Dark Frost

by BlueColton


Twilight need not have sent a message to her friends. In no time at all, she had the Elements of Harmony barging down her palace door. When they gathered in the throne room, Twilight hoped they would be able to discuss plausible solutions to Ponyville’s latest crisis in a civil and educated manner.
“What in the hay is goin’ on?”
Or not.
Applejack was hysterical, her normally calm demeanor shattered as she relayed the troubles besieging Sweet Apple Acres. “We’re losin’ all our crops! This snow’s gonna kill every last tree on the farm. Ah can’t even begin to t’ tell ya’ll how hard it was harvestin’ all those apples.” Tapping her hoof on the crystal table, the orange mare added, “If we don’t fix this soon, there ain’t gonna be any food for any pony.”
Twilight listened to Applejack’s woes like an attentive leader. She understood the severity of her situation. While Ponyville had other means of sustenance, Sweet Apple Acres was still its primary source of food production. In fact, Ponyville would not have even existed were it not for the Apple Family.
“I understand, Applejack. Rainbow,” Twilight turned to the cyan-colored pegasus. “Can you explain this climate change?”
Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry. “Pfft! How should I know? I’m a weather pony, not some stupid meatygist.”
“Meteorologist,” Twilight corrected.
“Whatever. Point is, I break clouds. I move clouds. I kick clouds. Check the cutie mark.” She stood up on her throne and raised her flank for all to see.
“Doesn’t alternating weather patterns fall under your field of specialty?” A cultured voice asked from across the table.
Rainbow sat down to glare at Rarity. “I don’t make the weather, Rarity. I just tell it what to do.”
“Well can’t ya make it so as t’ not kill every apple between here and Whitetail Woods?” Applejack asked. She sounded desperate. Every pony in the room knew how hard she and her family worked on that farm. “Can’t ya and the other pegasi do somethin’?”
“Hey, I came here just as soon as it started snowing like the rest of you. Once Twilight fills us in on what’s going on, I’m taking my team and hitting those clouds.” Rainbow turned towards the alicorn. “Well, princess?”
A high-pitched voice rang out. “Yeah, Twilight. What’s the deal-e-o?”
Twilight regarded Pinkie with regret. “I’m afraid I don’t know. Spike and I have tried getting a message to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, but so far there’s been no response. We can’t seem to communicate with any pony outside of town.”
“Do you think perhaps they’ve been burdened with the same calamity as us?” Rarity asked. Wearing a deep-blue parka with a trio of diamond-studded tabs on the front left pocket, she gingerly sipped the hot cocoa that Spike had made.
Her face hidden behind a veil of hot pink hair, Fluttershy gently spoke up. “Do you think this is happening all over Equestria?”
“I should hope not, darling. My winter line won’t be ready for another six months.”
“Would ya forget about yer darn clothes, Rarity?” Applejack slammed her hoof down on the table, shaking it. Every pony visibly shook from the sound. “We need t’ figure out how t’ save our crops!”
“Applejack, I didn’t mean,”
But AJ cut Rarity off. “Look, ah don’t mean t’ sound selfish. Ah know ma family ain’t the only one hit hard by this. It’s just…all that hard work…fer nothin’.” Settling back in her throne, Applejack removed her hat and held it to her chest. “It breaks ma heart seein’ it all go t’ waste.”
Every pony offered her a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry,” Twilight started. “We’ll figure this out. We always do.”
“Ah know, Twilight.” Applejack put her hat back on. Back in control of herself, the earth pony mare nodded her way. “So what’s the plan?”
“First of all, we need to assure every pony that we’re doing everything we can to reestablish contact with the outside world. Rainbow,” Twilight regarded the pegasus. “After you clear the skies I want you to send fliers to scout the area. Fluttershy had a point. We need to know just how far this goes. Then I want you to head to Canterlot and find out why the princesses haven’t responded to any of our messages.”
Rainbow saluted. “Can do.”
“Applejack,” Twilight pointed, “you’re going to round up enough ponies to help you and your family gather what apples they can. We need to build up our stores as quickly as possible and will need all the hooves we can get.”
“Much obliged.”
“Rarity, it’s going to get colder. Ponies will need something to keep them warm.”
Sipping her cocoa, Rarity raised a hoof into the air. “Say no more!” She sipped again. “My word, but this is divine!”
“Pinkie Pie, you’re going to have to keep morale up for the time being. We don’t need anything fancy just,”
There was a loud explosion and confetti rained down on the table. Wincing, Twilight gingerly poked her head out from beneath the table to find the exuberant pink mare sitting atop the largest party cannon she’d ever seen. Wearing a wide-brimmed bicorne, she looked around at each of her finds who were hunkering down in as much the same way as Twilight. “Too much?”
