Chaos: the Age of Spike

by Kaliann25

The time has come

The time has come

The two versions of Derpy were still playing mirror making all kind of faces and acts making each other laugh along with their daughters; but then two Feather Weight arrived to invite the Dinkys to a hoof-ball game past vs. future and they joined after say good bye to their moms. Once they left, both Derpys dropped their game, fixed their eyes and stared to each other ready for combat.

“Okay, you’ve imitated me perfectly so far. What’s the idea? Are you trying to infiltrate to the Secret Service? Because I won’t let you win that easy”

“Same here. I warn you, I may act like a clumsy mare most of the time but I’m an elite soldier”

“You studied me well, changeling”

Finally each Derpy took a muffin from their mailbag and offered it to their opponent. Apparently just a normal blueberry muffin but they both knew it was much more.

“Ah, the changeling detecting device created by Princess Sparkle. If you’re not a changeling, you won’t mind taste it, right?”

“What a coincidence! I was to say the same thing”

They tried each other’s muffins but nothing happened.

“Okay that was unexpected”

“I don’t know what went wrong”

It was when their mailbags projected the image of prince Blue Blood; making both Derpys stop their small fight and saluted their leader.

“Sub-captain Hooves reporting for duty” said the both Derpys at the same time.

The Blue Bloods nodded.

“Rest soldiers. This isn’t a changeling invasion; just the lord of chaos messing with us” said past Blue Blood.

“That’s right!” Said future Blue Blood. “As I was explaining my handsome past self, this is just a prank; we just have to sit and wait to the Elements of Harmony do their job. The other pony you’re seeing is yourself from another time, not a threat”

Both Derpys nodded to their leader and finally relaxed.

“Ehehe… sorry about that Derpy”

“Ey, nopony is perfect. Besides the situation is odd”

“You’ll get used to. You see, the new god of Chaos is more persistent than Discord; but I try to not bother for this, in fact I enjoy myself most of the time. And Dinky fascinated with this so if she’s happy I’m happy”

“I hear you, Dinky is the light of my life. Ey, and in your time Dinky knows that I’m not a clumsy mailmare but a super spy?”

Future Derpy shook her head sadly, she really wanted to show her daughter her true self and abilities but for the moment it was out of the question; after the problem with Maud’s Terrorist Organization Salvation the security measurements hardened for the Secret Service.

“I really want to but is not possible yet. But I’ll tell her one day. Damn Maud Pie”

And speaking of the most dangerous and evil pony of all times:

“So what’s the idea?” Asked Maud drily looking at her other self.

“What’s your idea?” Asked the other Maud.

They emotionless stared to each other for a while.

“Do something or I’ll blow up a building full of ponies” said a Maud emotionless.

“Go on” said the other Maud.

“It is Las Pegasus Caesar Palace. Full of ponies”

“I’ve been trying to destroy that one for months. How placed the bombs?”

“Months of planning”

“Care to show me?”

“If you don’t care about others like me, okay I’ll show”

Both nodded and began the teaching right after the future Maud made the hotel explode with all the costumers inside; she had to make sure that her new partner weren’t too soft like Spit Fire or Fancy Pants who considered her a total sociopath.

“An amazing plan, how you thought in all this?” Asked the other Maud still dryly copying all the details in a notepad she had.

“No idea, one day I woke up and I had the whole plan on my desk in a notepad very similar to yours. Boulder perhaps?”

“He’s not that creative”

Back to Golden Oaks Library:

“Okay, I don’t get a lot of things” said Past Twilight. “But, first, what’s a Harmony Grenade?”

Future Twilight took one of her saddlebag to show her other self.

“This is a Harmony Grenade, it creates a small-scaled explosion of Harmony that instantly fixes everything Spike alters and also can be used as an offensive, taking away their powers for three hours”

“Whoa, does it really works?” Smiled PastTwilight. “I’m a genius!”

