//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals // by kudzuhaiku //------------------------------// The day already felt longer than it should be. Minutes seemed to crawl by, feeling more like hours. It seemed as though the clock refused to move at all for unnaturally long periods of time. Through it all, Sumac tried to endure, though his classmates seemed to have a much easier time of it. There was Tempest Dancer, who kept talking about how much her parents liked to play in the mud. Sumac wasn’t quite sure what to think about her. A pegasus, she was quiet, she was delicate upon her hooves, and she was just a little bit bossy. Not that all pegasi were bossy—no, just most of them. Flint was a pegasus colt with odd wings who couldn’t fly, and Tinder, a unicorn, was his brother. Both of them had cutie marks and something known as symbiotic magic. Lemon Hearts had spoken about it to the class, and mentioned how Twilight Sparkle wanted to understand strange magic. Strawberry Hearts, (no relation to Lemon Hearts) was a quiet, somewhat shy unicorn filly. She was gifted with strong magic and could create puffs of perfumed air, which most of the time turned out to be strawberry scented, filling the classroom with a delightful smell, except for the time when it had been rotten egg scented. She was still learning to control her magic. She was rather good at opening windows with her telekinesis. In the corner, Cinnamon Fire lurked, saying very little. The little colt kept apologising for being a nuisance or being in the way. He didn’t stray very far from Gloomy, who had stuck around to help. Alas, poor Gloomy was going to need a team of trained surgeons to remove Silver Lining, who clung to her leg and refused to let go. The class was small, but Lemon Hearts had promised that it would grow larger soon. More students were coming, but had not arrived yet. The first years for Twilight’s school were few in number, which made things easier for everypony. Sumac knew he would be quite uncomfortable if the class was any larger. Based on Silver Lining’s reaction, she would be a gibbering wreck if there were more students. Following after his fellow students, Sumac was enjoying the tour of the parts of the castle set aside to serve as the school. There were other students out and about. The crowds made Sumac a little nervous, but staying near Pebble helped. She too, had some problems with crowds. In the hallways, there were banners that read, “Friendship is Magic,” and “A Stranger Is Just a Friend You Don’t Know Yet.” Sumac was having a bit of trouble reconciling that notion. There was stranger danger, that is to say that strangers could be dangerous and one had to be cautious, but it seemed that strangers could also be friends. Which was it? It seemed conflicting. They toured the laboratories, the classrooms, there were multiple libraries, media rooms, a music hall, a specimen hall, a solarium and a greenhouse. This was a wondrous place; already Sumac had seen things that he wanted to see again, like an indoor snowstorm, and the specimen hall, which had all kinds of neat live animals, many of which defied description. Walking past a room with an open door, Sumac could see a whole bunch of blue flowers inside, all of them under glass. It took a moment to realise that he was looking at poison joke. Seeing the dangerous blue flowers made his skin shiver. “Class, keep up as we go into the auditorium,” Lemon Hearts said to her students. “Remember to stay together as a group as we’re seated.” Following Gloomy, Sumac filed into the auditorium, which he found was far too crowded for his tastes. He felt a twinge of panic, but then Pebble brushed up against him. He knew that she didn’t like crowds either. Most of his other classmates seemed to pay no mind as they filed in, but Gloomy had to shove both Cinnamon and Silver Lining into the room. Mercifully, their seats were in the left rear corner, and for this, Sumac was thankful. Twilight Sparkle moved across the stage and Spike waddled after her, clutching a microphone in his claws. The auditorium was darkened, save for the well lit stage. Twilight and Spike stood in an island of light. A smiling unicorn mare stood off to one side, and Sumac recognised her as Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle’s mother. Twilight Velvet was a nice pony. She had taken Sumac out to lunch one day and had asked him a whole bunch of questions, like if he was happy, if there was anything he wanted, how he felt about Trixie being his mother, and even asking if he would be happier if he had a sibling or two. He suspected that it had more to do with her doing her job than being nice, but she was nice. As Sumac sat watching, Applejack could be seen on the stage for a brief moment, stepping out from the side and giving Twilight a nod. Perhaps when this was over, he could go and visit the Apples, so he could tell them all about his first day. “Are we ready?