//------------------------------// // Dragons vs. Ponies // Story: Just Another Average Tuesday // by Flamesinger599 //------------------------------// A/N: YES! It is that time again! The time we all know and love: UPDATE TIME!!! Yes, I am back from my week long vacation, and I m officially back on the grid. To my devoted readers (such as TV adict and Deadlight63. Thanks guys!), I give you the longest chapter yet, which coincidentally was also the hardest one to write. I will probably be going back to shorter chapters and quicker updates. Oh, and as to not torture you guys, this one doesn't end on an infuriating cliffhanger :) Enjoy! Okay Flamesinger, stay cool, stay cool. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the unicorn in front of you has the exact same voice as the unicorn in the costume, and that her friends are the exact same color as the legs, and that... *Mind snap* GOD! I AM SO STUPID! How could I not have foreseen this?! She told me herself that she was one of Spike's friends! Why didn't I consider that Spike might try and introduce me to them?! HE has no idea that I've met them before! And how the hell did they recognize me!?! Did I forget about something? There's no way they would've recognized my body, It's completely different! What was it?! Was it my face...my color...my cutie whatever...my eyes...my voice...MY VOICE!!! ARRGH!!! Flame, you stupid. Fricking. DUMBASS! HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT SOMETHING AS OBVIOUS AS YOUR OWN VOICE!!??!! During this whole mental rant (which took about five seconds), my eye only twitched once. I mean C'MON! You use your voice only all the time! HOW COULD YOU JUST- “Umm...Mr. Singer? I mean, Flame? Are you okay?” SHIT! Gotta get back to the present! I quickly reasserted where I was. I was still in the library. Miss Rainbow Hair and Miss Purple Hair were both still glaring at me. Spike was giving me a pleading look that said 'Don't screw this up', and the purple unicorn was looking at me with curiosity. It was her who had spoken. “Sorry, I must have spaced out for a moment there. Could you repeat what you just said?” “Are you okay?” “No. I mean, yes, I'm okay, but the thing you said before that.” “Um...my name is Twilight Sparkle and I'm the librarian. May I help you?” So THIS is the all-knowing Twilight Sparkle. Who Spike is the assistant for. Who will probably hate my guts. Yeah, this isn't going to cause any problems at all. “Ahh, good, that's what I thought you said. Yes you can, actually. I've got a few books that I wish to check out. Here, lemme get them. I left them in the room with all the tables...” As I walked back into the reading room (I'm just gonna call it that) something that Twilight Sparkle said to me back at the mountain popped into my head. “...I feel it necessary to warn you that I am the prized student of Princess Celestia...” Ugh, why does shit have to be so complicated. Now if I do anything to piss her off, she'll go running back to her princess, and yadda yadda yadda yadda. Fuck. My foul mood was banished when I remembered the twenty plus books I had yet to read. However, moving said books from the reading room to the lobby proved to be infuriating to no end. Once I had managed to balance all the books on my back (no small task) I was greeted by the fact that there was no way I would fit through the door back into the lobby. I ended up just taking them five books at a time, until I had a neat, tall pile of books right where I needed them. Over the course of my labor, the ponies said nothing and just stared/glared at me. The ever-increasing pile of books though, quickly drew their attention. Twilight looked incredulous, the white and cyan ponies shifted their glares from me to the books (maybe they hate reading?), and Spike just burst out laughing after the fifteenth book. Wiping away my sweat, I walked up to Twilight. “So, how do we do this? Do I need a library card? Or do they not use those here?” Twilight stared at me, waiting for me to yell out 'NOT!' and show her the real books I wanted. When I didn't move, she finally spoke. “You can take the books, just diminish the amount to a number lower than six.” “SIX!?! But that will only last me about two hours! What, is there a borrowing limit or something?” “Come now, you can't be serious about wanting to check out all of these.” “And why not?” “Because nopony ever wants to check out more than five at a time!” “Hello? Earth to Twilight Sparkle? Forgive me, but the last time I checked, I was also a pony. And I wish to borrow these books. Doesn't that count for anything?” “Flame...Flame...” Spike had finally stopped laughing and was gasping for air. “Quit with the sarcasm, you're gonna drive Twi crazy with it.” “Sarcasm? The hell you talking about? Oh, wait, I see how it is. You guys all think I'm kidding. Well, let it be known that Flamesinger NEVER kids around when it comes to the subject of reading!” I refocused on Twi. “So, can I get the books?” “Maybe...” I could tell she was trying not to laugh. “ But first, I would like to ask you a few question. Just to, y'know, learn a little bit more about you.” Crap, I think she's on to me. Mental shields up! Her horn glowed purple, and a piece of parchment and an ink quill appeared in front of her. Seriously? It's like, the twenty-first century, and she's using a fricking ink quill? GET WITH THE TIMES LEONARDO! “First off, a...er...completely random question suggested by my friends are as a sort of ...um...joke, are you perchance a dragon?” She said the last part real fast, than seemed to tense up, as if preparing to be laughed at. Well, I was never one to keep a lady waiting. