The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

The Magic of Forgiveness

"I suppose my little "Timmer" has been treating you well?", Bethemore asked, taking a sip of tea.
"Mom, it's Time, In-The-Nick-Of-Time. But everyone calls me Nick.", Nick groaned, sitting next to Luna.
"Well I know that, but Timmer is just cute!", she smiled.
"She's got a point!", grinned Luna, kissing his cheek. Nick smiled.
"I suppose you met my little Timmer in the Everfree Forest. Freddy didn't approve of his kindly manners and banished him. As for me, I was banished to the northern part of Equestria, very chilly.", Bethemore rambled on, "But on the bright side, if he hadn't banished Timmer, you two wouldn't have met. And you're too sweet for that."
Stella and the others cooed as they stared at their grandmother.
"I see Timmer Jr. takes after his father in personality and looks. Except for those beautiful eyes he got from his mother.", Bethemore smiled.
"Now I see where Nick gets his extensive eye for beauty.", Luna noted.
"Oh no! That's his own thing! Why, when his horrible siblings tromped over a flower, he would try and do everything in his power to save it! He's really such a sweetheart.", Bethemore corrected.
"He really is, Mother.", agreed Luna.
Then Twilight and Sport returned, the movie having only been 45 minutes.
"Grandma, Grandpa!", cheered Sport, charging Nick with a hug, before noticing Bethemore and shying away.
Twilight was in no mood to see another Luck Dragon. On the way home, they met Rainbow Dash, who brought up the subject of which side of the family Sport liked the best. And...yeah...Sport was leaning towards Cadance's side, mainly because of Nick.
"Don't be afraid, young one. Is he one of yours?", Bethemore asked, kissing Sport's forehead as his shyness faded.
"He our grandson, Mom. We're watching him for our daughter, Princess Cadance.", Nick smiled. "Does that mean you're my great grandmother?", Sport asked, getting comfortable around Bethemore.
Twilight blew her top.
"That's it!", shouted Twilight, frightening Sport and making him hide behind Bethemore, "I've had enough! Ever since you showed up, that's all I've heard ponies talking about! 'Wow! Don't you think that Luck Dragon is awesome!' or 'Nick is so swell!' I wish you went away and never came back! You're a monster! Like all the other dragons! All you do is beg for attention, just because you're a Luck Dragon! What is the difference between a regular dragon and a Luck Dragon? Nothing! There's nothing special about you! You're.....just a dragon!"
Nick had a hurt look on his face before turning and saying quietly, "I might just do that." He then stretched his wings and took off at super sonic speed to who knows where.
Bethemore flared, "That's my son! And you should treat him with respect! Timmer!", she roared flying off to find Nick.
It was Luna's turn to yell.
Twilight looked to Celestia for help, but the regal figure just shook her head.
"How dare you speak to him like that! He is special! Just like you are! In fact, you were LUCKY! He brought you and Cadance closer, didn't he?! Didn't he?!"
"Yes, Princess Luna, but..."
"No! You behavior is unacceptable! I should banish you, but Nick wouldn't want that. Come on, Sport.", Luna sighed, taking the buggy with the babies who managed to sleep through the whole argument and heading inside the castle.
Sport just gave Twilight a sad look, before catching up with Luna and asking, "Will Grandpa come back?"
Celestia walked over to Twilight and said, "You let your jealously get the best of you. You were jealous because Nick won the hearts of everypony in Equestria, even your own family, and the Princess of Friendship was no dog."
Twilight sighed, "I guess I got jealous without knowing why. I'm sorry, Princess."
"It's not me you should apologize to.", Celestia smiled.
Nick and Bethemore were back.
Bethemore glared at Twilight, "I can't believe you're my granddaughter's sister in law!", she then went into the castle looking for Luna. Nick just stood and stared, while Celestia walked off following Bethemore, bringing up something about dragonfruit.
"Nick, I'm sorry...I let my jealousy overcome me. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, let me know.", she said walking off sadly.
"There is one thing...", he said as Twilight turned and waited for his request, "Can you run over to Joe's and get me a couple dozen of donuts? I'm sure the girls would love a dozen, then you can take the other dozen home for you and your friends!", Nick said in a forgiving voice.
"Sure thing, Nick. Sure thing.", Twilight smiled, immediately forgetting her grudge against the kindly Luck Dragon. She felt LUCKY.