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, are we ready, already?” Spike also asked, his words causing many of the ponies in the auditorium to chuckle. The dragon looked out on the crowd and smiled. “I tell ya, if I wasn’t here, nothing would get done.” “That’s subjectively true,” Twilight said, nodding her head in agreement. “Twilight, we’re good,” Rarity said as she stuck her head out from the side of the stage, the same side where Applejack had just appeared a moment before. “Welcome, everypony,” Twilight said in a booming voice that was now amplified. Spike stood near her front legs and held the microphone as Twilight spoke. “This is a momentous day. I didn’t think this would ever become official. I would like to thank a few ponies, if you don’t mind.” The crowd did not object. “First off, I would like to thank Princess Celestia. She was, and still is, my teacher. Without her, none of this would be possible. She taught me to dream, to hope for extraordinary things, and I hope I can pass that lesson on to you. With hard work, dreams are possible.” Another spotlight focused on Twilight and the stage around her somehow grew darker. “I would like to thank my friends, for being here with me every step of the way. I would like to thank them all by name, but the list would be very, very long, and we would be here all day. But all of you know who you are and none of this would be possible without you.” “Applejack, darling, stop playing with the lights!” a disembodied voice said. The auditorium filled with the sounds of laughter and Twilight smiled as she glanced off stage. Spike, holding the microphone in his left claws, covered his mouth with his right claws. He chortled, his whole body wiggling with his uncontained mirth. “Consarnit, Rarity, how did we end up with a live microphone? Turn it off! This is Twilight’s big day!” The spotlight changed colour and Twilight was bathed in a green glow. “That is not a sound switch! Oh, of all the worst things that could happen, this is the worst possible thing ever!” “Oh, go faint on a couch somewhere, Rares!” With a screech of feedback, the sound died and the spotlight on Twilight was turned back to a warm, illuminating yellow white. Twilight had a wide grin upon her face as the audience continued to have a good laugh. Even Twilight’s mother was chuckling. “And this is why you ask friends to help you… the memories alone make everything worth it,” Twilight said to the audience. She cleared her throat. “So where was I… oh, right, I was thanking the ponies that made this possible. I would like to thank all of you for being here. Because of you, this is possible. My school would be nothing without students. We’re still small, but we’re growing!” Twilight lifted the microphone out of Spike’s grasp and held it up before her. “I would also like to thank my own student, Starlight. Thank you, Starlight. You’ve worked so hard to make this possible.” The spotlight moved and shone down upon a pony in the audience. The pony sitting in the front row waved, and then the spotlight was returned to Twilight. Turning her head, Twilight looked at her mother. “I’d like to thank my mother… she’s been a huge help…” Twilight fell silent, her eyes glimmering with the promise of tears. “There are so many ponies that I would like to thank by name, but there isn’t time.” Twilight cleared her throat and then smiled. “So, without further ado, we’re going to watch a little film to help all of you get oriented. Once we’re done here, I think we’ll let out early for today. I’m hearing a lot of reports of frazzled nerves and first day jitters.” There was a cheer from the crowd as the stage darkened. The spotlight faded, leaving Twilight in the dark, and two heavy purple brocade curtains covered in stars pulled away to reveal a movie screen. With a flicker, the projector came to life and the film began to play. Sumac hadn’t seen many movies, but there had been a few. He was having trouble keeping up with everything being said, it was hard to hear in the auditorium, the music was a bit too loud and the sounds of everypony else around him drowned out the dialogue. But the film was pretty easy to follow. Starlight Glimmer was being followed around with a camera as she worked through her rehabilitation and earned the forgiveness of the many ponies she had hurt. The film chronicled her hard work in Our Town as she struggled to make amends and make friends with those she had brought so much harm to. Friendship made anything possible, even forgiveness during trying circumstances. Several times, Starlight seemed humiliated, which had to have been made worse by having everything caught on camera. She endured anger, hostility, even horrible insults, heated words spoken in anger. She bore it all with a sense of humility and a bent neck. Sumac felt his barrel hitching when he watched one of the ponies that