The Key to the Light

by KingJoltik

Early Days, Part 6: The Tree and the Pig

'The Key' seems to have the ability to unlock places and things I would have never thought possible. While I have been studying it's effects, I have stumbled upon something that I believe only 'The Key' can use. It is a locked book. Now this may seem odd to say, but this book seems to be empty on the outside. No letters or words on front or back. Not a single character on the spine. Despite this, I can tell there is something more to it. Till then, I will keep this book and put it up in my study. Hopefully, when 'The Key' truly appears, it's wielder will find their way to that book.

-Starswirl, Report 7

"What do you mean she went missing?!" Celestia yelled, her voice blasting the librarian's eardrums. "Where is my protégé?!"

"Well see..." the librarian gulped, her hooves shaking in fear. The towering alicorn glared down at the shivering mare as she could only stutter in front of the royal pony. "S-S-She just uh...disappeared. There was this huge light and then um...she was gone."

"Where did the light appear in the library then?!" Celestia hissed. "Tell me!"

"Over there." she pointed, her hoof shaking like a leaf. Celestia quickly turned and raced down the hallway. Her eyes shifted back and forth, looking over every inch. Her horn shined as books began to get engulfed by a large magical aura. A small whirlwind of books flew through the air as she shifted through the hallway. As she kept looking, her hooves suddenly stopped as she noticed a certain book. A grim look covered her face as a shiver went down her spine.

"How is..." Celestia stuttered as she lifted the book in front of her. "That's...impossible. This is supposed to be in Starswirl's study in the...oh no."

She stormed back to the librarian and shoved the book into her face. "How is this in the archives?! Who put this here?!"

"I uh..." the librarian's eyes glanced at the book and back at Celestia. "Um...your majesty...I've never seen that book before."

"Then how did-" Celestia looked back at the book. A small lightbulb turned on in her head. "Of course, this is the work of the keyblade." Her hoof ascended over her mouth, her lips trembling. "Oh Twilight. I hope you're alright."

The Princess of the Sun put the book into her hooves and let out a small sigh. Of all the times for this to happen, it's when the Heartless suddenly appear. Oh well, doesn't matter. I need to keep this book with me until Twilight returns. Celestia thought as she told the librarian to evacuate. She quickly went back to her room and put the book on her table. Perhaps this is a good sign. I don't want Twilight to encounter the Heartless just yet, she's just a little filly after all. She doesn't need to encounter such monsters just yet...

She then went to a nearby closet, glancing inside as she stared at a giant golden frame and a golden clad helmet. She cocked her head as she put on the armor along with her armored shoes and attached a long sheathed sword on her back. She knew she was about to go into the very heat of battle. It's been a loooong time since I've done this.

After she had donned her battle wear, she asked a fellow guard to protect her room. She knew full well that there was a possibility that the Heartless were here for the keyblade despite Twilight being currently inside another world. Her wings spread out as she went to the nearest window and flew to the top of the city. There, she saw the slow invasion of the Heartless as the dark creatures began to cover street after street. Her horn began to shine a bright, eye-piercing aura. The guards have evacuated the castle and has most of the citizens in protective bunkers. I'll need to get the unicorns out there, I suspect they will be the best equipped for these beings. A long sigh expelled out of her nostrils as she put herself in a fighting stance as she stared out the window. Now, let's see how I fare against these foul creatures.

" want to get some honey out of this tree?"

"That's right." Pooh said with a nod.

"And you're going to use a balloon to get up there?"

"Oh yes. You see, the bees are buzzing right now. That means they're making honey, which will help stop the rumbly in my tummy."

"Um...okay." Twilight replied, her head slightly cocking sideways. Doesn't he know the bees will get angry if her tries to take their honey?

"Kupo kupo!" Spike exclaimed as he poked Twilight's thinking face. Snapping Twilight out of her thinking daze, she looked at the tree only to see a missing bear. Spike pointed up and Twilight soon followed as she saw the now floating bear. Then the duo saw the bees.

"Uh-oh! He'll get stung!" Twilight said as she quickly got on a branch. "I've got to get up there!" Her body began to leap onto another branch, her hooves sliding over the over-sized twig. "Errgh! Gotta be more careful!"

"Kupo! Kupo kupo!"

"I know Spike! I'm trying!" Twilight barked as she grabbed another branch. "Come on...just a little more and-there!"

"Oh hello Twilight, are you here for some honey as well?" Pooh said as she saw Twilight jump onto a branch in front of him.

"Pooh! You need to-whoa!" Twilight hooves slid around as they slipped on a sap covered branch. The keyblade quickly appeared in her hoof and stuck itself over the branch, it's teeth fully sunk into the wood. Twilight glanced at the now stuck sword and let out a sigh. "Whew...thank you keyblade. That was close."

"Kupo!" Spike panicked as he pointed up again. "Kupo kupo!"

"What is-uh oh." Twilight's eyes shrunk as she saw a full barrage of bees float around Pooh. "Pooh! Watch out!"

But Twilight's warning was one second to late. A small bee stinger slammed into the bear's balloon in a swift strike. Air slowly leaked out as the tiny stuffed bear began to float down. The ground soon greeted the bear as Twilight pulled the keyblade out and descended down as well. She walked up to the small bear as he just stared at the now popped balloon. "Are you okay Pooh?"

"Oh yes. I'm fine." Pooh said as he began staring at the tree. "Though my tummy is still rumbly."

"Oh yeah...the bees popped your balloon before you got some honey, didn't they?"

