My Little Inventor

by Mr.120110

Raining Up and Arrival

Chapter 2

Raining Up and Arrival

The sound of crickets singing echoed through the land of Equestria. There was a gentle cool breeze in the air, And the moonlight from Luna's moon lit up the night time sky with a pale white glow. Yes, everypony was safe and sound in their beds fast asleep, well, almost everypony.

The butter colored pegasus was mumbling to herself in her sleep. Tossing and turning beneath her sheets as if she was being chased. She let out a barely audible yelp while waking up in a cold sweat.

The yellow pegasus quickly scan the room with her eyes, then gave a sigh of relief.

“It was just a nightmare.” She whispered to herself.

The shy pony got out of bed tiptoed down the stairs. There she found her soft snow white bunny rabbit nesting quietly in his bed. She gave him a soft smile, then silently open the front door, and stepped the outside of her cottage.

She went just out side the wooden fence next to her chicken cope and sat down on the cool grass.

“Oh, I just don't know what to do.” The pegasus spoke to herself softly, “I've been having these strange nightmares for a week now.”

The little pegasus gave a silent sigh and tilted her up to the midnight sky.

“Maybe Twilight can help me.”

A star shot across the dark black sky leaving a multicolored trail behind it.

The gentle pegasus closed her sapphire eyes for a moment and said, “I wish these nightmares would stop.”

Just then another strange comet rocketed across the sky, then two more, and then six after those, until the there was shower of them across the night sky.

“Wow.” The pony muttered to herself. Gazing thoughtlessly at the cluster of rainbow meteors.

“Wait, some things not rig-” Her eyes widened as the meteors rocketed down at the little pegasus, and she gave out an unnoticeable shriek.

The flaming balls landed just outside of the Everfree Forest, and not to far from the quivering pony.

She removed her hooves from her eyes to find a bright white light. She gave out another set set of shrieks when strange cracks formed in the air around her.

“W-w-whats going on!?” The little mare squeaked, then looking up at the sky to find an unbelievable sight.

A HUGE thunder and lightning storm started to manifest itself before the pegasus's eyes. It was giving off a very unique light that blotted out the stars and moon. Odd wumming and humming noises fill the land waking up everypony.

Twilight got up from her sheets only to see the strange cloud forming over Fluttershy's house and the sky in a vivid array of beautiful dancing colors. “Spike! Spike! Wake up! Spike!” She said while gasping and nudging the sleepy dragon.

The tiny dragon made some groaning noises as he got up, “Twilight, its the middle of the night, what so impor....tant...” Spike's eyes widen the moment he looked out the window.

All the residents of Ponyville and the nearby settlements open their doors and windows to be left speechless by the beautiful yet, terrifying dark rainbow colored cloud forming in the sky. Even the princesses went to their balcony to be completely stunned by what they were seeing.

Celestia then summoned a guard, “Quickly! Go and check on check Discord's statue!” She order the sentry. She then lifted a quill and some parchment, and started to write a letter to Twilight when a scroll popped in and fell on the floor. Celestia picked it up and started reading it.

“SISTER! COME LOOK AT THIS!!” Luna Shouted. Celestia immediately averted her eyes from the paper to look at what her sister was yelling about. The two pieces of parchment, quill, and the ink well fell to the floor as the princesses gazed at the cracks forming all around the the land.

The guard rushed in to give his report, “Your majesty, I bring my report on the inspection of the statue Discord.”

“And?” She spoke.

“He's still there, imprisoned in the stone of the statue.”

“What! But, then how!?” Looking back at the storm only to have herself be struck by further disbelief and give a large gasp by what she now saw.

Meanwhile, the frightened Fluttershy was just standing there, crying, with her eyes shut tight. Now unable to move due to the fear of what might happen if she touched one of the cracks. She felt the wind pick up and the thunder and lightning crash around her.

She had never been so scared in all her life, she tried to yell for help but she was to terrified to speak. Help me, somepony help me! She shouted in her head.

Twilight Sparkle and the others ran towards Fluttershy's cottage, when they finally got there they found the terror stuck pony standing there. “Fluttershy!!” They cried out as they ran to her, but all five of them stopped dead in their tracks to gaze once more at what the monstrous storm was doing now.

The pegasus jumped when a set of cold liquid drops grazed the bottom of her yellow coat then rolled up it. Fluttershy's eyes snapped open to find that the rain was falling not down, but....UP.

She glace around not sure what to make of it.

The clouds started to twist, faster, faster, and faster.

A large cone of swirling multicolored clouds bulged out from the center of the storm. Spinning faster and faster. When they reached only a few yards from the storm, waves of rainbows flashed out from there.

The six ponies watch as the rainbow waves pulsed faster and faster, till a enormous bubble appeared along with auroras and those odd cracks emanating from and around it.

Storm dissipated in the process, however the rain was still there.

Fluttershy then bolted torwords the others and cowered behind Applejack.

Twilight started torwords the anomaly but was stopped by AJ, “Just what in the hey are ya do'in?”