Starlight had wronged give Starlight a hug. He thought about Trixie and now had a better understanding of what it must be like for her. Throughout the film, Twilight remained at Starlight’s side, offering support, doing what friends do. It was a powerful lesson. No matter how much a pony had wronged you, it was possible to forgive them and be their friend. Sumac felt Pebble lean up against him and he was thankful for her closeness. He watched as Starlight had a full blown meltdown on the screen and begged for the camera to be turned off. She lay on the ground, down in the dust and the dirt, weeping, a public spectacle for all to see. While Twilight sat with her and tried to reassure her, a white earth pony came over. He sat down and after a few terse, tense words, he pulled Starlight up into a hug and held her. Starlight’s many tears had made the ground a bit muddy and the earth pony’s white pelt became soiled. He didn’t seem to mind. He held Starlight as she wailed, patting her upon the back and neck, trying to comfort her as others passed around them, seemingly indifferent to her suffering. Through it all, Sumac watched, his eyes sometimes tearing over, and he did his best to listen. Interviews, confessions, apologies, Starlight keeping a journal of her struggle on film, her long conversations and confessions spoken into a camera. Others in Our Town also had private moments with the camera, revealing their thoughts, their feelings, and sometimes their anger with what Starlight had done. But there were hopeful moments, happy moments, moments when ponies offered encouragement and shared their hope that Starlight could get better. By rehabilitating Starlight, Twilight had created a powerful message of friendship. Watching the film left Sumac stunned, drained, he was left in a profound emotional state, and he was not alone. Many of his fellow students were crying. Ponies in the audience held each other. No doubt, friendships were forming, or being strengthened, as was no doubt Twilight’s intention with the film. Stepping out into the bright sunlight, Sumac blinked, his eyes stinging, and waited for his dark glasses to darken a little more. Pebble stood beside him, her face stony, but Sumac knew that she had to be feeling something, even if she didn’t show it. Gloomy stood, stretching her wings and her back. Silver Lining was hiding beneath her, clinging to Gloomy’s legs. The dark, dull grey pegasus mare moved closer to Sumac and Pebble, keeping watch as more students went streaming past, spilling out into Ponyville now that the first day of school was over. “That movie was something,” Gloomy said in a low voice. “A real tearjerker. I do hope that Twilight has forgiven me.” “What did you do?” Pebble asked. “When I went on my adventure, I had Twilight banish me. I made a cloud widdle on her.” Gloomy smiled and her gaze focused upon some nonexistent distant point. “I’m sure that Twilight has forgiven me, but I suppose I had better double check to make sure. I’ll have to do it when she’s not so busy.” “Sumac Apple.” Applejack appeared out of nowhere and set upon poor Sumac without a moment of hesitation, scooping him up so she could hug and squeeze him. She settled back on her haunches while gripping Sumac in her forelegs, ignoring his squirms and his struggles. “Have a nice first day of school?” Applejack looked over at Pebble. “Pebble, I hope you don’t mind if I snuggle your beau.” The filly’s chocolate-brown face took on a deep purple tone and she blinked at Applejack. Pebble said nothing, but she did stare, her eyes narrowed, and after a few seconds, her ears pinned back against her head. Pebble shook her head. “Colts are icky and he’s smelly. He’s not my beau.” “Oh, you say that now,” Applejack replied in teasing tones as Gloomy began to giggle, “but just give it time, Pebble Pie.” “No.” Sitting on her haunches, Pebble folded her forelegs over her barrel and gazed up in defiance. Sumac, unable to get free, stopped squirming, his ears drooping down in embarrassment. Was he smelly? There wasn’t a whole lot he could do at the moment, seeing as he was trapped in Applejack’s embrace. He was hungry, he was thirsty, and his emotions were all shook up from the film. He didn’t want to think about Pebble in that way, it was deeesgusting. He was still coming to terms with just having her as a friend. “Come on, both of you, let’s go home and have lunch.” Applejack turned and looked at Gloomy. “Good day, Gloomy. I sure could use a little extra rain if you could swing it. The autumn vegetables are looking a little dry, if’n you know what I mean.” “I’ll see what I can do, Applejack,” Gloomy replied. “Tootles, Sumac and Pebble.” And with that, Gloomy scooped up Silver Lining and flew away, the little griffoness cub wailing in protest, not happy at all about flying with her mother. She screeched in protest, but she also waved goodbye to Sumac, Pebble, and Applejack.