//------------------------------// // Part 1 Finale // Story: Canterlot Wedding Aftermath Prt 1 // by Lugitorix //------------------------------// Move ahead in time... to the late afternoon. Just an hour before dinner, and the sun already making it's outward ark, to prepare for it's fall come the evening. A mere short while before the medal ceremony is to begin. And one can only guess which of the many ponies would be late to arrive whence performing their own highjinks, and wacky antics. More or less a bother to the multitude of citizens who were not going to be witness to Shining Armor's appraisment... whether popping up out of scenic nowhere; apple carts, jewelry stands, clothing departments, and many other areas of the markets... Pinkie Pie was fascinated by the city that was Canterlot. As there always seemed to be something new happening every other day. A new order of certain goods, or just different street acts, and seemingly new, and randomized faces... she had little trouble keeping amused. However, that did not stop the rest from losing their own minds when she would become a bother to them. "Hi Everypony!", POP, she poked her head out amongst a whole stack of celery, "Why are you all out here, and not at the party?", she... PLANNED on making it for the ceremony, but it seemed she was the only one amongst the Mane Six... or just anyone for that matter, who was late. "I say!", one uptight mare turned her head away, as she, like many others, would dismiss her as just a loony, unstable, bother. "Say what?", she called after them, a frown on her face... as she wanted them to finish whatever they were going to 'say'. Of course then she'd just pop her head back down into the food carts... and emerge somewhere else without any physical explanation. She soon crawled out from under a gathering of carts, before popping up straight, and bouncing off. IT was now she began to consider making her way to the palace. But then! Twitch... She stopped, and looked back, "A twitch?", she tilted her head, and gasped! Twitch! This one came from no place she'd ever felt before! Her cutie mark, "Whoa! I've never flet my CUTIE mark twitch before!-", she froze, her ears drooping, "Wait!... I twitched!", she looked left, and right... what was going to happen? Nothing was going to fall... that would have been her tail, and a certain combination. "H-hey everypony!", she called out around her... getting the attentions, with mixed feelings, "I think something bads about to happen!", she frowned, her pupils narrowing as she felt her cutie mark twitch again, this time more violently. And like the mixed feelings, she got mixed reviews, not too many of them good. The crowds began to rolls their eyes, turn away, or go about their business yet again. Pinkie Pie wasn't taken seriously here... this wasn't Ponyville. She twisted around again, looking at the sky, then her feet, then the rooftops, then the clouds, the sky again, and so on, "I have to warn the others!", she blared, flailing her hooves in the air before taking off like a jet down the boulevard. Her haste disturbed a group of welathy patrons as she raced on by. "I say!" Transition~ Unable to directly state Pinkie Pie was correct. It would be a far better idea to have a look at the guards near the front east gate. The main road beside the train tracks were... empty. At first devoid of anything threatening. Nothing more than the average supply wagon, and the happy commonwealth from the surrounding areas. Nothing the few number of Canterlot guards working the east gatehouse had difficulty with. In fact, though they were trained for utter silence, and supreme discipline... they were a little laggish today, their frowns less cold, and more... unhappy. They did not receive the honor of being in the presence of the medal ceremony, and instead, assigned to the boring, day-job of being the rule-boasting customs agents. What an exciting day for them... The big brown colt in golden armor working the tollbooth, which sat in front of the gatehouse, slouched lazily, eyes looking up at the sky... he was melting in the average heat. His metal armor didn't help him much either. Two more stood in front of the closed iron bars, a twenty foot radius from one side of the gate, to the other, all one had to do was get through this gate... and you immediately became absorbed in Canterlot's lower-middle-class district. Three stood on top of the gate overlooking the toll booth. And then finally one more on the inside, head tilted downward... a little sleepily. To think, they could be inside the palace, dressed in more fine armor, overlooking Princess Celestia, and their honorary captain of the royal guard... However, the boring day was cut short, as