//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The Question // Story: A Simple Crusader Crush // by FNAFBRONY //------------------------------// As Spike opened the door to the boutique, he called out to the owner, hoping that she was there. “Rarity! Are you here?” “I'm upstairs Spike,” a voice called back. Spike recognized the voice right away as his crush. He quickly began to run upstairs to see her. When Spike reached her room, he slowly opened it, seeing if Rarity was there. And sure enough, she was, putting the finishing touches on a dress. Rarity noticed Spike in door and waved to him. “You may come in Spike.” Spike opened the door and walked in the room. “Hi Rarity.” he said to the mare. “Good morning Spike,” said Rarity. “How are you today?” “Pretty good,” he answered. “It's been pretty busy it town this morning.” “Oh really,” Rarity replied, a little surprised. “I guess that makes sense, since it’s Hearts and Hooves Day weekend.” Spike gulped as she mentioned the tradition. But, keeping calm, he finally spoke again. “Rarity, there's something I would like to ask.” “Oh, whatever is it Spike?” Rarity said, turning to look at the dragon. “Uhh,” he mumbled. “Would... you... like… to…” “Like to what?” Rarity asked. “Like to have… a picnic… with me… tomorrow night?” He got everything out, and was very thankful for it. However, he still had to deal with what Rarity thinks. Would she say yes? No? He had to know. “Oh, a picnic. How charming,” Rarity happily said. “I guess I could go with you tomorrow.” Spike’s heart began to pound out of his chest. His crush had pretty much just said she would go on a date with him. Well, it wasn't really a date. But to him, he knew what it was. “Great,” he said, completely happy inside. “I'll pick you up around sunset. That ok?” “It's alright darling,” Rarity said. “Ok. I'll see you then. Bye Rarity!” Spike said as he began to leave to room. “So long Spike,” Rarity replied, waving at the dragon. When he was out of the room, she turned back to her dress, and continued to her work.