“Thank you Twilight, but now let’s concentrate in our plan: as always we split… and we better team up with ourselves, it’s easier that way”

“An excellent idea darling” said Past Rarity looking at her other self. “Do you agree to visit Mane-Hattan again? I have lots of things I want to see and by the way look for a new location or my next boutique”

“Of course I agree dear” said the other Rarity with a smile. “And I know just the perfect spot… the one where I actually opened a new boutique”

“Okay, for us A’ think we can check on cuz Braeburn, don’t you agree Applejack?”

“Hay yeah, and the rest of the clan”

“Cloudsdale of course!” Said Past Rainbow.

“You bet!” Added the other cyan mare. “And I can say hi to Eternal in our way, we haven’t seen each other since last Wonderbolts vs. Shadow Bolts game”

“Shadow Bolts? The fake team Nightmare Moon wanted me in?”

“They’re real now” explained the Future Dash. “Have you heard about the mercenary known as the Black Swordsman?”

“Don’t tell us about him!” Shouted the Fluttershys. “He’s a mean pony who along with his wife the Lighting Flash slaughtered a poor Ursa who lost her way home and…”

“However, since he leads the Lunar Guard he also leads that team of flyers, the ones the Wonderbolts consider their legitimate rivals”

“Well, I guess I’ll go to Rockingtown to visit my past sister” thought Future Pinkie.

“Don’t you have your own Maud? Don’t take mine!!” Complained Past Pinkie.

“I have my own Maud but since she became the most wanted pony of all times by charges like mass murderer, terrorism and high betrayal I’m unable to see her”


Past Twilight looked at Future Twilight.

“I guess that we have Canterlot left”

“Alright” said the future alicorn. “Are you ready, past us? Remember: face Spike and his team isn’t that easy, his agents are prepared to beat each one of us, and they don’t follow a specific plan. Like good agents of chaos they do whatever they want without a pattern”

Discord giggled.

“Oh I’m so proud of the little dragon, how couldn’t I think about it? And Twi, what’s the best prank the little one ever pulled? I want to know better the one who will hold my power”

“I’ll never do such thing as become your replacement, you hear me?” Shouted Past Spike. “Now that I know what will happen I won’t let you trick me to become an evil Spike, I’ll be loyal to my friends no matter what”

The draconequs just smiled to the little one.

“You’re adorable young Spike, but you cannot avoid your destiny”

Spike was about to answer when Future Twilight placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about the future Spike. Do you know why my Grenades or the Rainbow Power haven’t turn you into stone yet?”

“No, why?”

“Because you’re not evil, just kind of annoying. All what happens is that your powers are neutralized by three hours but nothing else, and your chaotic self even helped us one day. Believe me, if it wasn’t for Spike Lord of Chaos, we would never defeated Star Swirl”

“Star Swirl? What you mean with Star Swirl?” Asked Past Twilight.

Discord also was astonished.

“Are you telling me that this kid defeated the lunatic? That’s crazy! Not even I dared to face the wacko!”

The Rainbow Dashes complained:

“Ey! We’re losing time here! Shall we go stop Spike or what?”

“She’s right, we gotta’ move” said Past Applejack. “Next, AppleLoosa!”

The two teams divided going each one to their respective clock tower to stop this, everypony except for Twilight who stayed preparing their equipment before going to action.

“Wait, and what about me?” Asked Past Spike.

“You can stay here and watch the house Spike” smiled Past Twilight. “Or you know what? Prepare the celebration party once all this is over. You can start making your famous guacamole”

Spike nodded a little sad but Future Twilight extended a hoof to him.

“No, you better come with us Spike; we’ll need your enthusiasm on our side. And if anyone knows how this new Lord of Chaos thinks, that’s you. Any ideas of what can be expecting us in Canterlot?”

“Well, knowing me it has to be something extremely annoying for you like… sorry, I can’t think in anything but it surely has to have lots of noise and messes all over the place”

Future Twilight nodded and the group of three leaded to Canterlot.

“That was nice very from you” smiled Past Twilight to herself. “But he already knows he’s a valuable member of our team”

“Have you demonstrated that to him recently?”

