The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

Penny Comes Over

The rest of the week went reliably well, then it was Saturday.
Nicky felt like sleeping in, but his mother came and woke him up.
"Nicky, wake up...", Luna cooed, nuzzling him.
"Mom, it's Saturday, there's no school today.", Nicky yawned.
"I know, but Penny's coming over for breakfast to spend the day with us.", she smiled.
Nicky popped up at this, "She is! Erm, I mean I'll get ready!", he exclaimed.
Luna walked out laughing, "Alright, dear. I'll leave you to it."
Nick was in the kitchen cooking his famous Dragonberry pancakes, "You seem very happy today, my moonbeam. What did you do?", Nick smiled, kissing his wife.
Luna sighed kissing her husband's cheek, "Our little Nicky's in love."
"What makes you say that?", he asked curiously.
"You should see the way he acts around that Penny girl when I go to pick up the kids. I think he has his father's charm.", she smiled.
Nick sighed, "Look at me! I'm the one who should be picking up the kids, not you, you have your royal duties. I'm just getting old and lazy. I'm sorry for being a bad husband."
"Bravey-Wavey, you're not a bad husband! It's just you're getting old and you need more rest. As for my royal duties, my family is more important!", she retorted.
"Good. That means I can have some pancakes, right? I'm family!", Celestia smiled, walking in.
"Sister, what are you doing here?", Luna asked.
"I wanted to meet the filly who melted my nephew's heart.", she giggled in reply.

Then there came a knock from the door.
"Nicky! Penny's here!", Luna smiled.
Nicky rushed down and opened the door, while Stella and Bella sat at the table saying good morning to their aunt.
"Good morning, Nicky!", Penny smiled, pecking his cheek as she walked in.
Nicky blushed madly.
Nick smiled as he whispered to Luna, "He may have my charm, but he has your blush."
Penny was okay, until she saw Celestia. She got on the ground and bowed.
"That won't be necessary, I'm just a normal pony like everyone else here. Just call me Tia! All my friends do.", Celestia smiled as Nicky pulled out a chair for her.
"Thank you.", Penny smiled, taking a seat. As they ate, Penny was talking to Nick.
"So I hear you're getting a new game, is it true?", she asked with interest.
"Yes, it's true. A funny one this is, Super Braveheart Maker. You get to make your own levels and play them and other exciting stuff.", he sighed heavily, eating his pancakes slowly.
"Is there something wrong, Nick?", Tia asked with concern.
"It gets exhausting, sitting and watching a screen day in and out. I just wish I could go back to being a normal plumber, or maybe something else.", he said sadly.
"Can't you just quit? From what you tell me, it's sounds like you have enough power on the production to do so.", Luna said, worried about her husband's welfare.
"I could, but I'd really hate disappointing all those kids who play my games....I'd have to sleep on it.", he sighed.

After breakfast, Nicky and Penny spent the rest of the day exploring the Everfree Forest with Nick.
"Is this really where you met Nicky's mom?", Penny asked.
"It sure is, long, long ago when she was a young filly, barely your age.", Nick sighed, his graying mustache twitching.
"I'm making you feel old, aren't I?", Penny apologized.
"It's no big deal, I get that a lot.", he grinned.
When it was time for Penny to leave, she thanked Nick and Luna for having her over, before kissing Nicky till he almost fell over. He stood there with his mouth gaping open, before Nick whispered to Luna,
"Think I should stick some broccoli in there?"
Luna giggled, resulting in Nicky closing his mouth and smiling.