a sudden fireball flew up into the air, descending fast, down into the gray hooves of a random colt. A second, and third, and a fourth flew upward, one richochetting off of the toll booth itself, startling the brown pony inside. His mane was a smooth, pale, almost transparent red, and his eyes were an ember orange. A long, whitening horn jut out from his forehead, and an amused smile across his face. Solster Fire. "Gather round gentlecolts!", he announced. "This guy again?", one of the two guard in front of the gate asked the other, before stepping forward, "I thought we told you to get lost!", It was a harsh command. He was still juggling the fire... fire? Odd. A smile across his face, "Did ya? I can't finely remember... you sure you got the right guy?", he taunted them, killing the juggling, throwing each ball of flames onto the ground around him, "Mmmm-MM... I got the spark alright.", he brushed his mane back along his neck with a free hoof. The three guards glowered at him, approaching with much dislike of him, "Maybe a night in jail will change your attitude?" The Unicorn took a step back, "How bout... a good night's sleep?", he smiled toothily, tilting his head, gazing at them with a whack, taunting grin. The three guards were joined by the one's atop the gatehouse. "Isn't this the same one the Princess had us escort out?", one asked... and when they got a confirmation, it was by regulation that they began to follow him. "Hah!", the Unicorn loomed backwards, "Alright then... I got enough fer all uh ya.", he winked. They stopped, brows cocked, before out from the bushes, a small, spherical, christmas tree bulb-looking thing rolled on out in front of them. And suddenly... POOF! A whole multiple set of fumes began to cloud around them. "Sleeping gas!", one shouted, as they all reeled up, before... to no avail, their eyes began to fade, and droop. Their movement staggered... and soon, they collapsed to the ground, snoring, and curling up. This was rather hilarious, as the Unicorn happily pranced over them, approaching the bushes. "Clear.", he called out. It was then, he became joined by two... rather new, and odd looking ponies. They looked rugged, yet with an extreme discipline. The first was quite odd... and quite frankly, a Zebra. The simple color scheme; black, and white, unable to tell whichever went first. His mane was stuck up wildly in the air, sharpy, and jutting directly upward, extending far over his forehead. "Bout time!", he said, his voice wasn't so simple... it was kind of uneasy, and a little jumpy. However... the second Zebra was much different... he was the diamond in the ruff. He stood as tall as Solster Fire, his mane was just like that of any Zebra's, a long mohawk, however... he was black. The white stripes along his body were of much less abundance as the usual African regular. His right ear was pierced with a gold ring, and his eyes... a harsh green. Oh but with a horrifying narrow pupil, like that of a lizards. "Where is the old man?", this dark Zebra asked, strolling out in front of the two, stopping, his eyes looking upon the Eastern gate. He hardly paid attention to the guards at his hooves. "He'll be here... don't you worry.", Solster retorted, strolling up alongside him, "You still remember the password right?" "Of course... it hasn't changed...", the black zebra's voice was deep, with a rather... hateful emotion. He was bitter, yet calm. "Six fer seven.", Solster added, "Think ya can handle em?" "Hah! One guard!", he smiled darkly as they got closer, the second Zebra in tow, "My grandmother would be a more worthy opponent, then a lowly guard!", he grimaced, teeth grit, as they got closer. … And just like that, "Black Knight?", DROP... with one harsh sidekick, the white colt in golden armor dropped, the gate now open as wide as it could be. "Oooh! Nice kick, Kye.", the other Zebra stated, walking in second, now Solster in tow. "Quiet.", the obviously far stronger warrior told him, "We don't have time for pleasantries... take the armor.", he was dressed in his own set by now... taken off one of the sleeping guards. By some odd feat, they were lucky to have no witnesses, "Solster Fire.", he began, "The old man won't have any trouble getting into the palace now!", he smiled, one of his evil green eyes widening, the other narrowing. The more southern background Unicorn smiled, "I like ta hear that...", he chuckled, "I finely admire how fast you work.", he bowed sarcastically. "If it gets me to Shining Armor... I will do my best. That... or for the right pay.", the dark zebra did not look him in the eye, instead he looked up at the palace in the distance. He smelled the air in one, sharp, long breath, "Feels good to be home.", he