by Deidorimu

Fiction vs Reality (April Fools Day Special)

"You want to know about the Phoenix Ponies? Well, here's everything you need to know about us!"

Before the Doctor could begin explaining, an alarm was set off. The lights changed from their bright white and began flashing red. The sound of a loud, dull bell could be heard ringing through the entire M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T.

"Doctor, what's that?" asked Dean.

"Something not good, come on!" said the Doctor. He jumped from his seat and rushed to the door with Dean following quickly behind.

The two entered into the long, pearly white hallway, running and turning corners until they found the door that lead to the console room.

The Doctor ran to the console, grabbed the console monitor, and pressed a few buttons. He would look between the console and its monitor, reading the words that would flash and change at a constant pace whilst operating the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T simultaneously.

Suddenly, the alarms grew louder, and the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T began shaking violently.

"Doctor! What's happening!?!" Dean shouted, taking hold of the console as to not lose his balance.

"I don't know! Everything is off the charts!"

"What is!?"

"EVERYTHING!!! Literally everything! Magical frequencies! Power levels! Gravitational Pulses! Everything on the charts is bouncing all over the place! I don't know what's- oh no. No that can't be."

"Doctor what's happened?"

"The dimensional rift. Something's happened to the dimensional rift. Its opening!"

"Dimensional- Doctor what's a dimensional rift?"

"No time to explain! Just hang on!"

"To what!?! All that's here is the console!"

"Then hang on to it tighter then you already are! And prepare yourself! It's happening!"

"What is!?!"

"Everything and anything!"

Suddenly, everything stopped.

The alarms went silent, the lights stopped flashing, and the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T was still.

Panting, Dean looked about the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T in question as he asked, "Doctor, is it over? DId, whatever you were saying, happened?"

He received no response.

"Doctor? Hello?"

Upon hearing the continuing silence, Dean turned to the Doctor and gasped.

The Doctor stood, shaking violently in his place. A bright white and gold light was shining brightly out of his agape mouth. His eyelids were wide open but the actual eyes, Dean could not see. It appeared that his eyes were missing. instead of dark holes, however, Dean saw static flashing violently within the Doctor's sockets.

The Doctor seemed to be screaming, but the only sounds he could make was a low, muffled, screech.

He wasn't moving. His body shook violently, like a seizure, but he remained cemented in his spot. He didn't fall over, he didn't move an inch, he stood in that spot. Not moving, only shaking.

Dean, obviously scared out of his wits, slowly inched his way to the Doctor. "Doctor, a-are you alright?"

He didn't respond, the Doctor continued to screech as he stared into nothing.

"D-Doctor?" Dean asked. Slowly, Dean lifted his hoof and tried to touch the Doctor. He was a mere three inches away. His left hoof inching closer, and closer, and closer.

Until, he made contact with the Doctor's shoulder.

And it was at that moment that Dean realized.

He bucked up.

The Doctor's face rushed into Dean's. Dean eye's were blinded by the bright static of the Doctor's eyes as their noses touched. The Doctor took a painful grip to Dean's shoulders, preventing Dean any means of escape.

Dean could only struggle as he listened to the Doctor's demonic, high pitched voice.


Dean screamed as he began kicking the Doctor, to no prevail as the Doctor remained still. Not so much as reacting to Dean's kicks.


"WHAT!?!" Dean screamed.



The Doctor went silent for a moment, then smiled.

"April Fools."

Before Dean could respond, the Doctor headbutted Dean and knocked him unconscious.


Dean groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, awakening to nothing. He felt as if his body was floating in water but it was obvious that there were none in sight. He looked around and saw that he was floating in the air. Floating in a empty, white, space of nothing.

No Equiis, no Equestria, no story, nothing at all.

Just white; a void of blank, empty, whiteness.

"Doctor!" Dean shouted.

He listened for a moment, waiting for the Doctor to respond. When silence reigned, Dean shouted again, "Doctor!"

Once again, nothing.

