//------------------------------// // First Day, First Impressions // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Today was the kids first day of high school! Nick and Luna took them there so they could exchange goodbyes. "Dad, you have any advice on, well, how to impress a girl?", Nicky asked his father nervously. Nick looked to make sure no one else was looking before smiling, "Be a Macho! All the mares love it!" Luna immediately elbowed her husband's chest, before taking Nicky's paw and saying, "Be yourself is all that matters, and soon enough, you'll have a special somepony." She kissed her son's forehead and sent him off with Stella and Bella. "Are you excited, Stella? I am!", Bella asked, skipping all the way. "I am too! All the lockers, the cafeteria, the cute colts.", Stella said, getting a dreamy look at this last part, "What about you, Nicky?" "I just hope that I don't have much trouble.", he replied as he accidentally bumped into a brown filly with a black mane and a letter A for a cutie mark. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me help you!", Nicky exclaimed apologetically, picking up her books and handing to her. A couple of other Ponies saw Nicky and scurried away. The filly gasped a bit when she saw Nicky, but started smiling, "Thanks! I'm Pensworth! A+ student in English! Are you a dragon?" "Uh, yeah, a Luck Dragon! I'm In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart the Luck Dragon the II! But everypony calls me Nicky!", he said, blushing. "In-The-Nick-Of-Time Braveheart? That's an interesting name, but I think Nicky's cute too.", Pensworth smiled, "Everypony calls me Penny!" "Yeah, its my dad's name!", Nicky smiled. Pensworth gasped, "Your dad is Nick Braveheart?! I am his biggest fan! I've played all his games! Even Super Braveheart: The Lost Levels! Released only in Japan!" "Our mom is Princess Luna too!", Bella grinned. "Oh my gosh! You're practically a celebrity!", Pensworth smiled really big. Then the bell rang. "Come on! We'll be late!" During Math, English and History classes, Nicky and Penny sat next to each other. At lunch, Penny came and sat next to Nicky and his sisters. "So what are your parents really like?", she asked. "Well, Dad can bit a bit stubborn sometimes, but if anyone threatens us, they can count on being roasted. Mom is very kind and gentle. But if someone hurt us or Dad, she would banish them to the moon!", Stella smiled. Then a purple pony with a smokey red mane and a tape measure for a cutie mark, came up and sat next to Penny. "Hey Penny! Who are your friends?", he grinned. "Ratchet! These are Nick Braveheart and Princess Luna's kids! This is Nicky, Stella and Bella! Guys, this is a good friend of mine, Ratchet!", Penny said, introducing everyone. Stella stared into Ratchet's eyes, and she instantly knew she was in love. She blushed. "So, what about your parents?", Nicky asked. "I don't have parents...my aunt raised me.", Penny said sadly. "I'm sorry I brought it up.", the young Luck Dragon said, looking away. "It's okay, you would have found out anyway.", she smiled, putting her hoof on Nicky's shoulder. Then came over the local school yard bullies. "What's wrong, Pensnerd? Trying not to cry in front of your friends who have parents? Too bad you don't have anyone to love you!", laughed the leader. Penny started to cry. "You leave her alone! What you're saying is a lie! Because I love her!", Nicky flared up. Bella, noticing the steam flowing out of his nostrils, hid behind Stella. "Talk to the hoof, Dragon!", he laughed, walking away. "While I'm doing that, you can talk to the flame!", Nicky exclaimed, spewing a stream of blue flames at the antagonist's rear, making him yelp. One of the teachers saw this and shouted, "Nicky Braveheart! To the principal's office!" The principal, was not happy, neither was Nick, since they were both pulled away from their naps to deal with Nicky. "Getting sent to the principal's office on the first day of school, is not exactly the best way to start the year.", Nick yawned grumpily. "Dad, it wasn't my fault, I can explain!", Nicky pleaded. After explaining what had really happened, the principal had the bully sent to detention and Nick made his son promise not to use his flame unless it was a dire emergency. When Luna heard about, when she came to help Nick, she wasn't angry, she said, "Nicky, I'm proud of you, that was a very noble thing to do. But try a way not so violent next time, okay?" "Okay, Mom.", he replied, hugging her. And before they left, Penny's aunt came up and thanked Nicky for what he had done. Then Penny asked Nick for his autograph, which he gave sleepily, and gave Nicky a kiss on top of his snout saying, "Thank you, Nicky. Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?" "Of course I did.", Nicky smiled, blushing so his redness could be seen from a mile away. As Penny walked off with her aunt, Nicky just gazed dreamily after her. Luna smiled, "Come on, Romeo, your father needs his nap." Nicky gazed a second longer, then followed after his family.