Land of liberty.

by general well

Chapter 12

Location- (White house).

POV- (President Larry).


I, President Larry of the United States of America. was from Illinois. I am 42 years old. I was elected in 2012 and I am currently serving my first term as president. And I regret it, you know why. Because I decided to support a classified project to travel between dimensions. Believe me, I didn't believe it at first. But after the scientist show me the test results, I immediately decided to help fund it. And now look where it landed me. A country about to collapse and and being the world's biggest fool. Well technically this world. Haha, yeah. I shouldn't have ran for president, now I'm facing the consequences.

               ?Now the present¿

    “What do you mean it got stolen!”  I yelled at General Clarke who slightly back away from me.

     “Um… it's gone.” He answered with some dignity.

     As his words sink into me. I fall back on my chair feeling a little exhausting from this ordeal. “So.” I said. “Can you tell me how this happened again general?”

     “W-well, what I-i know. There was 5 people who attacked the L-Laboratory yesterday and what the FBI has told me. That they have d-destroyed the interdimensional teleporter and s-stole the schematic.” He explained with sweat coming down his face.

     I simply push myself away from the desk and turn myself the other way around, not facing the shameful General Clarke to continue to stare at me from behind.
     I think my head is starting to hurt from this. I simply thought as I try to reach my head around this. After a couple of minutes thinking about it.
     I have decided to speak again to General clarkins who was still waiting for an answer from me. I proceeded to clear my throat and spoke softly with some anger still there.
     “So…. You know I could brand you as a traitor and give you a life sentence for your failure.”

     Clarke simply nodded at the my statement.

     “But, I still need someone to takeover for General Wellington as he is being moved to Hawaii.”  I admit it. “So I need you to take over for him. Do you accept General Clarke.”

     “I will accept mr. president.”

    I nod in agreement. “But I will not forget this, so now get out of my office.” I ordered while pointing at the door.

     “Yes s-sir.” General Clarke said as he saluted. With that, he left the room leaving me alone sitting on my chair.

      After he left I reach over to the phone and grab it. I punch in the numbers and hold the phone next to my ear.

     *Beep, beep, beep, click*


     “Hey, Hannah Weitzenbaum.” I said out loud as I hold the phone next to my ear. “How's it going?.”

     Hannah simply reply to me with a slightly annoyed tone. “What do you want mr. president?”

     I reply back calmly to her. Not trying to anger her the slightest.
     “Well I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the crisis that happen yesterday?”  I asked. Waiting for her answer.
     When she finally responded, she answered me with a regular tone of voice. (Not angry at me). “Yes why?.”

     “So could you tell me what happened?” I asked. “I need a little bit more information.” I told her over the phone. “Because General Clarke didn't tell me that much.”

     “Clarke?” Hannah sounded surprise as I mentioned the name. “You mean that idiot from the military.”

     I simply answered. “yes.”

     “Oh, okay. What I know from my agent that the one leading the group is name Anzhelika Kyznetsov.” She answered with disdain.

     “I suppose you have some history with her.” I stated.

     “Well you you could say something like that. But anyway let's get back to business.” Hannah said. Pressing on with the issue. “Anyways she used to work for the MI6 until she quit her job.”

     “And what happened after that I may ask?”

     “After she quit her job, she moved over to the CESIS which was in Italy until in 2007 when it was disbanded and replaced with the AISE. After that she joined the Russian. What happened next I don't have the slightest clue.” Hannah explain over the phone. “So please don't ask me.”

     “So.” I said, “Is that all you know for now?”

     “yep mr. president.” Havana answered. “That's all we know about her. But that doesn't mean we could learn more, I'll be sending my best agents throughout the country searching for whatever clue about her.” Havana promise with a sincere tone of voice.

     “Good luck with that mission Havana.”

     “Thank you sir, well goodbye.”

     “Goodbye…” *Click.*
Well, I think that went well. I thought to myself as I put down the phone. Hopefully she does catch this Anzhelika Kyznetsov before she do something worse. But I cannot think what more worse than this. Anyways I better get going. I have to get to the meeting, I don't want to miss it.

         <|.inter    .<||>.    Miss     .|>
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     Here I am, at the meeting. Listening to the man in front of me. His name is Brian Conde and he is from the Oil Field Incorporated or the O.F.I if you wish to call them by the acronym. Anyways, he's a spokesperson for the company and they want my permission to start drilling in the territories that we own inside Queen Mothra domain.

“…Mr. president. As we know, there are a large amount of oil in this surrounding area that I am pointing at.” Brian Conde said as he pointed at the map which have a large circle with x on it saying oil is here. “Sir-I mean Mr. President, my boss wants your permission to start drilling in this area and we may need a little extra funding to get it started, if you approved of this.” The men explain as he crossed his arms. Waiting for a answer from me.

     I thought about it quickly but before I could answer, Yas Rogers, a representative for 5 different mining companies, spoken up before I did.

     “Um… Mr. president, ain't that also iron, silver and copper in that area too”. He pointed out where he sat from. “Shouldn't we mine those first, if we do, we could-”

     “Hold it right there.” Spoke up Brian, interrupting Yas in mid sentence. “The oil is way much important that some copper and silver you know that.” He stated out loud. “Because mr. president, you know riots are happening because of the oil shortage and the rationing.” Brian said, proving his point. “What we have is a golden opportunity to stop this mayhem for once and for all.”  Brian declare as he stood up from his chair. Accidentally spilling his water all over his sides of the table. Brian cursed as he reacted to the accident.
     “Please mr. Brian.” Said Veata Mao.  A Pedologist (Who, I really don't know where she came from). Anyways she was sent to study the soil at the territory we own inside Queen Mothra domain. What she found was extraordinary, All under that granite and Stone was heavily fertilized soil. “Please restrict yourself from using such barbaric language.” She told Mr. Brian, who started glared at her.

     “I could do whatever I want.” He replied back sharply. “The only reason you are here because you have that report and nothing else.”

     Veata Mao simply smirk at the statement. “At least I only needed the report “ she said as she crossed her arms together. “You need a companies to back you up with this, I just need the report.”

“At least I work instead of looking at dirt and-”

    “Calm down.” I said, interrupting him. “We are here together to talk about a important matter.” I told them as I look at my watch. (it was 5 a.m.). We are not here to argue or play around. So let's get down to business.”