Vinyl and Octavia: Ponyville Duet

by generalsnaz

Chapter 20: In the Eyes of the Pinkie Storm

Chapter 20: In the Eyes of the Pinkie Storm

A week passed. (You read that right.) After an extraordinarily eventful first five days in Ponyville, Octavia survived a full seven days of nothing of note happening as she and Vinyl continued to live together and date. Well, I mean, besides the multiple times Vinyl tried to initiate a casual kiss, which caused Octavia to scream and punch her in the face. Of course, there was also the time when Vinyl introduced Octavia to her favorite pizza parlor and Octavia critiqued it so viciously that the owner almost quit in despair and shut the place down. And it was kinda funny when Octavia tried to play an opera record and Vinyl thought she was being attacked by timberwolves. And you can't forget the time Vinyl ran out of a store in a panic with the fancy clothes Octavia made her try on, causing them to be accused of theft by the town guard. It was also memorable when Vinyl left town for a job, leaving Octavia behind, and they both sang this beautiful song about missing each other up at the moon. Oh, and also, there was this thing when a long-forgotten empire that had vanished for a thousand years in the frozen north appeared and Twilight and her friends defended it against an ancient dark ruler, spreading light and love all across Equestria and now crystal ponies come through Ponyville occasionally. That happened, too. (Actually, all of that sounds pretty interesting. Maybe we shouldn't skip ahead like this?)

(...Too late.)

Octavia closed her eyes and breathed in the allergy-causing, pollen-filled air deeply as the beautiful spring day enticed her to do so. Ponyville was full of life and Octavia felt alive with them. She hadn't traveled back to Canterlot since leaving but, despite having almost none of her possessions, she felt so comfortable and welcome it didn't matter. It had been so dull in the big city; she rarely even left her home except in the evenings for dinners or performances. But Vinyl always had the two of them out and about, trying to get this "dating" thing right. Picnics at the park, dinners under the stars, boat rides on the lake, parties (like Pinkie-level parties) and such.

Octavia had been introduced to about half the town by this point, simply by standing beside Vinyl. Although her familiarity with Ponyville and its inhabitants grew, her familiarity with Vinyl didn't. She never asked the DJ anything about her eyes, or her past, or her family. Their date conversations had been pretty much all about music, current events (like an empire made of crystals) or how pathetically bad they were at romance. Afraid to ask about her history, Octavia avoided it every normal day they spent together. But this day was no ordinary day. This day was about to get wild and very memorable.

"Fun!?" a loud, sharp voice exclaimed while Octavia was breathing in that very delightful allergy-causing, pollen-filled air.

"What?" Octavia asked as she opened her eyes and beheld Pinkie Pie, whose face was far too close to her own. (Personal space please, Pinkie.)

"Fun! Where is it!?" Pinkie asked, excitement gushing out of her.

"Oh, miss Pinkie. You startled me," Octavia replied with relief as Pinkie hopped away to stick her face in something else. "I did not realize it was you."

"Where's the fun!?" Pinkie pressed, looking around for something exciting.

"No fun here, I am afraid," Octavia admitted. She pointed to the business in front of them. "I was just about to browse the selection at this... quill and sofa shop. Hmm... What an odd combination. Regardless, I feel Vinyl's home needs additional furni-"

"Sounds fun!" Pinkie interrupted excitedly.

"Uh, well I... I suppose you could join-"

"I heard fun! Is there fun!?" another voice shrieked from behind Octavia. The owner of that voice jumped beside her, revealing itself to be an identical copy of Pinkie Pie.

"Ah!" Octavia recoiled at seeing the random doppelganger.

"She said it's fun!" Pinkie said to her newly arrived twin.

"Wow! Fun!?" the second Pinkie exclaimed.

"Um!? Miss Pinkie, who is-" Octavia tried to ask as the two Pinkies bounced with giddiness.

"Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!" the two Pinkies repeated over and over. Octavia couldn't pry an explanation out of them before another identical Pinkie landed on her back and yelled, "Fun!"