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” And I didn't stop either. In fact, I went on for about five minutes, even going as far as to collapse to the ground in fits of laughter. By the time I started to recover, Spike had once again burst into laughter and Twilight was giggling. Even the two pissed off ponies looked unsure of themselves. Thank you, laughter, for being so damn contagious. I regained enough breath to speak. “D-Do I seriously look like a dragon to you guys!?!” Twi blushed. “No no, of course not. It's just that you...erm...sound a lot like a certain dragon we met. And you also have his bright blue eyes. And his basic color scheme. And your cutie mark...” Her happy expression was fading a little. “Pretty cool, huh? I actually just got it today. Scared the shit outta me in the process, but yeah, still pretty cool.” Behind the ponies, I saw Spike's happy expression fade also. Did I say something wrong? “You just got it today?! That's pretty late, isn't it?” I shrugged. “Meh, maybe, but I'm cool as long as I got it. Why? When did you get yours?” “As a filly, about ten years ago.” Flame, you just screwed yourself over. Begone, rational mind! I'll take care of you later! “Ten years ago? Seems kinda early to me.” “Actually, that's the normal time for a pony to get his or her cutie mark.” Twilight looked suspicious now. “Oh, well that explains it. I detest being 'normal'. I find it too...confining.” Her eyes narrowed. “ You know, you never did answer my question.” “Which one?” “You know which one.” “Do I? I don't think I do.” “It was the only question I asked.” “And I seem to have forgotten it. Terribly sorry. Now, If you'll excuse me-” “Not so fast, answer the question. Are you, or are you not, a dragon?” “Oh, that question. Your right, I didn't answer it.” “Do you plan too?” “Not particularly.” “It will be easier on you if you do.” “Y'know, you guys have a habit of making threats that you can't back up.” “Except that's not the case here. You're in the middle of pony territory. I could call the guards whenever I want. However, I'd rather not, so why don't you just answer my questions and save yourself the trouble of fighting your way out of town? You seem to be making quite a big deal out of a friendly interrogation.” She smiled at that last part. It was my turn to glare. “I don't appreciate shameless rip-offs of my lines.” “Well, there isn't really a whole lot you can do about that, is there?” “Whatever. And I doubt pony guards will be any more effective than a gang of dragons. I have the advantage of height here.” “C'mon! Just answer my questions! Pleeeeeeeeeeease?” I hadn't been expecting the 'please', so she kinda threw me off track for a few seconds. The other ponies, who had continued to glare at me the whole entire time I had been talking (talk about commitment), looked at Twilight as though she had just lost her mind. She didn't seem to notice though, because she was giving me puppy dog eyes. “...well...sure...I guess...since you said please...” “Twilight, are you crazy!?! He's a dragon!” It came from the cyan pegasus, and was the same raspy, ego-filled voice that I remembered. God, why does she hate me so much? I'm a likeable enough guy. I think. “Oh, are you hating on dragons? HEY SPIKE! YOUR FRIEND HERE HATES DRAGONS!” “Don't you DARE talk about my friend that way!” I glanced at the white unicorn. Yep, same posh accent. “I remember you. Are you here to insult my looks again?” “I'm here to make sure you leave Ponyville at once! If insults are the way to do that, than insult I shall!” “Than I'm afraid I must disappoint you, for I have no intention of leaving your little town. Not yet, anyway.” “Rarity! Rainbow Dash! Stop it! You'll scare him away!” This caused everyone to look at Twilight, surprised. “I mean, ponies don't know hardly anything about dragons, and you girls are ruining my chance to talk to a living, breathing one! Think of how much knowledge we could gather! Think of the scientific implications!” “My dear Twilight, this is serious! We have no time for 'scientific implications'!” A heated argument broke out between Twilight and Rarity, leaving me in the dust. I caught Spike's eye and gave him a 'well this sucks' face. Unfortunately, Rarity saw me and followed my gaze back to Spike. This seemed to trigger something, and she immediately forgot about Twilight. “Oh Spike, what did he do to you? Did he hurt you? DID he?!” She