//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 Thursday Part 1 // Story: A Whole New World // by Knight Light //------------------------------// Friday Night, Nearly Four Years Ago Sunset was, as usual for her, upset as she stalked through the darkening streets of Canterlot. She knew more than she once did about the real world that was her current home and counted herself lucky that she didn’t face worse than she did when she first arrived. Then again, she couldn’t help feeling at times maybe it would have been for the best. Maybe it would have been better if some creature of the night had happened across her and just ended her life on the spot. Kicking a can as she was passing a very dark alley she couldn’t help feeling a shiver cross travel down her spine as memories surfaced despite her attempts to keep them buried. Her momentarily lack of focus cost her though as a pair of hands grabbed her and dragged her into the darkness kicking and screaming, though the hand over her mouth pretty much muffled her cries. It took several moments to push the fear down enough to regain some control of herself as her vision began to adjust to the darkness to see a frightened girl with a blue ponytail shaking her head. “Dagi, we need real help.” The girl sniffled as the person holding Sunset hissed out in a strained feminine voice. “We can’t trust anyone, look what they did to Aria!” Sunset’s captor hissed out as Sunset slowly snaked her hand into her pocket, clasping the fully charged gem she had there for emergencies. “But what good is grabbing her going to do, Dagi? Even if we feed we can’t heal, what are we supposed to do?” The scared girl nearly sobbed out. “She has powerful magic, can’t you feel it? We feed from her, then we will have enough strength to enchant the doctors at the hospital to treat Aria with no questions!” The angry girl holding Sunset hissed as a third joined them, barely keeping herself upright. “Dagi, just let me die. I’m tired of this life, tired of having to scrape what little we can to survive when the miasma barely begins to feed us any longer.” The new girl choked out, voice barely audible as she coughed up some blood. The same blood staining a good portion of her clothes in the stomach area. It was a miracle the girl was even standing, then again from what Sunset could figure out, it shouldn’t be a surprise. These girls were not human. “Enough!” Sunset snapped out angrily after the girl holding her let her hand slide away from her mouth a little. Sunset griped the gem in her pocket, unlocking the flood gate and letting part of the magic held within to just flood out in a shockwave knocking all three girls around Sunset off their feet. “If you think you are going to off me, then prepare to be disappointed. I have someone waiting for me at home, and I’m not going to let you idiots keep me from her.” “Please, help Aria! Please! You can do magic, right? Real magic?” The pony tailed girl sobbed as she crawled to her knees and pulled at the hem of Sunset’s shirt while staring up with bright, wide eyes. “Leave her be Sonata, just leave her be.” The injured girl coughed as she rested on her back on the ground where the shockwave threw her. Looking over to see another girl with the biggest hair Sunset had ever seen, she shook her head. She had no reason to help this girl, they were going to do something to her so why help them? “But, magic!” The girl sobbed out as Sunset knocked her away before starting to storm from the alley. “We will find some other way Sonata. I won’t let you two down, you are my sisters.” The big haired girl cried softly while staring at the ground from her prone position. Sunset had a feeling that the girl hardly ever cried, but if something wasn’t done very soon then no matter how strong the girl seemed, the injured one would die. With a heavy sigh and cursing how soft she had started to become since giving birth to her daughter not long ago, Sunset turned and headed to the bleeding girl. Thursday “Damn alarm!” Sunset grumbled as she sat up quickly in bed, rubbing her face after hitting the off button. It had been awhile since she had dreamed of her first meeting with the Sirens, but it was preferable to the other dreams she had been having during the week. She would have to thank Sonata for the email Sunset got right before crawling into bed letting her know that the trio was taking a break from singing to finish their last year of school at an actual school. One of the lovely side effects that changing their triggers had, getting rid of their immortality. Thankfully they weren’t upset about that little turn of events, though Sunset herself did feel a little bad about it happening. With a heavy sigh, Sunset crawled from her bed to get the morning started. She could already hear Moonie helping Granny Peach with breakfast so Sunset went about her morning routine as she got ready for what promised to be a long and possibly stressful day. After she finally made herself presentable, Sunset found her way downstairs to find Twilight hungrily eating pancakes at the table where Moonie was just sitting down herself with one of the new toys she got. It brought a smile to her face making her glad that she told Twilight to give the presents to Moonie this morning. Granted Sunset planned to be there at the time, but she never mentioned that. “I was going to let you sleep in Sunny.” Granny Peach said with a sad smile while pulling out Sunset’s mug from the cabinet and filling it with coffee before handing it over. “Thanks Gran, but you know I have to go to school today. Now more than ever.” Sunset said as she flicked her eyes towards Twilight. She had explained things to the