"Oh! I beg your-!?" Octavia exclaimed as she turned around in a panic to try to catch a glimpse of what hopped on her. She barely had time to make out the legs of the Pinkie on her back before it leapt away, leaving her with a sight she couldn't believe. A mass of bouncing pink Pinkie Pies was coming her direction from behind. Each one was shouting, "Fun! Fun!" louder than the one next to it as they hopped, skipped and galloped, destroying everything in their path.

"What the what in the Equestria!?" Octavia screamed with incorrect grammar as she instinctively backed up. She didn't have a moment to scream as the flood of ponies engulfed Octavia. The Pinkies burst into the quill and sofa shop before her, breaking windows and knocking down the door. Octavia fell to the floor inside as the group dispersed to run amok. Several Pinkies jumped on the sofas or flipped them over. Another group got into the quills and either started gnawing on them or sticking them in each other's hair. Octavia got up from the trampling and, after taking a moment to shake her head in disbelief, tried her best to reason with them. "Oh! Miss Pinkie! Or... Pinkies, I should say? Stop! Please, stop!" But it was no use, the horde was already lost in chaos. Octavia stepped aside as some frightened customers ran out. "Oh, dear... What is this?" Octavia began to back out of the store. This was way too much craziness, way too quickly. Should she try harder to calm them? She had experience with her younger brother, but in this situation, she was outnumbered.

"*Gasp!* She knows where there's fun!" one of the Pinkies (probably the first one) shouted and pointed to Octavia before she could decide what to do.




"Gyaaaah!!!" Octavia let out a un-ladylike scream and started to gallop out of the store, frantic to escape. The flock of Pinkies seemed to lock-on to her as they all began following her with great speed and excitement. "What is going on!?!? Stop chasing me this instant!" though her words were stern, Octavia's voice was cracking with fear. "V- VIIINYYYYLLL!!!!" she called out her fillyfriend's name as a cry for help. Octavia had parted ways with Vinyl at the market street because she wanted to sneak off and surprise her with a new sofa, so that's where she headed with the gang of ponies on her tail.

Hearing Octavia's distant voice, Vinyl turned from her conversation with Roseluck and said, "Hey, Octavia! Where've you- WHAT THE BUCK!?" Obviously the startling sight interrupted her sentence. Octavia entered the market sanctuary and the Pinkies immediately began wrecking it. They bounced into stalls and threw food and put pots on their heads and stuck flowers up their nose and every other crazy thing you could think of (cause I can't think of any more.) Of course, every normal pony there screamed and panicked.

"This is a disaster! A horrible, horrible disaster!" Roseluck screamed as she was joined by two other flower marked ponies (but there's no time to describe that!)

"Octavia, where'd all these Pinks come from!?" Vinyl cried out as Octavia immediately jumped behind her to shield herself from the storm of pink.

"I don't know! Can we go home!?" Octavia replied as she trembled behind Vinyl, grasping her hind legs for protection.

"Um..." Vinyl looked around at the chaos and all the other ponies running for their lives. "Good idea, let's go!" The two ponies quickly scrambled away from the market. Octavia glanced back several times to make sure she wasn't being followed. Luckily the Pinkies were too enticed by their own havoc to notice her disappearance. Relieved, the two ponies arrived back at Vinyl's house and bolted inside. They locked the door and collapsed on the floor. Vinyl turned to her friend and took off her sunglasses. "You okay, Octavia?"

"Yeah, I-... I think so..." Octavia barely managed to say, panting in exhaustion. (Sprinting wasn't really her special talent.)

"Good. That was kinda the craziest thing I've ever seen," Vinyl continued with a halfhearted laugh. She rubbed her head with disbelief before pointing to Octavia's flank. "Hey, what's that?" Octavia turned around to find a Pinkie latched onto her own flank. How in the world they didn't notice her there earlier is a mystery. A Pinkie mystery.

"GAH!" Octavia shrieked and leapt up, knocking the Pinkie off.

