice because of one, but I still don’t like her using me to fix the problems she causes.”
“It’s okay,” Gene said. “We’re kinda use to getting attacked out of the blue by random people.”
“Here, let me get her to apologise. Kya! Get over here right now!”
The Quilava carefully came back with Sparks on her back, eyeing the psychics. She stopped walking towards them when she was standing right next to Angela. “Say you’re sorry, or I’m letting them hold Sparks.”
Kya stared at Angela before crying out, “Nuuuuu! I’m sorry! Just don’t hurt my baby!”
Belle smiled gently before kneeling down in front of her. “Don’t worry, we’d never hurt a child.”
“And we forgive you for attacking us,” Gene added.
Angela sighed again. “Now that that’s over with, My names Angela, she’s Kya and this little guy is Sparks. We just arrived on the train from Hoofington with our group.”
“I’m Belle, and this is my husband Gene,”
“Hi.” Gene said with a wave.
“We live here.”
“That’s nice.” Angela said smiling. “Hey, do you know if there’s any place for us to stay around here? We’re gonna be here for the next few days and currently we don’t know where to look.”
“There’s one hotel, and a few ponies we know would let you stay with them if you asked nicely.” Gene replied.
“Thanks, do you know which way we should head? Then Kya and Sparks can stay there then I can find the others in my group.”
“Hotels that way,” Gene said, motioning down one of the streets.
Angela nodded to them and started off down the street. Kya glanced at the pair before following after while Sparks gave a wave with his tail. “Bee-bye!”
Belle giggled and waved back, while Gene smiled at her before placing a hand over her belly and kissing her cheek.

Citrus had decided to go through the town by herself. She remembered coming here once where she was younger, but it was somewhat fuzzy. A few of the buildings looked familiar, but she was heading for one shop in particular. “Let’s see, It shouldn’t be too far from town hall.”
The unicorn found the town hall after a little bit of searching, and figured out where to go from there, but instead of the place she was looking for, there was a new shop. Deciding to find out what it was now, Citrus walked into the shop and was greeted by the tinkling of a bell as she opened the door.
“Just a minute~” Someone responded melodically from upstairs.
Citrus looked around. Inside were mannequins for creating dresses instead of the old baskets of flowers she remembered when she was a filly. She guessed that was why the birthday presents from her aunt of flowers from here had stopped coming instead of her just being too old.
“Sorry about that,” a white Unicorn said as she trotted down the stairs. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique~ My name is Rarity, how may I help you this fine day?”
Citrus looked a little sheepish. “Sorry, I-I just came to look at this place. I came here once when I was younger and thought I was coming to the same shop. I guess you took ownership since then.”
Rarity sighed. “Oh it’s perfectly alright dear, I’ve just been working on some new designs, a distraction is probably a good thing. Lets new ideas flow... and lets me remember that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.”
“Would you like me to help you? I think I’ve got some experience from my one friend.” Citrus volunteered.
“Oh no darling, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Well, I don’t really have much to do for a while. I only just got here, and the rest of my friends went off in their different ways.” The door opened again and in came another unicorn and a thestral. “At least I thought they would have. Hi Midnight, hi… Kiwi.”
“Hello~” Rarity greeted them with a smile. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, home of the chique, unique, and magnifique~”
“Ooo! Midnight! Look at all the dresses! They’re so pretty!” the mare said before going back and forth between the ones in the room.
“Kiwi, careful. You don’t want to exert yourself too much. By the way, I’m Midnight is you didn’t figure that out yet.”
“Nice to meet you darling,” Rarity said. “I am Rarity, owner of this establishment. So, how may I help you today?”
“Midnight? Can I get a dress? And which would I look cute in?”
The thestral rolled his eyes. “Caddi, you know you could make any of them look cute if you wanted.”
Caddi pouted. “I know but I want one that looks cute on me normally. And don’t call me by that! It’s not just friends here. I-it’s embarrassing.”
Rarity giggled. “Oh my stars, you two are simply precious!”
Caddi blushed and made a weird sound. “Nyeeeeeeh!”
Citrus walked over to Caddi and shook her. “Do you want to keep making it more embarrassing for you?! Just go pick a dress. And if you don’t mind, you two can stay while I go explore some more.” And Citrus went back outside.
Rarity smiled and led Kiwi into the dressing room. “Come along dear, I’m sure we can find something that’ll suit you just right.”
The unicorn followed Rarity as Midnight smirked at his girlfriend.

Lea and Matrix had finally found a pony that told them where the library was in the town. Grumpig had woken up once, but she had quickly been put back to sleep.
