My Kaiju-sized Ponies

by OtterP

Chapter 2

The night before...

In Equestria, the sun had set, and inside the hallways of the royal city of Canterlot the only sound came from the hooves of occasional royal guard, walking back and forth. Princess Luna was examining the castle’s vast library as she had found something that had caught her attention few nights before.

After making sure that the door was locked and there was nopony nearby, she walked in front of the large mirror and activated her magic. Her horn glowed for a moment and the mirror flickered few times before the portal opened.

“So it is true…” Luna gasped, and looked at the old scrolls on the table. They told a story about another world, and how to open a portal to it. She walked back to the table while the mirror’s portal glowed with faint light, illuminating the room in addition to the few candles Luna had set on the table. Her curiosity growing, she bit her lip a little, making sure that she knew the spell to open the portal also on the other side. Then she turned and stepped towards the mirror. She took a deep breath and went through the portal.

On the other side, Luna looked around, she had gone through in a fraction of a second, without even noticing it and she seemed to be standing on a small island. The glow of the portal vanished, and she was left alone in the dark night. She wondered if there was anyone around here she took a step…


“What…?” Luna said quietly and looked down. The ground seemed to be mostly covered with some strange vegetation, and Luna lifted her hoof and brought her head down to look closer. Her eyes widened when she looked at the vegetation and they looked like miniature trees, similar than back in Equestria.

She looked underneath her hoof and saw some crushed remains, but her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a faint, frightened sound. Luna turned her head towards the sound, even if she couldn’t see where it had come from. “Is someone there?” She said, realizing to her shock that if the trees of this world were that small, maybe the inhabitants were equally tiny, and fearing that she might step on someone even without noticing it.

Luna saw movement and squinted her eyes in the dark to see better. Indeed there was someone on the ground, moving slowly away from her.

David had been returning towards his village when all of the sudden an enormous glowing oval had appeared near him and he looked stunned and scared as an enormous creature came through it. The twelve year old had been visiting and helping his uncle at the neighbouring village, and were on his way back on his bicycle. Now the ordinary evening had turned into something terrifying and he stepped away from the giant, scared so that he left his bicycle behind. The giant creature moved and crushed a group of trees under her hooves.

The sound made him yell in fright and he turned to ran away when the booming sound from the creature made him stumble. He looked back and saw that the creature was staring directly at him. “N-no…” He whimpered and tried to crawl away when the huge hoof came down in front of him, blocking his path.

Luna was sure he had heard the tiny being speak, and leaning down she first placed her hoof so that he wouldn’t move, but then she saw that he was obviously scared, crouching down on the ground, shielding his head with his hands.

“Oh, We are sorry, We didn’t mean to scare you.” Luna said quietly, she knew she wasn’t exactly a model how to interact with others, but seeing the tiny so afraid of her, made her feel bad. “We promise, We won’t hurt you.” She said, keeping her voice as gentle as she could.

David heard the enormous creature speak and slowly he dared to look up and the giant seemed to smile as soon as he looked at her.

“There, see, nothing to be afraid of.” Luna spoke, while smiling softly.

“W-who are you?” David asked with trembling voice, still on his knees, near the huge hoof. He had thought that this had to be a nightmare of some sort and he had even pinched himself,

“Oh, my name is Princess Luna.” Luna smiled happily. “Can We ask… What is this place?” She turned her head a little looking around, while keeping it low, near the tiny being.

David didn’t quite understand what she meant but pointed his shaking hand towards his village. “I… I live there…”

Luna raised his head a little and saw some lights in the distance. “We see… are there many like you living there?” She asked.

David nodded. “Yes, many. And many more beyond the sea. There are big cities that have millions of humans living in them.”

“Humans? Oh, is that how you call yourself?” Luna asked. And what is your name, little one?” Luna decided to let the questions be for now, but she was amazed. Millions of humans living in big cities? It would mean that they had quite advanced civilization.

“My name is David.” He said, finally standing up and turning to face her. “W-where did you came from, Princess Luna?”

“It is a place very far from here.” Luna said. “So far that We had to use magic to arrive here.”

“Magic?” David said confused. “You mean a trick?”

“Not a trick, it is something we can do.” Luna said. “To cast different spell and move things with it, for example.”

David wondered if she was telling the truth, but eventually decided just go for it. “A-are there many of you where you came from?” He asked.

“Oh, many.” Luna said. “We have towns and cities too.”

“B-but what are you doing here?” He said, still looking at the giant Luna nervously.

“Just visiting, you have nothing to fear from us, little one.” Luna said with a smile and knelt her knees a little, bringing her head down. David let out a little eep when he saw the huge muzzle coming down towards him.

Luna brushed it against the little boy as gently as she could. David backed away a step but then smiled and reached it with his hand and felt the soft fur. “I… I believe you, Princess Luna.” He said shyly.

Luna pulled her head back a little. “Great… We are sorry if you were scared at first.” She said, with quiet voice. “We think we must go now… We don’t want to disturb people here.”

“Will you come back?” David asked, now smiling a little.

“Oh, We are sure, We will come to see you again.” Luna smiled as she looked at him from above. “You wanted to see magic so watch carefully.” She winked at him.

David looked as Luna rose to her full height and her horn started to glow. The same large multi-coloured oval appeared in the mid-air again. Luna nodded at him briefly and then stepped through the portal. The portal closed as soon as Luna had stepped in, leaving David alone in the dark night

As soon as Luna had disappeared, David ran to his bike and headed towards his village as fast as he could. He had to tell his father about this, he was a police and would know what to do.

Back in Equestria, Luna looked back at the mirror. The tiny beings living there fascinated her to no end but she realized that she might not be the best person to explore it first. She smiled, realizing that this would be perfect job for Twilight. She trotted to her room and started to write a letter.

To be continued...