Enter Crimson

by milestails16

Chapter 8: The Fight Continues

A King Timberwolf and Ponyville’s newcomer, standing in the middle of Ponyville just a few inches away from each other. One came to cause destruction, while the other was here to prevent that.

“Something ain’t right here.” said Applejack, being the only one out of the group not paying attention to the newcomer. “King Timberwolves ain’t supposed to change into THIS and have legs regrow out of nowhere!”

“You’re right” said Twilight, “Something isn’t right. I’ve been doing some reading on Timberwolves ever since you and Spike encountered some a while. In all of the research books I’ve read, none of them mentioned something like this!”

Crimson took note of his surroundings. A crowd filled with scared citizens and one strong King Timberwolf right in front of him. If he wanted to get rid of this thing as quick as possible he would have to get it far enough away to where no one would be in harm’s way. He knew the only possible place. The Everfree Forest.

‘I’ve got to get this thing out of here before others get hurt!’

“Hey ugly!” he said towards the monster, “This way!” Running, with a now aggravated King Timberwolf chasing behind him, Crimson headed towards the Everfree Forest to continue their battle; away from any witnesses.

“Crimson wait!” screamed Twilight from behind him and the King Timberwolf.

“You girls wait here!” said Crimson, “I’m gonna take care of this thing once and for all!” He then disappeared into the Everfree Forest; along with the King Timberwolf.

“Sh-Should...Should we help him?” asked Fluttershy, talking in her soft voice while at the same doing her best to be brave. Rainbow Dash, not even bothering to give her an answer, ran towards the Everfree Forest.

“Well I’m gonna go help him!” said Rainbow Dash with determination in her eyes as she got closer to the forest, only to be pulled back by Twilight’s magic.

“I’m sorry Dash,” said Twilight, ”But you would not be able to help him. With what we saw you would just get in his way” Dash didn’t want to admit it, but Twilight was right. She would get in the way.

“We’ll just have to trust him on coming out of this okay”

In The Everfree Forest

Crimson continued to run until he got to the middle of the Everfree Forest, with the King Timberwolf following behind.

"This should be far enough" he said before hopping onto a tree branch, jumping off of it and doing an elbow drop on the monster’s head as soon as it came into view; splitting it in two and collapsing onto the ground along with its body. Like last time, the King Timberwolf didn’t stay down for long. Vines shot out from its neck and attached themselves to the two halves of the King Timberwolf’s head. They pulled the two halves together, sewed them up, and then quickly pulled the head towards the neck. As soon as the head was reconnected with the head, both healed almost instantaneously. As soon as it was finished healing the beast stood right back up, ready for the fight!

“Looks like taking you down will be a challenge” said Crimson as he slowly circled his opponent. As he did this, the King Timberwolf started circling him as well as it stared deeply at him with its glowing green eyes. Suddenly, Crimson came to a stop in front of his opponent.

“Well then” Crimson said as his right hand suddenly started glowing red, “Guess that means I don’t have to hold back!” His hand glowed brighter as something appeared in his hand. As soon as the light dimmed down the object was clearer to see. But, before the beast could see what it was it fell to the ground again! Its front two legs had been cut right off! It suddenly heard a whistle from up above. Slowly lifting its head, the beast looked up and saw Crimson on top of a tree branch looking down at the creature with a scythe in his right hand; wearing a serious expression on his face.

“Come on!” he said, “That can’t be it, can it?” The beast started growling at him. Crimson hopped down from the tree branch and landed in front of the King Timberwolf to finish it off, but as he raised his scythe high up in the air he started hearing something from the Timberwolf. Something he didn’t think would ever happen. It started...talking to him!

“Go...Go ahead” said the King Timberwolf, “Finish me off! They already know that you’re he-” Before it could finish its sentence Crimson slammed his scythe down onto the Timberwolf’s head, silencing it for good.

“What an annoying creature” He said as he lifted scythe from the pile of bark that was once the Timberwolf’s head. After he did, the beast’s entire body suddenly fell to pieces and turned to ash. Its glowing green eyes started to lose their bright glow, until the glow was completely gone. Its ashes flew away in the wind leaving behind a small red pearl. He picked up the pe arl and looked at it closely.

“No...It can’t be” Was all he said before he put the pearl into his left pocket. He pulled the teeth, that came from one of the Timberw olves, out of his right arm.

“No need for me to be here anymore” He said as he ran back to Ponyville. “I might as well head back and check to see if the others are okay” Making sure the others didn’t see it, his scythe vanished before he stepped foot out of the forest. Looking up ahead of him he saw the others waiting for him. Before he left the forest t hough, a thought came to him.

‘They...they...who’s they?’

He decided not to let it bother him and continued his walk out of the Everfree Forest. But as hard as he tried to ignore them, the beast’s words continued to bother the young man. Just who was the creature referring to? Who are “they” ?