“No, it’s a little difficult, but I know he knows”

Future Twilight sighed sadly.

“I don’t want to sound mean Twilight, but how do you think we ended up like this? I learned by the hard way that I should demonstrated more affection for my younger brother; and Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow as well, they eventually got tired to be left aside and decided to became our nemesis to call our attention”

That left Past Twilight astonished and thinking, was that for real? Lack of affection lead them to become agents of chaos… she had to warn the others. And speaking of the others, how were they doing?
By his way Discord was enjoying the show from a comfortable couch he made appear with his favorite potato chips (with no salt) and made appear several vision orbs to have a better view of what was going to happen. It was funny that the rivals who defeated him were that troubled by a bunch of kids.

In an area of Ponyville, near to the clock tower, the young Rumble was looking at his counterpart, Mist, talking with the animals with a devious smile making all kind of faces at the things they were telling him.

“For real? Oh no, you have all the right to be upset, they flooded your home” said Mist to a group of moles who were squealing to him. “Of course your family arrived first, that florist shouldn’t do what she did since you already have a deal: you don’t touch her potted flowers and she leaves your family alone. Okay, you arrived to the right pony, the great Mist will give you a hoof”

The mole grinned and suddenly he grew to the size of half house and after shook Mist’s hoof, he went to Roseluck and Daisy’s home, where he forced them on their own pots, covered in dirt and poured water on them.

“Wow… that was… a bit rude” said Mist raising an eyebrow. “I know he was upset but not that upset”

“Holy smokes, are you crazy or what? How could you do something like this?” Exclaimed Rumble.

“Ey, I don’t think stuff, I just do it. You should know it pal, besides I’m a kid, right?”


They both turned, it was Past Fluttershy with her Stare at full strength:


Rumble moved backwards gulping, but Mist shrugged. Fluttershy double-strengthen her Stare.

“I’m waiting mister”

“What about this?” Asked Mist returning his own Stare.

“WHAT?!” Shrieked Past Fluttershy.

“I mimic all your abilities” explained Mist. “How does it feel?”

Past Fluttershy moved backwards horrified, this was impossible, but then Future Fluttershy joined her with her own Stare. Two against one, too much for Rumle or Mist…

“Damn it, this isn’t fair!” Complained the black Pegasus.

But then a bear came out of nowhere and took Fluttershy under his arm.

“A picnic? Right now? But Mr. Beary Funny, you don’t understand… we have a delicate situation between hooves and…”

But Mr. Beary Funny took both Fluttershys away not allowing any reply.

“Wow, that’s what I call good luck” said Rumble with a sweat drop in his forehead.

“Luck? That bear owes me a few favors and as long he doesn’t’ hurt Fluttershy, he’s more than happy to give me a paw or two”

“Okay, that’s great. Fluttershy is a very nice pony, I would hate to harm her”

“I never do such thing, the only one who ever harmed Fluttershy was Scoots and that was an accident. And, sometimes it gets uncomfortable you know? Night and I are like the group extras, we help and have fun; but unlike Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scoots we have nothing personal with her; we just play along because it’s cool”

Rumble giggled.

“Well, my brother Thunder says that I’m an expert annoying adults, I can’t wait to make it professionally”

“Lucky for you it’s what I do pal, even if sometimes I feel like a third wheel or something; you know, since I have nothing to do with the Bearers of Harmony but I still try to do my best to distract them. And speaking of distraction, hey Opal!”

Future Rarity’s cat approached along with her past self, inviting her to talk to Mist. At first past Opal was doubting but at the end she mewed to the chaotic colt with anger.

“Oh, that’s easily fixable” smiled Mist after listening to her. “Are you ready to teach your owner a lesson?”

Mist touched Past Opal making her grow to the size of a chariot. The cat meowed in pleasure and took the tiny uncomfortable sweater Past Rarity tried to put on her and began to look for her owner ready for revenge.