said softly, before growing cruel, "Let's get this over with.", he snatched up the spear the now unconcious guard had been carrying, latching it to the knotch in his own new armor. "Hey, boony...", the lesser of the three turned to Solster Fire, "So where IS the old man?" In one swift trot-by, the question was ignored, "Just stay out of sight, Scare Crow...", seemed like the wild-maned, eccentric Zebra was dismissed by BOTH of the stronger ponies. With a grit of the teeth, the black and white horse disembarked from near the gatehouse, moving off with his closer friend... Transition~ Trumpets! Horns! And many many cheers wrung up for the Colt of the hour. Ponies of all shapes and sizes who could show for the occasion, were on their hind legs, forehooves in the air. Some tossed their hats, and others whistled, and applauded for the entrance of yours truly. They were technically outside, in a marvelous plaza behind the palace of Canterlot, large enough to accumpany perhaps a crowd of six hundred. It was like a large rectangle, accessible by one opening. A bulky marble door, sculpted with the most marvelous of pictures, from ponies, to Unicorns, to the goddess symbols of the night, and the day. The sky was above them all as the clock was nearing five. Then the great double doors opened, and the red carpet received a silent hoof, white, and nervous, as Shining armor entered. He was accepted with much generosity, and applause. Beside him was his beautiful bride Mi Amor'e Cadenza... there to keep him from not getting too nervous... this was a high honor of course. Far down at the end of the carpet path, which was lined with guards dressed in their finest armor, spears raised on both sides, ready for Shining Armor to pass under. Both Celestia, and Luna were on the grand alter, standing side by side. And the Mane Six? Of course they were there... well... most of them. Twilight Sparkle was on the step just before the top of the marble stairs. Rainbow Dash on the opposite side. Fluttershy, and Applejack were in the same position, a step down. And Rarity, perfectly satisfied with the out-fittings she had created for this occasion, was the third step down... however, Pinkie Pie was not across from her at all. However, they couldn't worry about that right now. Twilight had a new flower in her mane, a pretty red rose, as she wore one the less eccentric dresses... its not like it was a wedding again. Shining Armor, and Cadence were escorted by two of the Centurion-like royal guards... marching with two banners mounted along their silver armor. The red cloaks coming off their flanks, and down over their manes gave them the elite appearance most definitely. "Do you have the medal?", Celestia asked Twilight from aside, a smile on her face. Twilight Sparkle smiled in return, as her horn glowed, and a golden box with a red ruby over the lid hovered beside her, "Always ready.", she replied. The rest of the Mane six smiled, exchanging glances before looking down the carpet again, toward the colt of the hour. Cadence seemed to be leading him... as it was likely after many years as captain... he still seemed nervous. The kiss she planted on his cheek encouraged him greatly though, until finally he stood before both Princesses. Celestia smiled down at the captain, bowing her head kindly, before she looked out to the crowd, "Mares, and Gentlecolts... we are brought here today to celebrate the fifth anniversary of a very special Unicorn...", her speech continued, "Who's outstanding ability of leadership, and capability won him the position as Captain of the Royal guard.", she spread a wing, drawing up a calm applause, her smile did not fade. … Many a speech later, the sound of galloping could be heard outside the double doors. Those close by turned, and stared for that short period, before one of the guards readied to open it for whoever was trying to get in. BANG! They swung open widely, and a flailing Pinkie Pie came storming in, "Everypony! Everypony listen!", this stopped the ceremony immediately. "Pinkie Pie!", Twilight called out to her. Applejack had already left the alter, and strolled up to her, eyes filled with curious worry, "Uhh... what seem'ta be the problem, sugar cube?", she asked her panicking friend. "I-i-i-i've got the TWITCHES!", she jumped into the air, "But this one's REALLY different!", her pupils narrowed. "Different as in how?", the cowpony cocked a brow, tilting her head. Behind them both, the entire ceremony came to a halt, as Shining armor raised a brow, Cadence was at first smiling, but also rather surprised. Celestia, and Luna were staring... along with the numerous people in the crowd. Many of the wealthy patrons of course, scoffed at the audacity of the random mare bursting in on this special occasion. "I've never felt a twitch on CUTIE mark before!", She hunched over, and curled up into a ball, looking left and right before stealing the platter from one of the serf mares... dumping the apple contents, and holding it over her head, "I don't know what it means!" Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances... and Fluttershy looked down nervously, hiding her eyes with her mane. "Pinkie Pie... uhh, Now's not the best time.", Dash spoke up, zipping over to them. "What's going on?", Cadence asked Twilight, a worried frown on her pretty face. The response from the purple unicorn was one of sheepishness, smiling nervously. "Uhh... its a long story...", she too zipped over to the group, followed by Rarity, and Fluttershy. Luna and Celestia exchanged glances as well, "Is the pink one alright?", Luna looked up at her sister with a raised brow... only for the elder princess to smile, and look away with a sigh. "I'm sure she's fine..." Transition~ Walking out in broad daylight, exposed to them all... and not a single pony questioned his presence. Canterlot was too naïve to understand. The only thing that got him stares, and gazes... was the height of the equine who walked up Mane Street. That right... it was him. The entity, the beast whom til now refused to show any real appearance. But here... he looked like any other living soul. His eyes hung low, with a dull look, and his expression entirely was of a total neutral gaze, he... among many things, did not truly take on the full interpretation of evil. He didn't lay a complete ignorance as he moved forward. Unlike many, he could not help himself but peer left, and right at the eyes watching him... the homes, and buildings around him, and the numerous smells of the city itself. He raised a brow at one group of passing colts, and mares... not speaking, nor changing his gaze. He just... had not seen this place in what seemed like a very... very... long time. "Are you going to be alright?", asked a voice beside him, it seemed annoyed, and out of place, "You look nervous... after all, you were so frightening before.", the purple cape, decorated with stars, and a few pretty whisps of gold shine... obviously new for the look. The elder looked down, "Hmmmmm? Ohhh... heavens no...", he kept moving forward, "It is just... oh so good to be home.", his eyes narrowed as they walked, brimming with a deep fire. The palace gates were just up ahead, opened for any usual public to at least enter the foregrounds... but then there was the front doors. Evidently, upon their sure arrival... two guards suddenly stood before them, "Halt.", one said, a deep, cruel voice in hand. Trixie, the blue Unicorn, suddenly turned aside, "What?", she rose onto her hind legs, her horn flaring, as she lowered... almost like she was born to defend the old man behind her. Her actions made her expect an encouragment... but instead, the old entity began to chuckle... and what a chuckle it was... "No need to fear them... they're no enemy...", he stepped forward... what a sight he was. A dark, muddy sand colored body. Almost as tall as Celestia by the looks of him... his eyes were a deep ocean blue. His mane long, tattery, yet nothing dead-looking... he was just... very old. His chin sported a long, greyed beard... literally coming down to his chest it was so very long. He was a tad skinny, but he wasn't a skeleton... his tail hung with what seemed like weakness. And his ears grew out at their very tips... curling inward at the length of his hair. In total he did not look anything like evil... one gaze into his eyes, you figured him a quiet old man. He didn't walk like he was demented... he was old, and just a tad rickety, as though he was JUST becoming unsure of his footing. His shoulders moved up and down more visible, his head hung forward a tad too far. The dark Zebra turned aside to follow him, "Lord Sovereign... I have heard stories about you...", it was Black Knight, yes, they'd beaten Trixie, and the elder to the palace. "So not all have forgotten me...", he whispered out, his voice was also... very ancient. "I expected you to be more intimidating!", the zebra accused, walking alongside his less dominant friend Scare Crow, "Yet you barely walk without threatening to stumble.", his dark green eyes narrowed, the snake-like eye slits glinting tighter. The ancient pony stopped briefly, "I imagine you expected me to be a bit... taller... as well?", a low huff escaped his nostrils, as his bland frown curved into a low smiling chuckle... his eyes looked back to the zebra, "Come... I don't have time to be friendly..." Black Knight lowered his head swiftly, "Yes Lord Sovereign.", he nodded, with an