//------------------------------// // Chrysalis' Revenge: Bring Back Flurry Heart! // Story: The Power of Friends // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// Chrysalis' Revenge: Bring Back Flurry Heart! The castle was placed under lock down, as the Celestia's guards and Luna's night guards searched the entire place from top to bottom, searching for clues as to the identity of the kidnappers, how they got in, and where they went. The party guests were all gathered together in the ballroom. Cadence and Shining Armor were beside themselves with grief, wondering what had happened to their poor little filly. Twilight held up the ransom note with her magic and read it aloud for the others to hear. We have Princess Flurry Heart in our possession, If you ever wish to see her again, do not look for us. Await for further instructions soon, and your princess shall be returned once all demands are met. "Who could've done this?" Wondered Spike. Twilight sadly shook her head. "I'm afraid nopony knows." "We should have taken extra precaution!" said Shining Armor. Cadence tried to comfort him. "Dear--" "Celestia warned us about this, we should've taken action as soon as she told us." "Celestia?" Harmony looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" "Yeah." interjected Spike. "What's he talking about, Twilight?" Twilight sighed. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about Spike. Princess Celestia had a vision, a vision of Flurry Heart in great danger. She believed that whatever the danger was, it was going to take place." The purple Alicorn hung her head, and her wings drooped. "We'd hoped to avoid the danger and to get Flurry home as soon as possible, but instead we ended up too late." Harmony frowned. Great, more of these visions. "Why are we just standing around here then?" asked Sparks. "We should be out there looking for her!" "Yeah!" shouted Rainbow. "Come on, let's go!" "We can't." said Twilight, pulling back Rainbow Dash by her tail. "Why not?" she complained. "We're not actually going to listen to that letter, are we?" "We may not have a choice." said Princess Celestia, as she entered the room, at her side was Princess Luna. "We don't know who we're up against or where Flurry Heart is, the best course of action we can take is to wait here until we receive further instructions." "But--!" Celestia stopped Sparks there with a sympathetic look. "We're all worried about Flurry, and we all want her to come back safe and sound, if we can find some other alternative, then we shall use it." Sparks looked like she wanted to say more, but she kept her mouth closed and lowered her head. "It's best if we all get some rest." said Luna. "It's been a long day for all of us." Celestia and Luna wished everypony goodnight, slipping out of the ballroom. Harmony also followed close behind, wanting a word with the princesses. "Princess!" she called out. Celestia stopped and turned to Harmony. "Princess, you gotta help Flurry Heart." "I'm afraid the situation is out of my hooves." said Celestia sadly. "There is very little that I can do." "But you're Princess Celestia, you're a powerful Alicorn, surely you can do something!" "And risk Flurry Heart's well being? I cannot allow that to happen." Harmony couldn't believe what she was hearing, without thinking she blurted out, "Then let me do something. After all, I'm--!" SHe closed her mouth and looked away. "You're what?" pressed Celestia. "I'm...her friend! She left the ballroom because she went out looking for me, I should be the one to go out and bring her back." Harmony looked up into Celestia's eyes. "Please princess, let me help." "How can you help?" inquired Celestia. "After all, you say that you're just a regular old Pegasus, if so, then how can you bring back Flurry Heart and stop her captors?" Harmony said nothing and lowered her head. What else could she say? She still wasn't entirely sure what to make of the whole spirit business, part of which was due to the fact that she had no magic or remarkable abilities to say otherwise. She was just a regular Pegasus. What could she possibly do? "For now, you and your friends are welcome to stay the night here, we'll let you know as soon as possible when Flurry Heart has been rescued and her captors brought to justice." said Celestia, turning to continue on her way. "Goodnight, Harmony." Harmony stood there, watching the princesses disappear out of sight. She sighed and muttered under her own breath, "Looks like I'll have to take matters into my own hooves." Flurry Heart was starting to come to. She eyes slowly cracked open, the first thing she saw was bright green. When they fully adjusted to her surroundings, she found herself trapped in a slime green cocoon, hanging upside down. She let out a shriek and tried to push her way out, but the cocoon didn't so much as crack. She began to hyperventilate, trying to make sense of what was going on. "W-what's going on? Where am I?" she asked, frightened. She peered through the see-through part of the cocoon, she was hanging from the ceiling of a cave. Her ears pricked as she heard the sound of buzzing and cold malicious laughter echoing off the cave walls. Flurry's pupils dilated. "Who's there? Show yourself." she demanded. Flurry Heart stared into the shadows, watching as a figure stepped from the shadows. She let out a squeak, too scared to so much as scream. The figure was tall with holed legs, a black body, insect wings and cobweb hair, and green eyes with slits. She smiled wickedly, showing two sharp fangs. Flurry Heart knew at once who the figure before her was, having seen and heard about her from a picture book her aunt Twilight had made for her when she was a filly. She said the name of the figure in a deathly whisper. "Queen Chrysalis." Chrysalis chuckled. "It seems you do know me, little princess." Close behind the queen, were swarms of changelings, each one laughing in a horrible hissing tone. It sent shivers down her spine. "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment." said Chrysalis, pacing around, looking up at Flurry Heart with those chilling eyes. "For when I finally get my revenge on Cadence and Shining Armor, for foiling my plans. And I shall do so, by using their darling little daughter." Flurry then found her voice. "Whatever you're planning, it won't work! My family has stopped you before and they'll stop you again!" Chrysalis sneered. "Oh, I can assure you, little princess, that your family will do nothing