//------------------------------// // Chilly Morning // Story: Against the Shadows // by DazzleMLP84 //------------------------------// "First off, Adagio. What? And second off why were you and Flame Charge talking about baby names when you guys aren't even married yet?" Sunset asked. "We were bored, so we decided to make a list of cute baby names for the future, when we are married. And yes, Allegro was our favorite girl baby name." "While you guys were doing that did you come up with last names as well?" "No! That we were going to decide that when we get married." "Well, then all we know is that girl, is named Allegro, your favorite girl baby name, looks like you and is in danger. That is pretty much is a dead giveaway that she is your child from the future. And if she is from the future, I'm assuming the girl from my dream is my future child, because she said that Allegro was her best friend, and looked a lot like me." "Twilight was so right. But we aren't completely sure of this, yet. We still don't know the other girl's name or if they have any connection to Equestria." "And if we don't know that. We can't be sure that they are from the future, without looking insane." "Okay, I wasn't expecting to be worrying about this topic when it is two weeks until graduation. I thought I would be worried about college." "What is the point? You, Me and Twilight are already for college. Plus we haven't had an Equestrian magic incident since the Moonlight Dance last year. So I guess this makes sense why this is happening now." "Perfect sense. I was noticing that it was too calm, especially when it's two days away from 'the' day." "What day?" "The day when my nightmares became real." "Yeah, I know exactly what that stands for. Hmm." "What?!" "This weird that our possible future kids are here, around 'the' day. I wonder if that has anything to do with it." ________________________ Back at the hotel. Allegro was sleeping rather soundly, holding on her wand tightly. Summer was sleeping on the other bed. Summer suddenly woke up with a feeling that something is wrong. She got out of bed and started to shake Allegro. "Allegro! Get up!" She insisted. "Why? I don't want to get up!" Allegro said half-awake. "Too bad. There is definitely something wrong, Allegro. I can feel it. Also we are out of Ice." "Go get some ice. And come back then." "And leave my best friend to be kidnapped, I don't think so. Also I'm too scared to go alone." "Summer, this is an expensive hotel with high security features. There is really no reason to worry about anything bad happening." "Yeah, I would go alone now. But I don't know where the machine is." "Fine! I'll go with you.'' Allegro said getting out of bed. The two girls walked out the room and headed to the ice machine down the hall. Summer started to fill the bucket with ice as a cola from the nearby drink machine rolled towards Allegro. Allegro picked it up and looked at it for a while. "Hey, Summer. Did get a cola before you started to get the ice?" "No! Why would I get a cola at four in the morning?" "No reason." Allegro said dropping the cola in the trash. "Okay, I've got the ice. Let's go back to the room." The two girls walked back in the room and started to watch tv. "Allegro, what was thing about the cola for?" Summer asked. "I just found a can of cola out and I was wondering if it was yours. And as soon as I realized it wasn't yours, I threw it away." "That's creepy, who would pay money for a cola and just leave it there. It's just a waste of perfectly good cola." "I don't know. A bunch of teenage boys?" "It's a school night though in this time period." "Well, I don't know who did that then." "Yeah. Hey, Allegro. Do you know why we got out of school three weeks early, back home?" "Didn't we have no snow days, and started one week earlier than other schools?" "Oh, yeah we did. It has just been such a long time that I didn't remember that." "Yeah, it was." Allegro said falling back to sleep. "Allegro, you can back to sleep. I'm staying up to try to figure out what's wrong." "No! I want to stay up as well. I think your fear of something happening has spread to me." "As you told me, there is nothing to worry about. There are many security features in this hotel. Go back to sleep." "Okay, Goodnight." Allegro drowsily went back to bed, and put the covers over her head as she went back to sleep. Summer continued to watch T.V. for a while until she got bored. She turned off the T.V. and took out her hot pink diary with rosettes all over it. She started write with her pink pen. Dear Diary, Things have been weird since school got out Tuesday. At first Allegro said that she couldn't come over for a sleepover because her parents were going on a business trip. I didn't notice at first, but she said that with a panic look in her eyes. I know what that means now, but earlier I had no idea what was going on. Next thing I knew was that she texted me saying she was going to the past until Monday, early morning and not to tell Twyla. I was in shock, why would she do that? Along those lines why did she say not to tell Twyla? We have been inseparable since preschool, so why would she say not to tell her other best friend? I had to know why so now I'm in the past as well. I found why she did it, it was because someone who harmed her mother is after her and Allegro didn't feel safe home alone. I felt sorry for her, my mom has told me what happened to Adagio, and just the knowledge that Allegro could end up like that makes me sick. Nothing bad has happened yet, but it helps that Allegro picked the hotel with the best security. But for some reason I have a feeling that something bad is coming, I hope nothing goes bad. Thank you for listening, Summer.