“What just happened?” Asked Rumble to Mist.

“Opal hates the sweaters Rarity makes her, so I help her to get revenge; it’s what I do. If any animal is being abused by a pony, I’ll give him or her the opportunity to pay back. You should see what a couple of frogs did to Diamond Tiara, it was freaking hilarious”

In the meantime, Past Opal found Past Rarity and forced the pony into the tiny cat sweater with a warning mew right before the white unicorn and her future self get to the train. Rumble watched this and sighed.

“Dude, you’re like Fluttershy with an evil twist”

“I know, I know; but I don’t like Rarity so I never regret, and she never learns; she insists in playing dress up with Opal even if she knows the cat doesn’t like it”

Back at the library, Discord raised an eyebrow when he looked the whole thing.

“Okay, I don’t approve what he did to Fluttershy but this kid promises”

He looked to other of his vision orbs, apparently both Applejacks were on their way to AppleLoosa while talking about Apple Bloom.

“I just don’t get it!” Complained Past Applejack. “I do everything to protect that filly, why did she turned against me?”

Future Applejack sighed sadly.

“Precisely Applejack, I learnt at the hard way I should let her learn as A’ did instead of try to protect her from everything. She told me lots of times A’ was asphyxiating her but A’ chose to not to listen. Now whenever she’s Shadow she tries to show ma’ what she’s really capable of by defeating me”

“And what she does?”

“Controls nature as Discord and also haves ma’ strength and agility. Is very difficult to face her in her form of chaos”

By chance the two of them looked at the window.

“What a’ told ya’?” Asked Future Applejack while the other gasped.

Sitting on a moving bush, Apple Bloom was following the train; while Shadow ran at the same speed that the train, she even winked an eye to her older sisters and showed them one of her black apples of chaos.

“A’ have a feeling that we’ll take our time to get to AppleLoosa”

And by her way, Shadow Bloom was giggling.

“What do ya’ think Apple Blom? Isn’t this great?”

“Unbelievable, ya’ really have the same Applejack’s strength!”

“You’ve seen nothing” said Shadow throwing the apple of chaos to a near cactus.

The cactus turned gigantic and powerful; shooting its spikes to the train rails; the ponies driving the train stopped suddenly while the spike attack kept going.

“And what do ya’ think Apple Bloom?” Asked Shadow.

“Cool, A’ can’t believe A’ll be an agent of chaos, looks like tons of fun”

“The best part was when our sisters didn’t know who we really were, we pulled great pranks back then; and the best part was that they never grounded us!”

Inside their wagons, both Applejacks held their hats while the cactus kept attacking.

“And this is what ya’ have to deal always Spike plans something?”

“Ya’ get used to it, and this is nothing. A’ remember one day when they destroyed all the schools in Equestria, or when they interrupted Rainbow and me in our Iron Pony competition. Anyway, Twi gave us some Grenades, more than enough to stop Shadow and fix Spike’s disaster”

“Whatever, let’s go!”

Both went down of the train (by the back door, obviously) and Future Applejack shared half of her Grenades with Past Applejack to duplicate their chances.

“Shadow!!” Called Future Applejack to her little sister. “Can’t you leave us alone for at least a day?”

Shadow Bloom shrugged.

“Come on Sis, ya’ know whenever the boss makes his move we must act, after all we have our responsibilities as agents of chaos; so let’s do this and ya’ two better prepare cause’ we won’t let you win that easy”

Past Applejack smiled fixing her hat.

“That’s the Apple’s style”

They started: Past Applejack threw her loop to Shadow, but she agilely eluded the attack and the one who got caught was Apple Bloom. Then Shadow took her own loop and threw it catching Past Applejack.

“So it’s true you mimic ma’ abilities like this” smiled the cowgirl. “This will be interesting”

Meanwhile in Cloudsdale, the Rainbows were flying creating a perimeter trying to spot the clock tower; as the Applejacks they both shared half of their Harmony Grenades in order to defend themselves when they found the two Scootaloos waiting for them.
Suddenly they were attacked by the blue bubblegum clouds that rained sports drink and hail made of ball bubblegum, it didn’t hurt that much but it was enough to anger the cyan mares.