older woman last night before checking her emails and hitting the bed. Thankfully she agreed with Sunset that it was probably for the best to have her stay there. She was just too naïve to be stuck with someone else who may end up abusing that innocence. “If you insist.” Granny Peach sighed, knowing there was no changing the teen mother’s mind. “Good morning sweetheart.” Sunset said kissing the top of Moonie’s head and hugging her making the girl giggle. “Morning mama!” Moonie chirped in excitement showing off her new pony version of herself. “That’s really cute.” Sunset said, feeling a small tinge of jealousy over not seeing her daughter get these special gifts though quickly swallowed it down. “Auntie Twilight got it for me! And guess what! Auntie Sonata sent me their new CD and said they might come visit soon!” Moonie cheered making Sunset laugh now. “That was nice of her honey, maybe Granny Peach will help write a thank you letter today.” Sunset said as she helped load the table with everyone’s breakfast that was kept simple yet filling for the day. “She already did mama.” Moonie chirped while moving her new gifts out of the way of her food. Sighing as her phone went off, Sunset excused herself from the table to answer it long enough to have a hopefully brief conversation with her lawyer. “Hey Sharp, what’s up?” Sunset asked, too early to deal with prolonged pleasantries dealing with her work life though keeping it friendly since the two of them were close enough to let formalities go anyways. “I got you the farm, though there are certain conditions.” Sharp Justice said, her voice a little hesitant which did worry Sunset a little. “Why does it sound like I’m not going to like these conditions?” Sunset asked as she ran fingers through her hair, blowing a strand out of her face as it dropped down in front of her eye. “Well, I got him to agree to a non disclosure clause that if he mentions anything about what is revealed to him outside the office he will lose the farm to keep him from telling anyone who you are.” Sharp said nervously. “And why would he know who I am?” Sunset asked, keeping her temper in check as she had a bad feeling as to what was coming. “He demanded meeting you early this morning at my office to get a feel for how honest this transaction really is.” Sharp said in a rush in order to get everything out before Sunset could interrupt her. “And there it is, this week is going down the drain.” Sunset growled, “Don’t worry Sharp, you did everything you could. I need to stop off and see someone before I come in, so I should be there in maybe two hours at most.” “That’s great, and I do have another bit of news. That production studio that has been trying to get you to sign a new three movie deal has made a new offer. You would have complete creative control of each of the movies if you want and you would be paid separately for each movie. They want you to do some promotional stuff that they will pay five million for if you do a live book signing with exclusive media rights to their news outlets including exclusive interviews.” Sharp explained, no longer tense. “I’m not sure about that, you know I really don’t want to reveal myself as the creator. Just don’t reject it yet, see if you can get them to hold the deal for awhile.” Sunset said as she started doing calculations in her head. While she wasn’t hurting for money with all her accounts set aside for helping people, day to day living, and family things, that much money was tempting as it could go a long way to helping even more people at the least and providing for Moonie and Granny Peach if anything happened to her. “They said you have ninety days to make a decision. Anyways, I’ll let him know you will see him in two and a half hours. That should give you plenty of time to take care of your business and make it here to prepare I presume.” Sharp said, laughing as she reminded Sunset of a very important fact. “You know I can’t see you nod, right?” “Yeah, sorry about that. That will be perfect, see you then. And thanks again Sharp.” Sunset said, laughing to herself and being thankful for the chance to draw her out of her bad mood just a bit more. “What’s wrong dear?” Granny Peach asked as Sunset returned to the table after sending a quick text to Trixie asking to meet up under the bleachers soon. “Nothing, I just have to meet up with Sharp so I probably won’t make it to classes today. It will give me more time to stop off at Crystal Prep and find out if there is anything they can do to help get Twilight home.” Sunset explained. “What about her?” Moonie asked as she pointed to Twilight, “Doesn’t she have school too?” “It isn’t polite to point honey,” Sunset admonished with a soft giggle shaking her head at Moonie’s quiet eep and sorry, “Though you have a point, she does need classes. Instead of school though, Granny Peach will be giving her lessons to help her get better control of her hands. Your friends should be over later today for your sleepover tonight.” “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to these.” Twilight sighed as she wiggled her fingers for emphasis. “You will, give it time. Though I’m hoping I’ll have good news on the front when I get home tonight.” Sunset said giving an encouraging smile though she didn’t feel very confident. She wouldn’t even be going to Crystal Prep if she could avoid it since after her recent dreams she was feeling very sensitive and the attention from that woman always sent shivers down Sunset’s spin. “What would the principal think if she knew you three were out here smoking? Hmmm?” Sunset smirked as she glared down the Diamond Dog trio who was sneering at her, but was putting out there