“Do you think this could have any long term effects?” Lea asked and they drew nearer to the tree that held the Ponyville Library. “I mean, I know she did do some pretty bad things, but she was raised that way and I don’t want her to be too hurt.”
Matrix shrugged as best he could as the walked. “I don’t know. Who knows maybe there’s a book in the library.”
Lea smiled at that and picked up her pace, quickly getting into the library. Not really paying attention to anything else in the room, she used Psychic to bring multiple books towards her to see the titles and put them back when she realised she didn’t want them.
“Um... hi?” A purple Alicorn said, suddenly noticing the Pokemon.
“Shh! Reading!” Lea exclaimed quietly, not looking up from the books.
“... okay,” she began to reorganize the shelves, putting the books that the Umbreon hadn’t wanted back in their correct places.
Matrix went up next to Lea. “Um, I think you should look who was just talking.”
Lea didn’t look up at all. “Matrix, be quiet! This is a library! Besides the fast I get this done, the sooner we can get rid of her.” she said, giving a slight gesture to Grumpig.
“What’d she do?” The Alicorn asked. “And why is she asleep?”
“Evil mon, almost killed most of my family, took control of my sister to make her kill us. We dealt with it.” Lea said like it was nothing at all.
Twilight sighed. “You know, a few weeks ago that would’ve made me freak out,” she walked over to the sleeping Grumpig and poked her. “I can send a letter to Celestia, I think they’re working on ways to hold Pokemon up in Canterlot.”
Lea shook her head. “Nah, we were going to see Arceus, and if he doesn’t do anything, then I can just turn her in once we leave Ponyville for Canterlot in three days.”
“What are you gonna ask him to do? I don’t think he has a prison in there... then again, I heard there’s a library and a pool...”
“Who knows.” Lea answered before setting the book she had on the ground in front of her.. “Aha! This book mentions Poison Joke!”
Twilight’s eyes widened. “Um... why do you need that?”
Lea glanced up for a second before returning to the book. “I want to learn how to grow it. Some plants have different effects depending on what part of it you use. I happen to need part of the poison joke plant to make… Wait a second.” Lea looked back up. “Th-that’s the Ponyville princess! Princess Twilight! Or would just Twilight do?”
“Just Twilight’s fine,” she said with a smile. “So what are you making with the Poison Joke?”
“An Equestria version of the potions we used back home. It took a while, and I ended turning pink more than once, but it was worth it.”
“That sounds really interesting,” Twilight said, eyes widening. “Juniper’s been trying to get some things from Earth working here too, not sure if she’s moved on to potions yet. Last I checked she was still trying to build a Pokedex from scratch.”
“Good! And remind her to fix some of those entries. Magcargo could not be as hot as that machine says it is. Otherwise our world would have been non existent.”
Twilight laughed. “I’ll remember that, and if Arceus can’t do anything about her,” she pointed at Grumpig. “Just bring her back here, I can have the guards arrest her and take her to Canterlot.”
“Thanks. Got it. Do you know where the librarian is? I want to check out this book.”
“That’s me!” Twilight said with a smile.
Lea’s eyes widened. “Ooo! That sounds cool! A princess and keeper of books! Anyway, do I need to do anything to check it out or just promise to return it?”
“Just promise to return it in good condition, you seem pretty trustworthy.”
“I got it. Come on Matrix.” Lea lifted Grumpig back onto her back. “Let’s go see how everyone else is doing.”
“Come back anytime!” Twilight called after them.

Ziggs and Linoone had decided to search the town in hopes that Linoone’s mate might be there. Ziggs was helping but kept getting distracted by a sweet smell in the air. Eventually, the Zigzagoon started to follow the smell, forcing Linoone to follow his son.
Ziggs came upon a place that looked like it was made from food, but the smell was coming from inside. He sneakily made his way inside towards the smell, hoping to find it’s origin.
“Hi!” A squeaky, cheerful voice greeted him.
Ziggs jumped at the voice and looked towards the source. Right in his face was a very pink pony with a very fluffy mane.
“My names Pinkie Pie! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! What’s your name? What type of Pokemon are you? Do you want something to eat?”
With every question, Pinkie’s face had gotten closer to Ziggs. Eventually he had fallen over onto his back. “Um, hi. Thank you. Ziggs. Zigzagoon, or normal if that’s what you meant. And maybe?”
Pinkie smiled at Zigg. “Hi Ziggs, it’s nice to meet you.” She patted his head. “I like your fur, it’s spiky.”
At that point, Linoone came in to see Pinkie talking to Ziggs. The Zigzagoon gave a small wave to his dad, making Pinkie look towards the Linoone. “Sorry if I’m interrupting, but what did you find Ziggs?”