“What the heck?” Asked Past Rainbow hiding behind a light pole to cover from the weird-weather attack.

“This, my friend, is Scoot’s signature attack” explained Future Dash looking around to spot the filly. “SHOW YOURSELF SCOOTALOO!!”

And the filly show herself in her form of chaos on top of the clouds attacking the Rainbows along with her past self.

“Ey Rainbow Dash!!” Called Scootaloo happily. “My future self is awesome, is as fast as you and she also knows how to control weather as Discord did! I love the fact I’ll be like her at any time!”

Dark giggled happily.

“I also told her about our score: Dash 0, Dark 2”

Past Rainbow Dash laughed confidently.

“You’re bluffing! There’s no way I could lose! Right Rainbow Dash?”

Future Dash blushed looked at the ground but quickly glared furiously at Dark.

“That was because you cheated and you know it Dark! Without your beloved powers of chaos there’s nothing you can do to beat me!” She said and prepared her Grenades. “In fact I brought more than enough to get you back to normal and then teach you a lesson”

Dark grinned.

“You can try Rainbow. Catch me if you can; are you ready Scoots? I brought you a transport that can go as fast as me; but I hope you like speed”

“Are you kidding?” Smiled Scootaloo. “I live for that!”


The black filly flew at high speed, creating a small explosion that shattered the visible light spectra in grayscale; while a black cloud appeared under Scootaloo and accelerated at the same speed creating the same strange effect.
And of course Past Raibow couldn’t believe what she just saw.

“Was that a…?”

“No, is not a Sonic Rainboom; is Scoot’s dark version, interesting but freaking annoying. Do you have any idea how much I spent perfecting that move only to see my younger sister can do it only with a little help from Spike?”

“I do” sighed Past Rainbow. “However, let’s follow them before they go too far!”

And they tried to catch them but when they were about to accelerate to create the Sonic Rainboom, they realized that Dark prepared an obstacle track with bubblegum-shooting clouds, ice cream snow storms (with sprinkles) chocolate lightings and such.

“I love Scoots but I really hate Dark”

And moving to Rockingtown, Babs was looking disapprovingly to Night who was placing everything to party: serpentines, confetti, cake, balloons and such; with a little help from her black party cannon.

“Seriously, what the heck are you doing?” Asked Babs.

“My job, a simple distraction to Pinkie Pie; and a stupid kids party is more than enough to keep her busy for a long, long time”

Babs face-hoofed.

“Come on! I am better than this! Do you realize you’re only pretending to be Pinkie Pie? I have my own style and is not childish, are you trying to embarrass me?”

“Ey, I’m just being efficient distracting Pinkie; the thing is, unlike cuz Apple Bloom or the other Crusaders I’m not related to Pinkie so I barely know her”

“Oh, I get it: this is the only thing you can think to distract her”

Night shrugged.

“But I get what’s bothering you: I can’t stand Pinkie’s party style; that’s why I can’t really relate to her. Is kind of sad, even Rumble who likes animals understand his rival properly. However I do what I can to cooperate with our team even if Spike doesn’t mind”

Babs nodded.

“I think I get it” said Babs. “But even if that’s the case, if I were you I’ll try to do my own style instead of imitate Pinkie Pie. You know: dubstep, speakers of the size of a room, a giant room and lots of drinks; isn’t that fun?”

Night smiled and quickly changed everything she placed all what her past self said. As she did at the Gala, she’ll find her own style.
Soon enough the ManeHattan-style party was already set, and when the Pinkie Pies arrived they found a crazy party in the middle of the boring Rockingtown.

“What’s going on here?” Asked Past Pinkie.

“It looks like a P-A-R-T-Y!” Said the other.

“It was about time you two show up” said Night jumping out of nowhere. “Wanna party?”

“You bet” said the two Pinkies joining to the scandal.