Twilight sighed. “I was thinking along the lines of checking up on every pony, making sure they have what they need, and assuring them that everything’s going to be okay.”
“Oh…I can do that. Sure!” Pinkie jumped into the barrel of the cannon which then sank magically behind her throne. Once it disappeared, Pinkie shot back up wearing the same bicorne hat. Realizing she still had it on, Pinkie immediately removed the furnishing and folded both hooves on the table, smiling.
Twilight pinched her muzzle and shook her head. “Okay. Fluttershy.” She looked at the buttery-yellow pegasus who was still shaking after Pinkie’s latest outburst. “This is going to sound strange, but I want you to keep an eye on the Everfree Forest.”
Large emerald-green eyes gazed at her. “The Everfree Forest? But why, Twilight?”
“Those woods are known for wild magic. Ever since Princess Celestia abandoned the Castle of the Two Sisters, it’s been a hotbed of paranormal activity. While there’s no proof that its directly responsible for what’s happening, I’d feel better knowing there was some pony watching over it. Are you up for it?”
Fluttershy nodded. “Of course. I can watch anything. I am the Stare Master, after all.”
Twilight nodded. “Good. In the meantime, I’m going to do what I do best.”
“Lecture?” Rainbow deadpanned.
“Research,” Twilight said, offering Rainbow a stern glare. “I’ll search my library for any information regarding sudden weather changes. I received a new shipment of books from Princess Cadence the other day. If there’s any alicorn familiar with strange weather phenomena, it’s the princess of the Crystal Empire.” Looking at each pony in turn, she offered them her most encouraging smile. “Are there any questions?”
“I have a question,” a voice rang out. Spike approached the table while washing his claws with a cloth. He’d been busy in the kitchen, the smell of breakfast food still clinging to his scales. “While you’re off saving the world, what am I supposed to be doing?” He asked generally, though the question was undoubtingly directed at Twilight.
“Why, assisting me of course,” Twilight said.
Rainbow chuckled. “Yeah, Spike. Isn’t that what you always do?”
“I just heard the last part of your meeting,” Spike went on, ignoring Rainbow Dash. “Each of you has a special assignment. I want to do something special too.” Hopping onto his miniature crystal throne, Spike regarded each of the ponies. “I just don’t want to be cooped up in here making cocoa. This is my home and it’s in danger. I can’t stand the idea of being here where it’s safe while you’re all off risking your lives.”
“Spike, what you do is important,” Twilight said. “I need your help researching possible solutions.”
“Assisting you researching possible solutions,” Spike emphasized. “I want to do more than that, Twilight. I want to be out there, helping. It gets boring being stuck in here all the time.”
“It ain’t like we’re organizin’ a hoedown, Spike,” Applejack said across the table. “It’s dangerous out there.”
Nodding her head in agreement, Rarity said, “Especially for a baby dragon.”
Spike huffed. “I’m not a baby.” He then realized he was still wearing his apron, which showed a cute dragon in diapers with big kawaii eyes. Spike quickly took it off. “Look, I just want to add more to the group. You guys keep going off saving the world while I’m always stuck here, sweeping floors, cleaning toilets, and polishing windows. It’s not that I don’t like assisting you, Twilight,” he told his surrogate sister, “it’s just that the map never calls me to do anything. I don’t go off on any adventures or fix friendship problems. I’m always left behind doing chores.” Sighing, he slumped. “It gets boring.”
Fluttershy spoke up. “You can help me keep an eye on the Everfree Forest.”
Spike huffed. “Great. More assisting.”
Twilight scratched her muzzle. “Hmm. How about you serve as messenger dragon?” When he looked at her, she clarified, “You always kept me in contact with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I’ll need some pony to serve as a go-between with me and the mayor while we get organized. You can be our liaison. Does that sound good?”
Looking at her, one eyebrow raised, Spike said, “So…deliver messages without the dragonfire?”
Smiling sheepishly, Twilight said, “Uh…yes?”
Spike rolled his eyes. “Fine.” Hopping off his throne, Spike proceeded to the kitchen. “Beats sweeping floors, I guess.”
After he left, every pony felt awkward. “Did Spike seem a bit angsty to any pony?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Not more than usual,” Rarity said. “Though I have to admit, I’m not around him nearly enough to judge. Twilight, do you know what’s bothering him?”
Twilight shrugged. “Not really. I’ll have a talk with him later. Right now we need to get going. This snow isn’t going to stop itself.” All heads nodded in agreement. “Alright, girls. Let’s get started.”