//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Fitting In // Story: Lost in Darkness // by Insanecrusader //------------------------------// John felt as if a freight train had just rammed into him at a hundred miles per hour. The realization hit him so hard, his mind was incapacitated for a few moments. Did she just say her name was Twilight Sparkle? His thoughts started to race. What in the world is a cartoon pony… human doing in my house? How did she end up here?! In this universe? But maybe the biggest thought John had was that somewhere out there, magical ponies existed… Twilight cocked her head. She had only said her name and already the human was looking agasp. “Uhh, is there still someone left in there?” She asked the brain-dead male in front of her. Contrary to what she thought, John’s brain was going a million miles a second trying to process everything still. Hey… nimrod… are you just gonna stand there and keep the girl waiting? Sassed the voice inside his head. Oh, yeah! I’ll just tell her the fact that she’s in a world where her world is a kids cartoon! I’ll just tell her she’s not supposed to exist!. John snapped. How about your name Mr. Smart-Mouth? The voice said. John suddenly rolled his eyes and hit his head with his fist, much to the surprise of Twilight. “Oh, will you just be quiet!?” He shouted. She looked at him and giggled, seeing such a creature act this way was certainly a sight. “Is this how all of your ki- friends react when meeting someone new?” She poked. Twilight was trying her best not to give what she was away yet, however without knowing it, She already had. John stopped tormenting himself to look up at her with a sheepish smile. He pulled his fists away from his head. “Oh! Sorry! I tend to go off talking to myself and… you know… sometimes I argue with disembodied voices.” He replied nervously. He held out his left hand to Twilight. “Name’s John, John Morrows.” He shook her hand. It felt loose and awkward, however, like using hands was a foreign thing to her. She’s not exactly what you would call, a perfect human. John was reminded. This was of course, a pony princess whose only had to use hands and fingers a grand total of three times. Pony… He then remembered his first big question, One he half already knew, but he wanted to hear her side of the story. “So about that long story you haven’t told me yet…” Now it was her time to look sheepish. “Well… okay, I’ll tell, you but you’re gonna think I’m crazy…” “...and now I'm here! I tried using my magic from that room all morning before you woke up, but all I could muster was some levitation. Trying to do any more puts too much strain on me to function properly.” Twilight said defeatedly. “It’s almost as if there’s no magic in the environment...” She began to realize something and fell to her knees. “No… No, no, no… This can’t be happening!” She began to hyperventilate. “Please tell me humans in this universe can use magic! She gripped John by the shoulders, staring him straight in the eyes. John just shook his head, keeping a wide-eyed look upon his face. “Not unless you count pulling a bunny out of a hat magic.” Twilight released him and went into full panic mode. “Oh… Oh, please, no! How could this have happened?! I did everything right!” She darted frantically around the room. ”My friends must be worried to death over this! Celestia! Luna! Anypony!” She cried out fruitlessly. She was too far, an entire universe too far. Even for a princess, John knew Twilight was in a bleak situation. Alone with limited to no magic available, completely powerless to this new and unknown world which she was dropped into. John walked over to the pony-turned-human. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Hey… calm down, for all you know it could’ve been worse. Instead of this world, it could’ve been a much, much more dangerous one still without magic.” Twilight looked up at him, calmer, but depressed about the whole situation. “I know, but I still can’t get home.” She sighed. “Even if there was just enough magic in this world, I still would need at least five beings that could harness such power to make the spell work!” She sat down on the floor. “And like you said, there’s no trace of any sort of magic…” John sat down next to her. He had always been pretty sure that magic was only a idea of pure fantasy, but now- after what he just witnessed this morning- he couldn’t use any amount of science, physics or logic to explain this exponential event. It threw the entire human understanding of the universe straight out the window, so at this point, truly anything could happen. John once again tried to get the distressed princess to cheer up. “Look… I know right now you’re separated from home, and you feel powerless in the face of a completely alien environment.” She raised her head, but didn't meet his eyes. Hopefully, that means she’s listening... John continued, “But just from you being here… it breaks every fundamental law of logic and science that this world has come to know.” This time, Twilight came to look at him eye to eye, giving him a perplexed expression. Both her and John were well taught in their respective sciences, but this was new. She quickly began to piece together what the man was getting after. “This world has no magic, and yet I was still thrown here…” Twilight stated. John nodded his head. “Keep going…” He egged her on. Twilight paused for a moment, still thinking on her words. “And that - theoretically, according to you - would be impossible, therefore challenging that theory, nullifying the improbability of magic being able to exist in this world.” She rabbled. John had a major in physics but even he thought that what she said was a mouthful. “In other words, anything is now possible.” Twilight stood up and beamed a determined smile at John. “That’s right! And if so, then maybe there’s still a chance to utilize the full extent of my powers here!” She exclaimed. Then she had an idea that began turning the gears in her head. “If that’s possible, then not only could I get back my magic….” “I could introduce real magic to this dark little world…” John and Twilight had been pondering the whole “magic” issue all day, all while going through town, getting the princess familiar with the place. Getting clothes, groceries (since she retained her vegan pony nature), and simply getting acquainted. However, John had yet to disclose what he knew about her existence. Twilight was finally wearing