//------------------------------// // One Sunny Morning. // Story: The Origins of a Pegasus // by Snowliasion //------------------------------// All beginnings are difficult. Especially so for one young pegasus in the predominantly unicorn driven city of Canterlot. As tough as it was at first, when that filly started growing up she discovered that not everywhere in Canterlot was the same. The more modest neighbourhoods where the city's pegasi and earth pony pony population lived weren't nearly as bad. Over time the young mare found friends, friends that ultimately proved to be among the most important ponies in her life. Always there for her when she needed them and ever ready to catch her when she fell, sometimes all too literally. This beginning, it took place twelve years ago. And the filly, That filly was me. I am Snowy Haze and this is my story. A fresh day in Canterlot, a new morning where Celestia's accursed sun thought it a nice idea to try and burn through my eye-lids. My point is, I am by no means a morning pegasus, at all., I was born in the starry embrace of the beautiful night and have always preferred the more ethereally lit world if I had any choice of the matter. Sadly that choice was most certainly not mine this morning, a fact punctuated by a feminine yet strong voice invading my dreams and pulling me to the waking world. "Snowy!?" the voice shrieked winding its way from downstairs all the way to my door. Much to my irritation. "Get your flank out of bed right this instant young lady! It's a school day and you know that well enough by now. Don't make me come up there." My mother, the best yet at the same time the worst alarm clock ever. Grumbling I extracted myself from my cozy domain of warm blankets and fluffed pillows and yelled back with a noisy high-pitched whine that I slowly recognized as my own voice. "Coming mom! Give me a couple of minutes to do my mane and wash up please!" Oh yes, unless you wanted to be bullied the whole day at school you better make the effort to look your best. Nopony would let you forget it if you didn't at Summerlight Elementary School. I folded my ears back and made my way to the bathroom. Quickly brushing my teeth I admired myself in the large bathroom mirror above the sink. I was precariously balanced on a hamper having felt a bit to lazy to use my wings this morning. Staring back at me was a small white coated pegasus filly with a rat's nest of a dark blue mane, courtesy of my mother, well not the mess part. I blinked my still bleary deep golden orbs, which were my father's gift to me in life. Grabbing a silver brush with my pearly hooves I smoothy ran it through my mane trying as hard as I could to straighten out the tangled mess. A subtle dread filled every fiber of my being as I caught a glimpse of teal from the corner of my eye. Before I could react, my mother had made her way inside the bathroom and was upon me in an instant. Grabbing me around my barrel she turned me around while I briefly struggled, a furious glare dancing in her deep brown eyes. Shying away from her gaze I knew I was in so so much trouble right now. She lifted my chin up forcing me to meet her gaze once more after I had tried to lower my head and snapped at me with a sharp yet worried voice. "Snowy Haze! How often did I tell you to hover infront of that mirror instead of standing on the hamper and risk falling young lady?" I swallowed softly in shame as I flicked my ears back. "S-seven times now mommy." I stuttered as I returned her admonishing stare knowing fully well the extent of trouble I was in for misbehaving. Now my mother Hail Storm would not, and never will strike her foal. She thinks it's a terrible practice and would rather use positive reinforcement and a guiding hoof which her child can learn from. But and I say but if you break the rules in her house she will eventually find out and you will certainly be reprimanded. She nodded sternly and muttered. "Yes, seven times now, and I'm surprised you kept count. Must I keep reminding you that it is dangerous to stand on it like that filly? What am I going to do with you Snowy? You worry me so much sometimes." I tried to make myself as small as possible which wasn't that hard given my youthful frame, I was never a big foal. I squeaked meekly, "I'm so sorry mommy please don't hate me." Then I felt her gentle hooves embrace me more tightly and I heard a sound that I from that day on would hate for the rest of my life. Sobs coming from my mother followed by a damp sensation on my cheek which were undoubtedly the her freely flowing tears. "Never." she whispered as her soft muzzle gently brushed my own, filled with a love only a mother possessed. "I can never hate you my little filly, you are everything to me and I love you." Instantly my heart sank at what I had done. My own sniffles soon joining hers as the reality settled in that I had made the mare who cared for me the most in my life cry by my actions. Not