Realizing he was alone, Dean closed his eyes and began to cry. He placed his head to his hoofs and curled into a ball, sobbing to the thought of his tragic, and quite random, demise.

"I don't know where I am!" Dean sobbed, his voice muffled within his hoofs.


Dean halted his crying for a moment and looked about. Searching for the voice that he could have sworn he had heard.


There it was again, his voice, the Doctor. He was close, Dean could tell. He searched about frantically, searching for the Doctor. Yet, it was no use, all Dean could see was white. The blank, white, empty void.

"Dean, you can hear me. I know you can", said the echo of the Doctor.

"I can't see you", said Dean.

"I'm everywhere, you're inside my timestream. Everything around you is me."

Dean looked around to the empty void and raised a brow in confusion. "Um . . . but I don't see you. Everything's just . . . white . . . and empty."

"What!? But you're in my timestream, why can't you- . . . oh . . . oh I am an idiot!"

"Doctor, what are you on about?"

"The story! My timestream is empty because we're barely on chapter three of the first segment! No wonder nothing's there, we got nothing to fill it with!

"Um, story?"

"Yes! Story! As in the one you're in . . . like, right now."

"Um . . ."

"Dean, come on. I know the story is at the very, very beginning. But I'm pretty sure you're aware that we're characters of a fanfic."

"Um . . . oh! Oh, right! Now I remember, so we are. Wait hang on, we're only on chapter three!"

"Well, yeah, why?"

"What the frick frack snick snack is with that! Didn't we just go through, like, seven chapters already?"

"Well, no, technically not. Those were actually chapter parts. You know, chapter one parts one,two, and three. And then chapter two had four parts, which the author had no intention of making a chapter that long it just sort of happened."

"Wha- w-why! Why are the chapters so long!?"

"Beats me, there's just a lot of content, I guess."

"Okay, and what's with this "segment" stuff? What's that?"

"Well this story's going to be a long one. Its easier on both the audience and the author if certain parts are split into segments. That's why those numbers are at the end of the chapter. "S1C2", that just means that the audience is reading segment one chapter two."

"Oh! So the "S" doesn't stand for "Season?" Like, season one chapter two?"

"What? No! That's stupid! This is a story! Not a show! Come on Dean, you know all this already!"

"Sorry, I just feel the need to ask all this."


"I don't know I just have this weird feeling in the back of my head that I need to ask these questions to let anybody who just happens to be listening to us know this info and that I should take advantage of this chapter to explain information that is irrelevant but still equally important to the story and that I should speak in very large sentences without punctuations and periods to tick off the grammar nazis because I'm making this into a runoff sentence beep bop skippity boop! "

"Dean! Don't tick the grammar nazis! They help the author by pointing out mistakes that he can fix. They also help to improve his grammar for later chapters!"

"Oops, forgot, sorry peoples. So, back to what's actually happening. The story's too young so it doesn't have any content to fill this void?

"Well, yes, I mean we have Dodge Junction. And this unnamed forest, well, part of the forest. And, um, oh! Sticky Bun! We can pop Sticky Bun in there! Here, let me just, MMMMMMMMMM!!! GGGAAAAAAAGH!!! Nope, nope can't do it. He's not relevant enough to the story."

Suddenly, there was a shake as Dean felt himself being thrown far off, further into the void.

"What's wrong, what's happening!?" Dean asked.

"I'm inside my own time stream it's collapsing on itself."

"Well get out then!"

"Not until I've got you."

Dean pushed his head against his hoofs and cried, "I don't even know who I am!"

"You're my impossible girl. I'm sending you something, not from my past, from yours. Look up, look."

Dana looked, and saw a large, old, brown leaf float down to her.

"This is you Dana. Everything you were or ever will be. Take it."

She held her hoof up and caught the leaf gently.

"You blew into the world on this leaf- ."

"What, no I didn't", said Dana.

"Well for the sake of the reference you have. Now, hold tight. It will take you home."

"Dana!" shouted the Doctor.