"Oof!" the Pinkie exclaimed as she hit the floor. "That was fun! Fun! Fun!" she quickly rebounded with joy.

"One followed us!" Vinyl exclaimed as she moved into position to shield Octavia again, which was difficult as the Pinkie started hopping around the room, constantly changing her direction of attack.

"Vinyl, your stereo!" Octavia screamed as the Pinkie bounded directly towards the very expensive and meaningful gift she had given Vinyl.

"Oh, hay no!" Vinyl shouted as she turned on her magic and grasped Pinkie, a moment before the giddy pink doppelganger would've collided with the machine. She cranked up the magic as she pulled Pinkie away with levitation and slammed her against the front door. "You're not touching that!!!" she shouted. The Pinkie tried to wrest itself from Vinyl's grasp, grunting and saying "Fun!", as it did. But it couldn't break Vinyl's magical hold.

"Vinyl, do you have it? Erm... her?" Octavia asked timidly from behind.

"I... I think so..." Vinyl said as she struggled to hold it still. "Now talk! What are you Pinks? Where'd you come from?" Vinyl looked menacingly down at her unwelcome house guest. Pinkie looked back at her, was about to say, "Fun!" but suddenly stopped moving. Her smiling expression turned blank and her limbs went limp. Her eyes dilated as she stared at Vinyl's face. She stared straight into Vinyl's eyes and her mouth dropped open. "...What?" Vinyl asked at the sudden change in behavior. "What's it doing? What are you doing?" she demanded. Instead of answering, the Pinkie began to moan.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......" the Pinkie groaned with a low, guttural sound. Vinyl watched with confusion as it began to gurgle when saliva built up in its mouth. It bubbled with a disgusting noise as the Pinkie began to choke on its own liquid.

"...Vinyl... VINYL!!! YOUR EYES!" Octavia screamed when she realized. Vinyl had taken her sunglasses off when they arrived, and in her panic to fight off the Pinkie...

"Oh, buck!" Vinyl exclaimed as she quickly averted her gaze and magically let go of the Pinkie. But it was too late: the Pinkie collapsed on the floor and began to spasm. Its limbs flicked and popped; its eyes curled up into the back of its head. Foam poured out of its mouth in an unsightly manner, spilling onto the floor. As saliva filled its lungs, its throat throbbed, trying to collect any air that it could. The noises it made were sickening: the sounds of death. Vinyl now watched with sunglasses on, but the purple shades didn't make the scene any less terrifying. Both Vinyl and Octavia backed away at the horrible sight until the poor thing finally stopped convulsing. They both stared for a moment to see if it moved again. One of its legs kicked one final time before it finally rested, laying stone cold on the floor.

"...Pinkie...?" Octavia asked with a whisper, tears welling up in her eyes. "Vinyl... did... did she...?"

"...I killed her..." Vinyl whispered, voice raspy with disbelief. "I... I didn't... I wasn't... she... she was..." Unable to get a sentence out through her horror, she began to tear up as well. Suddenly, the dead Pinkie swelled up like a balloon and popped! All that was left was some magical dust that swirled down to the crack at the bottom of the door and siphoned out. Gasping, Vinyl ran to the door, unlocked it and opened it. They both went outside to see the magical dust fly off in the distance towards the Everfree Forest. Stunned and baffled, they both stared for a moment. Vinyl eventually hung her head and went back inside. She galloped upstairs without a word to Octavia.

"Vinyl!" Octavia called after her. A distant cry of, "Fun! Fun!" caught Octavia's ear as she looked in the distance and spotted a glimpse of bouncing pink frizzled hair. Quickly shutting the door, she bolted it shut. Rushing to the windows, Octavia closed the blinds (another thing she bought for Vinyl's house.) "Vinyl!?" Octavia called again. No response. She headed upstairs to locate her friend.

