The Spark

by rikkuidol



Mirrodin(?) "???" fare you in the planes of Mirrodin?

Bolas?.....again you invade my mind?! will you not leave me be? if you continue to invade and play with my mind i may not be sane enough to be of use to you anymore...

hmhmhmhmhm....foolish are already insane, now, what has happened to mirrodin?

mirrodin?.....mirrodin is nolonger present

i see, so it is safe to assume that it is now "New Phyrexia"

I presume, yes, but there are still some mirrans loitering about, our Blighted agents have confirmed that most of them reside near the "Great Furnace", but the Preator of the Furnace take's no interest and is willingly letting them stay there.

i see, well, it's just a matter of time before they battle against each other for dominance of the plane, and after said battle that is where we come in...

I assumed that much... now leave me be dragon!

hmhmhm...i will come back to you another time, i must take hold of another plane....till next time tezzeret the seeker

I truly must be insane....just being here with these Phyrexians, being sane is insane.


Zendikar "Eye of Ugin"

Sarkhan....sarkhan vol....

Master?.... it has been a long time!

how fare you sarkhan vol? what news have you for me? what of the eye of ugin?

I am fine master...i bear good news master, the Eldrazi's have been coming out of the Eye more and more often now, it will just be a matter of time before we take hold of this plane master. is indeed good news sarkhan, i will come back to you, for when i am not sure, but continue your obeservation. till next time Sarkhan Vol..



hmhmhmhm.....It seems, everything is going according to plan in one way or, it is time to visit this plane again after a very long time.

I pray that things have been the same as before...

A plane that is resided by two Planeswalkers and is treated as Deities





"is everything alright sister?" said a Black coated Alicorn with mane that resembles the night sky that flows like a void.

"Im fine,but I believe that we will be having a visitor." said a White coated Alicorn with mane that resemble a lighter rainbow that flows like a void.

"a visitor? who? your student and his friends?"

"not quite..someone from long ago i believe, i pray that his intentions are different this time"

"don't tell it him?"

"i believe so sister...let us be prepaired for his arrival"



Celestia....Luna....You best be Prepaired for what i will be bringing to your Plane of......




End of Prolouge