The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

Gramma's Coconut Cream Puffs

After a couple days, it was time for Bethemore to go.
"Do you really have to go, Gramma?", Sport asked sadly.
"I'm afraid so, dearie. I've got places to go.", she replied before turning to everyone else. "Luna, dear, take good care of those young uns, and my little Timmer.", she said to Luna, "Tia, take care of all of them all."
She then pulled Nick aside, "Timmer, you've got yourself a nice family. A REAL family. Not like your father and his hooligans!"
"Yeah, I guess I do. Are you sure you don't want to stay here with us?", Nick agreed.
"Nah, I've still got some exploring to do. Goodbye!" And she took off.
Then Shining and Cadance returned.
"Mom! Dad!", Sport shouted, charging them both with a hug.
"Sport! Did you have fun?", Shining grinned, hugging him tightly.
"I sure did! Auntie Twily even came over!", Sport replied.
"Papa! Mama!", Cadance smiled, hugging Nick so tightly, his eyes almost popped out, "Who just left?"
"Great-Gramma Bethemore! She was nice!", Sport replied, breaking away from Shining to hug his mother.
"Gramma came up, and no one told me?!", she exclaimed disappointedly.
"She did leave you your favorite treat though!", Nick smiled, handing her a box.
She gasped, "Gramma's homemade coconut cream puffs!", she exclaimed, handing Shining and Sport one before gobbling down the rest. Everypony laughed, soon afterward, Cadance regretted eating all those cream puffs.