When Octavia entered Vinyl's bedroom, she found Vinyl huddled on the bed, clasping the old patchy top hat and sniffling. Octavia slowly approached her and joined her on the bed. Instead of acknowledging her presence, Vinyl just buried her face deeper into the hat. Octavia wrapped her hooves around Vinyl and hugged her tight. They waited in silence as Vinyl continued to sniffle out some tears. Octavia's face was furrowed with worry the entire time, especially when the, "Funs!" from outside were close to the house. However, they eventually passed and Vinyl's tears eventually stopped falling.

"Thanks, Octavia..." Vinyl said as she raised her head up.

"For what?" Octavia asked as she let her friend go. "I have not said a word."

"For just being here..." Vinyl said with a sad smirk as she wiped her eyes.

"...My pleasure..." Octavia said with a smile.

Vinyl fiddled with the top hat for moment before speaking again, "You know, Patched Hat told me to never show my eyes or else this might happen. That I might hurt somepony."

"...You may have been responsible for the demise of that Pinkie, but... that was definitely not our friend." Octavia quickly added, "I don't think..." under her breath before continuing, "It was just some kind of magical apparition, was it not?

"I know, but I... I... ...It felt like I had killed Pinkie... I wanted to throw up, Octavia."

"Please do not do that..." Octavia said with a half-hearted laugh. Vinyl sighed and collapsed onto the bed. She still held the top hat but just blankly stared up at the ceiling. Octavia soon joined in beside her.

'Who was that pony she mentioned?' Octavia contemplated as they lay in silence. 'A friend? An older pony? They obviously know about her eyes... This may be my opportunity to find out more about Vinyl!' she realized. '...Be bold, Octavia Melody. Be bold.'

After a few more moments of silence, Octavia finally asked, "Vinyl, who is Patched Hat?" Vinyl turned to Octavia and saw that she was legitimately interested.

Vinyl smiled and said, "You know, I've never told anypony about him."

"Well, can I be the first? I desire to know more about you. ...Your past... Your family... What was your relationship with this pony?"

"Eh..." Vinyl contemplated for a few brief moments. "Alright, alright. I guess I can tell you. You are the love of my life after all," Vinyl teased as she grinned.

Octavia blushed and pushed her a little playfully, saying "Oh, you..." They both then sat up. Vinyl spun the raggedy top hat on her hooftip before speaking.

"Patched Hat... raised me. Back in Manehatten. He wasn't my father or uncle or anything, but he was the only family I ever had. As a foal, me and Patched lived on the streets. He taught me how to speak and read and all that stuff. We had to fend for ourselves in the beginning. You know, looking for scraps and begging for bits.

"You... you were homeless?" Octavia asked, astounded at this revelation.

"Mmhmm. We ain't all born with silver spoons in our mouths and diamond tiaras on our heads," Vinyl jabbed as she nudged Octavia's side.

"I wasn't born with-!"

"Anyway! It wasn't so bad. I mean, Manehatten's a big place. For every hundred ponies that passed us by, one might spit at us, but at least one would toss us a bit. I had to wear sunglasses back then, too. 'Cept all we could get were old broken ones we found in the trash. Patched would tape up the parts without glass, so I couldn't see too well half the time."

"So, your eyes have always been... um... like this?" Octavia interrupted to ask, unsure how to describe it. How would one describe Vinyl's eyes. Powerful? Cursed? Poisonous? Terrifying? ...Red?

"Uh-huh. Since birth, he said. He kept telling me that it meant I was special or something, but I always knew I was a freak or a monster. I remember how he caught sight of them once or twice... it was terrifying to see him suffering because of me. Even though it hurt him, he told me they were as bright as the sun, so he used to call me 'Sun Eyes.' 'Course, he only used that nickname when giving me a 'serious' talk, like when I picked fights with those rich school kids." Vinyl chuckled a bit. "I may have been a bit rougher, back then."

"You currently initiate conflicts all the time," Octavia pointed out smugly.

