//------------------------------// // Present Nine - Our New Beginning // Story: Heart and Mind // by Quick Fix //------------------------------// Groundside University Hospital, Las Pegasus April 13th The sun was starting to set over the city of Las Pegasus, its gentle rays covering the cloud districts and ground based facilities. Even at this time of day, the general hustle and bustle of the city streets was nearly enough to rival Manehatten, a detail that made Apple Bloom glad she wasn't down among it. She was settled in a simple hospital room, watching the view out the window, simply enjoying having some peace and quiet again. Considering she'd arrived in the Magic Inflicted Emergency Ward as a worn down wreck who could barely sit up unassisted, the last week and a half of treatment had done wonders for her, even if it hadn't been all as bad as first feared. The doctors had managed to nullify the worst of the magic that had subdued her, revealing in the process that it was a specialised spell intended to be used against unicorns, which explained why she had recovered from it so quickly. Her leg had been both twisted and dislocated but mercifully wasn't broken, though the burns were a different story. While most of the affected patches had grown back already, the one on her bad leg had needed extra attention just to ensure she didn't lose her coat there for good and would probably need follow up care once she returned home. For now it was all bound up in bandages and a splint, though given her earth pony durability the latter was more of a precaution while she was still in the hospital. Right now though, Apple Bloom had a little time to herself. She moved away from the window and glanced round the room, trying to think of what she could do until a nurse came to check on her. She'd been transferred to a single patient room in the recovery wing two days ago, small but modest, though rather lacking in things to do beyond reading, not that she minded getting into a book sometimes. She didn't really have anypony to talk to that often either, Peace Walker had been transferred to a hospital in Canterlot where she could get better psychiatric care, Rainbow Dash had left shortly after everypony from the compound had been moved to the hospital safely and neither Applejack or Pinkie Pie had been able to visit as much as anypony would have liked. She'd probably be enjoying this a lot more if she wasn't so darn lonely. She carefully climbed onto the bed and lay down on her good side, watching the view out the window from back here. The sun was steadily sinking into view, silhouetting one of the pegasus residential districts nearby. The sight was an unintentional reminder of the one loose end from the otherwise complete success Pinkie and her had managed; Sunset Shimmer. Arguably the most magically powerful unicorn in Equestria was still on the loose, bunkered down Celestia-knows where, probably plotting some new means of worming her way back to Celestia's side even with half the continent now looking out for her and now more unpredictable than before. Even though she'd been exposed, the knowledge that she hadn't been stopped outright was going to leave a gnawing worry in the back of Apple Bloom's mind for a long time to come. Her thoughts were disturbed by the sound of hoofsteps outside the door, though she didn't feel quite up to checking who it was with her current mood, even as she heard the door open and somepony entered the room. Whoever it was, they were keeping quiet, probably thinking she was asleep considering only her back was visible from that angle. The room remained silent for a few seconds before a familiar pink hoof gently wrapped itself round her chest, she glanced down at it but otherwise didn't react, wondering exactly where Pinkie Pie was going with this. "Hey Bloomie," Pinkie whispered, care evident in her voice. "I don't know if Princess Luna can help you hear this, but I just wanted to tell you something. Ever since you came and admitted how you felt about me, every day we've been together has gone from super funderful to downright rooftastic. You put a spark in my heart that sets off a firework of bliss inside me that nopony else is capable of igniting. Add that to the adventures we've had and, well...I'm a very lucky pony to know you. Thank you, Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom blushed as Pinkie kissed her neck gently. She'd seen this side of her before but knowing just how much their developing feelings about each other meant to her, that meant every bit as much. If nothing else, the way she was keeping her hyperactivity in check showed just how important this was to her. Her hoof went to Pinkie's and held it gently as she looked over her shoulder and smiled softly, nuzzling into her chest lovingly. "Don't worry, I heard every word." "Dawwww," Pinkie hugged her fully before letting go and hopping over the bed to sit where Apple Bloom could see her, her voice back up to normal. "How're you feeling today?" "Better with you here, though the doc did say that I could be cleared to go home tomorrow. Honestly, I can't wait." "Great, I've got such a party planned for us once we get back. Right now though, I finally found out what happened to Starlight." "Oh yeah," Apple Bloom slowly sat up and ran her hoof along the bed in thought. "Last time I saw her, she was being carted out of the building under armed guard. I'm guessing she woke up after that?" "Good news, yes. Better news, she did so in some location that even I couldn't figure out. All the guard would tell me was that