“I just wanted to get a closer look at that’s all.” Twilight said as see brushed off Applejack's hoof then continuing to creep up on it. But right as she halfway to the bubble a human hand popped out of it. Twilight and the others gave a shriek as they jumped back in fear. Applejack and Rainbow Dash put themselves into a fighting stance and got ready to jump whatever was about to come out. Another hand popped out, then a leg, the rests of the body.

The six looked looked at the beast, “W-what is it?” Twilight asked in shaken voice.

“I don't know, but it sure looks silly” Pinkie giggled.

“I've never seen an animal like it in my life.” Fluttershy uttered in a quite panicky tone.

“Well, whatever it is, it better go back to where it came from.” Rainbow said in an uninviting tone.

“And How!” AJ snapped.

The creature then turned is head to look at the anomaly, then back to look at the pastel colored ponies. The being gave a grin and gave whispered, “My Invention worked.” Then tilting his head up and throwing his arms into the air victoriously shouted, “IT REALLY WORKED!!!”

The human twirled and danced around in the upside down rain giving shouts of glee and laughter.

The boy took a victorious stance, “I AM AARON WALOWICK!!” The Aaron thrusting his hands in the air once aging continued, “AND I HAVE JUST PREFORMED MULTIVERSEAL TRAV-!!!”

Before Aaron could finish his sentence he was pinned down by Dash, who gave Aaron a nasty scowl.

“I don't know what you are, or why you're here, but if you don't go back to where you came from, I'm gonna put you through a world of hurt!!” Dash snapped at Aaron.

“Please don't hurt me!!!” Aaron squeaked.

“Easy Rainbow Dash, I don't think its here to harm us.” Twilight said while putting her hoof on Dash's back.

Rainbow Dash got off Aaron who then immediately got up, “Right you are Twilight Sparkle!” Aaron happily announcing as he brushed the dirt from his suite.

“Wait, how do you know my name?” Twilight asked in a questionable manner. The other looked at him oddly too.

Aaron suddenly froze in realization of what he just said, FUCK!!! Why did I do that! He thought.

“Heh-heh, I don't suppose you'll just forget the whole knowing your name thing would you?” Aaron spoke in a worried yet, embarrassed tone.

“No.” she answered bluntly.

“Not even a little bit?”

She shook her head then said, “Now tell me, how do you know my name?”

“Of all the questions you could ask, that's the one your most interested in?” Aaron pointed to the bubble behind him, “What about the giant bubble behind me? You sure you don't want to know about that? You know, this thing, with the storm and the rain and the cracks, why not ask me about that instead.” Aaron ranted, giving series of gestures in the process.

“Well, if you didn't mention my name, then maybe I would of.”

“Huh, well even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me, in fact you probably wouldn't even want to know, either way, I'm not telling. Well, not until I think your ready that is.”

“Ugh, fine then.” Twilight was a bit irritated from dropping the topic, but he did have a point, she probably should be more concerned with the the bubble instead, for all she knows it could be a danger to Equestria!

“What is this thing you came out of?” Twilight asked, pointing her hoof toward it.

“This,” Aaron said move over to the side and holding his hand flat out in front of it, “Is a multiversal rift made by my invention. Its a link between two points in different universes, and if stabilized properly, can become a portal for traveling to and from those two points.” Aaron look at his hand and saw that it looked like a cartoon drawling, “Cool! I can't believe I didn't notice this before!” He said checking out his new appearance.

“Didn't notice what?” Applejack said in a confused voice.

“Didn't notice that I'm a cartoon now, hmm, I wonder if it has something to do with the dimensions a universe is limited to?”

Twilight respectfully said, “OK, look I have no idea what your talking about Mr. …um...”

“Aaron, Aaron Walowick, oh, and in case your wondering, I'm an animal known as a human.”

“W-w-whats a human?” Fluttershy asked timidly creeping out from behind Applejack.

“Um, well, Me, really what much is there?”

“What do humans do?” Rarity asked.

“Well, pretty much what you do really. Stuff like make cloths, tend for animals, and grow apples.” Aaron answered.

Applejack butted in with a question, “How do ya know what we do?” She said tilting her head with an untrustworthy look on her face.

Damn! I've got to quit doing that! The boy yelled in his head. “Its the same answer to the whole me knowing all your names thing I talked about jus-”

Pinkie then came in, “Wait, all? But I thought you only knew Twilight’s name.”


Aaron was sweating now and started to speak in a quavery voice, “OoOokaay, so I know all your names, whats the big deal?” The six ponies gave him a nasty unwanted look.

“heh, um, why don't we just go back to talking about the portal?”

“Yeah, why don't we.” Twilight said irritatedly, “Better yet, why don't you get rid of it?”

“Um, well, that means I have to go back through it.”

“So?” Dash said.

“So, I'll wont be able to come back unless I open it again.”

“Again, so?” Dash spoke bluntly.

“But, if I go back I'll most certainly be arrested aging for-”

Twilight interrupted, “Wait your a convict!?”

Why Do I Keep DOING THAT!!!

“Look, here's how I see it, I could go back and close the portal, but how do you know that's what I'll really do? I mean, what if I just use the portal to destroy this world, hmm?” Aaron spoke in a cocky voice.