turned to me, her eyes ablaze. “If you've hurt one spine on my little Spikey-wikey's head, I WILL-” Spike intervened. “Whoa, Rarity. Don't worry, he didn't hurt me.” “Oh...” She looked uncertain for a moment, but than her fury reignited. “Than he threatened you! He threatened you, didn't he?!” “No, he didn't threaten me either.” “But than...how did he convince you to bring him here?” “He didn't.” Rarity was by now thoroughly confused. “But...” Spike looked sheepish and shuffled his feet. “He didn't anywhere else to go, and I just thought...” “Okay, hold up.” The one named Rainbow Dash (MOTHERFU- y'know what? No. I'm just not even gonna say anything) decided to speak up. “You mean to say that this was all your idea?!” “Well, not entirely. The disguise wasn't my idea, but-” “Why Spike! I'm ashamed of you! Bringing a full-grown dragon right into the middle of Ponyville?!” “Oh c'mon Rarity, he's hardly full-grown. And he's harmless!” HEY! SHUT UP! “I saw what he did to those dragons, Spike. I was there. Don't try and tell me he's harmless.” “You did?! But how?!” “In my defense, those guys really were asking for it.” “QUIET YOU!” “Yes ma'am.” She returned her attention to Spike. “Really now, Spike, I should think you would have more sense! What would possess you to even think about something like this?!” “Well, I never did learn what it means to be a dragon...” “And so you brought one home with you!?!” “We talked some, and he became my friend, and-” “He became your friend?! Spike, you've seen what he's capable of! He's dangerous!” “He's not dangerous! He's just-” “I don't care what you think he is! He's a dragon, and not a cute, harmless, little dragon like you. A big, mean, scary dragon! And he is most certainly not staying here!” I decided it was time to say something. “Listen, I'm not looking for a fight or anything, but just how do you ponies think you're gonna force me outta here?” She glared at me. “I don't care what I have to do. But I will not have you roaming freely about the streets, causing damage wherever you go with that dark magic of yours.” “You don't like what I'm capable of? Fine. I could care less whether you like it or not. However, you are sadly mistaken if you think I'm just gonna walk away without a fight. I didn't come here to kill ponies, I came here to relax, and that's what I'm gonna do. And I sure as hell ain't changing me plans just because you say so.” “You are dangerous, evil, brutal, and most of all, rude! I will not have my little Spikey-wikey deal with the likes of you! Leave now, monster, before I summon the guards!” “Okay, seriously, fuck off! I have had just about enough of listening to you bitch about shit you can't change! I'm a reasonable guy, but I don't have to take this!” “I SHALL NOT BE SPOKEN TO THAT WAY!!!” “Flamesinger! Rarity! Just calm down!” “I am calm.” “No Spike! Nopony talks to me like that!!!” “He's just angry, and he has a good reason for it.” “Stop defending him! Whose side are you on!?!” “He's my friend too! Just stop yelling at him!” “NO!!! I don't know how you managed to become friends with this filth, but I'll have none of it! If he is your friend, than so be it! I never wish to see your face again! I refuse to be associated with you if this is the kind of company you keep!!!” “...” A huge silence fell across the room. Everyone looked at Rarity, horrified. Even I was stunned. I mean, yeah, we were yelling at each other, but I never expected it to turn out like this. I glanced at Spike. He looked hurt, but he also looked angry. REALLY angry. And his anger seemed to grow, until eventually it exploded. “Y'know what!?! Fine! Go! Be that way! If this is how you're gonna treat every new friend I make, than just leave! You don't own me! I can be friends with whoever I want! I like you Rarity, but not enough to let you control my life! I don't know if you've noticed, but you guys are my only friends! I need someone besides mares to talk to! Someone like me, who actually understands the way I think! And I've found him! A guy dragons who isn't mean and scary! And what do you do!?! You yell at him! You get into a fight! You try and make him leave! All because he's a dragon! Well, newsflash Rarity: I'M A DRAGON TOO!!! I don't care if I'm not as big, or not as scary, I”M STILL A DRAGON!!! And if you can't except the friends I make...well, I hope I never see you again either!” Rarity looked as though she had been slapped. “...” “...wow Spike...” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “...I...never knew you felt that strongly about it...” “You didn't? Well, now you do.” I noticed Rarity's bottom lip began to tremble. Rainbow noticed it too. Uh oh... “Hey Rarity, are you oka-” She suddenly burst into tears and fled, slamming the door behind her with a flash of blue magic. Oh, SHIT. Spike didn't react. He just sat there, staring at the door. “Flame?” he said blankly. “Yeah?” “I'll be upstairs. I...need to be alone for a little while.” “Yeah, sure man.” He turned and slowly made his way up the stairs, disappearing near the top. Twilight watched him go, looking as though she was about to cry also. “I'll see ya around, Twi.” Rainbow shot me a dirty look as she said this. “I have to go comfort Rarity.” And so she left, leaving me alone with am extremely pissed off unicorn. I glanced nervously at her, and saw that she was giving me a death glare. I seem to be getting a lot of glares today. “Okay, listen, I-” “No, YOU listen! I don't know how, or why, but you just single-handedly made both my friend and my assistant feel TERRIBLE! You coming here has ruined EVERYTHING!!!” “I'm pretty sure the term 'everything' would only apply to an event of much greater proportions-” “SHUT UP!!! Just SHUT UP!!! I should called the guards the moment Rainbow Dash even hinted that you were here!!!” “Wait, so-” “YES! Rainbow Dash saw you with Spike! And I was an idiot, and decided to give you a chance! And NOW look what's happened! Two of my best friends are at each others throats! All because of YOU!!!” I waited a couple of minutes for her to simmer down, than said quietly. “Listen, I know you're pissed off, I would be too, but you have to understand that I had no idea this would happen! What I said before was true: I just came here to relax in a place that was supposed to be clam and accepting, according to Spike. I wasn't looking for a fight, I was trying to avoid one. And, well, you guys made that kinda difficult.” “Are you saying this is OUR fault!?!” “I'm saying that if Miss Rarity had kept her cool, none of this would've happened.” She looked about ready to punch me, and I wondered whether I might have said the wrong things. Probably. Slowly though, her temper seemed to fade, until she just looked sad. “...even if that was true, it doesn't really help the current situation, does it?” “I was getting to that. If you'll excuse my saying so, I don't think that what happened between these two is really that big of a deal.” Apparently, this WAS the wrong thing to say, as it got Twilight out of her depression and back into another awe-inspiring fury. “WHAT!!??!! Two of my best friends practically HATE each other, and you don't think it's 'that big of a deal'!!??!!” I laughed, which did nothing to improve her mood. I knew I had to say something quickly, so I did. “Do you seriously think these guys hate each other?! C'mon, even I can see what's really going on here.” She looked at me with a mixture of anger and confusion. “What are you talking about?” “What I'm talking about is that these guys don't hate each other. Far from it. Oh sure, they're angry and sad, but that can be easily fixed.” “FIXED!?! You don't just 'fix' something like this!” “On the contrary, that's exactly what you do. If you don't, than this feud between them will last a lot longer.” “And how, pray tell, do we go about 'fixing' this?” Her voice was heavy with sarcasm. “It's simple. Both Spike and Rarity are probably up in their rooms, crying, feeling terrible about what happened, and wanting nothing more than to be friends again. In short, they both want to apologize. But they won't, for fear of being rejected by the other party. All I have to do is convince one of them to apologize to the other. Maybe even both. Preferably both.” “Again, how?” “By talking to them. Or is their another form of communication I should use?” “Than you really are crazy. They won't listen to you!” “Spike will. And as for Rarity...well, pack a shotgun and hope for the best, right?” “What's a 'shotgun'?” DAMMIT! Of all the lame metaphors... “Oh...um...a device used for self-defense that I just made up?” “A device you just made up? But why...” “It was a figure of speech!” “Whatever. And yes, now that I think about it, that plan would work. There's just one problem.” “And that is?” “You talking to Rarity is just an accident waiting to happen.” “No shit. So why don't you?” “Me?? But I'm no good at that sort of thing!” “Oh, well in that case I'll just-” “NO!!! I'll do it! It'll be much better than having you try.” “I will choose to disregard that comment, as it is in all likelihood true. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to Spike. The poor kid's probably feeling like shit right now.” “I would appreciate it if you didn't use that kind of language around him.” “Why? How old is he?” “Eleven.” “Than he should at least now how to swear by now. Okay, I'll try, but I'm not making any promises.” “Thank you. And also, when you're done, meet me at the Carousel Boutique. It's on the outskirts of town, and should be pretty easy to find.” “The whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!” “It's where Rarity lives.” “Oh. In that case, I'll just have Spike lead me there. That's what he did last time.” “Good.” Than she leaned in close, and gave me one final death glare. “You'd better not screw this up again, or I swear...” Despite the apparent seriousness of the situation, I grinned. “Have no fear Twilight Sparkle. I promise that I will fix the mess I made. Again.” wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww After navigating the stairs (which