From his position as silent viewer, Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, officially we lost the Pinkies. How are the others?”

In another of the orbs, Black was singing happily with her hypnotic voice in the middle of Central Park in ManeHattan, creating a devastating effect for everypony who listened to her: they forget how to dress ‘properly’ and began to combine the wildest colors and accessories creating an esthetic mess; apparently stupid at first but when the Raritys arrived:

“Oh my! What happened with all the glamour and style? What happened to this city?”

“We cannot stay here just staring at this mess, we need to finish this right now. Chaos is one thing but this has no name. Ey mister! You need an image assessor right now. Come on past me, is time!”

“Don’t have to tell me twice future me!”

And they began their huge task to recover ManeHattan’s lost style.

From their hidden spot, Sweetie and Black were looking and sighed.

“This is the easiest way to keep them busy” said Black proudly. “Without any sequels to this attack”

“It was fun” said Sweetie. “But what you mean without sequels?”

Black shrugged tiredly.

“Today I went easy on her, but most of the time when I face her in our battles for the sake of Equestria I’m kind of… more extreme. I let her into hoof fights like the time I sent her to play Super Alley Fighter, or I make her to get messy or something like that. Practically everything that bothers her”

“But why?” Asked Sweetie concerned for her future.

“Because even if I love Rarity, most of the time she scold me for little accidents like spilling water on the table or took by accident one of her jewels or something. She’s always stressed and I’m the one who haves to pay the consequences. So yeah, I have a vengeful personality and every time she crosses the line, I get my revenge in my form of chaos”

Sweetie sighed sadly, she knew Black was right.

“And she respects you more now than she knows you’re dangerous?”

“Of course, but sometimes I wish she could respect me for being me, not her nemesis”

They both sighed again, yeah, it was a bit difficult being part of the Belle family. But Sweetie giggled.

“You know, I had my doubts at first but now I see I won’t be really a bad guy, I’m only a bit mad”

“Ey, extreme sisters require extreme measures”

“And what shall we do now?”

“Wanna see a play? We’re in ManeHattan, let’s go to Brodtrott!!”

In the meantime in a train in their way to Canterlot, Spike was sitting a little depressed along with the two Twilights who were busy planning their course of action once they arrived to face Spike, against his future self. What was going on?
He was a good dragon who always helped his older sister and her friends, why he would become the new lord of chaos? But both Twilight were too busy to pay attention to his little internal struggle.
It was when Lyra and Bon-Bon (past and future) noticed him.

“Why so sad Spike?” Asked Lyra. “Is your plan fading? Don’t worry pal, your agents support you, and you’ll win as you always do. I assure you that your rivals will be pranked!”

“Lyra dear, he’s the past Spike” corrected Bon-Bon. “See? He still hasn’t change his color!”

Lyra smiled silly.

“Whoopsie, my mistake. So why so sad Spike?”

Spike looked at the two friends and sighed depressed. The mint unicorn sat at his left human-style and smiled.

“Come on, tell me what’s wrong. What are friends for?”

“Is just that… I can’t believe I’ll become evil. This whole mess will be MY fault, Twilight will be always stressed because of me and also because of me Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie and Rarity will fight each other and… and… I don’t know why it have to happen like this”

Past Lyra sat at his right.

“For what our future selves told us, you aren’t truly evil. Just a bit annoying. And you know? I always insisted to Bonnie to get out of her comfort zone, but she haves talent for pastries so refuses to do it”

“Because I already built my reputation” said Past Bon-Bon. “But thanks to you I’ll have no choice but do it”

“And my business has only grow since that day” assured Future Bon-Bon. “I diversified my products and multiplied my profits, all because of you”

Future Lyra embraced Spike happily.

