//------------------------------// // Darkness and dolls // Story: Randomness // by Moonlit Path //------------------------------// "A gift from Twilight?" "Looks like it." Shining Armor set the package down. Cadence slowly started unwrapping the box, to revel a doll, with a note on it. A gift for the new baby. Love, Aunty Twilight "That was so sweet of her." "Yes it was Shinny. Now come, we need to get to bed." 3 hours later "Cadence, are you still awake?" "Yes. Unfortunately." "What's wrong?" Shining asked, concerned at his wife's insomnia. "I can't shake the feeling we're being watch." "Want me to get rid of the doll?' "No, lets just get some rest." They laid back down and closed their eyes "Awwww, you guys are no fun!" "DISCORD GET OUT OF MY BEDROOM!"