//------------------------------// // The return of the PeaceKeeper // Story: The peacekeeper of Equestria // by Kauetheadventurer246 //------------------------------// "FUCK YEAH MOTHER FUCKERS!", A boy in his teenage years yelled out into the air with a samsung phone in his hand in a certain screen shot that he always hoped to see. PEACE RESTORED The screen meant that he had successfully survived a wave in the game, "The PeaceKeeper", and what made this even more special was the wave number. It was the 30th wave, the most hardest wave in the game because the three bosses you face every ten waves will join together to put on what they called epic boss mode. This took the boy weeks to grind for gold to max out every stat he could. After playing this wave over and over, he had finally beat it. The boy dropped his phone on his bed and punched the air as he continually said yes over and over. He soon felled on his bed as he let out a sigh. He closed his eyes as he let exhaustion take over his whole body. He was finally at peace until, his phone started to ring. The boy got up and looked at his phone with a confused look on his face. "Well that's weird. This thing lost it's ability to do any sort of calls whatsoever.", The boy said as he picked up the phone and looked at it. The number that was calling him was only question marks and the the name of the caller was the same like the number,"So who the hell is calling me?", The boy decided to answer the call and put it on his right ear,"Hello?" "Oh is this by any chance Kaue Dasilva?", The caller sounded quite calm and laid back. Kaue was shocked that this stranger knew what his name was somehow. Kaue hesitated for a bit before answering the stranger's question,"Y-yes?". "Oh how wonderful!", The stranger sounded quite happy, "I was wondering you want to do something that might save an entire world?", Kaue was speechless at what the caller just said. He felt like that he was pulling a prank on him and was about to call him out until the caller interrupted him,"You're probably thinking that this a prank, are you?", Kaue was surprised that the caller had manage to sat exactly what he was thinking,"I don't care if you think that this is a prank or not, I only want to hear you say one of these words: Yes or no." "That's it?", Kaue asked the caller if it was just that simple. "That is all dear friend.", The caller answered,"So what will it be then, yes or no?", Kaue wasn't sure if this was a good idea and if this wasn't a trap of any kind. Kaue decided to put some thought into this and after about two minutes, he finally gave his answer. "Yes." "Excellent my good friend!", The caller told Kaue. Suddenly, Kaue started to feel weak as his phone slipped out of his hand. Kaue felled on to his bed once more as he tried to keep his eyes open but, they seem to get heavier as time went on. Before Kaue lost consciousness, the caller said one last thing,"Oh yeah, you might feel a bit tired during the transfer", After that, Kaue closed his eyes as he spent his last moments on earth...for a time at least. "Ow, my head", Kaue groaned as he placed his hand on his head as he felt the cold metal on his face,"Wait metal?", Kaue got up and got a quick look of his body. His whole entire body was covered in old iron armor like that in the old medieval time. He also notice that he had something on his back. He turned his head a bit and saw an iron backpack with two pipes that look like exhaust pipes. He looked down at the ground and noticed that he was in a trench of some sorts. Kaue got up to his feet and noticed an old gun on the ground. Kaue picked it up and looked at it and the only word he could come with it was... Junky. It seem that the gun body was strapped down with tape and the magazine was barely half a foot and the gun muzzle was like that on his iron backpack. He continued to look at the gun and didn't notice that somebody had snucked up to him and placed its hand on his shoulder. Kaue jumped back from the touch and saw that the one that touched him was a tall man wearing a cloak. Kaue wasn't really sure what to say about this until the cloaked man put up his hand as if to stop him from even talking. "And just in case you ask: no I am not death and no I am not related to death in anyway and you are in Equestria", Kaue was shocked at the last thing he just said but, being in Equestria was not exactly at the top of the weirdest things that had happen today. There was only one thing Kaue could say to any of this was one word. "What?", The cloaked man sighed as he place his hand on his face and pointed to the left over the trench. Kaue climbed over it and saw something he couldn't believe at what he was looking at. It was a tree that seem to made of pure crystal and had five branches that had gems that looked like a butterfly, a lightning bolt, a purple diamond, a ballon and a apple. In the middle of the tree was a purple star. "That is what you are suppose to protect and if you are wondering why you need to protect it is that Chrysalis, King Sombra and Tirek had joined forces and token down the princesses and the main six with ease.", Kaue was shocked at what he heard. He had heard from a friend who watched the show for a while and told him that those ponies weren't so easy to beat. Hearing that they had been defeated so easily was unbelievable. "But what does this have to do with me?", Kaue asked the cloaked man. The cloaked man only sighed and turned to face Kaue. "That's because they're planning to destroy the tree of harmony and the last thing that could protect the harmony of this world is YOU!", The man pointed his finger at Kaue, who backed up a bit at the sudden pointing from him,"Are now the only one that stand between this tree and the enemy. Are you willing to protect this world?", Kaue was panicking inside his head. He didn't want to this but, knowing that if he said no, then all hope is lost in Equestria. Kaue alway wanted to make something worth while in his whole life. "I will do everything in my power to save Equestria!", Kaue yelled at the man while hitting the area on his chest where his heart was. The man pulled back the hood that covered his head and saw that it was actually Discord. Discord put on a simle at Kaue's determination and turned around, getting ready to teleport. "Oh! One more thing.", Discord turned his head literally 180 degrees to look at Kaue,"Chrysalis had sent a couple of scouts to destroy the tree as she thinks that nothing will protect the tree for it is at it's most weakest but, it is protected by a barrior that will only stay up as long as you are alive so, please don't die.", And with that, Discord flashed out of existence. After Discord disappeared, Kaue heard some buzzing comeing from outside the cave. Kaue turned and got into a shooting position. "So if I die, Equestria is pretty much fucked.", Kaue muttered to himself. He soon saw shadows starting to form on the cave floor, signaling Kaue that the battle was about to begin,"No pressure whatsoever."