proper clothing. Blue skinny jeans, a lavender t-shirt with a philosiraptor plastered across the front, a midnight purple jacket and a pair of sneakers. Surprisingly, she chose it all, giving John a good laugh. Driving home, he wanted to know what the show never specified about the ponies. The first one that came to mind was age. “So, Twilight, this may seem out of the blue, but… exactly how old are you?” He peered over to the passenger side where she sat. “Oh, I don’t mind! It’s not weird at all.” she assured him. ”I’m a little over four years.” She replied cheerfully. John went completely wide-eyed from this. “F-four years?!” He sputtered. She’s a horse dumbass. Four horse years is equal to twenty and a half human years… The voice in John’s head said patronizingly. “Oh… four years, so… twenty-three human years.” He corrected himself nervously. Why am I always the one saving your ass? I’m you, for crying out loud! “Will you just stop it already?” John replied to the voice aloud, Much to the amusement of Twilight. She started to giggle at how goofy he was acting. “Wow… is it really that big of an inner battle to figure how old I am as a human?” She said merrily. John chuckled a bit, he always knew he was a tad weird at times… scratch that, most of the time. But most people just saw it as awkward or strange, which he admitted to.However, Very rarely - as an adult - has he ever made someone laugh at him. This wasn’t a bad feeling, he rather enjoyed giving them a reason to laugh. It’s what brought out his younger, high school self. “Well, that’s surely… interesting, to say the least.” He still felt a little nervous after he yet again talked to himself. “Hey, look! There’s the house.” He paused. “I think it’s time I started cooking some dinner for myself, since… ya’ know… you don’t eat meat…” John twiddled his thumbs. Twilight got out and started walking inside with some of the grocery bags. “That’s fine. I’m gonna do some work on how I got here.” She was a good ways ahead of him already. “Just have something for me when you’re done.” She said as she walked inside. John grabbed the five bags left, locked his car and began walking towards the door when he heard a loud noise from inside. “John! I think we don’t have to worry about this world having no magic!” Twilight shouted. John rushed inside to see what she was talking about. “What makes you say that?” He had to shout, as there seemed to be a hurricane wind inside his house. He knew something was definitely wrong. He made his way to the bedroom doorway where Twilight was. “What the hell is happening?” They looked at one another with fearful expressions. “We don’t have to worry about having no magic…” “Because it’s about to explode all over the place!” Twilight forced John to the ground just before the entire house erupted into a blinding light, as what appeared to be a rainboom ejected from the chaos. The blast set off car alarms, broke windows, and disoriented senile townsfolk. The two stood up and scanned what was left of John’s house. “Good thing I had homeowner’s insurance.” He kicked the still intact, but still unhinged door. “The guys downtown aren’t gonna believe this.” Meanwhile in another part of space-time… “Rainbow Dash! For the last time, stop foolin’ around and help us!” Applejack shouted angrily at the pegasus. All five of them had been trying to solve Twilight's disappearance for at least two days now. They got Spike to send a letter to Celestia but she hasn’t responded. With AJ leading the search and the little dragon helping, they had successfully… “...Gotten absolutely NOWHERE!” cried Rarity as she paced around the new castle library. “How in Equestria is anypony supposed to do this?” Spike was sitting down, skimming through books to find anything about trans-dimensional locator spells. “Twilight said it herself: the spell she used could only be cast by the bearers of the elements.” He shook his tiny fists in the air. “I even told her the risks! And she still ignored me!” Fluttershy calmed the frustrated dragon. “Oh… I’m sure Twilight wasn’t ignoring you, Spike, that’s not like her to do that…” She said in a soothing voice. Rainbow Dash flew in from the balcony above to interject. “Yeah… I mean I’m not a total egghead, but if I was an all-powerful alicorn, I would’ve taken the risk like she did. Applejack snorted at her remark. “But, Rainbow, if you were a princess like Twilight, you couldn’t just go off on your own time to do something that would run the risk of… well… whatever happened here!” AJ sighed, there was no point in getting angry again. “She’s too important to lose. Both as our best friend and as the Princess of Magic.” Spike pondered for a moment. He had an idea. “Hey… what if the old pony sisters castle had something?” He piped up. “That’s where me and Twi found the spell in the first place! There’s bound to be more where that came from!” He jumped up from his seat, but Rainbow Dash was already revving up. Applejack raised her brow at this. “Now, Rainbow, ah’ know what you’re think’n and I’m tellin you right now… DO NOT-” But she was too late to stop her, she had already blasted into the stratosphere, and just as she was getting out of sight, the four on the ground witnessed a Sonic Rainboom. This one seemed to be much more powerful as the whole ground shook from the blast. Unbeknownst to the Mane Six, another, more sinister duo looked on as their plans slowly unfolded.... “Are you entirely sure this will work?” Spoke a devilish cloaked figure. “These annoying ponies are not as weak minded as you think… what if they catch on?” From an unlit lantern was spat out a cloud of black mist. It took on no shape, but it had a voice only those from Tartarus could compare to. “I have lived my life… thriving off of greed, conflict and hate… no matter how strong the flame may burn… Darkness can extinguish any light… because Darkness resides in every being in existence… Darkness lives on where the flame cannot… And as the flame will eventually fade, the shadows will take their place, undying…. “You speak strong words but we see where these words alone have gotten you?” the female voice cooed. Darkness is patient for the day the light finally dies. We wait, my dear… we will wait. For their time will come. And the queen of fools shall lead her possy to what they want, and in return, i will soon receive my due justice. “And me?” She snapped. Patience…. Our time will come… for Darkness can never die… we can wait an eternity…