obeying tone of voice, despite the deep quality of it. When he walked alongside the elder Equine... he did not at first feel... uncomfortable. In fact he was a lot more interogating, than he was flabbergasted, "How exactly do you plan on getting to the princesses?", he asked, "Me, and my partner can't do everything for you. And I surely don't put much faith into her. Or that firecracker." "Hold you're tongue! Or else Trixie will hold it for you!", the blue unicorn sparked imaginary lighting when they locked gazes... she did not like Black Knight already. Their little feud was cut short, "Hmmm...", it was followed with a chuckle. They entered the hall of statues... dedicated to all forms of ponies, big, or small... from rows of guards, to columns with posed Unicorns, and a few Pegasi. "That all depends... Did you think I entrusted you to fullfill all of my needs?...", he stopped amidst them them all, in the dead center of the hallways, "Do deal with an army... one requires an army.", he swayed his tattery mane, his long, curved, blade-like horn being freed of his hair... It felt like a drop in pressure, when the cold steel of his horn changed colors, emmitting a dark feeling, crackling with what appeared to be lightning, but the color of a dark purple rose. It hummed rigorously, and a long, arching pulse... filling the room with a cold touch... he turned, raising his horn, as it beamed forward, striking one of the statues, before it bounced off... into another, and another... and another. It struck the stone guards, and the Unicorns, as well as the Pegasi, dropping them off the columns, and snapping the ropes that held them in the air... dropping them to what you would think be their untimely, and unfortunate end as one solid piece of rock, and granite. But it was not. Seconds passed, and Black Knight, Scare Crow... even Trixie reverted to agape stares... perhaps a retreat to face their caution. When the stone rose from the ground, their eyes beamed from oranges, to blues, to dark reds, and purples... their were dozens of them. They lacked all emotion, merely to serve the one who summoned them. "Ahhh... ancient rocks...", The elder took a slow step forward, "Part ways, and we march onward... you will dispatch all who oppose my arrival... obey... and you are gifted life. No longer are you statues...", he lowered his head, craning it aside... they parted for him, and he parted from them, with Black Knight, Trixie, and Scare Crow in tow... With a sly flicked his his head, the energy encompassing his horn dissipated, and he let his mane hang lifelessly over his eyes again, his long chin beard hanging down again, his dry lips closing... he was so old. "How did he do that?...", Black Knight asked the smaller Trixie, leaning his head down to her. "I... Haven't know him that long.", she replied. Next stop... the palace gardens... and then the great doors into Ceremony Plaza. With an exchange of words... it was him... the ancient... who walked first. He wished them to take in the sight of this place 'once again'... had he been here before? He strolled through the garden... ignoring the remaining statues... he gazed at the flowers, and vegetation. The small animals. What was this?... He looked left, then right... his eyes low with a fascnination. "So much has changed...", he whispered, the long, tattery grey cape which hung from his wait, to the back of his hind heel. Dragging along the ground despite his height, "A bit more... colorful than I remember...", his head went down, to the side, before his horn began to light up once again. Like a plague, where he began to walk... the droves of flowers around him began to turn... darker. More dark blue, and greys, and lots of white. Just a long stone pathway to Ceremony Plaza. Transition~ "Pinkie Pie, I'm sure you're just overreacting.", Twilight beckoned her hoof in front of the panicking mare, "Nothing bad's happened yet, so I'm sure it can't be too bad.", she just desperately wanted to end this scenario! They were already eyed upon by the numerous ponies around them. Rarity in her fabulous white dress smiled sheepishly to the crowds, and hid her face a little, "Darling, could you at least have concerned us with this, after the medal was granted?" "Pinkeh Pie, calm down!", Applejack jumped in. Cadence, and Shining Armor were no longer at the alter, they were worriedly closer to the Mane Six, curious as to find out what was wrong. However, the two rulers of Equestria were in a different situation. Celestia was at first staring over the frantic pony, but then, she realized the sky had gotten a tad darker, "It's evening already?", she asked... it wasn't any darker than it would be, had it been say around... 