“Yup, all because of your candy of all candies. Spike, your future you creates disaster and put the entire world upside down, but you’re not bad. Most of the time you make sure all of us have a great time”

“Another thing” added Bon-Bon. “Lyra was always hired as a musician for the Great Galloping Gala, but I was never invited… until you magically mixed the invitations and I got an invitation as well. And I’ll be always thankful for the favor”

Spike nodded thankful, but still full of doubts; until Future Twilight placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

“You know Spike? Chaos is as important as Harmony; because one cannot exist without the other”

That was it, now Spike felt a lot better, but still a little worried, only a little. once they arrived Canterlot they found a great surprise waiting only for them:


“What now?” Asked both Twilights. “I didn’t know Canterlot was celebrating a book fair”

“It’s probably a trick from my other self” said Spike. “You know, to distract you”

The Twilights nodded, it had sense so they began to walk through Canterlot but noticed something was wrong with the book fair:

“Mares and gentlecolts! Try your aim!!” Shouted a pony in a stand of… target shooting? “Try your luck, are you capable to knock down the book tower by throwing it a book? Win a book!!”

In another stand:

“Fried books, fried book! The most cultural snack for children! Take your fried books before they run out!”

And in another stand:

“How much for the pound of books?”

“For you my lady, nine bits!”

“Too expensive. Seven bits?”

“Deal, a pound for the lady!”

“Make it two”

“Two pounds for the lady”

In another stand:

“Ladies and gentlecolts, are you brave enough to face the most horrid freaks of literature? Get to know the longest book ever written! Nine thousand letter-sized pages, and you need a magnifying glass to read it! Or wanna see the most horrible book of all times? Too scary for heart-patients!”

And in another stand:

“And the blue ribbon for the cutest book if for…”

Future Twilight made a face-hoof. “You have to be kidding me!!”

But it was for real:

“Ey two orders of buffalo-books with extra poetry!!”

“Wanna add a drink to your order? We have fanfictions from all series and plays”

Maybe it was stupid for the Twilightw but Spike was delighted.

“Now this is a book fair. Last time I went to one of these with Twilight I felt framed. If there isn’t a fetus in a jar isn’t a fair”

“I know pal, that’s why I organized I a book fair as it has to be” said a voice behind him.

Spike turned, it was himself but black-scaled.
The black and purple lord of chaos smiled warmly to him.

“You have to admit this is funny” said the lord of chaos.

Spike glared at him but quickly nodded.

“Yeah, kind off. And hey, I misjudged you. Is it true that you, I mean I, do things others enjoy?”

The Spike lord of chaos smiled proud of himself.

“Of course Spike, is my job to turn the world upside down but I don’t hurt anypony, only crazy fun for all of us. Isn’t that something good?”

“I guess so… yeah, it seems kind of nice”

“Ey, I am you Spike, you know I won’t do anything to hurt others on purpose” said Spike. “And yes, I have my reasons to become Twi’s nemesis but you’ll have to find it on your own. In the meantime, wanna check the comic books?”


The lord of Disharmony and Chaos made appear a floating Throne for his friend Past Spike and made appear a diamond to share while the Twilights looked them going away.

“Spike…” mumbled Past Twilight.

“Ey, you had to see it coming” said Future Twilight. “Now, if you think about it, this fair thing is kind of original”

“I know but… the problem is this things are the kind of humor Princess Celestia likes, if she sees this she’ll immediately turn it into an official event!”

“Speaking of the devil” said Future Twilight.

Both Celestias and Lunas (past and future) approached.

“Speaking of the Other?” Asked Future Celestia playfully. “Twilights Sparkles my Faithful Students, why would you talk about Mr. Boss’ Twin Brother? Anyway, lucky me I just found you: I brought you a present, three pounds of books each one. Oh, I love this idea, a book fair literally!”

The two Twilights face-hoofed, of course this had to happen.
Then Past Celestia looked at the Caramel Book stand.

“Oh, it seems delicious, want some Celestia? Deliciously sugary as we like!”

The future Princess of the Sun made a small gesture of pain and let escape a small tear.

“Go on and eat, but please don’t let me see it. Seeing you eat that sugary delicacies reminds me that beautiful time when I could eat everything I wanted and…”

She ran crying.