"Yeah, but I don't bite anymore!" Vinyl protested. Octavia grimaced a little. "Hey, I was just a filly! I didn't know what life was like, or how I should have acted. All I knew was: I loved music. We'd occasionally settle in some back alley near a club, and I'd stay up half the night listening to the bass from outside. I think Patched took me there on purpose, once he found out that I liked it so much. He dug up this old broken guitar that he jimmy rigged back together with old clotheslines and gave it to me."

"Oh, how sweet of him," Octavia interrupted.

"Didn't work though," Vinyl said bluntly. "But that didn't stop us from performing on corners for bits to get by. He'd wear this stupid hat and sing some horrible out-of-tune song and I'd try to play the guitar. We never got much for it, but it was enough to buy bread occasionally. It was a fun time for me, despite having almost nothing to my name. All I had was Patched. He meant everything to me. ...Until I met you, of course."

"What happened to him?" Octavia asked after making note of the compliment.

"He died. You know, it happens. He was pretty old and sick a lot." Despite describing it with plain terms, Vinyl obviously looked upset at the memory. "He caught something terrible and could hardly move for a week. Or maybe it was something he always had that finally caught up to him, but I... never found out. He wouldn't hardly eat or drink or nothing. Worst week of my life... seeing him waste away like that." Vinyl slowly spun the top hat around and poked at several lose threads that held the patches on.

"I am sorry to hear that..." Octavia said comfortingly.

"Yeah, well he was gone after that and I had to move on. Before he died though he... he handed me this old hat and told me to read the message within. I didn't understand at the time and was too busy crying to care, you know? But after some time on my own, I did look his old hat over and I found a note." Vinyl showed Octavia a hidden pouch concealed by a patch and pulled out the note. She handed it to Octavia. "I've kept it to remember him."

Taking the paper, Octavia began to read it aloud:

"My dear little Sun Eyes, if you're reading this then my times up. That, or you're snooping around my stuff. If that's so, put this back and expect a whooping! If I'm gone, I may not have gotten a chance to tell you the truth about your real parents. I was a professor once and both your mother and father were my students many moons before you were born. I had not seen your mother in ages when she came to me with you in her hooves. Terrible ponies had killed your father and tried to come after you. She knew they'd follow her without realizing that you had been entrusted to me. After much contemplation, I decided to raise you among the homeless, hidden from their watchful eyes. I have no family of my own left, so the rest of the world wouldn't mind me missing. I won't tell you who they were because I know the fire that burns in your little heart, Sun Eyes. I don't want you to seek them out with thoughts of revenge. You would fall right into their hooves. But if my time's up, then you must make your own decisions from now on. I'm leaving directions to where I hid my life-savings. Take it and enter society if you want, or stay hidden and safe. I only hope they have given up the search by now. Either way, please, heed this last warning from old Patched Hat: do not ever show your eyes. Do not ever go to Canterlot.

Goodbye, Vinyl."

Octavia put the letter down and saw to Vinyl who was sniffling all over again. "Vinyl, I don't know what to say. ...This is amazing."

"Yeah..." Vinyl sniffed. Octavia scooted over and hugged Vinyl tightly.

"Do you think this is the truth?" Octavia asked, examining up the letter.

"Probably. Patched Hat wasn't really one to lie. Besides, he was right about the money he left me. I don't see any reason to doubt the rest, you know? Even though it sounds crazy."

"So... you never found out anything about these ponies who were after you? Or what happened to your mother?"

"No. Patched didn't want me to, so I didn't," Vinyl shrugged. "I owe him more than I could ever understand, I guess."

"Wow..." Octavia said as she looked over the last message. After waiting for Vinyl to become stable, she joked, "You are aware you disobeyed the last two direct orders he gave you, correct?"

"Pfft!" Vinyl snorted as she held in a laugh. "Yeah, but it was an accident! You saw my eyes by mistake!"

"And Canterlot?" Octavia asked with skepticism.

"That was-! Pinkie really needed me to DJ the wedding! I owed her big time and I couldn't say no! I never went before that! It's fine. Whatever he was warning me about didn't happen, alright?"

