Nights. Darkness rising

by Tunefulsubset72

New friends, and a docter

"I happy that's it winter break." Vnyl said as the team walked into the base." I wonder what's nights is up to?"

"Probaly trying to figure out where the next scrolls is." Octavia said, s they walked into the lab." Told you."

"Who's up for a trip." I said looking up form the scroll." I know where it is."

"Somewhere in equestria, we know." ryker said walking with max and trixie." But WHERE in equestria?"

"Not to far from ponyville."I said." On top of that, I've noticed something wierd."

"What type of wierd?" max asked." a new threat?"

"Possibly." I said." I was going through geo old laptop, and noticed notes of some kind."

"What did the notes say?"

"They mention, a man with a British accent always entering and leaving a blue police box." I said, looking through he computer." They also mention that he helped with a few inventions, and he always goes by...the docter?"

"That cant be a coincidence." Trixie said, catching our attention." We had a substitute before school break, who siad to always call him docter."

"Could be him, could be not." I said, then heading to the portal room." Who what's to come with me?"

"I'll go this time." ryker said.

"I'll go with you." Octavia said walking over to me.

"Let go then." I said as we enter the portal chamber, and vinyl went tot he control." Open the portal, somewhere outside of ponyville, but not to far."

"Got it." vinyl said as the portal opened." Your clear."

"LEEEEEERRRROOOOYYYYY!!!!!" I yelled jumping into the portal.

"Really nights?" ryker said, jumping in fare me as Octavia laughed.

--Eqeustria, outside pony ville--

"Guess vinyl figured out how to make the portal so we can arrive as ponies." I said as I got up." I wonder who else saw that?"

"Probaly all of pony ville." Octavia said helping ryker up." You ok ryker?"

"Never better." he said woozy." I need to lie down now."

"Must be side effects." I said looking at him worried." It is his first time here.'

"That's possible." Octavia said, as ryker fell to over." I'm not carrying him."

"I'll do it." I said laughing walking over and putting ryker on my back." No let's get to.,(THUNK), OW ME SHNOZ!!!!!!" I yelled covering my nose.

"What was that?" Octavia asked, as I was rubbing my nose with my hoof." what did you run into?"

"I don't know." I said as I stood back up." What ever it was, it hurt."

"You hear that?" Octavia asked as a whering sound was heard." You here that wearing."

"I don't just hear it." I said pointing infront of me." I see it."

"What do you me..oh." She said as blue police box appeared infront of us." I see you what mean."

As the police box finaly stopped making noises, the door opened, and a pony with light brown fur, and brown mane came out."blast, I landed of course agian." the pony siad with a British accent."we'll I could use the walk."

"Um excuse me." Octavia said walking up to me as ryker was coming to." but who are you?"

"I'm the docter." the pony said, steeping out of the blue box." and this is my tardis."

"Uh huh." octavia said as walked past her." nights?"

I start banging my head up against the tardis." Why, just why?" I said quietly, continuing banging my head." Why?"

"Is he alright?" the docter asked.

"Is think you broke him." Ryker said walking over to them." I'm ryker."

"It is nice to meet you." He sai dshaking hooves with ryker.". But do you know where ponyville is, I promised I would visit an old friend of mine."

"Nights does." Octavia said pointing over to me, as I was still banging my head."Hey nights?"

I stop and look at her.

"Think your ready to go to ponyville?" she asked." The docter here needs to get there too."

"Let's go." I said as we walked in the direction of ponyville." agian, I hate multiverse theory."

But as we walk away, something was watching us from the bushes


"Thanks for your help." the docter said." I now where to go from here."

"No problem." I said." See after winter break."

"Quite so." he said, then he looked at surprised." how did you know?"

"I have my ways." I said with a smile as we wen tour sperate ways." Now, we just to find any clues leading to the whereabouts of the scroll."

"Ask twilight?" Octavia siad as we were walking through town." Wiat never mind."

"Yeah, remember they think I'm dead." I said, then I facehoof." we could've asked the docter."