“This place and this pony. I think this is a dessert place.”
“Yepperoni! This is Sugarcube Corner, we have cakes and cupcakes and brownies and cookies and pies and so much more!”
“Do you have candy apples? My friend Sparks really likes them. I saw him eat one the other day in just one bite.”
“We sure do!” Pinkie zipped off, and zipped back a few seconds later holding a candy apple. “Here you go.”
“Could I maybe have it wrapped or packaged or something for him?” Ziggs asked, before rummaging through the bag Linoone had with him. “I think this is enough bits for it.”
“Okie dokie!” Pinkie grabbed the bits, tossed the apple in the air, and plastic wrapped it before it hit the ground. “Hope your friend likes it.” She said, handing it over to them.
Ziggs didn’t say anything or even move as he stared at the now wrapped apple. Finally, Linoone sighed and put his son on his back, thanked Pinkie Pie, grabbed the candy apple, and left.

Ben was sitting on a bench in the park. He didn’t really have anything he wanted to do. It felt good to have some time to relax instead of be on alert almost twenty four seven. He watched and various ponies and pokemon had some fun of their own. Ben smiled as he saw three fillies run past with the Kanto starters. “Huh, I guess ponies are starting to become trainers now.” Ben gave a small laugh from thinking about it, making the Bulbasaur look over.
Bulbasaur poked one of the fillies with a vine and drew her attention to Ben. “Howdy Mister,” she said with a country accent. “Ah haven’t seen you around here before.”
“I’m new. Just came from Hoofington. I’m taking some time to relax before my group and I meet up again.” Ben explained. “It’s nice to see you guys are getting along well with pokemon.”
“We’re gonna be Pokemon Trainers!” The orange Pegasus said with a smile.
“I could tell. I remember when I started as a trainer. Unlike some trainers who go to a professor for their first pokemon, I got mine from my uncle. How did you meet yours?”
The six of them all looked at each other and smiled. “We just kinda found them around Ponyville,” the unicorn answered.
“Oh really? You three must have gotten rather lucky to get those three instead of different starters.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you three just happened to get the three from Kanto.” Ben told them. “In all there are eighteen different starters, and technically you could have come across any pokemon to be your partners. The fact you got those three is a little surprising, but in a good way.”
“Whoa, that sounds like some kind of destiny thing,” the Earth Pony said with a grin. “Maybe that’ll be how we get our Cutie Marks!”
“Um... no offense Applebloom, but I don’t think we can get Cutie Marks for having Pokemon from a place back on Earth.” The Unicorn pointed out.
“Well... maybe your right Sweets,” Applebloom admitted sadly. “But we can still get ‘em for Pokemon Training!”
Ben noticed that they didn’t have Cutie Marks Like Copper Star and Citrus. “Wait… maybe she’s on to something there.” Ben said, gesturing to Applebloom. “Maybe it’s not because of where your Pokemon are from, but if you three friends happened to have that happen with such a small chance, maybe your paths are interlocked.” Ben closed his eyes. “Well, more than they would normally be. Everything is connected to everything else in one way or another. If one could know the acts of everything in the universe, they can predict all outcomes and learn what will happen.”
Ben opened his eyes to see the fillies staring at him. He rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, I guess sometimes the things my sensei taught me come back when I don’t realize it.”
“That sounds really cool.” Scootaloo said, eyes wide.
“Well, it’s nothing much, I know a couple of other things from him too since I practically lived at his school. My parents were away a bunch and I ended up staying after for a while every day. from that, I sort of became his favorite.”
“Are you a ninja?” Applebloom asked.
Ben stared for a few seconds before laughing out loud a little bit. “N-no, I’m not a ninja. I was trained in karate. I became a black belt a few years before we all came to Equus.”
“Aww... still cool though.” Scootaloo said.
“Hey, ah know some karate too!” Applebloom added.
“Oh really?” Ben asked. “Mind showing me? I kinda want to see if it’s different from how I did it back on Earth seeing as we’re built differently.”
“Sure thing!”
Ben watched Applebloom and shortly joined her. After about two minutes, the others got them to stop.
“Sorry, I guess I got us distracted there.” Ben apologised.
“It’s okay,” Scootaloo said. “But we gotta get going.”
“Oh shoot,” Applebloom said. “Ah forgot, we gotta go meet Korrina at the farm!”
The fillies and their Pokemon rushed off. “By Ben, it was nice meeting you!”
Ben waved them off and started to walk away before he stopped in his tracks. ‘Korrina? As in the gym leader.’ He looked back, but couldn’t see the fillies or their pokemon. ‘Huh, man, wish I could have gone with them. Oh well.’

