//------------------------------// // Sandwiches, Parties, and a Happy Anniversary // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Soon they found a place to set down and land. While the kids jumped off Nick's back, Luna used her magic to make a picnic blanket and a picnic basket appear. For Nick, she had made a fish and gem sandwich, Nicky had the same. Stella had a gem, tomato, and lettuce sandwiches. And Bella got a gem sandwich, while she made herself a salad. Nick looked at her salad, then back to her before saying, "This isn't about what Sapphire Shores said the other day, is it?" Luna sighed before laughing, "Nick, why do you have to be such a caring husband?" "Because I love you.", he said pecking her cheek. Luna sighed and said, "I love you too.", she said nuzzling him back. "Tell us about how Dad asked you to be his special somepony!", Bella exclaimed, already finished with her sandwich. "Ok then, well it started a week away from the Grand Galloping Gala when we were teenagers, Celestia already had a date, but I was still looking for one....." "Hurry Luna! The Gala is a week away! And you need a date! Just ask Nick! He'll say yes!", Celestia exclaimed. "I don't know, what if he doesn't want to?", I replied. "Well you aren't gonna find out just standing there, go see him! Mother! We're going to see Nick!", Celestia shouted, dragging me along. "Ok! Just be careful!", our mother answered. So we went to see your father. Back then, he got a job and moved out of the castle and started his own plumbing business. The building was a little house with a sign that said: "Luck Dragon Plumbing: No Leak Too Small!" When we walked in, he was under his sink working on it. He must've heard the bell ring when we came, cause he said, "Hey, how ya doing, I'm under my sink, and we're closed, don't bother me." "Nick, it's us...", Celestia said. Nick then popped up and hit his head on the pipe, "Aaahhh!", he exclaimed. "Nick! Are you alright?", I cried, rushing over to him. "I'll be fine, did you girls need something?", he asked, rubbing his head. "Yes, Luna wanted to ask you something.", Celestia smiled. I blushed a bit before stuttering, "Would you like to go to the Gala with me?" Nick smiled, "It would be a honor, Princess. Now I have something to ask you," he blushed really hard at this last part,"I know it's nowhere near Hearts and Hooves Day, but I was wondering, will you be my special somepony?" I bubbled up inside with glee. "Yes!", I exclaimed, grabbing him and kissing his snout. I realized what I was doing and pushed him away, "Nick, I'm sorry..." "It's okay..", he replied and pulled me into another kiss. "And that's how me and your father started our relationship.", Luna finished, a smug smile on her face as she cuddled up close to Nick. "Dad was a plumber?", asked Stella with surprise. "Don't worry, I'm still a plumber. So if you ever need a sink fixed, your old man will be there.", laughed Nick, grabbing Stella and kissing her forehead. "Alright kids, we have one more stop before we go home.", Luna giggled. Once again, the kids hopped on Nick's back, then he and Luna took off. "Celestia asked me to stop by the castle before we went home. I wonder what she wants?", Luna declared. When they got there, all the lights were out, but when they walked in, "Happy Anniversary!", screamed a familiar pink pony. "Pinkie! You were supposed to wait until they came in and we turned on the lights, remember?", groaned Dash. "Oops, sorry.", grinned Pinkie. "What's this all about?", Nick asked, letting the kids off his back. "You didn't think we were going to let today of all days go unnoticed, did you, darling?", exclaimed Rarity. "Rarity's right, 11 years a long time to be together! So today is your all's special day!", replied Applejack hugging Nick. "Sister, did you know about this?", Luna asked curiously. "I sure did, Luna.", she smiled. "Let's get this party started!", shouted Pinkie. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then came up to the kids. Applebloom then asked, "Get your Cutie Marks yet?" "No," sighed Stella and Bella, Nick the Second, or Nicky, didn't have to worry about a cutie mark, he was a Luck Dragon. "That's alright! Let's party!", replied Scootoloo, dashing off with the others following. Nick then walked over to Twilight. "Nick! Oh my gosh! It's been so long! And I've been so busy! I'm so happy to see you!", she exclaimed, embracing him in a bonecrushing hug. "It's good to see you too, Twilight.", he smiled, "How have you been doing?" "Oh, good, me and Spike have been holding comic book festivals. He really loves it.", she laughed, "Uh oh! I better go check on Spike speaking of him. Happy Anniversary!" Nick then checked on the kids to find them talking about Cutie Marks over glasses of punch. Nick then walked over next to Luna. Luna smiled at him before pulling him into a kiss. "Happy Anniversary, dear.", she whispered. "Happy Anniversary, Luna.", smiled the Luck Dragon, who for the past 11 years has been very lucky. After Nick and Luna finished their kiss, they turned to find everypony clapping their hooves. "Happy Anniversary!", they all shouted again. During the party, the following events happened: . Stella somehow got drunk on the punch and started singing "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Me" . Pinkie blew up 20 pinatas . Fluttershy ate all the cookies . Rarity's jewelry somehow vanished, Nick being the only one next to her when it happened (The following week, he claimed to have "accidentally" ate her jewelry, which consisted of his favorite gemstone: emerald.) . And Nicky somehow had a group of fillies chasing him. After the party, Nick and Luna went home, and Nick put the kids in bed while Luna raised the moon. Before they went to sleep themselves, Luna cuddled up to Nick, and whispered in his ear, "I'm so happy you asked me to be your special somepony." She then kissed his snout and fell asleep. "Sleep well, my moonbeam.", Nick smiled before kissing her back and falling asleep with her hooves around him.