Malum Prohibitum: Ace Equestrian Attorney

by Paradox Theory

Intermezzo Two: A deadly Signing.

October 29th, 10:30 AM
Circa Manor
Main Dining Hall

Durum Circa and two other ponies sat around a table.

"What happens here today remains secret." Durum explained as he wrote something down on the paper.

"My dear," Said a mare who sat next to Durum, "Are you sure you want to write out your will today? Why not wait after the wedding?"

Durum sighed, "Because, I have a bad feeling about my belongings. If I were to die right now, before I finished this will, someone would be able to steal it all. So please, let me write it out now."

"Of course," "Said a rusty brown pegasus, who was pouring drinks. Just then, a doorbell chime could be heard.

"She's here already?" Durum exclaimed.

The pegasus stood up first, "Allow me to get her."

Durum stood up as well while the mare took a sip from her teacup, "Excuse me dear, I have to relieve myself."

Durum went to leave, but the mare began gagging.

Durum watched in horror as the mare slumped to the ground, he held the mare in his arms as she took her last breaths.

Then the pegasus from before entered the room.

"He did it sir!" The pegasus accused, pointing at Durum.

Durum Circa, the fearsome Prosecutor, was accused of murder.

October 29 11:00 AM
Malum Prohibitum and Co Law Offices
Malum's Office

Malum sighed. His office was quiet.

Vivid Dreams, who had helped him out with a few cases had left.

"It was fun seeing things from your point of view." Vivid said, "But I need to return to my own family and friends. I'll check up on you soon K?"

Malum looked over at the picture on his desk, it was a picture of him with a pony named Rarity. Along with all of her friends.

Next to that picture sat a second. it was of him and Vivid. "To remember me, ok?"

Malum smiled, fun times.

He then looked at yesterday's paper:

Durum Circa retiring?
This tough as nails prosecutor has suffered several losses lately, and now several ponies as certain that he is stepping down as a prosecutor..

Before he could pick it up and read further, his door was slammed open and two ponies ran in.

"YOU!" Silver Wings, the Detective, barked "I need your help!"

Before Malum could respond, a familiar changeling spoke up. "Hi again Malum, sorry about the detective."

"Princess Heart? Silver Wings?" Malum spluttered.

"Malum!" Silver barked, "I need you to come to the detention center!"

"Why?" Malum wondered.

"It's hard to explain," Princess Heart of the changelings answered, "But, your rival is accused of murder."

"WHAT?!" Malum exclaimed, "Durum is in custody?"

"That's right pal! And I want you to defend him!" Silver exclaimed.

"But, I thought you disliked me?" Malum asked.

Silver shook his head, "After each pony was found innocent I realized that I was wrong to think that everypony was guilty. Durum is innocent, and I know you'll defend him."

Malum looked down at his hooves, puzzling. "Why are you here, Princess Heart?"

Princess Heart sighed, "Because, I found a lead into the plots against the changelings, and your mother is part of the report."

Malum looked up at her, "My mother has been dead for years."

"That's why I'm here. You are her only living relative." Princess Heart concluded.

"Are we just gonna sit around, or are we gonna go see Durum?" Silver asked impatiently.

Malum sighed, "I guess we're going to see Durum Circa."