proved to be ny-on impossible on four legs. Thank God I can still fly) I found myself it what must have been Twilight’s room. Being the observant, ever-watchful person that I am, I took notice of absolutely nothing and instead headed for the quivering lump at the foot of Twilight's bed. Spike didn't really have a bed of his own, per-say. What he did have was a makeshift sleeping area made of a basket, a pillow, and several blankets. Kind of degrading if you ask me, but to each his own I guess. Spike was clearly hiding underneath the blankets, crying and shaking. I don't think he heard me enter. Man, I really fucked things up, didn't I? I sat down next to him, which seemed to alert him to my presence. When he spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. It was noticeable even through the blankets. “Go away Twilight. I'm not in the mood.” “I would comply, except the last time I checked, I wasn't Twilight.” “Oh. Hey Flame.” “Dude.” “Could you leave please? I need to be alone.” “Again, I would say yes, but I feel the need to apologize.” “You have nothing to apologize for.” “Bullshit. Because of me coming here, you lost a friend.” “Well, she didn't turn out to be that good of a friend, did she?” “Listen, I don't pretend to like her, but I think I should help you get her back. She obviously matters to you.” “You have no idea.” Wait, what? “What do you mean?” “I...I...” He broke down crying. I sat there, patting his back (which did absolutely nothing) and feeling insanely awkward. After a few minutes, he regained enough breath to speak. “I-I had a c-c-crush on her.” Ah, fuck me. “Well dude! You've gotta win her back!” “A-And just how do I d-do that?” “It's called apologizing.” “Oh.” His face hardened and he turned away. “Thanks, but I'd rather not.” “Now now, hear me out. I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't have a plan in mind.” “Yeah right.” “... Okay, you may have a point there, but this time I do have a plan. Or at least, a mental image of how the situation will turn out that may or may not be legit.” “Just tell me the plan already.” “Ah, good, you're listening. Okay, here's how I see it: You're up in your bed, feeling terrible. You feel betrayed, alone, sad, angry, hurt, etc, etc. Now try and view things from Rarity's point of view. If you were Rarity, you would probably be doing the same thing your doing now. After all, one of your most-loved friends that had a crush on you now hates you.” Spike looked shocked. “But I don't hate her! She hates me!” “Exactly! You both think the other party hates you. But the truth is, they don't. They didn't want this any more than you did. Both of you feel terrible about what you did, and both of you want to be friends again. But neither of you will apologize because you think you'll get rejected. See, this is how most arguments escalate. Neither party wants to admit they were wrong. But in this case, you both were wrong. Her for not listening to you, and you for blowing your top. Actually, it was mostly her, but for the sake of friendship lets just say you were both at equal fault.” “Wow. I...never thought of it that way before...” “Most people never do. That's why I'm here. So, what do you say? Apologizing isn't as hard as it sounds. Mostly.” “...yeah...yeah...I suppose I could...try, at least...” “That's the spirit! Twilight's already talking with Rarity, so let's be off! Oh yeah, by the way, I have absolutely no idea where Rarity lives, so...yeah. Lead on!” wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Once Spike got the tears out his eyes (he refused to go into public with a teary face, which I can totally understand), he lead me to Carousel Boutique. I'm glad he did, because I never would have found it on my own. I had only just noticed how big the town actually was. There were plenty of alleyways, and a lot of the residential houses looked the same. I would have been lost within minutes. When we got there, however, I was met with an unpleasant surprise. “Seriously!?! Neither one of you managed to talk sense to her!?! Aren't you guys, like, her best friends or something?!” Rainbow Dash was refusing to talk to me, so Twilight was speaking for them both. “She won't listen to us! She keeps going on about how Spike hates her and would never except an apology for what she did!” “Told you so, Spike.” “Yeah yeah, so you were right. It still doesn't help us though. How can I apologize to her if she won't even listen to anypony?” “Well, I guess I'll just have to talk to her.” “YOU!?! Talk to HER!?!” Rainbow was finally speaking again. “Are you crazy!?! That'll only make things worst!” “I beg to differ. If I can talk sense to Spike I sure as hell can talk sense to a fashion queen.” “A fashion queen that HATES you!” “She's right Flame.” Twilight looked sad. “Rarity probably blames you for all of this. I know Rainbow Dash does.” “And I have a good reason too!” “If you two mares are done with the support, than I can go in and get this over with.” “YOU are NOT going NEAR her! You've caused enough damage already!” “Rainbow...we should at least let him try...” “And you too Twilight! Why are you siding with this guy!?! This entire thing is his fault!” “Hey! Don't talk about my friend that way!” “Spike, just don't start. And may I also say that us sitting here arguing isn't accomplishing crap. Now listen up.” Surprisingly, everyone did. “I'm going in there, and fixing the mess I made. If any of you have any objections to this, save them. I don't wanna hear it. Neither of you were able to comfort her, so don't talk.” I turned and headed into the Boutique. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have shit to do.” wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww How shall I describe the Carousel Boutique? Dresses. Fricking. Everywhere. Seriously. There were dresses on display, half-finished dresses next to sewing machines, written plans for dresses lying on tables, and overall a fashion designer's paradise. One dress in particular caught my eye. It was covered, and I mean covered, in gemstones. From the legs, to the collar, to the decoration, to the what ever, every single surface had at least one gemstone on it. Seems legit. I found the stairs pretty easily. They led me to a hallway, with doors on either side. Light shown from underneath one of them, and when I got closer I could hear sobbing coming from the other side. Y'know what? I'm sensing a trend here... Hesitantly, I knocked. “Go away Twilight! I told you it would never work!” “Nah, it's me. The asshole.” “Oh.” Her tone became much less friendly, which was saying something. “It's you.” “Yeah, I...er...well, I came to talk.” Silence. “Listen, I just think we got off on the wrong foot...claw...hoof...thing. Whatever. I think we got off on the wrong one. Can we start over?” Silence. “Hello? Can I get at least some signal that my words are getting across to you?” Silence. “Okay, I'll be truthful here. I didn't come to apologize, because I'm not sorry for what I said. I came to fix things up between you and Spike.” “You've done enough already, Now leave.” Fricking finally... “I know what you're thinking. You think Spike hates you. Would you believe me if I said Spike thinks the same thing?” “No.” “Well, than, we may have a slight problem here...” “How would you know what my little Spikey-wikey thinks? You're just a dragon.” “Again with the dragon thing. Why do you keep bringing that up? Just because I have scales, claws, sharp teeth, creepy wings and strange magic does not mean I don't know how shit works. Oh, and I know what he thinks because I talked to him before coming here.” “... You're lying.” “Why would I lie? I only came up here in the first place because apparently Twi and Rainbow weren't able to make that much of an impression on you. You think I wanted to come up here? Despite what you think, I know exactly how you feel towards me. I know you hate my guts.” Silence. “Okay, I'll get to the point: Spike is downstairs, and he wants to apologize to you. Now, you can either-” “WHAT!!??!” “... Jesus...I think you nearly blew my eardrums out...” “Sorry, but...is that true?” “About my eardrums? Yeah, I think so...” “No no...is Spike really downstairs...wanting to apologize...to me??” “You really don't know how much he likes you, do you?” “B-But...h-how...?” “I talked to him and explained things a little bit. I guess you could consider it a payback for the 'fuck off ' from earlier.” “W-Wait...so..” “Yeah yeah, I felt guilty and decided to fix things. I gave him the whole 'both of you feel terrible', 'this is an unnecessary argument' speech. Convinced him to at last try and fix things.” “T-thank y-you...” “Don't mention it. Just go down there, and-” “THANK YOU!!!” The door was suddenly thrown open, and suddenly I found myself being hugged by Rarity. “Ummmm...you're welcome?” But she was already running down the stairs (how the hell do they do that on four legs?) calling for Spike. I stood still for about a full minute before I was able to shake it off. Okay....wasn't expecting that, but... I made my way down the stairs (much slower than Rarity), and was greeted by a heart-warming (and somewhat creepy) sight. Spike and Rarity were hugging each other, repeatedly apologizing and saying how sorry they were. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were looking on happily, although I could tell they were shocked. Probably from Rarity's sudden appearance. I joined them in watching Spike and Rarity. When they saw me, they both beamed, and Twilight even came over and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Thanks.” she whispered. “Anytime. But there's something I want to say to these two.” I walked over to the happy couple. When they saw me, they immediately started to thank me, but I held up a hoof to stop them. “You two have got to be the stupidest beings on the face of the fricking planet, and if anything like this happens again, I swear to God-” Suddenly I was engulfed in a group hug by three ponies and a baby dragon. “... Y'know what? Forget it.” They all laughed. -End of Chapter 7-