Equestrian Adventure 2!

by DerpyHooves320

1: Lost and Found

Down in Tartarus, a figure lay motionless on the ground, a layer of ash covering it. Slowly, it began to rise with a loud groan, showing the figure to be a human. A human named Zach. Looking around, Zach took in his surroundings.

"Where am I?" He asked himself, as he started walking forward slowly, before suddenly falling to his knees, his hands going to his head as a great pain flooded through him. Groaning in pain as he wished he was dead, but gasped when it suddenly stopped, as he suddenly remembered everything that happened. "That piece of shit!" He hissed, as he started kicking random rocks on the ground.

'Pull yourself together,' Zach told himself, at least it felt like he told himself that, as he calmed down and looked around. Everything was dark and gloomy, which is what he expected from Hell, even if it wasn't as warm as he'd imagined. He could see a very faint light coming from a far away part of the underground. "If there's an obvious light, then there's something that's obviously important," he said, and started walking forward at a much greater pace. Not looking forward to a far journey as he mumbled to himself, but failed to look down at the slump that lay in his path and tripped. Cursing silently to himself, despite his urge to just scream those words out, he got up and looked at the thing he tripped on.

Kneeling down, he reached out and grabbed it, looking at the pink visible through the soot. Remembering what it was, he pulled it close to him, held it tightly to his chest and started on his way again. Not tripping this time, he made sure of that, he was well on his way towards the light, but he knew it would take a very long time to get there. Grumbling to himself, he reached into his pocket with his free hand to grab his phone to play some music. Only, he felt nothing.

"Where's my phone?" Zach asked himself in a panicked voice, as his hand grasped nothing in his pocket. Starting his search off by frantically running around, he searched through as much ash as he could in hopes of finding his precious phone. With time on his hands and the will to search, he found his phone exactly half an hour later, pretty far off from his original spot where he awoke. "I'll never lose you again! I promise!" He said, hugging it as tightly as he could without cracking the screen. Would he really need it? Probably not, just nice to have.

~~~~~Some time later~~~~~

Zach groaned, his legs screaming for rest. The light was so close now, and he swore he could smell some fresh air. 'I need to get out more,' he mentally noted, deciding that once he wasn't in hell he would exercise for once. Slowly but surely, he managed to push himself long enough to reach the light. Collapsing on the ground, he brought in as much of the fresh air as possible. It smelt way better than ash and soot.

"I made it!" He yelled out, pushing his arms above his head, pushing ash around while making an ash angel. Looking up at the light, he grew a big frown. The light was coming from a lock. "That's just rude of them, what are they trying to lock in?" he asked, mostly because he saw nothing throughout his entire journey, but got up and walked to the lock. Looking through the hole, he saw a nice calming forest, the sun shining down on the peaceful looking land.

Frowning, he backed up, and looked around for any keys. Not seeing any, which wasn't a very big surprise, he looked for any weakness in the door. Not seeing any way to break the door down unless he was a giant, he gave up and sat himself down with his back to the door. Breathing in the fresh air that slowly slipped in through the lock hole, he calmed himself, knowing that there would be a way out.

Deciding he needed to do something to pass the time, he raised the hoodie he tripped on earlier. Using his cleanest hand, he started to smudge around the ash. This upset him, since he wanted to get rid of the ash, not move it around and press it in more. After a few more minutes, his rubbing started to reveal a slight bit more of pink, and a new sense of boredom rose with it.

"Great, now that I'm done 'cleaning' this, I've got nothing to do!" He said loudly, slamming the back of his head into the door behind him. Slowly the door opened, letting him fall flat on his back. A new sense of anger filled him as he realized it wasn't locked, but rather the lock was just there to fool him. Maybe it wasn't a trap, and he just didn't try to open the door! Deciding that sitting there angry at his own foul of failing to try opening it wasn't going to get him anywhere, he got up, and started to leave the dark underground.

Once outside, he saw the damage. Over on the mountainside, a giant black blob took residence over what used to be Canterlot. "Well, that wasn't my first choice to go to anyways" he said softly, fear running through him. If Canterlot was over run, how would the rest of Equestria be? Continuing his look around, he saw a castle in the sky, which he noted was not there before. Not being able to see much more, he climbed up a nearby tree.

"Hello, Zach" he heard a familiar voice say, earning a scream from the unprepared human, as he was only half way up the tree. looking around, he saw a familiar abomination floating nearby.

"Oh it's you, ass hat" Zach said, as he climbed up the rest of the way. Now on top of the tree, Discord landed in front of him, so they were face to belly with each other. "So, what'd I miss while I was in hell?" Zach asked, looking up, where Discord's face was. Which didn't help, because the chaos god moved his face onto his belly.

"Not much, just us villains taking over Equestria" Discord said with extra emphasis on villains, as he sat in mid-air summoning a glass of chocolate milk. "Want one?" He asked, summoning another and offering it to Zach.

"Well, I haven't had a drink in a while" he said in response, taking it from him. Bringing it to his lips, he smelt something funny. "Is this normal chocolate milk?" He asked, giving Discord a dirty look.

"Maybe" Discord said, drinking the glass around the chocolate milk, then threw the chocolate milk away.

"I don't trust it. Besides, you sent me to hell, so why should I trust you anyways?" Zach asked, throwing the glass behind him, only to hear it explode. Discord threw his arm out, resting his arm on the back of Zach's neck.

"Alright you caught me. I'm here to kill you" Discord said, as he tightened his arm around his neck, and started lifting him from the tree. "You're the only one who can 'win', apparently, so you need to be eliminated" he said, before throwing Zach straight up. Flying through the air for a second, he took a moment to register everything that just happened. Before he could, he found himself on the ground, the air knocked right out of him.

"Alright, time to run!" Zach wheezed, getting up while struggling to breath, and started sprinting through the forest. Discord could be heard running behind him, but he dared not to look behind him, in fear of running straight into a tree. Hearing something hit a tree behind him, he remembered that Discord was capable of some very powerful magic. Not wanting to experience how magic bolts felt, he started weaving through the trees, avoiding them the best he could.

"You can't run forever, besides that, I can teleport in front of you!" Discord yelled, just as he teleported in front of Zach. Realizing what kind of a problem this posed, Zach decided it would be bad to stop and switch directions, and slid underneath Discord, leaving him with a confused look on his face. Of course, he hit a tree that wasn't too far behind the chaos god, and he found himself laying on the ground, with no possible way of getting away in time.

"I really messed that one up" Zach said, a look of regret on his face. Cheeks red and soot covering the majority of him, he definitely knew he was a mess. What made it worse is the fact that it happened in front of a literal god.

"Terribly so" Discord said, leaning over Zach and pinning him down with a foot. "Now I don't truly want to do this, but I have to" he said, as a fireball appeared in his hand. Readying himself for his demise, he started by drawing a little target on his chest with dirt. Discord gave a little chuckle when he saw it, and began his attack. It disappeared, which caused him to frown. The frown deepened when a little portal appeared, hooves popping through and grabbing Zach's legs. Just as quickly as it appeared, they disappeared through the portal with the human in tow, and it grew very quiet.

"You really messed up badly there, didn't you" a nearby voice said, causing Discord to slowly turn around, only to see Chrysalis sitting in a nearby tree, drinking a cup of actual chocolate milk. Seeing her really upset him.

"Yes. Yes I did" he said slowly, before snapping his fingers and disappearing to his next destination.