“What the heck happened to her?” Asked Past Luna.

Future Luna just chuckled.

“I would love to say you but I don’t want to ruin the surprise, oh I love to see her in this state”

Past Celestia gulped, this future didn’t sounded too good for her.

“Is just me or I better eat candy now while I can”

By their way the two Twilights were walking to the clock tower of Canterlot. There, young Spike was reading his comics looking agitated.

“No, this can’t be! Humdrum is useless, he can’t do this!”

“Which number are you reading?” Asked the lord of chaos. “Oh, that one. Poor Miss Mare-Velous, she underestimated Ultimate Drum and ended up beaten until almost death”

“But how?”

“After Issue #100, Mane-iac’s Final Game it turned into a T-Rated Comic and Humdrum turned into the main antagonist, and he’s damn good being bad!” Then he noticed the purple alicorns. “Oh, you arrived Twis! I’m glad, what do you think of the Book Fair?”

“You denigrated the entire book fairs all over the world. And to make things worst, Princess Celestia is making it an official event. Youth doesn’t have to know literature through this goofiness. They only have to find their especial book like Rainbow Dash and the Daring Doo Saga!”

“Everyone is different, I prefer: in the case of doubt, make jokes” explained Spike lord of chaos. “So, are you ready to defeat me?”

“You know I am” said Future Twilight.

“Okay, but before you act let me warn you: I knew you would take your time to get the clock towers so the entire world will be back to normal no matter which one you reach first. And as an extra, nopony will remember anything of this adventure”

The Past Twilight and Past Spike looked at him.

“What? You won’t prepare a trap for her or something?” Asked Past Spike. “She came to stop you and you know it Spike”

“I don’t care Spike” said the future dragon shrugging. “I just wanted to create a mess and I already did it so I consider myself served. Besides I was only trying Mr. Swirl’s spell and I’m glad it worked”

“Just like that?”

“Ey, I’m not bad, the only time I did wrong was when I locked Fluttershy inside the Five Nights but it wasn’t on purpose. Chaos isn’t pure evil, it exist to add balance to the world”

Past Spike nodded.

“If you put it that way, it sounds kind of cool, and I probably would like it”

“You’ll love it” assured the Lord of Chaos.

The two Twilights let the Spikes make peace and shook hooves.

“It’s a shame I won’t remember this but I must admit it’ll be an interesting experience”

“I agree, see you in the future”

Finally Future Twilght activated the Harmony Grenade.
The effect was immediate, the Harmony Wave expanded all over Equestria separating the two eras one more time. The only one who protected from the attack was the silent observer, Discord, whose main goal was to keep his memories of the experience.

“Yeah, that was interesting. I can’t forget all this, not after I finally found the right replacement. Young Spike, congratulations, you got yourself a cool job”

The dragon smiled to his other self, who was disappearing slowly but surely.

“Until I see me again when I perform the spell” said Past Spike.

“You have a great future before you Spike, but always remember to enjoy your present” said the lord of chaos. “My pranks are not evil, surely annoying but at the end everypony enjoys them”

“Okay, keep the good path” smiled Past Spike. “But are you sure this isn’t dangerous?”

“Pretty sure. Relax buddy, nopony gets hurt. Ever”

In the past, inside of the hideout of Terrorist Organization Salvation, Maud Pie woke up rubbing her head.

“What just happened?”

It was when she noticed the notepad on her desk.

“What’s this? Oh, this is a highly elaborated terrorist attack. Interesting, this is just what I needed” she said emotionlessly. “Who did this? it was you Boulder?”

Back to Canterlot, the two Sparkle siblings were walking through the book fair.

“Ey, I thought the Harmony Grenade fixed everything!”

“No, it fixed the time paradox not the book fair. Come on, enjoy yourself, what’s the worst can happen in a place like this?”

A pony shouted:


No need to describe what happened next, it was something funny to see but not for Twilight. Spike just laughed happily and ran to the fight taking an encyclopedia.