Celestia considered it even more secure than Tartarus and that it was rigged to ensure she could never leave under her own power. Extreme, but it means one thing for sure." "And that is?" Apple Bloom looked up as Pinkie put a hoof on her cheek and smiled softly, slowly doing the same herself. The two of them simply held the moment for a long while before Pinkie leaned in and hugged her with more affection than she'd ever felt before. "It means it's game over, we did it Bloomie...We really did it." "It's over...Oh! That reminds me!" Apple Bloom quickly got up and opened up her bedside table. The single drawer contained her neckerchief, the canteen and a small boxed present wrapped up in pink paper and yellow wrapping. She fetched the present out and offered it to Pinkie. "Just a little something I've owed you." Pinkie gave a small squee as she took the present, sniffing it momentarily before ripping it open and looking in. She reached in and pulled out a block of white chocolate and a jar of golden luster dust, both items she recognised from Sugarcube corner. The gifts together brought up the memory of the two of them when they had arrived at the Institute back in Canterlot. "It's quite a sight, isn't it?" "Yeah, almost like it was made of white chocolate and glitter..." "When this whole thing is over, I'll make sure to buy you some." Pinkie slowly looked from the gifts to Apple Bloom, feeling the tears of joy starting to well up in her. She put them aside and pulled her into another hug, taking care not to put pressure on her leg. Apple Bloom took a moment to catch up before wrapping her hooves round her, smiling warmly at the feeling of the two of them together. She hadn't realised just how much she missed even the little things between them while she had been stuck here. The gentle caress of Pinkie's hoof along her back was a clear indicator that the feeling was mutual. "Thank you Bloomie, for filling a void I never knew I had." Pinkie said softly, letting the hug go and grinning widely. Apple Bloom grinned back, practically overflowing with love for the mare in front of her right now. "And thank you, Pinkie, for being so accepting of this." "Oh you know me, I can accept anypony," Pinkie smiled as Apple Bloom simply nodded at the comment before looking up at the ceiling. "I did want to ask one teensy weensy thing though." "Oh?" "Well when we get back to Ponyville, I err..." Pinkie rubbed her leg and glanced back down, blushing even as she smiled. "Well, what would you say to completing my list of parties. Make it the 'I'm in a relationship party'?" Apple Bloom blinked, mouth opening and closing as she tried to find something, anything, to say. Much as she had wanted to ask about things becoming more serious between them, she'd been terrified of asking too soon and souring things between them. Now the chance had been taken from her, because Pinkie wanted the same thing. She slowly got her jaw back under control and broke into a warm smile, blushing deeply. "I'd like that." She finally answered, stepping back as Pinkie quivered slightly before bounding with joy, nearly touching the ceiling. As her hooves came back down she managed to contain her enthusiasm enough to avoid rebounding, settling for a triumphant hoofpump. "This calls for a super special celebration, how'd you feel about trying something I've never let anypony do with me before?" "That's a...Bit sudden for where we are, but I'm curious what you mean." Apple Bloom said as she nodded and stretched slightly. Pinkie grinned even more and pointed behind her in response. Apple Bloom looked round and her eyes widened slightly at what was sitting in the corner. Her first thought was how Pinkie had managed to sneak her party cannon in without her hearing it, her second how the hospital staff had allowed her to bring it in the first place. She looked back at Pinkie, the look on her face enough to get a giggle out of her. "Before you ask, the doctors let me bring it if I didn't fire it inside. Plus I gave all the other ponies here cake." "Of course, I'm still not sure what this has to do with me though." Apple Bloom stepped aside as Pinkie went to the cannon and moved it over to the window, opening it up and pointing the barrel outside. "Wanna try it?" "I...Really?" Apple Bloom's jaw dropped slightly as just how significant this was hit her. Pinkie was rather protective about her party cannon, especially after an incident in Manehatten that she'd had refused to elaborate on in the past. Then again, considering what the two of them had just agreed to, it didn't even need to be said how much each of them trusted the other now. "Yep! Just press down on the fuse and enjoy." Pinkie grinned more and stepped aside, motioning for her to give it a try. Apple Bloom came up to it and gently placed a hoof on the barrel, thinking as she waited for a reaction. When none came, she looked up and smiled back. "Want to do it together?" Pinkie smiled eagerly and put her hoof on the trigger on the top of the cannon. Apple Bloom put her hoof on hers and looked into her eyes, feeling better than she had in a long time. Both of them knew what to do in that moment, leaning in closer. Their lips met at the same moment they pressed the trigger, the familiar party cannon squeal firing off beside them. In this moment they knew that absolutely everything had been worth it, they still had each other after everything they'd been through. Soon enough, they'd be able to head back to Ponyville and just relax again. With one difference to normal though. This time, they'd be together.