Knock-Out's Annoyance, Blueblood's Bad Day

by The Bricklayer

...And Shining's oncoming headache.

"Hey, let me go you brute!" One Prince Blueblood of the Royal Family shouted at his captor from the seat he was currently restrained to with a seat belt. "Do you know who you've got here? I swear to Celestia, when my Auntie hears about this you will feel her-"

Blueblood's angry shouting, and justifiably angry shouting at that, was interrupted by his captor who if he could at the time would roll his eyes.

"No, I don't care really. Besides, she's just a horse. What could she possibly do to someone as grand and generally quite good looking as myself?" A sarcastic voice taunted him back.

"Y'know, if I wasn't strapped in like I was this might actually be fun!" Blueblood's companion Cloudchaser laughed while Blueblood gaped at her in shock, surely she had to be joking right? This was in no way fun at all for the Prince, as he kept making quite clear.

"But, like I said. Strapped in. Yeah, not fun at all." Cloudchaser added.

"Trust me lady, it'll be even less fun for the two of you by the time we're through." The same voice taunted and like before it came from nowhere, and at the same time it came from all around them. There was a reason for this, as you'll soon see. Suddenly the vehicle both Blueblood and Cloudchaser were in shook as it was hit from the side by a blast of magic. Outside, Shining Armor of the Royal Guard ran alongside with a determined look on his face.

"Stop, in the name of the Canterlot Royal Guard, and release the Prince!" Shining shouted, and there was soon a annoyed look from Cloudchaser.

"What am I, chopped liver here? Man... This sucks." She muttered and Shining looked embarrassed and quickly corrected himself.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Release the Prince and his date." Shining said while Cloudchase huffed "Thank you."

Now, you may be wondering what the heck's going on here and why is Shining Armor chasing a talking vehicle through the streets of Canterlot, and said talking vehicle has Cloudchaser and Prince Blueblood in it.

Well, so you'll be able to understand this well enough we'll have to flash back to about a half hour before...

30 Moments before, at a café in Canterlot...

Shining Armor was definitely not a happy stallion. Not one bit, you understand. Firstly, he'd planned to take his own girlfriend out on a date and hopefully pop the question to her. Sadly, life or should that be Celestia had other plans for him. You see, her nephew Prince Blueblood had a date of his own with his latest choice of companion, so to speak the Pegasus known as Cloudchaser. About the only thing giving Shining happiness right now was that Blueblood himself was nervous. Shining suspected this was possibly due to the rumor he heard about Flitter threatning to chop off Blueblood's... Well, let's just say it was something unpleasant if he hurt her sister in any way. Shining also suspected pain was in Blueblood's future.

"Y'know, I have to say this isn't as painful as I thought it would be." Cloudchaser commented as she ate her dinner with Blueblood sitting across from her generally looking confused.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked, and Cloudchaser chuckled, the candlelight illuminating her face. Now Blueblood would never say this aloud, but in the light it gave her a certain type of beauty. A small town, wild kind of beauty.

"Well, I have heard the rumors. You know, the ones about you being a shameless flirt with the mares. THOSE rumors." Cloudchaser smirked.

"Oh... OH! Those ones. Complete and utter exagerations. I don't know where they got started." Blueblood laughed nervously as he tugged at his bowtie. In his spot hiding in a potted fern Shining rolled his eyes and muttered "Oh, give me a break." in disgust.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Blueblood added, with more nervousness. Cloudchaser couldn't resist a chance to tease her date and put on a flirty and somewhat arrogant look. Blueblood's nervousness only increased while Shining had to cover his laughter.

"You know, I think it's got to be me." Cloudchaser said seductively. Blueblood spit out his soup with it flying past Cloudchaser's head and landing squarely on Fancy Pant's monocle as he ate at the table behind Cloudchaser and Blueblood's.

Fancy let out a offended "Oh, I say! Say it, don't spray it!" before his monocle was cleaned off by his date, AKA Rarity Belle who tossed Blueblood a angry look making him whimper while Cloudchaser laughed her head off before recomposing herself and saying "Oh yes, that's going to affect your standing among the nobles."

Blueblood groaned and hit his head on the table after pushing his soup bowl aside.

It wasn't until the date was over that Blueblood's (And to a lesser extent Shining's) trouble really began. As they walked out of the café, right in front of them was a dark red sports car, with yellow rims. It was of Trottingham make, judging by the sheer classiness of the interior. The Aston Manetin badge helped too.

"Uh, did you rent a car to drive me home in?" Cloudchaser asked in a teasing tone. "Because if so that'll be really quite fun with some of the things you can get up to in the back seats."

Blueblood once again tugged at his tie nervously as Cloudchaser laughed to herself. Suddenly, the car spoke in a angered and quite offended tone.

"You two will do no such thing! I absolutely hate it when you organics... interface. UGH!" The "car" yelled, and Blueblood and Shining both imagined that if the car could shudder, it would have done so.

And then, everypony was in for another surprise as the whole car shifted and changed into a tall red armored figure with a gray noseless face who reached out with one of his arms, grabbed both Cloudchaser and Blueblood before putting them inside his chest and transforming back to vehicle mode and driving off down the crowded street with ponies diving out of the way and cursing out the newcomer. Shining, from a alleyway groaned and muttered to himself something that perfectly summed up the situation at hand.

"Why me?"


Okay, so now we're back in the present. Currently Blueblood was trying to free himself from his restraints if not successfully.

"Hey, what the hay is your reason for doing this anyway?" Blueblood yelled and if the car could it would roll it's eyes again. "Who do you think you are anyway?"

"...I was wondering about that." Cloudchaser commented to herself.

Finally they received some answers from the car itself.

"Here's the shimmy. Designation's Knock-Out, medic of the good ship Nemesis. Boss-Bot, big guy and really scary in way you wouldn't want to tick him off, he wants some high class figure to ransom for some precious energon cubes. Me, all I care about is some lab rats and you'll do just fine." The now named robot explained. Then there was a loud thud from behind as Shining jumped onto Knock-Out's trunk much to his annoyance.

"Hey, get off me? You know how much your hooves will ruin my finish?" He yelled and Shining gained a thoughtful look. Knock-Out suddenly felt the urge to panic. Then, Shining shoved his sword into Knock-Out's trunk lid even as the decepticon took a hard right in a attempt to throw him off. Knock-Out screeched in rage.

"AAACKKK! You know, when I get my hands on you-"

Shining ignored him and shouted to Blueblood.

"Do something, Prince Charming!" He yelled, adding in his personal nickname for the Prince just to annoy him. It worked, although currently Blueblood was just more frantic then annoyed right now.

"Yeah, like what?" Blueblood yelled, and his savior yelled back.


Shrugging, Blueblood threw his hooves onto the steering wheel and took control. Knock-out shouted various Cybertronian curse words at him, but they were ignored while Cloudchaser teased "You really need to wash out your mouth. Do ya kiss your mother with it?"

"For the record, my mother taught me most of those." Knock-Out stated as if this was something for him to be proud of. "Now get your dirty hooves off my steering wheel you fleshy!"

Then, Blueblood made him swerve into a store window. He and Cloudchaser were swiftly ejected out of the doors as Knock-Out backed up, threw Shining off him and sped off down the street to locations unknown saying "Alright, that's it. I've about had enough of you two. There are easier targets to grab or at least less annoying ones!"

Shining rubbed his head and groaned even as Cloudchaser kissed Blueblood on the cheek saying "Thanks for the great time Charming. Best date I've ever had." and walked off with a swing in her step. Blueblood just gaped.