Dana turned and saw the Doctor, floating in the void as a greenish blue, electric, portal sealed behind him.

He appeared normal enough. However, Dana took notice of the Doctor's change of clothes. Instead of his usual vest and fedora, the Doctor now wore a large light brown coat with a white button up shirt beneath, red suspenders, and a brown bowtie.

The Doctor's voice no longer echoed as he spoke. "Dana! Dana! Come on! Come on, to me, now! You can do it I know you can!"

"How?" asked Dana.

"Because it's impossible and you're my impossible girl! How many times have you saved me Dana? About none, but that doesn't matter now! Just this once, just for the hell of it! Let me save you!"

Slowly, Dana moved her forelegs in a swim like fashion, floating her way towards the Doctor.

"You have to trust me Dana! I'm real! Just a bit further!"

When Dana came close enough, the Doctor took hold of Dana and held her into a tight hug. He held her close and rested his head to her's. "Dana! My Dana!" the Doctor exclaimed as he kissed her head.

Suddenly, the Doctor froze. Noticing, Dana looked to the Doctor's face and saw him looking to something with wide eyes.

Turning around, Dana saw a dark gray stallion, facing away with his back towards them. He had crazy, messy, dark purple hair and a cutie mark of two empty eyes with static and a sinister grin beneath.

"W-Who's that?" asked Dana.

"Nevermind, let's get back", said the Doctor, an obvious hint of worry in his tone.

"But who is he?"

"He's me, there's only me here and that's the point. Now let's get back!"

"But I thought this place was supposed to be empty. Because the story doesn't have enough content. Because you're the first Doctor- ."

"I said he was me, I never said he was the Doctor."

"But I don't understand."

"Look, I said this place is my timestream, that everything in here is me. And were also characters of a fanfiction. Look, here's the thing with fanfiction. Not everyone does this but the larger majority does. In every fanfic the main character will develop traits of the author writing it. Sometimes it'll be a couple traits like how the character looks or how the character acts. And sometimes people will go the full mile and make an exact replica of themselves as the main character. Like those dreaded cosplay fanfics! Just because you were transported to Equestria while you were dressed like Goku doesn't mean you actually become him! Even with magic and cartoon physics it doesn't make sense! But I digress."

"Point is is that the author to DOCTOR, our author, a little bit of him is inside of me. And if this is my timestream, then it is also his."

"But this place is empty, why can't I see anything from his history?" asked Dana.

"Because I've hidden it", said the gray stallion with a dark, depressed tone.


" . . . Because I am ashamed."

Before Dana had a chance to respond, she fainted.

"Dana! Dana!" the Doctor shouted as he caught her and place her on his back.

"He is my secret", said the Doctor.

"What I did, I did because I was young", said the gray stallion.

"I know."

"In the name of peace, and sanity."

"But not in the name of the Doctor!"

The Doctor turned and proceeded to walk away. Before he could, the stranger stopped him.

"Do you hate me?" he asked.

The Doctor sighed, "yes . . . and no. You were young and in your edgy phase. Everyone goes through those."

"But the stories I had written, the things I had created- ."

"You could have created worse, beleive me, you could have. At least you didn't write anything "M" rated."

"But . . . how could you- ."

"Because this isn't you anymore, you've grown. You've grown passed the edgy phase. And with your age, you created us. You created DOCTOR. And we're thankful. Even though you are our past, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be having our future."

"You may not like your past but whether you hate it or downright despise the person you used to be. Just remember, if it wasn't for that person, you wouldn't be the person that you are today."

(See, this chapter does have a moral to it.)

The Doctor turned to the gray stallion one last time before leaving. He smiled as he said, "so long, Merotik."

The Gray pegasus turned, revealing his features to the Doctor. He had dark spots and bags on his eyes, his eyes were purple (a lighter shade then his mane), and he had a small scar on his right cheek.

He returned a smile to the Doctor as he responded. "Take care, Deidorimu. Hopefully your story goes a lot better then mine."

