//------------------------------// // Tickles, Breakfast in Bed, and Old Stories // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Before we start our story, let me introduce you to Nick and Luna's children: Out of the triplets, Nick II is the oldest. But being the only boy out of the triplets, is tough. Like his youngest sister, Bella, (who is the first Alicorn/Luck Dragon hybrid in Equestria) he inherited his father's wings (Being full Luck Dragon). This results in them both music lessons from Octavia, one of Luna's friends. He also inherited his father's personality, along with a bit of his mother's nocturnal habits. While his sisters get to be princesses, Nick II is just Nick II. But he doesn't mind. The second oldest of the triplets, Stella is an Alicorn who has yet to learn enough magic to play her role as Princess of the Stars. So far in her lessons from the older princesses, she's managed to move a star 8 feet from it's original position. While she claims that it was no big deal, her father is really proud of her. Bella is the youngest, but the most unique of the triplets, while Nick II is pure Luck Dragon, and Stella is pure Alicorn, Bella is a Luck Dragon/Alicorn hybrid. She is training to be The Dragon Princess, which requires lessons from Nick and Luna. What does a Luck Dragon/Alicorn hybrid filly look like? Picture Luna as a filly, with thick fur, three horns, one on her forehead, the others are on the sides of her head. And that's what a Luck Dragon/Alicorn hybrid looks like. It has been 11 years since Nick and Luna were wed, today is their anniversary, So Luna and the kids decided to do something special for Nick. "You ready kids? Okay, Nicky, Stella, you help me with breakfast, Bella, go wake up Daddy and tickle him.", smiled Luna brightly. "Okay, Mommy!", grinned Bella, running towards Nick and Luna's room, her front claws and her back hooves clickety-clacked across the floor. She jumped on top of Nick in bed and said, "Daddy! Wake up! Wake up! It's Saturday!" "What's that mean?", yawned Nick. "It's where I tickle you and Mommy in bed! Mommy already got it! It's your turn!", she said, tugging on his ear playfully. She then jumped up and tickled him till he laughed so hard, he cried. After they had finished, Nick II and Stella came in with a tray of Nick's favorite breakfast: Broiled fish, with a side of gems. (Now all three of the kids had inherited their father's appetite for anything.) Then Luna came up beside Nick and kissed him saying, "Happy Anniversary, My Dear Braveheart." Nick stared in disbelief. "Luna, I'm so sorry, I should have gotten up and did something for you.", he said sadly. "Oh Nick, you've been doing that the last 10 years, its my turn. Eat up! I have stuff planned for us and the kids today!", Luna replied, giving him another kiss. "Daddy! Look what we made!", shouted Stella, handing Nick a rectangular object after he had got up and finished his breakfast. Nick looked at the object. It was a picture of him with Nicky, Stella and Bella, the frame was made of the kids' favorite gemstones: crystal for Nicky, sapphire for Stella, and ruby for Bella. "Aww... That's sweet. Come here, you three!", he smiled as he took them all under his wings and hugged them. Luna came in the room, wearing a cacky dress shirt and hat, with a red ascot around her neck. She also had her hair pulled back in a bun. "I'm feeling adventurous today!", she smiled, giving Nick a kiss. "Alright, first we need to go visit my sister, to make sure she doesn't need me before we leave." So Luna spread out her wings and took off towards Canterlot, while the kids climbed on Nick's back and he took off as well. When they got there, Celestia was waiting for them. "It's your anniversary, isn't?", she smiled, "So, go have fun, I won't need your help today." "Thank you, sister.", said Luna giving Celestia a hug. "Let's go! Fun day ahead for us!" So once again, they flew off, heading towards the Everfree Forest. "Why are we going this way, Mommy?", asked Bella. "Cause it's where I first met your father.", Luna smiled. "Oooh! Tell us how you met Dad, please?", pleaded Nicky. Luna laughed, "Ok, it was when I was a little filly, not much older than you all, many years ago...." I was upset because Celestia was getting more attention than I was...so I ran away from home and came here. But then I wanted to go home, but I didn't know how, and I was tired and hungry. Then, your father heard my crying and came up beside me and asked what the matter was. I told him that I wanted to go home. And he smiled and said, "Your wish is my command, Princess." So he put me on his back and took me home to where Celestia, Mother and Father were waiting for me. I was so happy to be back. Though I felt like I was missing something... So I turned to find Nick leaving. "Where are you going?", I asked. "I brought you home, now I'm going home. If you ever need something, just call me Nick.", he replied. Mother and Father were whispering, then Mother bent down and whispered in my ear smiling, "He can stay here, if you want, dear." I had gotten so attached to Nick on the way home, this made me even happier. I ran after him and tackled him to the ground before kissing his cute little snout. He consented to stay with me after a little persuasion. "And that's how your father and I met." Luna had finished her story.