Blackace's Back story

by BlackAce

Birth of Blackace

Dodge Junction
Dodge Junction General Hospitable
11:58 p.m.

At first I see nothing but darkness, and I hear nothing just silence. Then I see a bright light that forces me to close my eye's as soon as I see it. Soon I feel a strong need to go toward the light, and as I get closer to the light I see something heading toward me, I don't want it to reach me so I try to move back, but it's all in vain as I feel the thing grab me and begin pulling me toward the light. I struggle as I want to get away from it but alas it's no use, the thing has me in a tight grip and I can not move. Soon I am blinded by the light, and deaf from the noise, I scream as I want it all to just stop and let me be. Next thing I know I feel something soft wrapped around me and something strong holding me close, I look up to see someone I don't know but, just the way they hold me and the way they look at me I feel safe with them, soon I start to hear things again.

"Have you two come up with a name for your little colt." Says one figure whom is wearing something white.

"Yes we have." Says the figure holding me. "Blackace, will be his name."

Blackace, is this my name if only I knew whom they are talking about, but at this moment I just don't care anymore and I start to fall asleep next to this thing I trust so much.

Dodge Junction
Blackace's parents home
3:13 a.m.

I awake from a loving sleep only to feel something cold in between my legs, I do not know what it is but I want it gone NOW, I began to yell at what ever this feeling is to just leave me alone, but alas nothing happens. Then a light shines brightly in my eyes, after I reopen them I see the figure whom I trust with my whole being. They pick me up and after moving me somewhere else I soon feel the cold in between my legs disappear, I look up at the figure and hold out my hooves to hold it and thank it for make that horrible felling go away. Soon this figure picks me up again and holds me close I feel happy with this figure whom I trust so very much. Then I feel this weird feeling in my gut, I don't know what it is but I don't like it, however before I can complain the figure says.

"Awww is my little colt hungry, oh yes he is."

Is that whats this feeling is called, but before I can ask this figure moves me close to these round objects. What are these things, in my quest to find out I start sucking on one of them, soon I am rewarded with the greatest thing i have ever tasted I don't even know what this stuff is called. Soon I am finished and the feeling is gone, the figure moves me back to this object that is not as soft as this figure. I cry out wanting this figure to never let go of me. It picks me up and holds me close to it, as I snuggle into the softness I hear the figure say to me.

"Don't you worry my colt, mommy will be here for you always."

Is that what this figure is called, mommy I like that name, but alas I am to tired to care at this point soon I start to see less and less of my mommy and I fall into a deep sleep.

Dodge Junction
Blackace's parents home
3:00 p.m.

I awake yet again I feel that feeling back in between my legs, stopping to think for a second I realize that my mommy can make this feeling go away. I call out for my mother and soon this other figure shows up, who is this, this is not my mommy. I start to cry out harder for my mommy but this figure picks me up and moves me somewhere else, I start to yell at this thing but then it makes the feeling go away just like my mommy would. I look up at it and hold out my hooves to thank it like I would my mommy, it picks me up and says.

"My my you sure are loud, but mommy and daddy love you all the same."

I know what my mommy looks like but who is this daddy of whom he speaks, could it be this figure, could this be my daddy. I don't know why but the thought of having two people looking after me just fills me with joy and happiness, I hold on tight to my daddy hoping he would never leave but soon I start to feel the same feeling as before in my gut. I yell out wanting my daddy or mommy to make it stop, soon my mommy shows up and pulls me back to those orbs, knowing whats inside them I immediately start sucking away at them and I am rewarded with that same sweet taste. As I continue to drink up this substance I start to feel tired and the more I drink the more tired I get, before I fall into the darkness like I always do I stop drinking and look up to my mommy and daddy. Then I see a new thing that my daddy is holding, just as I'm wondering what this thing does it shines a bright light in my eyes for only a second but it hurt. I cry out from the sudden flash of light, as I am crying I hear my mommy and daddy say to me.

"Don't cry my little boy, mommy and daddy are here with you." Mommy says.

"And we will always be here for our little child, as your parents." Says my daddy.

Parents, that seems easier to say then mommy and daddy all the time. After I am done crying I start feeling sleepy, I start seeing the darkness invading my sight and soon once again I hear and see nothing.