"Oh it will, trust me, you'll make sure of it. Just don't include Shadow the Hedgehog again, please?"

"But, I didn't- ."

"Yes, yes you did. A little darkness is fine, just don't go overboard. Goodbye."

"Take care. And good luck", said Merotik.

And with that, the Doctor turned and walked away. Leaving the past behind as he watched the Doctor leave. Waving with a smile as he did so.

Just as a flash of light appeared, the portal that lead to the way out of this void, Merotik's hair slowly began to change as he watched the two disappear.

His hair slowly began turning blue and his fur started fading, becoming white.

He smiled as he looked to his future.

"I'll do my best on this story. And I can assure you, this story- ."

Merotik stood tall as his eyes changed red.

"Is going to be absolutely brilliant!"

A light flashed blindingly bright and the Doctor and Dana were gone.


Dana groaned as she awoke, finding that she was riding on the Doctor's back as they flew through a large, purple, swirling vortex.


"Ah, Dana, you're awake. That was quick."

"W-Where are we?"

"We're passing through a dimensional portal back to our story. We should be there soon."

"Dimensional portal?"

"Yes, don't you remember what I said at the beginning of this chapter?"

"Doctor I don't even know what's happening now. I feel like everything's broken."

"That's because everything is broken, just not in a broken sort of way."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Dana, the thing I said to you, there were two things. One was about the dimensional rift, it had opened. It means that the wall that separated our world from the others had opened, giving easy access to anybody who wants to hop dimensions. Now, this is very bad. Very, very bad! Because dimension hopping can cause cracks in the dimensional rift that would eventually cause the entire universe to collapse on itself. If there were too many cracks, that is. However, today is the exception. For because of what today is, anything and everything can happen without repercussions. Including dimension hopping."

"But Doctor, why is today so important?" asked Dana.

"Ah, that's the second thing that I said that was super important. The second thing I said to you was, "April Fools!"

" . . . April Fools?"


" . . . Okay, um . . . why is that important? Today isn't April Fools day. It isn't even April, it's June."

"Well, yes and no. It's not April here in our world. But in another, it's April first of the year two thousand and sixteen."

"And why does this matter?"

"Because everything that is happening now. The crazy, uncommon nonsense happening in this chapter. It's happening because of this day. You see Dana, April first is the day that authors like to be silly with their stories. They like to wonder off the usual path that they write their stories in and try something different. Most of the time it's random and silly and just makes no sense!"

"Is that what our author is doing?" asked Dana.

"It's what every author is doing! Just looked outside the vortex."

Dana looked curiously to the inner lining of the vortex, staring closely to see what the Doctor was talking about. As she did, she noticed that the vortex was see through. Barley, but just enough to notice that there were large glowing orbs that seem to float all around the cylinder vortex they were in.

Each glowing orb had images flashing at random.

One orb showed a pony wearing a bulky metal suit, shooting a laser at a large creature in a barren wasteland.

Another orb showed Princess Celestia with pink hair, touching a very uncomfortable guard while making lewd gestures to him.

Another orb showed a titan sized Rainbow Dash, wielding a mighty sword as she fought against a demonic Discord. Whose size was equal to hers.

A fourth orb showed a light brown earth pony with spiky dark brown hair and an hourglass for a cutie mark. He was running alongside a gray pegasus mare with blond hair, was cross eyed, and had bubbles for a cutie mark. They appeared to be running from something but Dana couldn't see what it was.

And that wasn't all. There was so much more. Orbs as far as the eye could see. The number of orbs was uncountable, for they were infinite.

"What are these?" asked Dana.

"Other dimensions. What you are looking at, Dana, is the multiverse. Other worlds with their own different and unique timelines. That one over there- ", said the Doctor, pointing to something outside the vortex.

It was an orb, just like the others. However, this one was golden and was ten times the size of the other orbs. As big as the sun, perhaps bigger, Dana reckoned.

Although this one glowed gold and was the brightest of them all, this one had no image.

