Blackace's Back story

by BlackAce

Losses and moving

Dodge Junction
Blackace's Parents home
3:19 p.m.

"But mommy do you and daddy have to leave now?"

I ask my mommy, she had told me that her and daddy were going out for some anniversary. I don't know what a anniversary is for, but if it meant my mommy and daddy wouldn't be next to me I didn't want them to leave.

"Sorry Acey but we told you, we'll only be gone for just a few hours. And you'll have a foal sitter here to watch you."

"But daddy I don't want a foal sitter, I just want you two here."

As much as I was excited to meet this foal sitter I didn't want them to leave, just even sleeping alone scared me. Sure daddy worked with the guard and had to leave the house to do that, but mommy would still be here to hold me close with her wings. That was another thing why did I have daddy's horn but not mommy's wings, I had asked them this question before only for them to tell me that I couldn't have both those where only for the princess's.

"How about this son if you be good for the foal sitter, we'll take you out to the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Really, I get to see Princess Celestia raise the sun!"

I was surprised the SSC was a very pricey event and it costed a lot even just for the 3 of us. But my daddy wouldn't lie ever, well maybe once in a while but this, he wouldn't would he?

"But only if your good, now where is..."

Ding Ding

"Ah there she is, now Acey be good for me and mommy ok, and try to have fun."

I nodded as I hugged my mommy and daddy, I guess I could be without them for one night it wouldn't hurt, would it. Nah my mommy would always be here and so would my daddy. After they both left I was sitting on my bed drawing some pictures, I always enjoyed drawing even if I didn't get my cutie mark out of it I still enjoined it very much. Speaking of my cutie mark when would it come I always asked my parents when I would get it but they would only say that I would get it when I found my special talent which at first I thought was drawing but after hours of drawing still nothing but i guess I'll have to wait and see.

"Come on little Acey its time for bed, little colts like you need their sleep."

"But (yawn) I'm not tired."

"Oh yes you are now come on and lets get you tucked in for bed."

Oh well I might as go to bed I can feel my body telling me to sleep but I wanted to keep drawing and then go to sleep but my body was betraying me, oh well I guess my body knows best so I make my way under my covers and slowly drift off to sleep.

Dodge Junction
Blackace's parents house
7:45 a.m.

I awake after falling asleep the night before, I expect to smell something being cooked whether it be eggs or pancakes but I smell nothing. I get up to investigate why I smell nothing, only to find the foal sitter sleeping on the couch

"Why is she still here? Shouldn't mommy and daddy be back by now?" I think

So in attempt to find out I start pushing her lightly and asking her to wake up. After a few minutes she slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room.

"Um shouldn't your parents be back by now?"

"I don't know, I'm scared."

"Shh there there, how about I make us some breakfast, maybe they're just running late."

I nod lightly, I don't want to think that they're gone but that thought keeps cropping up in my head. I mean sure they've ran late before, but I was with them so I knew that even if we were days later getting home they would be by my side. After the foal sitter finished making breakfast, and we started eating a loud knock came at the door.

"Stay here Ace I'll get it." Says the foal sitter.

I nod even if it was mommy and daddy why would they knock, I mean they live here right. After a few minutes I hear the foal sitter call out for me.

"Acey can you come here please."

"Why would she need me?" I wonder as I start heading for the door of my house. Once I get to the door I see two Police ponies standing there looking a little down once they saw me.

"Are you Blackace?" Ask the first one.

I nod slowly. Now I really really scared, why are they here, where is mommy and daddy, I want my mommy and daddy.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your parents have been murdered, I'm sorry but your going to have to come with us."

I just stand there, just staring, I knew what murder is my parents have told me before when my uncle died 2 years ago, I didn't like him that much to start with, but mommy and daddy dead, no I refuse to believe it, no no no no. Soon I'm crying my eye's out sitting on the ground. Why, what did they do to deserve to die. Soon I feel my body being wrapped in magic, being picked up by one of the police ponies.

"Where are you taking him?" asked the foal sitter.

"That's personal information that can't be disclosed at this time."

After what feels like hours of crying I soon start feeling sleepy, despite my best efforts I slowly fall in to a deep sleep hoping that all this is nothing but a bad dream that I'll wake up from soon with my mommy and daddy to hold me close.