The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

The Everfree Forest, 1500 Years Ago

Today was Celestia's birthday, and Luna was in her room pouting. Everypony was paying her a whole lot less attention than usual. Then, something hit her, why should she stay? No one would miss her...
And she went charging out the door towards the Everfree Forest, her mother shouting,
"Luna! Come back!"
She ran for 3 hours straight until she was in the heart of the forest. She then sat down on a rock and put her face in her hooves and started to cry. However, she heard something behind her, and turned to find a big, fluffy, white Luck Dragon.
"Don't eat me!", she screamed.
"Eat you? I was just curious to see if everything was alright, I'm not going to eat you.", the Luck Dragon replied kindly.
"But don't dragons eat ponies?", Luna asked, wiping the tears away.
"Nooo!", he exclaimed, rather offended, " First off, I'm a Luck Dragon, and two, that's rude eating ponies. Allow me to introduce myself, I am In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart the Luck Dragon, and you, your highness, look like you're in trouble, what seems to be troubling you?", he smiled sitting next to her.
So Luna told him her problem, and he said,
"Just go home, they'll understand."
"I can't, I don't know how to get back to Canterlot.", she sobbed.
Nick had a look of thought for a second, he then bent down, spreading his wings and saying, "Hop on, Princess. I'll escort you home."
And as Luna got on Nick's back, it only took half a hour to get back. And as soon as they landed, Luna saw her parents and a very worried Celestia running towards them.
"Luna!", cried Celestia, embracing her sister, " Where have you been?!"
"I'm sorry, I guess I got jealous.", she sighed.
Their father then turned to Nick and said, "Thank you, you brought my daughter home safely, I'll have you knighted!"
"Begging your pardon, sire, but that won't be necessary, I was just doing what anypony else would have done.", bowed the Luck Dragon.
He turned to leave when Luna said, "Where are you going?" "Back to the Everfree, no where else to go.", he replied, "You ever need anything, just shout!"
Luna looked helplessly at her mother, She smiled, Luna beamed at this, "Nick! Please stay!", she begged, pouncing on top of him.
It took a little persuasion, but eventually he agreed.

A few months later, while everyone else was out, Luna sat on the floor looking at Nick dreamily while he played his latest composition of music with his wings. It was a mix of 60s rock and opera. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!", said the Luck Dragon.
But instead of finding someone on the doorstep, he found a basket, and inside the basket was a little pink alicorn with a purple, white, and pink mane. He looked around to see if anyone was still there. He then took her inside. The alicorn filly opened her eyes and looked at Nick. Then Celestia, Mother and Father came in.
"Hey Nick! What are you... Oh..", Celestia stopped in her tracks. "Oh dear.....", Father said with a sad look on his face.
"On our doorstep. I didn't find anyone or a note.", Nick replied cradling the filly.
"We can't just throw the dear out.", thought Mother, taking the filly, who started to cry, so she handed it back to Nick, "She's already attached to you."
"I'm afraid her subjects had no alternative, a couple of months ago, I had told them all about how helpful you were around Canterlot. They joked about what a great nanny you'd make for their daughter. Now, Nick, it says in their will, they wanted you to raise Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.", Father sighed.
"They trusted me? A dragon? Are they crazy?", Nick asked, while the the young Princess giggled pulled on his mustache. Despite the current situation, he managed to let out a smile.
Father laughed, "Ponies in The Crystal Empire don't judge anyone by their appearance or what they are, but what is on the inside. And you're not just a dragon, Nick. You're a Luck Dragon."
Nick thought for a moment before making up his mind.
"Are you Papa's Little Cadie? Yes you are! Yes you are!", he smiled, playing with the filly.
"Her name is Mi Amore Cadenza!", frowned Celestia.
"Now dear, leave them alone, such a beautiful sight. She needs this.", smiled Mother.

At dinner, everypony else ate spaghetti, but Nick was busy feeding his newly adopted daughter. "Yes, you're just like your Papa, loving spaghetti, yes you do! That's my Little Cadance!", he grinned, spooning her some spaghetti.
"Nick, do you want me to feed Cadance while you eat?", Luna asked concerned about his missing dinner.
"I suppose you could, just be careful to not choke her. And cut it into little pieces before you give her it.", Nick replied, kissing his daughter on the forehead.
"Oh, I didn't tell you this earlier, but she goes to rule her kingdom when she turns 14. I know it will be hard, but you can visit her. And write.", said Father.
Nick had a sad look on his face before saying, "I'll feed her, Luna. I want to be with her as long as I can before she has to go back."
The little princess didn't cry that night, so long as Papa was with her.