The Lost Sibling

by Teotle

Busy Little Fillies

It's been three days since the timberwolf attack on the school. Teotle had found some cages out in woods by the school. The doors were opened by ropes that were hooked onto pullies high up in the trees.

Someone had planted the timberwolves to attack the students during recess. All they had to do was sit in the trees and pull the rope to let the beasts out of their cages.

He had reason to believe that Scarlet did the deed, but he didn't want to think too badly of her. He told Twilight, who had sent a letter to Celestia, and she said that he should oil his leg when he's at the library.

He and Nyx had just left school and went with their friends to Sweet Apple Acres to hang out in the club house. Applebloom was in behind the desk listing what she, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo have already tried in the attempt to get their cutiemarks.

They then began to list the things they haven't tried. Based on what they like and don't like, they narrowed it down to three things they wanted to try that day. Applebloom wanted to try potion making with Zecora. Sweetiebelle wanted to try making fancy hats. And Scootaloo wanted to try swimming in the lake. The meeting was adjourned and they went off to their first quest.

When they reached Zecora's house, they knocked on the door. When Zecora answered, they all said, "Hello."

Zecora smiled and said, "Good day friends, have you come to find your cutiemark search's end?"

"Yep." replied Applebloom. "We want to try getting cutiemarks in potion making."

"Well you've come to the right place." Said Zecora. "For my day has plenty of space."

Zecora let them inside and began to gather the necessary materials needed for the task at hoof. She grabbed empty bottles, ingredients mixing bowls and some recopies. Teotle and the fillies sat there waiting during the midst of this until she was done. She then put everything down on the floor in front of them.

"A potion we shall prepare is to be made with care." Said Zecora. "These special items you will mix, and await for the amazing tricks. Your eyes will change like clouds in the sky, and become that of a fly."

Applebloom spoke up and said, "I know this potion from before, so I'll go first." She then put the ingredients in the bowl accordingly to the recipe. When she was done, the potion turned a glowing green color. She took a sip of her potion and with a poof of smoke, she had insect eyes.

"Cool." Teotle commented.

They continued to make potions for a while, occasionally having small disasters such as explosions, fires, and mutations. But Zecora always knew what to do to fix their messes. Nyx took a few notes on some of the potions in a note pad she uses for school notes. she thought it would come in handy some time.

In spite of the time they spent, however, neither of them got a cutiemark. They said goodbye to Zecora and went off to try Sweetiebelles idea of making hats. They went to Rarity's house and browsed through used fabric that she doesn't use, picked their favorite designs and got some hat patterns from Rarity's filing cabinet.

It took them a while, but eventually they finished their own hats. Sweetiebelle made a beret with a black felt facoric. It was a bit patchy and sone of the stitching was loose, but she like it all the same. Applebloom made a cowboy hat, like Applejack's, out of some worn out leather. Scootloo made a baseball cap with the Cutiemark Crusaders symbol on it.

Twist made a sock hat that was colored with red and blue stripes, like her twisted candy sticks. Nyx made a blue fedora with a black feather on the side. Teotle made a black top hat with a red ribbon on the base, and a brass gar on the front.

They were all proud of what they made. But, yet again, neither Applebloom, Scootaloo or Sweetiebelle got a cutiemark. So they tried Scootaloo's idea of swimming at the lake.

Pinkiepie volunteered to be their instructor, but that offered little help. They lost sight of their goal and just started playing games until late in the after noon, and not even that got them a cutiemark.

"Well shoot." Applebloom said. "We spent all day and didn't get anywhere."

"There's always tomorrow." Said Nyx.

"You say that, but tomorow never comes." Scootaloo said.

"Not true." Teotle said. "We did rule out some things today. Now we can try other things tomorrow."

"I guess your right, Teotle." Said Sweetiebelle in a nervous tone. "Say, how are you feeling about yesterday, Teotle?"

Teotle sighed and said, "You mean when my sister tried to kill me and Nyx?"

"Yeah." Applebloom replied. "You seemed pretty upset about the whole thing."

"I'm fine, girls. I just need time to think." Teotle said, not even sure of himself.

"Well, maybe you should stop all this thinking and do something." Said Twist.

"Twist, ..." Said Teotle, hesitantly. "She told me that our mother never loved me, and that I was supposed to die when she sent me here. How am I supposed to respond rationally without thinking it through?"

"But she did love you." Said Scootaloo. "You know that for a fact. She even told you that she loved you before she died."

"I know." Said Teotle. "But, then again, she told me a lot of things."