Rainbow Dash immediately pinned Aaron down again, “Look here, if you don't do as Twilight said and get rid of that thing, then I'm gonna rain down a world of hurt on you!”

“Okay, okay!! I'll do it! I'll do it! Just please, please don't hurt ME!!!” Rainbow then removed herself from Aaron.

“But still, he has a point.” Twilight said, “If we let him go by himself, then whats stopping him from destroying Equestria? We have no choice but to follow him to his world to make sure that he doesn't try to bring anymore harm to the land.”

“But Twilight, darling, if he closes the portal while we're in his world, then how will we get back to Equestria?” Rarity said.

Aaron, who was once again brushing off the dirt from his cloths, answered, “I think I can fix that issue, but I'm gonna need to bring some supplies from my world, to yours.”

Twilight walked up to Aaron, “Okay then, but one of us is going through the portal first.”

“Very well, but please, PLEASE! For your own safety, don't mess with anything when you reach the other side!” Aaron said stressing every word.

“Understood.” Twilight then looked at her friends, “ Okay, I'll go first then Aaron, then the rest of us.” She turned to face the portal, “It is safe, right?” She asked the human.

“Yeah, it's completely safe.”

“All right then.” Twilight started forward.

Aaron then spoke up, “….Well, actually,... it's only 87 percent safe.” Twilight stopped and looked back at the human.


Well, now that I think about it, the portal on this end is probably only 73 percent safe. Mainly because of the lack of a stabling arc for this side. But other then that, you're good to go.” Aaron finished giving a thumps up and a smile to the lavender colored unicorn.

“Excuse me!” Her head moved back in alarm.

“Relax, its fine, there's nothing to be worried about, just go.”

“A-alright,” The purple colored pony looked back at the anomaly with discomfort, then taking a deep breath she said, “Here goes nothing.” Twilight ran in to the bubble and disappeared.

Aaron was then pushed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash into the portal. The others cautiously followed.

The moment they went through the portal to greet Twilight at the other end, they found themselves completely flabbergasted at the sight.

“WHOOOOOOOOAAA!!! I never seen anyplace like this in my WHOLE LIFE!! *Gasp* WHAT IS THIS? Oh! What about this?! And this?! And this?! And..” The pink pony kept jumping from place to place as Aaron tried to keep her from touching anything.

“W-w-where are we!?” Applejack asked Aaron.

“Planet Earth, more specif-NO PINKIE PIE DON'T TOUCH THAT!!” He picked up the bubblegum colored pony only to have her slip out of his arms like butter and go back to bouncing around the lab.

Twilight turned around to Aaron, “Is this a laboratory?!”

“Yes, but this is only part of it, you want to see the rest of the lab?” Aaron said cheerfully.

“Absolutely!!” Pinkie Pie yelled in excitement.

The six ponies followed Aaron while gazing at every little thing along the way. Rarity asked what kind of gems the walls had and where see could get them.

“Hohoh, these aren’t gems.” Aaron said happily.

“But, then what are these dazzling things?” She said pointing her hoof at one of the lights.

“Well, most of them are lights for added effect, but some of them are buttons that serve different proposes. Also I don't think they would fit well on clothing.”

Aaron continued walking with the six right behind him till he got to a door. “Okay, we're here.” He opened the door to a large room filled with odd devices. Off in the corner was a set of stairs that went up to a catwalk for easy access to his bedroom.

“Welcome my little ponies!!” The boy announced, “To the main laboratory!!” Aaron pulled down on a large power switch and the whole room lit up in a vivid spectrum of color while given out sounds of deep hums and whirls.

The six ponies stood in the center of the room looking around at the breathtaking view. Aaron turned to the six dazzled ponies.

“Now if excuse me.” Aaron bolted over to a desk.

He picked up a pencil and ruler then rapidly started drawling, “Drawing blueprints.” Aaron then pulled some supplies from a shelf as he continued to narrate his actions.

The girls watch him as he welded, forged, painted, and installed a sphere like object on the portal device.

“Alright,” He got in his chair and clapped his hands in front of the keyboard, “Time to turn on the the receiver.”

Twilight nudged the side of his arm and the boy looked at her, “What is this?” She asked pointing a hoof at the computer screens.

“A computer,”

“A computer? What does it do?”

The human turned his chair towards the light purple pony and responded, “All sorts of things, like run calculations, play games, control machines.” he swung himself back over to the keyboard and typed in some programing code.

“Okey-dokey,” Aaron sprung up from his chair walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

When he got there he opened the door to the bedroom and grabbed the empty cardboard boxes on the floor. The six pastel colored ponies looked around the room, there where several oddities that cached their interested. However one, drew all of their attentions to it the most.

There on the wall hanged a poster of the six friends and there princess with a logo in the middle that read My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Rainbow Dash flew over to the poster, “Why is there a picture of us on your wall?” She said feeling uneasy.

Aaron halted what he was doing and broke out into a cold sweat, Crap!! The Poster! I completely forgot about it!