long after that our sobs drew the attention of a slate colored stallion, his white maned head coming around the corner of the doorway while his warm golden eyes regarded the two of us with genuine worry. "What is?" my father started to say but before he could finish his question we quickly flew towards him and snuggled tightly into him. More Concern showing on his face he gathered us in his hooves and held us gently to his chest while kissing our ears. "Girls," he whispered, "what in Celestia's name happened?" Later during breakfast we had all calmed down and were feeling much happier again. I was in the middle of devouring my second pancake when my father, Winter Frost, smiled at me and nickered kindly. "Is it alright if I bring you to school today sweety? Your mother has an early shift clearing clouds while my shift starts later" I nodded at him and swallowed before speaking. "Alright daddy, will you let me ride on your back though?" I pleaded hopefully, giving him the sweetest smile that I could muster. He chuckled softly before leaning towards me and lowered his voice to a low whisper. "Only," he winked, "if you don't tell your mother." "Don't tell me what?" My mother asked as she came back from the kitchen. grinning at the surprised look on both our faces. "Are you keeping little secrets from me you two?" Dad gave her an innocent smile. "Oh nothing important Stormy," he said, lying through his teeth without any effort despite the disbelieving grin of his mare. I don't think I have my father's genes in that regard as I spilled the beans without any effort the very moment that my mother's eyes met my own. "Daddy said he would let me fly on his back on the way to school!" I squeaked out flattening my ears back and giving my father the most embarrassed look ever. It was known at that moment that I would never become good at falsehoods, dad merely laughed. "Now Winter," mother tutted while brushing one of her wings gently along my back, "you know she needs the wing exercise to strengthen her flight muscles more." I quickly resume eating my pancake, not looking at my father while I pretended nothing was wrong. Still laughing the stallion stood up from the table and shot me an amused smirk. "Don't ever defend me in court kiddo," he quipped while making his way into the other room. Whatever court was, if lying was a normal thing there, I would undoubtedly suck at it. Finishing my meal I got up and trotted towards my room to collect my saddlebags. Returning to the kitchen my mom gave me my lunch before I made my way outside where my father was already waiting. Luckily he still let me climb onto his strong back and we took off at an amazing speed. I always had admired my father's strength, his powerful wings beating effortlessly as we soared through the sunny skies towards the runic building some miles away that was Summerlight Elementary School. Once there we landed and he nuzzled my cheek while I kissed him goodbye. I really loved my father so much, he took such good care of his little family. "Bye daddy!" I called after him as he got airborne while I stood there watching him ascend. "Have fun sweetheart!" he called back at me. "Your mother will pick you up after school this afternoon when she is done with her work shift!" I nodded and turned around. Making my way to the schoolyard I passed other foals whose parents were saying their goodbyes before parting ways. In the yard I found one of my best friends in my class. He was an earth pony colt with a light sand colored coat and a full, bright red mane. It didn't take long for him to notice me as well and he galloped my way. "Hey Touch!" I whinnied once he stopped in front of me and smiled happily. "Good morning Snowy!" Subtle Touch replied as he returned a warm smile of his own. Somehow fate had a cruel sense of humor giving my friend a name that would get him being teased horribly later on in prep school. If only those bullies knew what I know now, they would surely have thought twice about teasing him so much back then. Together we made our way towards the school's entrance until our ears perked up at our names being called from above. "Snowy! Touch! Wait for me!" Turning around we saw a green coated pegasus filly flying as us, her brown mane whipping around behind her until she touched down next to me. Autumn Breeze was by far the most energetic mare that I had ever met in my life. She never seemed to run out of stamina and I envied how fit she was. Her sleek figure and dexterous grace combined with a natural beauty that I fully admit to admire till this day. The two of us reared onto our hindlegs and clopped our forehooves together in our own special secret greeting then ended it with a soft nuzzle. A little ritual that we were very fond of.Trotting up to Subtle Touch she nuzzled him as well and our little group was complete., Hearing the school bell ring the three of us gleefully cantered our way inside to start our first class of the day!