//------------------------------// // Cadance: The Match Maker // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Bella was feeling lonely. Nicky and Stella already had their special someponies, and she was still alone. To make things even worse, Hearts and Hooves Day was next week! So she sat at the table, helping her mother peel potatoes, while Nicky and Ratchet took the girls for a double date. Nick came in from his garden and washed his paws as he panted, "My Dragon Lilies are bursting with color!" "Yes, they look beautiful, darling! Now be sure you water them everyday, except when it rains. Feed them every other week or so. Oh, you wouldn't happen to have any of those gem bushes you were talking about, would you?", Rarity smiled, trailing after Nick inside. "Yeah, I'll go find some tomorrow! Thanks for helping me out, Rarity! Won't you stay for dinner?", Nick replied, drying his paws and walking over to check on Luna and Bella. "I'd love to, but Sweetie already invited me to tea at her house, and I'd hate to disappoint her. You take care now, and be sure to attend next week's Gardener's Club Meeting!", Rarity answered, giving him a hug before leaving. Nick then turned to Bella and saw a sad look on her face. "What's wrong, honey?", he asked, kissing her forehead. "Dad? You know how Nicky has Penny, and Stella has Ratchet? ", she asked. Luna immediately saw why Bella was so upset. "Honey, you'll find your special somepony. It just takes time. Your Aunt Tia is still looking for hers.", she said, putting her wings around her in a hug. "When? When will I find my special somepony? No one loves me! I'm just an ugly hybrid!", she cried, tears streaming down. "You're not ugly, you're beautiful like your mother! And cuddly, like me.", Nick smiled, brushing her poofy fur. "I hope you're right...", she said, drying up her tears. Meanwhile, outside, Cadance was outside, watching the above dilemma, rubbing her hooves together as she formed a plot to help her sister. The next day, Bella didn't know why she was here, all she knew was that Cadance had invited her to the Crystal Empire for the day. And now she was sitting at a table eating cake with her sister Cadance, with a thoughtful look on her face before saying, "I know your hearts are lonely..." Bella gagged on her cake. "What?!", Bella exclaimed. "Look, I'm the Princess of Love, for crying out loud! I know these kinds of things. Anyway, before we start, I wanna tell you about how I met Shining Armor..." It was a sunny day in Equestria! I decided to go visit Papa and Mama. I made it to Canterlot, and walked into the castle. "Mama? Papa? Mama?", I called out. "They are gone, Luna turned to the dark side and was banished, your Papa was sent to the Everfree Forest to hide. I'm sorry, Cadie. But he was being hunted for his fur. I hope you'll understand.", Aunt Tia replied, coming down the stairs. "Yeah, I understand...at least I know he's okay.", I sighed. I then noticed a new guard, who was very handsome, and looked lost. "Umm, excuse me for interrupting, Princess, but can you tell me how to get to the barracks? I kinda got lost.", he said bashfully, blushing when he looked into my eyes. "Ahh...you must be the new captain! Cadance, I want you meet Shining Armor, Shining, this is my niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.", Celestia smiled. "But you can call me Cadance! And the barracks are behind the castle!", I said quickly, trying to not blush. "Thank you, your highnesses!", he bowed, rushing away. "And that's how I met Shining Armor!", smiled Cadance after finishing her story. "And the moral was...?", Bella asked. "You've got to chase your man down! Now you are going to find a boyfriend by next week! With my advice!", Cadance smiled. Bella spent the rest of the day jotting down notes on a Saturday! Within 3 days, Bella found her true love. Bella had met a colt named Sonic Boom, who was probably the fastest student at Ponyville High. Back at the Crystal Empire, Cadance congratulated Bella. "Well done! See? There's always somepony out there for everypony!", she smiled. "Well we better get going, Hearts and Hooves dance is about to start!", grinned Bella, nuzzling Sonic Boom. That night, Bella's wish for a special somepony came true!