of the sort, not if it means endangering you." The changelings jeered in uproarious agreement. Queen Chrysalis flew up to the cocoon, sending terror through Flurry Heart. She ran her hoof over the cocoon, making a grating, unpleasant sound. "I suggest you get yourself comfortable, little princess, you're going to be here for quite a while." She let out a wicked laugh. Flurry Heart was shivering, wishing her parents, her aunts, anypony, was here with. Somepony, please, help me! Morning Star laid awake in bed, unable to get any sleep. She and her parents had been given one of the castle guest rooms to stay in for the night. She glanced over at the grandfather clock, and saw that it was a little after midnight. Morning let out a sigh. As much as she hated to admit it, she was worried about Flurry Heart, and was even starting to feel a little guilty for being so distant and cold toward her. Despite the times she was annoyed or jealous of her, Morning knew that Flurry didn't deserve to be kidnapped and held for ransom. Knock. knock. Morning's ear twitch. She sat herself up in bed and looked to the door. Another soft knock sounded on the door. Who could the be at this hour? thought Morning. Oh so quietly, she tip-toed out of bed, being careful so as not to wake up her parents, and opened the door a crack to see who it was. Her eyes widened when she saw Harmony standing in front of the door. "Harmony?" she whispered. "What are you doing here?" "I need you're help, come out and let's find a place to talk." said Harmony quietly. Morning Star took another glance at her parent, who were both sound asleep. Silently, she slipped through the door and went down the hall with Harmony to guest room Flurry Heart had been staying in. Harmony checked to make sure that the coast was clear before closing the door. "Alright, now what's this all about?" asked Morning. "I'll tell you, but don't freak out. I don't want to wake anypony else up." said Harmony. "I promise, I won't freak out. Now what is it?" Harmony took a deep breath. "I'm going to go and rescue Flurry Heart." "What?!" "Shhh!" shushed Harmony. Morning Star placed both hooves over her mouth and then whispered, "You can't be serious. Do you have any idea how dangerous it'll be?" "I don't care." hissed Harmony. "I can't just sit by and do nothing while one of my friends is out there, no doubt scared to death. She's my friend, and friends help each other when they're in need, and that's precisely what I'm gonna do." "You're really going to go through with this?" Harmony nodded. "But I need your help first." "What sort of help?" "You know all kinds of magic, right?" "Yes." "Then do you know a spell that could help track down somepony, like say, the pony who wrote the ransom note?" "Sure, it's as easy as--" Morning Star stopped, seeing where Harmony was going with this. "Oh, I see, if you can track the kidnappers, then you'll find Flurry Heart." "Exactly." said Harmony. "So can you do it?" "Of course I can, all I need is the letter." Harmony pulled out a slip of paper, and opened it to show the ransom letter. "I swiped it when nopony was looking, thinking maybe you could use it somehow." Morning Star inspected the note. "I think I can use a long distance tracking spell on it." "Good." said Harmony. "You can cast it and I'll just be on my way." "You don't intend to go on your own, do you?" asked Morning. "Yes. Why?" "It's just that, you don't know what kind of unpredictable or dangerous things you'll face, and how do you expect to defend yourself against them?" Harmony drooped a little. She hadn't really given that part much thought. "I, I guess you're right." Morning then smiled. "That's why, you'll be needing somepony like me to accompany you." "Really? A-are you sure?" "You said so yourself, friends help each other when they're in need, and as your friend, you'll definitely be in need of my help." Before Harmony could say anymore, the two heard a soft scuffling sound behind the door. Harmony motioned for Morning to stay quiet, as she flew to the door and placed a hoof gently onto the doorknob. She pulled open the door, and in tumbled Razzaroo, Kimono, and Sparks to the floor. "Girls?! What are you doing here?" asked Harmony. The girls got up and dusted themselves off. Razzaroo smiled sheepishly and let out a nervous laugh. "Well, we couldn't sleep, and we saw you and Morning Star coming in here, and we got a little curious about what you two were up to." "You're planning to go bring back Flurry Heart?" asked Sparks. Morning and Harmony nodded. "Then in that case, I'm coming along. There's no way I'm letting anypony get away with kidnapping my best friend." "Us too." said Kimono. "To help Harmony." "Those kidnappers won't know what hit em with us going after them." said Razzaroo. Harmony looked from each face of the ponies surrounding her, all eager to go with her and to help her find Flurry Heart. A grin came to her face. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get ready and bring back Flurry Heart." "Yeah!" "Shhh." shushed Harmony. "Ponies are still asleep. "Yeah." whisper cheered the girls. The next morning, Starlight woke up to the panicked screams of her husband. She immediately shot up out of bed. "Sunburst, what's wrong?" she asked concerned. Sunburst nervously adjusted his glasses as he pointed at the second bed. "Morning Star, she's...she's gone!" "What?!" cried Starlight. She trotted up to the bed and let out a gasp. "Where could she have gone?" Starlight tried to remain calm, searching for anything that could give a lead as to their daughter's whereabouts. "I'm not sure, but she can't be too far. Right?" The door to their room suddenly burst open, and in came Twilight. "Sunburst! Starlight! Something's happened." "What is it?" asked Sunburst. "I went to check on Sparks and Flurry's new friends to tell them that breakfast was ready, but they were gone!" "Morning Star's gone too." said Starlight. "What could've caused this to happen?" asked Sunburst, becoming frazzled. Then, realization dawned on all their faces. "You don't think--" Sunburst began. "--That they all went to find Flurry Heart--" continued Twilight. "--And left on their own without telling anypony?" finished Starlight. Sunburst gulped. "It appears as though...they have." All three became even more anxious and worried than they had been before. Six young mares were now out there somewhere, on a quest to rescue Flurry Heart from some mysterious kidnappers. What else could go wrong?