7PM... but it was no later than 6PM. Very odd. Though Celestia got no reply... Luna seemed to be caught up in something else, "Sister... do you feel this?", she asked, finally gazing up to her. "What's wrong?", she asked, her eyes a little wide, suddenly changing her concern from Pinkie, over to Luna. What would be wrong with Luna?... why did she seem so troubled all of a sudden, "Do you sense something?" Her younger sister looked away, her eyes closing, nodding slowly, "It's... very close." "BUT I'M TELLING YOU!", Pinkie screamed, her eyes going wonky, her hair standing on end, as her cutie mark twitched violently again, "Something Bad is going to happen!", she looked down, trying to stop the shuddering on her flank, twisting around, and grabbing her own hind legs, "No! Stop!", she commanded them, to no avail. "Um... maybe she's not overreacting... Twilight...", Fluttershy's ears went down. "Or she's just having one of her Pinkie Pie moments.", added Rainbow Dash, floating above them, making her eyes go wonky, a wacky face to represent Pinkie's possible insanity, all the while the pinki Mare desperately tried to get the message into their heads. "Everypony LISTEN!", she raised her hoofs, and with one, quick wave of them to get the crowd attention... suddenly everything went quite. All to hear was the sound of the marble door far behind her... the entrance to the plaza... suddenly quake, and creek with a loud, croaking sound. Pinkie froze up, and then immediately calmed down, and looked back, "Who is it?", she called out with a smile. Luna, and Celestia perked their heads up, Luna ignoring her senses, and staring t the door. The rest of the Mane six, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Dash, and Fluttershy, all jumped at the sound, before looking at the door. Shining Armor, and Cadence looked back also. What was going on? The numerous guards lining the red carpet looked down the hall as well. And everyone else went silent... The door did not move. Moments passed, and at first, some began to speculate a gust of wind... before a loud hissing sound emerged from beneath it's staggering size. Through the tight cracks where the double-doors met, and around the hinges, and above... a dark purple color began to seep through. It crawled all across the door, until it met the heavy metal bar, locking them together. In one quick, violent SMASH... it flipped up, and swung down, bashing agaisnt the handle of the marble door. And then... it began to grunt, and shake... It began to open. Which seemed odd... it required six strong ponies to open such a heavy object. The hinges quaked a little, and soon, it was a full quarter open.. It slammed forward then, and there, bashing agaisnt the strong walls of the Ceremony Plaza entrance. The pressure gave a strong gust of air, waking into the room. Ponies gasped, and stared in awe of the creature on the other side. Twilight Sparkle, and hr friends went agape. Shining Armor frowned, taken aback by the loud noise, he winced, like many others. Cadence stood close to him. Celestia, and Luna turned fully to face the door, all the way from the alter... staring one hundred meters to the very end of the red carpet. At first, it took a few coughs, and sputters from the being on the other end, but soon, when the smoke cleared. A long blade-like horn emerged, and sparked, spreading the dust in one fell swoop of magic, "There we go...", he began... his voice old, and alone, "Tis not good for my composure.", he stepped forward, his forehooves were dressed in old, strange looking metal, which clacked as his elderly posture moved forward... only ninety five meters to go. But he did not stop. Pinkie Pie was at first smiling, "Ohhh! A new guest!-", but then she stopped, and looked at her cutie mark... it wasn't quaking anymore, "Ummm... That's the bad thing?", she asked quietly. The old Unicorn, by the looks of it, let his tattery mane hang soundly, as his head was leant outwards. Too tired to hold it up straight. He did not stop, he just kept walking, walking until he met the end of the carpet, twenty meters from the alter. Celestia raised herself properly, and stepped forward with all her might, her mane flowing soundly in the quiet, "Who are you?", she asked him. He craned his head a little to the side, his chin beard hanging down quietly, before he looked up, "My my... you've both grown.", he said, meeting her with those blue eyes... those... blue eyes. Luna was the first to flash out of her self control, stepping back, her eyes turning white with light, "No..." Celestia was captivated, her pupils narrowing, raising herself backward. With a soft blink, and a soft, kindly old smile... "Welcome home.", he told himself. FIN~ --- AU: Part 2 coming soon.