//------------------------------// // Chapter 1. A Cold Winters Day // Story: A Sunset For My Life. // by PrismStrike //------------------------------// It was a day like any other, just another in a long line of worthless days. The only thing marking this day in anyway memorable was its bitterness. The cold of the winds biting through my thick denim jacket and hoodie underneath. It is around mid January so its nothing really unexpected for where I live but yet today still seemed a little colder than usual. I cup my hands in front of my face blowing upon them as snow crunches under my shoes my pace held steady as I walk down the streets of my hometown, my destination being the warmth of my home another twenty or so minutes away. A strong gust comes up biting through me to the bone, I shiver trying to brace my back to it trying to block as much as I can to keep my front warm. The gust persists and I am forced to duck to the side down a small dead ended alley. Once out of the wind I Huddle myself up to try and gain back what warmth I have lost and to conserve what little I have left. As I huddle in this alley though I notice that a small heap of semi crumpled newspapers is shaking, which is strange as I can't feel the breeze blowing into it and the heap is right near the back. Against all common sense and good judgement and the voice screaming in the back of my head to just get back to going home, my innate curiosity wins out and I find myself moving towards the back needing to know if perhaps its some small animal in need of a home like a lost kitten. As I move towards the back of the alley the heap stops shaking obviously hearing my steps coming closer to it. I pause but hear another gust of wind go down the street behind me and I continue on until I am standing directly over whatever is there. I slowly crouch down pushing the crumpled newspapers off what I am assuming to be of feline nature not that I have heard any sounds yet. After just a few pieces of paper though I stop seeing a tuft of red and yellow but only for a moment as whatever it is begins to shiver again. I quickly move the rest of it to reveal a tiny little amber colored pony with a red & yellow mane and tail while a horn sticks out of its forehead. Its eyes are closed and it shivers again while I stare in disbelief that a tiny unicorn is laying in front of me. It takes me a few moments but finally I bring up enough brain power to command my arm and hand to move so that I can touch this tiny creature just to make sure its real. When my hand touches its mane though its eyes open and it immediately pulls back away from me, fear alighting in its large blue-green eyes. In response I simply smile at this tiny impossible creature and say. "Hey there don't worry I'm not gunna hurt you alright, it's safe. Its really cold out so why don't you come with me and I will take you somewhere much nicer." The tiny thing just looks at me without moving obviously scared of the much larger creature looming over it. Another gust of wind blows by on the street and I watch as this tiny thing shivers again trying to curl its tail around itself for warmth. My heart breaks at both the absolute adorableness of the scene and the sympathy I have for such a tiny creature left to fend for itself against the bitter winds and chill. Knowing that I'm only about 20 minutes from home and that its not cold enough out to kill me in that time I begin to undo the buttons on my jacket. I slide it down over my arms while this thing just looks at me. The moment I have it off me I toss it on top of the little unicorn then wrap it up laying it out against my right arm. It struggles for a few moments until the leftover body heat from me held within the material starts to warm it at which point it pokes it's head out of the bundle and stares up at me. "See its not so bad," I say to the tiny unicorn gently scratching its muzzle. It smiles at the affection and I return its smile warmly "Now lets get you somewhere warmer huh" When it nods and coo's I begin to suspect that it may be intelligent so as we walk I begin to speak to it not really fearing discovery as the cold has kept most people indoors on this day. "So then little impossible thing. I wonder if you have a name. I didn't see any kind of collar so I don't think your some kind of pet. I also don't see any type of tattoo on you so no way to figure out from that." My attention is caught when one of its little hooves pops out from my jacket and it actually points off to the sky to where the sun has just begun to set. "Yeah that's a beautiful sunset ain't it" The pony nods but then points to itself with the same hoof before pointing back to the sunset. "Uncet Cimmer" My jaw literally drops when it speaks. After shaking my head a few times I look at the little unicorn. "Could you say that again didn't quite catch ya the first time?" "Uncet Cimmer" Comes its quick reply. "Uncet Cimmer kinda sounds like Sunset Shimmer. Is that what your trying to say?" The little unicorn nods and claps its hooves together. "Alrighty then. I guess your names Sunset Shimmer. Well come on then little Sunset were almost to my place." With that said I quicken my pace starting to shiver myself as the cold bites through my hoodie sending chills throughout my body. The rest of the walk passes by uneventfully little Sunset having passed out in my jacket by the time I get into my fourth floor apartment. I set the tiny unicorn down on my coach leaving her bundled up as I don't want to disturb her. I watch her rest peacefully, silently thinking to myself. 'Ok so first things first, I have found a unicorn. If I hadn't been able to pick it up I would swear this is just a hallucination, but here it is sleeping on my couch wrapped up in my jacket. Telling anyone is definitely out of the question I would get locked up and she would be experimented upon. She almost seems to be from that show but that must be impossible.' I stop my thoughts there as little Sunset stirs slightly but doesn't wake I smile deciding that finding its origins can wait. I sit down next to little Sunset and wait for her to wake up.