"I suppose..." Octavia handed the letter back to Vinyl. "You acquired this house with his money didn't you?"

"Yeah, it's like his final gift to me," Vinyl said, looking around.

"You should take better care of it," Octavia pointed out sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." Vinyl hung her head and Octavia giggled. Smirking, Vinyl nudged Octavia's ribs. "Okay, what about you? What was great Octavia Melody like before I cast my spell on her?"

"Me? I, uh-..." Octavia didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't nearly as sorrowful as Vinyl's, but her fillyhood left her with her own problems she didn't want to admit. But seeing Vinyl's beautiful grinning face made her comfortable and safe, so she gave in. "Alright, calm yourself. How to start...? I was born at Saint Hollyhoof Hospital and raised in the Polotail District of uptown Canterlot. I lived with my father, Mint Coin, and my mother, Softtune Melody. Father worked for several high-end firms and mother was a singer for different musical troupes. I have two siblings. My elder brother, Dollared Notes, is an examiner at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but I very rarely see him, even to this day. You and I spoke briefly of my younger brother, Currency Melody, who is still in school. I had to foal sit him when mother was away performing when he was younger. As for myself, I went to school at-"

"You can skip to the good stuff now," Vinyl interrupted, obviously bored.

Octavia shot her an annoyed glare before continuing. "Oh, I was about to get there, Vinyl. Hmmph. My mother was very supportive of my endeavors to learn the cello, even from the beginning. She was so enthusiastic to have a daughter follow in her hoofsteps in the musical arts. The day I received my cutie mark, Vinyl, I... I have never seen mother more elated than at that moment. I was her pride and joy. I still am, actually. She always referred to me as if I was perfect. The perfect student. The perfect musician. The perfect daughter. She constantly showered me with praise from the moment I understood language. It was so much that... well, I believed it."

"....You what?" Vinyl asked.

"I believed I was literally perfect, alright? I thought that nopony could ever best me. I treated my peers with politeness, but secretly viewed them as lesser beings. I expected them all to fall before me as I got the highest marks in school. When I won musical competitions, I thought it was only natural. If I ever lost at anything, I thought somepony else had made an error in judging me. After all: they were imperfect and I wasn't. Mother would call me perfect either way, so my thinking was consistently reinforced."

"No offense, but it sounds like you were a brat," Vinyl pointed out.

"Yes, Vinyl. I was pompous, I will admit that. However, my attitude did not last much longer when I attended university. I received a... rude awakening there. My peers were no longer the average fillies and colts you would find in any town; I was now standing among the elite. The best and the brightest in Equestria came to Canterlot for their education. I performed at my highest capacity, but to my horror, my highest level came up short compared to my talented and enthusiastic classmates. They were... better than me, even though they were supposedly beneath me. I was suddenly inferior to so many, it couldn't possibly be some mistake or an error. The idea that I was superior to everypony started to crumble. This truth shocked me to my core. ...I had been lied to. How could my mother say I was perfect my entire life when I obviously wasn't? I was such a fool! How could I have believed such a fabrication!? I began to doubt everything I had ever done! Every grade, every award, every trophy. Were they all lies too? Were all my accomplishments worth nothing when somepony else could have performed better than me had they been there in my place?"

"Octavia..." Vinyl had stayed quiet, but Octavia was started to bawl out tears as she spilt her heart out. These were words she never told anypony and once the valve was turned, everything came out.

"The fact that I was worth nothing hurt me so much! I didn't want to continue, I didn't want to suffer in the shadows of my superiors anymore! But my mother, she never gave up praising me! Perfect. Perfect. Perfect! Her lies! I hated it! I hated her! I resented her love because I knew how wrong she was! ...But I still loved her... I was so hurt and confused. I just aimlessly continued on the path I thought I wanted... The path she was so joyous I undertook... I couldn't bare to let her down. The very love that haunted me pushed me forward... and so I... I smiled when she told me how perfect I was. I smiled when I performed and the crowd applauded me. This... sickeningly forced smile I have... I don't believe a word of praise any of them say, but I can't bare to... to disappoint mother... and I don't know... I don't know... how... how to stop... " Octavia's blubbering became incoherent and Vinyl took hold of her head and held it to her chest. She stroked Octavia's mane comfortingly the cellist stopped trying to talk and just cried. They sat for a while as Octavia got her repressed feelings out. (Sounds like somepony should've gone to a psychologist.)