cigarettes. It didn’t take long to make it onto school grounds, though she wouldn’t be staying for long. She just needed to assign her apprentice a task for the day. “Someday Shimmer, your get yours you stupid bitch.” The tall lanky one said. Sunset never really bothered to learn their names as they were all bark and no bite as well as being pretty pathetic to boot. While someone like Principal Celestia was an optimist believing that everyone could be redeemed, Sunset didn’t. Sunset was a realist, and she knew the three losers stalking away from her was likely heading to an early death when they were stupid enough to finally try something like they always talk about doing. She had another twenty minutes until school started and she needed the area under the bleachers on the soccer field for her meeting. She had called one of the few students at CHS that she trusted on her way to school and asked to meet up with them. Moments after no one was around the air filled with a sparkling purple smoke signaling the girl’s arrival. “Behold, the Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived!” Trixie called out, standing there with her arms thrown high in a dramatic pose. “Hmmm, great job finally getting the smoke to flow out more. Try another couple drops of the catalyst in your next potion though; it might make it more dense.” Sunset greeted with a nod of approval as Trixie deflated. The girl was doing very well for someone who last year was using cheap parlor tricks and failing half the time. “Trixie will try, you were right that this smoke works better than Trixie’s old smoke bombs.” Trixie agreed, biting her lip. “You aren’t here to cancel Trixie’s class this weekend are you?” “Not at all, though you will likely have a new classmate. Don’t worry though, I won’t ignore you. You are my student and I take that seriously.” Sunset said, refusing to make the same mistakes the bitch made with her. She may have a lot less anger towards the princess, but after hearing Twilight’s story it was surging up again. “I do have a favor to ask.” “Of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie always comes through for Trixie’s Great and Powerful teacher!” Trixie boasted. “I know Gilda might try to pretend otherwise, but she fears you. She knows you use real magic and she won’t go against you. I want you to keep an eye on Fluttershy today, my lawyer said she’s coming back.” Sunset explained getting a knowing look from Trixie. “Come on, you know it wasn’t your fault. You haven’t really bullied anyone much all year.” Trixie said softly, switching to a more serious expression. “Nor have I stopped it. Gran was right, how would I feel if Moonie was bullied? It’s what got me started thinking and back off from pushing everyone away as much. I mean how would I feel if my own daughter was bullied?” Sunset said, “What happened to Fluttershy though.” “Wasn’t your fault. Trixie knows something that might help settle your mind. Fluttershy’s friends have made up and have been visiting Fluttershy every day.” Trixie said getting a look of relief from Sunset before it changed to confusion. “Wait, how would you know? Have you been spying on them?” Sunset asked as she leaned against a support pole. “Sunset, the whole school visited Fluttershy while she was in the hospital except for a few.” Trixie explained, “Trixie went multiple times and witnessed them go from quiet around each other to best friends who seemed like they were never apart.” “Good for them, Fluttershy needs good friends right now.” Sunset wistfully replied. “Trixie thinks you do too.” Trixie replied tentatively waiting for the normal argument from the last few months to start. “Trixie, all I need is my family and what few allies I have.” Sunset said with less force than she would have months ago. Sure she knew the Dazzlings considered her a friend and family after changing the trigger in their amulets to absorb love instead of negative emotions. Something they didn’t trust her to do at first, but there were those who were getting suspicious and have even attacked them. “So what, Trixie isn’t a friend?” Trixie asked giving Sunset a challenging smirk. “Trixie…is my student.” Sunset hesitantly replied. Sure a few months ago she had no trouble denying a real friendship between them. Now she couldn’t even bring herself to shoot Trixie down which only earned a victorious grin from the magician. “Ha, you can’t even deny it. Soon Shimmer, soon you will admit that you have friends! You aren’t fooling Trixie at all! Trixie knows your dirty little secret after all.” Trixie grinned. “What secret?” Sunset asked with worry since she had a lot of secrets. “Everyone is talking about how some rich benefactor is secretly paying for Fluttershy’s bills through their lawyer. Well Trixie has met your lawyer and seen the same lawyer delivering a check to Fluttershy’s mom. The mysterious benefactor is YOU Sunset Shimmer!” Trixie gloated while pointing dramatically at Sunset who brushed the hand away gently. “Really, I already had to tell my daughter it isn’t polite to point, do I have to do the same for you?” Sunset asked. “So you don’t deny it?” Trixie giggled. “Shimmer, you have a kinder heart that you want to show. Trixie really wishes Trixie knew why you hide it so much.” “You know why, I can’t afford letting everyone know about Moonie. I’ve made a lot of enemies and they might use her to get to me. I can see Gilda actually attacking Moonie while at the playground with Gran.” Sunset explained. “Sunset, all playing aside, Trixie worries for you. It isn’t healthy to push everyone away.” Trixie whispered. “Trix, sometimes I envy people like Fluttershy and you.” Sunset said wiping