Lea picked up Sparks as he went past her. “Sparks, why are you out here? Where’s your mom?”
He flapped his little wing. “Hotel.”
Lea looked happy. “You three found one?! Can you take us to it?”
Sparks started to go down the street with the two Umbreon following him. Along the way, the three had to stop when Caddi literally crashed into them. “Sorry about that. I’m just all excit- hey where are you going?”
Matrix told Caddi, Midnight and Citrus that they were going to the hotel they they would be staying at. before too long, all of them had gotten to the hotel. They went up to the floor they were on and to the room Sparks knocked on. From inside, Ben opened the door.
“Oh hey, I guess Sparks found you. We’re still waiting on Linoone and Ziggs, but Angela went out to find those two. Meanwhile I’ve been watching Kya.”
The one hotel room was small, but the group had rented two right next to each other that were connected by two back to back doors, one in each of the rooms. Apparently the rooms had already been separated. Lea, Matrix, Angela, Sparks, Linoone, Ziggs, and Grumpig were going to stay in one room. Caddi, Citrus, Midnight, and Ben would stay in the other.
When Angela finally arrived with Linoone and Ziggs, she went straight to one of the beds. “Give me like, five minutes before I have to do anything else.”
Ziggs showed Sparks the candy apple he got for the Dunsparce, and unwrapped it for his friend. In the blink of an eye, all that was left was the stick, just like last time.
Lea smiled, but then spoke up. “So, we did everything we wanted to do before seeing Arceus rather quickly, so I think we can go. Who wants to come?”

Angela had decided to carry Grumpig through the forest for this trip. Caddi had gotten directions from Bluegrass before they left that would help them get through the Everfree, though none of them knew the exact location of the Hall of Legends. Lea was following right behind her, carrying Sparks for Kya.
“Okay, from What Bluegrass told me, we should try to follow this path to the left. That should hopefully lead us to where we want to go.”
Midnight sighed. “Why can’t I just fly up over the treetops to see if I can find it?”
Caddi’s eyes stared into space as she processed what Midnight had told her. Slowly, she brought one of her hooves up to her face and slapped it. “Yeah, yeah. Yep! Just, just do it. Augh! Why didn’t I think of that!”
Midnight flew above the trees before quickly coming back down and helped lead the group. Before long, they had made it to the temple, which they saw was guarded by the legendary Regi’s.
After a few beeps and boops from each of the Golems, Regice stepped forward. “State your business here.”
“We came to speak to Arceus if he doesn’t mind.” Lea answered. “I wanted to ask a few things that have been on my mind for a while and I think only he would have the ans- Caddi what are you doing?”
Lea had turned her attention to Caddi, who was back as a changeling at looked to be concentrating really hard on something.
“Give me a second…” And Caddi changed into a small, deeper blue version of Regice before quickly changing back. “Aww, dangit.”
The Regi’s didn’t react, rather they simply stepped out of the way as the Temple doors opened slowly.
“Enter.” Registeel said robotically.
Midnight dragged Caddi along with them when she tried again to become one of the Regi’s. Lea led the group in, just a little nervous about coming there.
After a few minutes of walking, the group entered what they figured was likely the main chamber. Partially due to its size, partially due to the fact that Arceus was waiting for them there.
The god smiled at them. “Welcome my children, to the Hall of Legends.”
When Lea didn’t respond, Matrix did instead. “Thank you for allowing us to come.” He nudged Lea in the ribs. “YES THANK YOU!” She yelled, before quickly covering her mouth and apologising.
Arceus laughed. “It’s quite alright, now then, I assume you have a reason for coming here?”
“Um, yeah, uh, I kinda wanted to ask a few things.” Lea reached for her bags and pawed through them before she realized she had forgotten her list. “Shoot, let me try and remember them all.”
She paused for a second before remembering a few. “Okay, the first one is about ghost pokemon. I know there are a few that come from the souls of humans or pokemon, so does that mean there will be new ones because of the ponies?”
“Hmm... I don’t know about new species, but I assume ponies could end up as Ghost Pokemon after they die.”
“Alright… next is why we can’t speak normally. I mean, I had heard of a few cases where pokemon learned English back home. And I’m almost definitely sure that it’s the same language here. So that means that pokemon can speak in a way ponies can understand. Why is it the former humans can’t do that?”
Arceus shifted a bit in the air. “I... think I overlooked the language when I moved everyone here, didn’t realize it’d reset the human’s vocal cords, and with everything that’s been going on lately, I haven’t gotten around to fixing that.”