"You know you don't have to be the best or perfect, right?" Vinyl asked as Octavia came back up and wiped her sniveling face after she ran clean out of tears.

"Yeah... I know..." Octavia answered. "I know that rationally..." Octavia leaned over and rested her head on Vinyl's shoulders. It was a comforting move, for both their sakes.

"But it still bugs you, huh?"

"Mmm," Octavia hummed to acknowledge as she closed her eyes, like she was intending to sleep there with Vinyl's shoulder as her pillow. Vinyl let her own head rest against Octavia's and did the same. They did nothing but breathe as they both got lost in their own private thoughts.

That is until Vinyl said, "Just wondering: Do you think you're superior to me?"

"Mm!" Octavia jerked a little when she heard that. She slid off Vinyl's shoulder and instead wrapped around her waist, squeezing tight. She buried her face into Vinyl's chest and admitted, "...Not anymore..."

"Haha. I'll take it," Vinyl smirked. "Well, thanks for opening up, Octavia."

"I am not yet done, Vinyl," Octavia pressed as she let go of her friend and continued her story. "...My smile was so fake in Canterlot and whenever I play my cello. But... well... to be honest, you light a spark in me, Vinyl... I smile for real here, with you. And it's that grand beautiful smile of yours that inspires me to do so. I have envied that honest, enthusiastic, astounding grin you have ever since we first met. It is full of life and brings me such joy... and hope."

"Oh... really? I thought it was just my incredible DJ-ing that got you interested in me!"

"There is that, too," Octavia said with a laugh.

"Wow," Vinyl said. She gave her vibrant smile to Octavia who smiled back, blushing. "I sure am something, aren't I?"

Octavia giggled and said, "And very modest, as well. I am beginning to see why you smile with so much passion now that I know a bit more about you."

"Oh, figured me out have you?" Vinyl teased.

"Perhaps because your youth was so scarce, you appreciate every piece of good fortune that comes your way," Octavia contemplated. "You live life to the fullest, because you know what it's like to not be able to. I suppose I never came to a similar conclusion for myself. Perhaps I should have."

"You wanna live life to the fullest?" Vinyl asked. "Yeah, I can't picture you doing that. It's not your style, no offense."

"Well, maybe not as much as you, but I would like to be filled with some variety of passion for living."

"Hmmm... Maybe I could show you how, since I'm so good at it. Which you said I am. I'm not bragging! You said it!"

Octavia giggled and said, "I suppose we could give that a try. Very well, what is your first lesson, Professor Vinyl?"

"Ooh, I like that title! Well... what I do most is... follow my heart? That's probably how I make most of my decisions. That or a coin toss. What's your heart saying to you right now? What's it want most of all?"

Octavia thought on this. She had followed her heart and that led her to Ponyville and to Vinyl, so it seemed like a good piece of advice. She looked to Vinyl who waited for a response. They were next to each other on the bed as they hadn't moved since first sitting there. Their flanks were side by side, touching cutie marks. That spot next to Vinyl was comfortable and oh so satisfying. Her friend, her roommate, her fillyfriend. Well... was she really her fillyfriend? Octavia had given 100% of what she was comfortable with to the relationship with Vinyl. (For Vinyl's sake, of course.) She tried her best, but she was still leaving out a significant portion of what she could do. It felt like it wasn't enough, because it wasn't. She was falling short, despite her efforts. Just like in university... What Vinyl wanted was something more. What Octavia's heart was telling her... was to fill that gap for Vinyl... Give her that something more.

