The Blaze of the Angel

by Angel_Blaze

Racing with Rainbow

Racing with Rainbow
Chapter 2

...And with that Rainbow Dash raced off, Angel Blaze trailing behind her.

Angel Blaze closed her eyes. The feeling. The feeling of wind in her mane. She felt as if she could keep flying and never stop. She began to beat her wings harder and faster, forcing them to go forward to match Rainbow's speed. I'm doing it! I'm racing Rainbow Dash, and matching her speed! She exclaimed in her mind, and began to fly faster, a head of the cyan pegasus.

The feeling of having the wind blowing her mane was amazing. Angel felt as if she could do anything. Fly for hours, days, months! She felt as if she could pick up all of Cloudsale. She felt strong, fast, and powerful, like nothing could step in her way.

After racing for hours, the two were beginning to slow down and tire. Although, they didn't stop and kept flying until Rainbow Dash...


She crashed right into the face of a cliff, and Angel laughed and began to fly a bit forwards, "I win! I beat the amazing Rainbow Dash!" she exclaimed, striking a pose.

"Hey! No far, I crashed!" Rainbow objected.

"Whatever, you could have looked where you were going."

"Psh! I bet you weren't looking where you were going!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!''

"Did too!" The two began to laugh at their argument and Rainbow spoke, " 'Kay, you win. I admit it." she confessed, bowing down, "Oh my lady, please give me a punishment." she joked and the began to laugh once more.

Rainbow got up, "Race one more time?" she asked, hoping for a rematch.

The white pegasus nodded, batting her wings steadily, "You're on!" The two pegasi raced off, "Whoever.. gets to that cloud first, " Rainbow pointed at a large cloud, fairly far away.

"Wins." Angel finished for her. The two were panting now, still tired from their other race earlier, but none of them were going to step down. They were pretty close now, still tied. Angel began to flap her wings harder and faster and then...

"I WIN!" She cried out, reaching the cloud a few feet before Rainbow who was in awe.

Rainbow laughed, " 'Kay, you won. Ain't gonna beat me this time." and they set off once more, the cyan pegasus getting a head start.

A/N - I know I promised for the other chapters to be longer but, I only had 3 minutes. So BYE. <3