"That is the prime dimension. The reason we have the multiverse is because of that one dimension there. All other dimensions was created from that one. Although each dimension has their own unique stories and timelines, they all have similar traits that all correspond to that one dimension there. To the prime dimension."

"And this vortex we are in, this is what allows us to see the other dimensions and to visit the other worlds. It is the gateway to other unique and creative stories. It is called "Fimfiction."

"I see, other stories . . . so . . . we're part of a multiverse of stories? You and I?"

"Eeyup! Our world, and those ones out there, are all stories! Oh! Look at that one there!" shouted the Doctor, pointing.

Dana looked and saw another orb. Except, this one was different.

This orb wasn't a sphere like the others. This one had jagged edges that seem to bounce in and out of itself. It had an image like the others, except, this one was out of focus and wobbled.

"What's wrong with that one?" asked Dana.

"That one has an author writing an April Fools day special to it. It makes the world seem all wibbly wobbly, just not in a timey wimey sort of way. Everything will be random and silly for a while. But as soon as April Fools day is over everything will return back to normal and no one will remember a thing. That's why most April Fools day specials are uncanon."

"So the authors just having his way with that world and the ponies in it? He's just doing whatever he please?"

"Well it's their story- ."

"But it's our lives! What gives them the right to decide what happens in our world!? This is our world! We live in it! Not them! So we should be the ones to decide what happens!"

"Dana you don't understand, we are the ones to decide what happens- ."

"But what about what's happening now!? And all this junk that happened!? I certainly wouldn't have wanted to go through all this! It's a waste of, like, what, and hours worth of someone's time? Wasted on an uncanon chapter!? Its not fair!? How is this right for us!? I mean we exist too! Don't we!? . . . Don't we? Or . . . is that all we are? FIctional characters of a fictional story? Do we even exist? A-Are we real?"

The Doctor was silent for a moment as he thought of what to say. Then, he responded.

"Dana, have you ever read a book and wondered what it would be like to be with those characters?"


"Well, beleive it or not those characters do exist. Each and every character from each and every story exist in their own worlds. And if you make a fanfiction of yourself in that world, then beleive it or not, there exists a world where you are there. The story that you had written exists in another dimension. The authors don't know this, to them they are simply writing a story or a fanfic and are creating the events that will transpire. And in that world, in theirs, they truly are. Because in their world we are fictional. However, even though we only exist as fictional characters in their world, we are very real in ours. The dangers are real, choices matter, and the people are important! If someone dies in their story then someone has died realistically in our world."

"And it is not the author causing this. The events occurring in our world and the author writing this story are happening simultaneously. He doesn't know it, but what's actually happening is that the author is writing something that has already happened in that other world. Basically recording events that had happened, not creating their own. Even though they think they are creating their own. Which in their own world, they are."

"This sounds way too complex for a simple April Fools Special. Are you sure this is uncanon?" asked Dana.

The Doctor smiled, "that's for the author to know and for the audience to figure out."

"Okay, but what about the dimensions that our being affected by the April Fools Day specials? Isn't the author affecting them?"

"Yes and no. The author's do have enough power to cause strange, silly, random things to occur in that world. But it's all temporary. None of it will actually affect the lives of anyone within that world! As soon as the special ends everything will restore itself to how it was originally and nobody will remember a thing! It'll be as if nothing had even happened. And for our world, nothing did happen! But in the author's world, they got to have their April Fools Day special."

"I see. So even though we're a story in their world, we truly do exist in ours."

"Exactly! We may be fictional characters of their world. Mere characters of stories or fanfictions. But here, within the multiverse and within the stories that Fimfiction can take us to, we are very real!"

"For each and every story does exist, in their own dimension."

The Doctor went silent as he and Dana finished their trip through the Fimfiction and returned to their own world.

A light flashed blindingly as everything returned back to the way it was before.

Marking the end of April Fools.

You may see us as fiction. But to us, we are the reality and you are fiction.