"What I want..." Octavia muttered as she went in. She inched closer to Vinyl's lips and her breathing hastened. Her cheeks flushed up as she closed her eyes and hoped Vinyl would do the same as they made contact. Her world went dark as she focused on the sensations as they kissed. It was moist and warm. Octavia felt Vinyl's mouth open and close again and wondered if she should do the same. This was the first intentional kiss she had ever experienced, besides a quick peck on the cheek for family. This was much longer than that. She worried if she was performing alright as she accidently let out a slight moan. Octavia felt Vinyl's pressure increase as she made the noise. Her body arched as she leaned back, unable to stand up to Vinyl's passion, until she fell down on the bed. She opened her eyes in shock from falling. Vinyl was hovering over her breathing heavily.

"...Wow..." Vinyl said. "Heh... heha.... heh." She laughed a little like she had just dodged a bullet or survived some intense near-death experience.

"My... my words exactly..." Octavia said, astounded at what had just happened. Her cheeks were probably redder than was possible and Vinyl's were the same.

Vinyl grinned and, voice raspy with nervousness, said, "So, uh... How was your first taste of living life to the fullest?"

"It... it was intense... I'll admit that..." Octavia replied, trying to catch her breath.

"...Is it worth a second try...?" Vinyl asked, hopeful.

"... ... ...Sure..." Octavia said softly. Vinyl giggled and descended. She laid on Octavia, pressing her down on the bed and kissed her. Octavia shut her eyes and began to feel the sensations again. Maybe she'd be better the second time around, she hoped. But as Vinyl kissed, the DJ's hoof started to rub Octavia side. It startled Octavia and she wanted to move away, but Vinyl was pinning her down. Vinyl's lip motions became more vigorous too. The wandering hoof crept down until it tried to wrap around Octavia's flank. Octavia panicked. "Wait, stop, stop!" she shrieked as she stopped kissing. Vinyl pulled back in response, shocked.

"Whoa, what? What's wrong?"

"I, um... I don't know if I'm ready for any more than that..." Octavia said as turned to avoid Vinyl's face.

Vinyl stared for a moment at the rejection, a little dumbfounded. She eventually got up off of Octavia though, and softly whispered, "Okay."

"Right. *Ahem*" Octavia said, as she cleared her throat and sat up on the bed.

"...Sorry, I was just so excited. I didn't mean to push further than you'd have liked," Vinyl admitted, her ears down in shame.

"That is alright, Vinyl. I did initiate after all," Octavia pointed out as she relieved Vinyl of blame.

Vinyl perked up. "You did, didn't you? You were the one that kissed me! Hah!"

"That... that I did..." Octavia said as the reality finally struck her. She suddenly felt a sickening drop in her stomach. She had just kissed Vinyl. A lesbian. On purpose. And she wanted to.

'...Oh no...' Octavia thought with a familiar uneasiness bubbling up inside. '...What have I done?'

"Can we... can we maybe try again later?" Vinyl asked.

"I, um... That's not..." Octavia wanted to stop the idea of kissing altogether. She was beginning to panic again. She was supposed to be ready if their relationship ever got to this point, but that didn't stop her from fretting over it and questioning everything all over again. Octavia turned to Vinyl, prepared to deny her. But, with one look at Vinyl's face and that grin... she instead said softly, "...Of course... ...we are dating, after all..."

SPLAT!!!! A Pinkie clone suddenly slammed up against the second floor window, startling the two romantic ponies inside and interrupting their fantastic moment together. "Fun!" It yelled as it looked around inside at Vinyl and Octavia.

"Ahh! I forgot about them!" Vinyl screamed, recoiling off the bed. The Pinkie peeled off the window like a sticker and floated down to the street below.

"Should we do something?" Octavia asked as the two of them looked down at the mob of Pinkies bouncing around the streets of Ponyville.

Vinyl thought for a moment. "No... Let's just, um... wait for Twilight and her friends to fix this..."