The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

Nick's Mom, AKA Luna's Mother in Law

After supper, Sport said farewell to his parents before they left.
"Be on your behavior for Gramps and Gran, Sport.", smiled Cadance, nuzzling her son.
"I will, Mom!", Sport replied, kissing his mother's cheek.
After they left, Sport and Nick went out to the royal tennis court to practice on Sport's tennis skills, while Luna napped with the kids, and Celestia went back to her business.
"Show me your best shot, Sport!", shouted Nick, holding his racket with his tail, while Sport held his with his magic.
Sport then served the ball so fast and hard, that Nick would have missed it, had it not been for his natural quickness. After Nick shot the ball back to him, Sport once again hit the ball towards Nick. They went on like this for about an hour before Celestia came out with lemonade, followed by Twilight Sparkle.
"Auntie Twilight!", smiled Sport, charging at Twilight with a hug.
"Sport! Heard you were in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd visit! What are ya doing?", Twilight smiled before putting her hoof around Sport.
"I'm spending the weekend with Gram and Gramps!", Sport replied, pointing to Nick, who was bouncing the ball with his tail, and Luna, who brought the babies out in a buggy.
"Nick strolled over, and looked at the happy foals before kissing Luna.
"Hey Sport, come meet your young aunts and uncle!", smiled Luna. Twilight followed Sport as he skipped over and peered into the buggy. Twilight then locked eyes with Nick.
"Nick, Luna, is it alright if I spend some time with Sport, and take him to a movie?", Twilight asked. Nick looked at Luna.
"I suppose it's alright, what movie is it?", Luna smiled.
"Daring Do!", replied Twilight.
"Can I please, Grandma?", Sport pleaded.
"I don't see why not, don't bring him back too late!"
"We won't! Come on, Aunt Twily!"
Celestia returned with a surprised look on her face as she mouthed at Nick "You have a visitor."
"Sister, what's wrong?", Luna asked. Nick then heard a familiar voice.
"Doggone it, Timmer! The least you could've have done was invite me to your wedding, but I guess I was too far away. Let me meet the lucky mare!", the voice belonged to a scrawny, fuzzy Luck Dragon wearing a pink shawl, bonnet, and glasses.
"Mom!", Nick exclaimed, embracing the visitor as Luna and Celestia exchanged glances.
"Mom, Princess Luna here is my wife. Luna, this is my mother, Bethemore Braveheart.", Nick smiled guiding the old Luck Dragon over to Luna.
"It's an honor to meet you, Princess.", smiled Bethemore.
"Please, I'm your daughter-in-law, so call me Luna.", she smiled.
"And these are our children!", Nick said proudly.
"Oh my stars! Timmer, how you ever manage to get a pretty little mare and beautiful children, I'll never know.", Bethemore grinned, picking up Stella and holding her close.
"Would you like some tea, Mother?", Luna offered.
"Oh, yes dear, thank you, dear!", Bethemore smiled, sitting down across from Luna.
Nick was happy that Luna didn't have any problems with it mother in law.