//------------------------------// // The Things That Bind // Story: Angelic Vampire // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// The Things That Bind Fluttershy's head was spinning as she came to. How long had she been out? It was hard to tell. Her eyes opened up to a medium-sized, stone room lit by dim candle light, with no windows, and a single wooden door. "Where...am I...?" groaned Fluttershy. She tried to move, but found that she was chained to a stone wall, her forearms high above her head. "Huh? What is this? What's going on?!" Fluttershy began to shiver with fright, pulling on the chains in the hopes of somehow being able to wriggle free of them, to no avail. "Ah. So you're finally awake." said a voice. Fluttershy turned her attention to the heavy shadows before her, where a mish mashed creature slid out from them. His looming form looking down at her. "I trust you slept well." "W-who are you?" asked Fluttershy. The creature placed an eagle claw onto his chest, acting as though he was shocked and let out an exaggerated gasp. "Why Fluttershy, don't you recognize me?" he asked. "Surely you haven't already forgotten your friend, Tony Stanza." Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock. "T-tony?!" cried Fluttershy, The creature nodded. "Of course, my real name in Discord, but yes, I was that pony. But now, as you can see, I'm back to my true form." Discord gestured grandly to all of him as he said this. "It feels good to no longer have that boring pony form, now that my work is done." "Work?" "Yes, to gain your trust and to bring you here, both tasks which were rather easy I might add." "Then, these past few days..." Fluttershy said shakily, looking up into Discord's eyes. "Was it all a lie?" Discord didn't answer, instead, a door opened up, and in walked a Pegasus mare who was smiling wickedly at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy." said the Pegasus. "At last we meet." Fluttershy said nothing, too shaken up to speak. "I'm not surprised if you do not know me, but I'm Eldra, your father's sister, and your aunt." "W-what do you want?" asked Fluttershy, finally able to find her words. Eldra stepped up to her, and ran a hoof across her cheek. It felt ice cold, and sent chills down Fluttershy's spine. "You'll see, soon enough." said Eldra in a whisper. "But for now, why don't you rest up? Have something to eat? I'll even leave Discord here to keep you company for a while." Fluttershy kept quiet, looking into the face of the pony who claimed to be her aunt. Something didn't set well with her. Eldra's face, despite its thin, seemingly sweet smile, looked cold and sinister, making Fluttershy want to hide and curl up into a little ball. Eldra turned on her hoof, back towards the door she'd come through. She stopped momentarily to look at Discord and say, "Wait for me until I return, and don't forget that you're still under contract." 'Contract? What contract?' wondered Fluttershy. She turned her head to see Discord clenching his fists and grinding his teeth, his eyes narrowed as they watched Eldra leave. "Suggest you try to make yourself comfortable, my dear." said Discord to Fluttershy. "Because you're going to be here for quite some time." "Where could she be?" wondered Twilight aloud, for what seemed at this point for the hundredth time. She and Rainbow Dash had searched every inch of the villa and had checked the surrounding area for Fluttershy, but there didn't seem to be any trace of her anywhere. It was pretty dark out, and they were worried about whether or not their friend was alright. "We should keep looking." said Rainbow Dash. "Maybe check and see if somepony in town saw where she went off to." Twilight shook her head. "I don't think so. We should stay here in case she comes back." Twilight said. Rainbow Dash groaned. "You can stay ere if you want to, but I'm going out to look for Fluttershy." Twilight followed after Rainbow Dash as she sped toward the door. But when she opened it, a tall Pegasus Stallion was standing in the doorway. Twilight and Rainbow Dash let out a shriek, jumping back in surprise. The stallion narrowed his eyes at them, and gave them a disapproving frown. "Who are you ponies?" he bellowed. "And what are you doing in my home?" "Your home?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Whose else would it be?" "Then, you must be Fluttershy's father." said Twilight. The stallion's frown deepened. "How do you know my daughter?" he inquired. "We're friends of hers." explained Twilight. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash gave a little wave as she smiled nervously at the stallion. But, judging by the way he kept looking at the girls, he didn't seem entirely convinced by their claims. "If you are friends of my daughter, then where is she, so that I may ask her myself if what you say is true?" "Well, she's kinda...sorta...missing." said Rainbow Dash. The stallion's eyebrows furrowed angrily as he yelled, "MISSING?!! What do you mean missing?! What have you two done with Fluttershy?!!" "Sir, please, calm down and let us explain." said Twilight. He stopped yelling, but he still looked very upset. "Look, we don't mean you or Fluttershy any harm. Let's all go inside and we will explain everything to you." The stallion lifted his head up and stiffly walked inside. "Let us hope that you're telling the truth," he said as he passed by them. "Otherwise you shall both be faced with dire consequences." Both the girls gulped, and retreated into the study, as they began to recount their story to Fluttershy's father and to explain the situation. Fluttershy said nothing. How could she? So much was happening to her so fast. She felt like an utter fool, she'd thought of Tony-er-Discord, as an actual friend, only to find out that he'd only been playing some sort of charade. Her face felt warm, and her cheeks were still fairly wet from all the tears. "You're not going to eat anything?" inquired