moisture from her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Moonie and wouldn’t change a thing. Sometimes though I have to admit I envy your freedom. You have the freedom to do whatever you want, to feel whatever you want. Whenever you want.” “You can if you wanted.” Trixie urged. “No, Trixie, I can’t. I got myself into this mess being the bitch I was. Even if I wanted friends, there is no one out there who would be willing to give me a chance. And even if they did, I don’t have the luxury to enjoy it. I have a daughter Trixie, a daughter I have to protect and keep away from those who would hurt her to get back at me.” Sunset shuddered a little struggling to get herself back under control. Trixie was getting good at getting under her skin like this lately and was only getting better. Trixie was about to say something when the bell rung making Sunset curse at losing track of the time. “Come on, let’s go before we’re late.” Neither of them noticed a girl hunched down in the bushes, face hid behind her long pink hair with wide shocked eyes. The trip to her lawyer’s office only took a few minutes after leaving school since it wasn’t very far away. On the way there she sorted through some pictures she had stored on it which she only had on there because she could lock her phone and the encryption was so good not even the best hacker she knew could get into it. Walking into the office she nodded in greeting to the receptionist who waved her on back mentioning her guest was already there. Taking a deep breath Sunset pushed the door open to see Sharp sitting at the end of a table with Big Macintosh, or as everyone called him Big Mac sitting next to her. While her lawyer smiled up at her Big Mac sent her a look so dark she could have sworn the temperature dropped a few degrees. “What is she doing here?” Big Mac asked as he glared up her making Sunset freeze for a moment. She liked planning things out better than this whenever she could and while she had several plans forming, she doubted any would work. She was flying blindly here which she did not really enjoy, but could manage. She hoped she could at least. “This is the benefactor who wishes to invest in your fame Mr. Mac.” Sharp said patting the young man’s arm. “As I explained, the benefactor is the same one behind a lot of the charity or investments to better the city, especially for the last year.” “I don’t want no charity, especially from the likes of her!” Big Mac growled out. “Do you see this?” Sunset demanded as she shoved her phone into Big Mac’s face. “This is my daughter, and she means the world to me. I’ll do anything to protect her and make sure she has the best chances that she can to have a good life. If that means I had to go door to door begging for spare change just to take care of her, I would! I thought you loved your little sisters the same way.” “I do.” Big Mac said softly, swallowing nervously as he stared at the picture. “Family is everything to an Apple.” “I have had to do things to keep people at an arms length to make sure she is kept safe. While I regret a lot of it because some of it was me lashing out from the pain I was in at the time, it doesn’t forgive my actions. I’ve done my best to quietly pay back all of those I hurt with your family being some of the last. If you want, just look at this as payback from the pain I caused.” Sunset said as she took the folder Sharp handed to her and flipped through it as she sat down before taking a pen to make some changes to the demands from Big Mac. “I don’t know what to say, we do need help or we are going to lose the farm. Granny didn’t understand that the taxes changed a few years ago and now we owe so much money in taxes as well as mortgage payments that they are threatening to foreclose on it.” Big Mac sighed. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I am going to pay the mortgage and catch you up on your taxes no matter what. I still want to invest in the farm though if you will let me. Let’s face it, with your sisters going to school and your Granny working in the cafeteria trying to make extra money to catch you up, you just can’t be expected to take care of the farm yourself.” Sunset sighed as she slid the folder back across the table to Big Mac. He had asked for some business classes to help him with the business side of the farm and the help of a couple workers. Sunset added that all three of the younger apples will get scholarships to do as they pleased with, at least five workers and some new farm equipment that wouldn’t affect the personal touch but would still be enough to make things a bit easier. “Are you serious?” Big Mac asked as he flipped through the pages, noticing that Big Mac’s name was to be attached to everything and Sunset’s name would be nowhere to be seen. “Very serious, and I urge you to accept this. Think of your sisters. I know the farm is a big part of your family, but they deserve the options to do something else if they want.” Sunset said. “Thank you, may I please think about this?” Big Mac asked softly, the want to accept clearly reflecting in his eyes. “Please do, but please don’t take too long either.” Sunset said with a smile as Big Mac chuckled. “You know, I’m starting to think there is a whole other side to you than you show people.” Big Mac said. “Thank you, that is the idea. I prefer to keep my daughter out of the light as much as possible though that may have to change sooner than I would have liked.” Sunset sighed, “Anyways, I have to go, I have another meeting across town. Thank you for coming in Big Mac and thank you for giving my offer some though.” After a quick handshake Sunset was off to the next encounter of the day.