"Yes." Pooh said as his stubby legs shook like jelly. The tiny bear began to get up, only to notice a small bush by the tree. A pair of tiny pink ears were protruding out. "Oh hello Piglet."

"Piglet?" Twilight said, surprised at the sudden change in topics. Pooh doesn't have a good attention span, does he?

"Oh yes, my friend Piglet. He's over there."

Twilight glanced at the bush Pooh was looking at and turned her head slightly sideways. "Huh? It's just a bush." The filly began to blink as she then saw the pair of ears pop out again. "What the-"

"Hello Piglet. Come meet my new friends Twilight and Spike."

"O-o-oh d-d-d-dear." the tiny pig squeaked as he tiptoed out of the bush. "Um...hello?"

Wow. He's tiny. Though he is quite adorable with that little red shirt and those pokey pink ears. Twilight thought as she shivering creature slowly walk up to her. "Hi there. I'm Twilight." Twilight said as she kneeled down to Piglet's level. "It's nice to meet you Piglet."

"Oh...hello." Piglet gulped as he nodded to Twilight. "N-n-nice to meet you."

"Kupo." Spike said as he hopped off Twilight's back. The moogle began to waddle up to the pig as Twilight began to compare their heights. She blinked as she saw that the few weeks old moogle was just a bit taller than the tiny pig. "Kupo!"

"Um...w-why is he just saying kupo?"

"That's all Spike can say. At least, for now. I think."

"Oh...hello Spike."

"Kupo." Spike replied as he poked Piglet, causing the pig to giggle.

"Heh heh, stop that! That tickles!"

Twilight giggled at the sight as Spike kept poking Piglet. Pooh then bent over and poked him as well. Twilight watched the little sight as all three just sat there giggling. Huh...maybe this is why I'm here. she thought as she grabbed Spike and gave him a big hug. Maybe I just needed to calm down a little.

"So P-P-Pooh, were you t-t-trying to get the honey from the honey tree?"

"Oh yes Piglet. My tummy is rather rumbly today."

" aren't gonna get it with a balloon today P-P-Pooh."

"Hmm..." Pooh then tapped his head in his signature thinking pose. "I think you are right Piglet. What should I do for my rumbly tummy then?"

"Well...maybe Tigger can help. Remember the time we tried the seesaw?"

"Tigger?" Twilight asked, surprised at the strange name. "Who is that?"

"Tigger is our friend. And he's really good at bouncing."


"Oh yes. Bouncing is what Tiggers do best." Pooh replied, a big smile covering his face. Piglet nodded with the smile as he then turned and started to walk away. Pooh quickly followed along with Spike, who was just slightly floating right by Piglet. Twilight couldn't help but smile at the cute situation.

Wow. This place sure is pleasant. I wonder what else is in this funny little book world. she thought as she soon followed the three cuddly creatures. Now, I wonder what this 'Tigger' is anyways?

A giant barrage of fireballs scorched Sunny Street as the shadows were struck down from the flame. A certain princess of the sun descended down as she summoned another fiery volley. A giant fat Heartless appeared before her, it's massive arms beating it's chest. "You're out of your league Heartless." Celestia said as her fire magic formed a flaming spear made out of pure magic. The spear slammed through the giant's stomach, instantly turning him into nothing but dark dust. The other shadows quickly shifted into the street and slithered away.

"Anyone else?!" Celestia yelled, her voice shaking the street. Her eyes quickly shifted to the end of the street, only to blink at the sight before her. A small pony wearing a long black coat began to walk up to her. The princess did a double take as she saw the tiny pony slowly drift down the street, her sight catching the dark aura that surrounded the cloaked pony's back. Celestia could barely see the pony's hooves, noticing them to be a light blue color. She quickly scanned the pony over. Great Suns! That pony is just a filly! And yet...Celestia gulped at the next thought. She's controlling the Heartless, isn't she? But...why would a little filly like her do something like that?! She's so young!

The filly was just about ten paces away before stopping to a standstill. She stood there for a second before taking off her hood, her face revealing itself. Her silver white hair streamed down to her neck as she glared at the princes with cold dead eyes. "T-T-Trixie...will now defeat you." she stuttered, her eyes twitching as a small aura covered their sides. "Trixie is...Trixie is the greatest..."

The sight struck Celestia's heart. This little filly...she's obviously not in control of this situation. Her voice alone tells this. The darkness must have great control over her That's not it. Somepony must be controlling her. The poor foal, she must be struggling just to keep her heart together from all that darkness. Celestia let out a sigh as she bent down to the filly's level. "Do not worry my little pony, I will help you. Just give me a minute and I can free your heart."

Instead, Trixie took one step back and glared at the princess. An instance later, a dark purple aura covered her face as a falchion-esque sword appeared in her mouth. The blade was shaped like a demonic wing, it's edges colored into a mix of red, purple and blue. It's handle showed a blue, cat-like eye and several dark braids. The filly assumed a fighting stance as a thick jet black aura covered her body.

"Hold on little filly, please don't do anything you might regret." Celestia said, her face shining her usual kind smile. But the smile's power wasn't going to work today as the filly just stood there, twitching. "We don't need to fight. Somepony is controlling your heart. Please...let me help you."

But Celestia's words fell on deaf ears as the filly scratched the ground like a bull ready to charge. Celestia took one step back as she realized the situation. Her blade slowly floated in front of her. The other, charged straight ahead. "T-T-Trixie...will destroy you!"