Discord. Fluttershy lifted her head up a fraction, unable to look at him, she looked at the plate of apple slices before her. Discord had loosened her chains a little so she'd be able to eat, but right now, food was the farthest thing on her mind. She lowered her head back down, locking her eyes onto the stone floor. Discord frowned and conjured up a fork in his talon, which he used to spear one of the apple slices. "It's not poisoned, if that's what you're thinking." he said. He placed the apple slice into his mouth and loudly munched on it. "See?" Fluttershy didn't acknowledge him. She remained looking just as dejected and melancholy as ever. Discord tossed the fork over his shoulder and folded his arms over his chest. He'd lived for many centuries, and had seen many things, many horrible things that would make even the bravest pony squeamish, but seeing the young Pegasus like that, bent over and reduced to tears, he felt a hollow, squeamish feeling wriggling around in his gut and in his chest. He felt...sorry for her, and didn't want to see her in such a sorrowful state. But what could he do? Discord heaved a sigh. "You might as well eat something." said Discord. Fluttershy remained silent. "Alright, fine. Don't eat. See if I care." With a snap, the plate disappeared, and with another snap, the chains tightened back up, and lifted Fluttershy back up onto the wall. Just as Discord was about to turn and leave the room, Fluttershy finally spoke up in a cracked, tired voice. "Discord..." she said. Discord stood still, feeling a bit pleased that she was talking again. "What is it?" he asked. "...Why?" she whispered. Discord arched and eyebrow. "Pardon?" Fluttershy slowly lifted up her head, and managed to look him in the face. Her expression made him wince with guilt, full of sadness, confusion, and shock from his betrayal. "Why? Why did you do this? Why me? What is it that you want?" Discord thought over her questions for a moment before answering. "Why, you ask? Well, to be perfectly honest, its because of that aunt of yours that both of us are in this mess." Fluttershy was befuddled. "Huh?" "Let me tell you a little story, dear Fluttershy." In a flash, Discord was sitting in a large, plush, red armchair. Wearing a red quilted robe and a purple ascot, with a pipe in his mouth, spectacles placed on his snout, and a thick book opened up before him. Fluttershy blinked, not sure what to make of it. Discord then read the book upside down, telling her the story. "Once, many moons ago, I was the notorious, the infamous, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Able to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The world was mine to do with as I pleased, and when somepony attempted to stop me, well, that only made things all the more enjoyable to see their pitiful attempts fail spectacularly. However, a wizard and his petty band of magician pals ganged up on me to remove me from power, and actually had the nerve to succeed! A torturous number of years passed me by in utter boredom. Until I had both the luck and misfortune of being revived by Eldra. Apparently, she used some sort of contract or whatever to make it so that I can't do anything to her, and that I have to help her with whatever plan it is that she has going on. But really, I could care less about her and her little troubles." Discord closed the book with a loud slam, and the chair and his attire disappeared. "As far as I'm considered, what I want is to be rid of Eldra's insipid contract so that I can go back to doing what I do best. Wreaking chaos." Fluttershy had been listening carefully to Discord, and now that he was done with his story, she spoke up once more. "So, we're both prisoners, aren't we?" Discord cocked his head. "I suppose, if you want to put it that way. But unlike you, I won't be imprisoned for much longer. Very soon, I'll finish up business with Eldra, and I'll no longer be bound to that contract of hers." he said. "What'll you do?" asked Fluttershy out of curiosity. Discord shrugged. "Oh, I wouldn't want to bore you with the details, but let's just say that it'll certainly turn things upside down around here." A mischievous grin sprang upon his face, a gleam in his eye as he thought of what he had planned. "D-do, do you know, what Eldra has planned for me?" asked Fluttershy fearfully. Discord shook his head. "Sorry to say, I don't." "Oh." Fluttershy hung her head, feeling very helpless, not knowing what else to do or what would become of her. "You didn't answer my other question, the one from before. Did you actually think of me as a friend, or was it all some game to you?" Discord felt his throat tighten. "I...I..." But Discord didn't finish, as the door opened up again and in came Eldra. "Discord, I need you to do something for me." she said. "What is it?" asked Discord, sounding annoyed. "I heard my brother has returned home, and I need to send a special message to him." chuckled Eldra darkly. "And that's what happened." concluded Twilight. Alistair looked at her and Rainbow Dash thoughtfully. "If what you say is true-" "It is." interjected Rainbow Dash. "Then we must find Fluttershy immediately. There's been great trouble brewing, and I shudder to think what could happen to her if she should somehow get involved." Twilight nodded. "We'll do whatever we can to help." she said. "But what are we supposed to do?" asked Rainbow Dash. "We already searched like crazy to try and find her and came up with nothing." "If only we knew where she went." said Alistair. "Perhaps, I can help with that." said a feminine, disembodied voice. Alistair whirled around to the voice that seemed to be coming behind him. Rainbow and Twilight were equally taken aback, as a magical projection began to appear before them. It showed a Pegasus mare grinning wickedly at them, especially Alistair. "Hello, brother dear." she said. Alistair gritted his teeth, his fangs protruding out. "Eldra."