Lea nodded. She could see that happening. “Okay, my next question is if it would be possible to get something that got left back on Earth. I kinda wish I had my apocalypse papers back.” Lea waited for a second before realizing how it sounded. “I mean, I call them that because it’s filled with stuff I would want if there was a disaster or something like that.”
Arceus closed his eyes. “Where they with you when I brought you here?”
“In a safe in the second floor of my house back in Cherrygrove City. On top of them were my team’s Pokeballs which I had just put them in to hide them. I didn’t know what was going to happen next or I wouldn’t have put them in there.”
Arceus didn’t respond for a few seconds, then the air in front of them erupted in an explosion of gold and a safe, along with a large portion of drywall, crashed to the ground. “Oh... sorry.”
Lea opened the safe and saw it exactly as it had been when she closed it except for a pile of dust where the pokeballs had been. Lea carefully took out the folder and blew off the dust, stamping on the particles for good measure. Opening the folder, she took out a few papers, quickly looked through them and took about half of them away from the others. She laid them in front of Kya who quickly burned them.
“Okay, now we’re safe. Sorry about that.” Lea said to Arceus.
“Out of curiousity, what was in those?”
“The ones I just burnt were part of a patent that explained how to make pokeballs. The only reason those were there is I was trying to create something like a pokeball that would work on any pokemon, caught or not and temporarily hold them that way if they were very seriously injured they could easily be brought to a Pokemon Center or a place like that so they could be healed without putting them in danger of getting worse. I was even hoping to figure out a way for it to hopefully work on humans too.”
“Hmm, I bet Sliph Co. wasn’t too happy about that, they take their top product quite seriously.”
“It wasn’t too hard. I had a bunch of connections in the Johto region from my dad. Kurt helped me a little and I had some help from my job too. But anyway, speaking of my dad, I haven’t seen him since even before I got to meet Kya and take her home. Do you know if he made it over?”
Arceus closed his eyes again, then opened them. “He’s here.”
“D-do you know where he is?” Lea asked, nervous he would be far away.
“Canterlot,” Arceus replied.
Lea gave a large sigh of relief before Kya started to bounce around her. “We’re gonna find Grandpa. We’re gonna find Grandpa!”
Kya chanted a few more times before colliding into Midnight. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”
Midnight rubbed her head. “Hey, there’s nothing you could have done about about it. Which reminds me. When are you going to ask about Grumpig?”
Lea’s eyes widened. “Shoot! Yeah. Okay, Long story short, this Grumpig here kinda tried to kill us.”
Arceus sighed. “How did I mess up this time?”
“Not your fault.” Angela told him. “I blame Gale. She messed all of us up. Now I don’t care what really happens as long as I can learn one thing from her. Problem is she’s probably not going to tell me so I was wondering if maybe you can help.”
The rest of the group looked at Angela with odd looks on their faces. She hadn’t mentioned anything like this before.
“I can find out anything you need from her,” Arceus answered.
“I want the names of everyone Gale and gotten after I left that’s still alive. If possible, I just want to keep it to myself. It’d be better if all of them weren’t worried by it too.”
Arceus nodded and pulled his Psychic Plate from his pocket dimension. “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.”
Angela was silent for a few seconds as she gained the information she had wanted. In a few seconds when opened them again and thanked Arceus.
“No problem,” he said, removing his Psychic Plate. “What’s next?”
Lea looked back and forth between Arceus and Angela. “Ummm… I have… no idea. Do you guys have anything you want to ask?”
Caddi raised her hoof. “I wanna try something.” The changeling went in the same position she was in before they met with Arceus, which caused Midnight to start taking her away. “No, you’re not going to strain yourself anymore, and I won’t let you even try to become him.”
Kya laughed and fell on her back. “If it’s not too much trouble, maybe someone could fix my eye.” She half asked the god.
“Done,” Arceus said with a smile, blasting a concentrated Heal Pulse at her.
“I can see!” Kya exclaimed.
Lea rolled her eyes. “I think that’s all. I don’t want to ask for too much.”
“Well, come back anytime,” Arceus said with a smile.
Lea nodded to the god and helped push everyone out of the temple. As she left, Angela turned back and said. “Listen, I really don’t care too much about Grumpig, but even though she’s done a whole lot, there’s still someone she cares for desperately, so she still should have one last chance at that.”
Arceus nodded. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Angela nodded back to Arceus, before following her group towards the door. They gave her a few questioning looks. Sparks was the last out and stopped just before leaving to turn back to Arceus and say “Bee-bye!” He then quickly followed after his family, not wanting to be left behind.