//------------------------------// // Only Chapter // Story: A Gamer's Date // by Moon loving Changeling //------------------------------// "Looks like I win yet again, James" Princess Luna said to her competition, her translucent blue starry mane and tail flowing gracefully even though the air was still. "I give up," James groaned as he set the controller on the ground and removed his headset. Luna laughed, removed hers, then said, "That makes it forty to none." James turned and stared at the blue alicorn. He's only known her for a few days but they were already best friends and he felt a strange attraction to her. He felt like he owed her because if it wasn't for her then he would be dead. His thoughts drifted back to the night three days ago when he fell out of the sky after some magician performed a disappearing act with him. Luna saved him by pure accident cause she was just walking around at night when he landed on her. He was brought back from his thoughts when Luna asked, "Why are you staring at me for?" "Uh? What?" James asked as he broke his stare. Luna rolled her eyes as James stood and stretched as he yawned. Then once he was done James said, "Well I guess I better be off." "NO!" Luna yelled. James turned and asked, "Why?" "I- I- I just don't want to be alone tonight. So please stay and sleep here," she stuttered. "Fine I'll stay," James said. "But where will I sleep?" "You can sleep in my bed," she said. she then stood and said, "Follow me." She then turn around and walked over to a small, low lying circle with a dark blue blanket and matching cigar shaped pillow. "Here it is," she said. James removed his glasses and asked, "Where should I put these?" Luna turned towards him then a transparent magical blue aura engulfed her horn and the glasses. She then used her magic to levitate the glasses over to a table that held her crown, breastplate, and slippers. She then placed the glasses next to the breastplate. "Is that suitable?" She asked. "Yes," James said as he lift up the top left corner of the blanket, laid down on his right side, and covered up. Luna then lifted the top right corner, laid down next to James, and covered up as well. James turned a pleasant color of crimson then Luna asked, "You don't mind if I sleep with you, do you?" "Not at all," James said clearly embarrassed. Luna then let her left wing drape over James as she laid her head on her pillow. They laid there in silence for three minutes then for no reason Luna lifted her wing and her head. Luna then asked, "James are you awake?" "Yeah," he replied. "Mind laying on your back?" she asked. "Not in the least," James said as he rolled onto her back. Luna moved so that her front half was on James then she closed her eyes and kissed him. Taken by surprise James held still for a minute, eyes wide open then he gently lifted Luna off of him. "Why in Hell did you do that?!" He asked. "Forgive me but I can not withhold my feelings for you any longer," she said with rosy cheeks. "Still, that was unwanted physical contact" I said gruffly. "ART THOU SAYING THAT MY AFFECTION FOR THEE IS UNWELCOME!?" Luna asked loudly as tears formed in her eyes. "Lower your voice. Do you want your sister to know that we're sharing a bed," I warned. "I didn't say that. In fact, I find it comforting that you have feelings for me cause..." James took a deep breath then stuttered, "I... I love you, Princess Luna." "Would it be all right if we cuddled?" She asked cheeks still rosy. "That would be wanted," James said as he wrapped his arms around Luna and pulled her close, but Luna moved around until she was comfortable. When she settled she said, "Good night, James." "Good night, Luna" James answered. Sleep then quickly over took the two of them. Each of them having the best sleep of their lives. But let's skip to the next morning. The next morning there came a raping on the door followed by a voice saying, "Luna! It's time to wake up!" "Ten more minutes," Luna groaned squeezing James tightly causing James to wake up. "Luna we don't have time for this. We're supposed to meet Twilight in an hour," the voice called, but was meet by silence. "Luna! I'm coming in," the voice said as the door opened. James looked up to see Princess Celestia in her radiant glory. Their eyes meet as Celestia gave him a stare that was warm, yet as cold as ice. Then Luna sat up beside James, saw her sister and said, "Must thou awake me at this hour" not realizing that James was seen by Celestia then it hit her. As soon as she realized that James had been seen her cheeks turned rosy once more. "S#%+!" James thought to himself then to his surprise Celestia placed her gaze on Luna and began to question her. James then snuck over to the table, grabbed his glasses, then he snuck over to where his shoes lay, and put them on. The shoes were black Nikes with black laces. James then stood up and began to walk over to the door to make his escape, but as soon as he placed his right hand on the door handle he was surrounded by a yellow aura and was pulled backwards. Once James was back where he started Celestia said, "I'll let you stay James. But if I hear that you were mean to my sister I will banish you from Equestria forever. Understand?" James swallowed then answered, "Y- Yes Ma'am." "Good. Luna take a shower then meet me in the throne room. James you're staying here while we're out." Celestia then left the room as Luna walked towards her private bathroom while James removed his shoes, turned on the game system, put the headset he used the night before back on, and began playing a older Call of Duty game. He ignored the sound of running water and Luna when she started singing. He even ignored her when the singing and water stopped. Luna then walked out of her bathroom, put on her crown, breastplate, and slippers, and said, "I'm done. I should be back in an hour or two. See you later James." James flashed her a thumbs up then she left the room. James then resumed playing the game. But as time went on Celestia began warming up to James.