"Maybe I can help." a voice came form behind ryker, causing him to help." hi, I'm pony pint."

"How can you help us?" I ask." do you know anything about elder scrolls?"

"Not much." pint said, eating an ice cream cone." but I heard princess twilight, mention one that might be in the old castle."

"Old castle?" I ask, then it hits me." you mean the castle of the two sisters?"

"The one and only." she says with a smile." Can me and a friend of mine go with you?"

"Wos this friend of yours?"

"Her names Lynn." pint siad pointing us in a direction." she waiting for me by town hall."

"Alright then." I said, then facing Octavia." I hope things go as planned."

"Likewise." Octavia siad, as ryker fell over again.

"Little help."

--Town hall--

"Hi Lynn." pint siad running up to A unicorn with a creamish yellow fur with purple mane." we need your help."

"Help with what?" Lynn asked." who's we?"

"Me and three others." pint siad with a big smile." thier looking for the castle of the two sisters."

"Why would they go there?" Lynn asked with a raised eyebrow as we walked up." So your the ponies pint talking about?"

"We are." I said." We're looking for something that's very important, it's called an elder scroll."

"Is this something, that can destroy the whole planet." Lynn asked, I nod." W.w.well follow me then."

"You don't have to come with us, we just need to know where it's located." I said, seeing the fear in Lynn's eyes." We don't what's out there?"

"No non, it alright." Lynn said calming down." it just that, quite a few ponies are afraid to go through the everfree."

"I've been in there a few times." I said." it's not that bad if you know what your doing."

"I'll trust you on this." Lynn said." even if I don't know you."

"Nights." I said."my name is nights."

--castle of the two sisters, hours later--

"It sure is creepy." pint siad as we entered the ruined castle." And to think, is was we're the princess lived."

"sure is fascinating." Octavia said looking around." think you can find the scroll?"

"Possilby." I said as we walked in to the main room." hold up."

"This way ditzy." A British voice came from one the hallways." we need to get out of before..oh hello again."

"Docter why are you here?"

"Somehting followed me and now there's trouble." he said making sure nothing came done the hallway.

"What trouble?"



"Quick hide." ditzy said as we hide behind some rubble as a robot thin came from the same way the docter did.

"What the hay is that?" Lynn asked as we peeked to see what the thing was.

"That is a dalek." the docter said whispering." very deadly.."

Then one of the doors were broken down and another robot came in.

"And the would be a cyber man." The docter said." Anymore questions?"

"Nights why are there to of you?" ryker asked, pointing by the thrones." Or I'm just downright high?"

"Your are obsolete." the other my said, as it's sparked." Your are to be terminated."

"Tc--73." Ocatvia said with fear." that's the android who killed my parents."

"Die." 73 said before a cannon formed on it back and fired, killing the cyberman and then Dalek." Organics inferior, robotics superior."

"Good job 73." said a unicorn walking up to it." Now we just have to get that scroll."

"HEY GOLD FISH!!!!!" I yelled omens out of my Hiding spot, as the other tried to stop me." REMMEBER ME."

"For the last time my name is gold DUST!!!!" gold dust yelled, at me." and if I recall your supposed to be dead."

"Very few know that I'm alive." I said as I got closer." and I'm not very happy."

"This time I'll make sure you stay dead." Gold dust said." to--73, kill him."

73 nodded then looked and and screamed

"You are obsolete." 73 said as it teach turned sharper and longer."you are to be terminated."

"As if." I said." NOW RYKER!!!!"

"DIE YOU STUPID ANDROID!!!!!" Ryker yelled as he powered up to super saiyen god blue and fired a purple energy blast, but it didn't even faze 73c, "OH COME ON!!!!!!!!"

"Die siayen scum." 73 said charging a blast in one of its hooves and aming at them." no die."

"Not on my watch." I said hitting the blast into the air, hitting on of the main support beams, causing the ceiling to start collapsing." Take cover!!!"

The android let another scream before it was crushed by a falling debri. I wa running towards my friends as the ceiling was collapsing, but before I could make it, I blacked out.