//------------------------------// // Big problem // Story: Phone Guy UnderFNadventureF in Equestria // by mikele_11 //------------------------------// "I hope that everything will be perfect." Said snooty unicorn. His coat was white and blond mane. He wore a smart suit and was always disgusted less important ponies. He went to his residence with security. "I hate these normal ponies. Why do I have to suffer?" "Howdy. I can see that someone doesn't like minorities. Boy. It must be unbearable to deal with a normal ponies. They don't deserve majesty, which we look forward." Said sickly and squeaky voice. Blueblood looked confused. "Who are you? Show your prince." Ordered Blueblood. The answer he got was laught. "What is so funny?" He asked. "I didn't expect that you try to get to the point. But you can not threaten me. You're just a normal pony." He said. "And I'm going to catch you and use for my purposes." He said in a deep, dark voice. "Guards! Catch this brazen pony!" Ordered Blueblood. Before the guards could take a step, they were caught in the vines, which raised them and held up side down. Blueblood looked surprised. "Who said I was a pony?" Asked a mysterious figure. In the darkness, he could see that is ... flower. "What is doing here this stupid flower ?!" Asked angry and confused. "Ahuhuhuhuhu. You're an idiot. This flower is me. Now see how your fire is dying." He said morbidly. Then, around the guards appeared white balls, and then killed them. With the bodies of the guards flew out bright and clear heart. Then it flew toward the flower. "Mmmhhhhh. Souls ponies aren't strong, but tasty." He said with relish, causing Blueblood nausea. "Oh. Someone doesn't like to look like a monster without a soul takes life and use to his advantage? It's nothing. Because now it's your turn!" Blueblood began to back away, but was caught by vines. "Now, now. There is no sense to be a jerk. I will not kill you. Yet." Added flower. Then his right eye began to burn, creating an aura. "Celestia and Luna, in the compulsion will do everything to save you. I will also note my enemies. The more power the better. Howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy." Said the flower, then he and Blueblod fell to the ground. "Not that I complain, but I prefer when someone can really help me. Listen to yourself isn't helpful." Phone guy said. He was wearing a costume like ghost buster and searched deeper part of its new cave. "Geez. It looks like a network of tunnels. I had no idea that a mere rock from the ceiling could destroy so thick floor." ' Don't complain. You know how it is with all of this. I can not cope without you. At least now, each of the remaining votes subsided. Finally, just you and me. The rest are out of your head. 'He happily Vincent. "But it's strange. Earlier, I heard voices in my head. Now it is so that I can hear as if someone was talking to me." Spoke thoughtfully Phone guy. "After the incident with the elements of harmony, each in your head is more vivid. More free. I was. 'Replied Vincent. "..." Phone guy was in place. ' What happened? 'Asked concerned Vincent. Phone guy stood for a minute, then began to move on. 'Dude. You're scaring me. ' "Just you and me. No Sussy, no Sarah, n, Jimmy, no Patract, no Tractron. They are my best friends. Without them, I'm empty. Anger is my part, but evil was part of Flowey. I more peaceful. Still, I feel that without them I lost a part of myself. you have no idea what it feels like. " Said sad Phone guy. 'I understand how you feel. When mentioned about the other, I felt a void. Heh. I miss those of our chat. Our good and bad times. Wherever they are, I think, that they feel alone. 'Said Vincent. Then, he added. 'Hey. Head's up. There is nothing to worry. We can get revenge in a different way. 'Said Vincent. Phone guy smiled. "Thanks. Huh. You see what I see?" He asked. Phone guy heard was 'huh' in his head. "Great cave full of crystals. Let's see what they write." Phone guy said. He took the book and began to read. "Huh. Wow. It seems that we have found crystals energy. They can generate electricity. Their energy is self-renewable. It certainly come in handy." Phone guy commented. Then he pointed the radius of crystal and fired. However, it turned out that it was a bad idea, because the radius of the crystal bounced and shot in the head Phone guy, making a hole. The hole is healed. "Sometimes I think that if I have powers of regeneration, that's why my hand is still injured." Thought Phone guy. 'Maybe it was before your powers themselves were activated. 'Vincent said uncertainly. Phone guy nodded. "I think you're right. So I go back to the state in which the powers were activated. Therefore, my hand is half cured. Returning to the case of the crystal have a better idea." Phone guy said. He looked at the old cart and saw inside it pickaxe. "It must have been an old mine, but judging by the quality of rocks and wood, I think it is down. Time to bring some crystals." He said. Phone guy picked up a pickaxe and hit the crystal. Pickaxe fell apart. "You can see that I have to use my talent." He said. He picked up a broken piece and put it into another. Phone guy began to emit energy when used power to fix the pick. With a bright flash, Phone guy saw that the pick is now bigger and tougher, but he had no teeth. "Oh. Button. I like button." He said. When he clicked the button, the blade slid out making it look like a pickaxe ... pickaxe. He took a swing and hit the crystal. This began to crack. "I have an idea!" Phone guy shouted. He began to use his power and clicked a button on the tool. As he did so, one blade is hid, and the other is lengthened and began to emit a dim red light. "The name is pickaxe light." Phone guy said. 'Hardly original name. 'Commented Vincent. Phone guy snorted. "I don't care." He said. Then he took a swing and hit the crystal on top and bottom. Crystal broke up a moment later. "I wonder if I can combine them?" Phone guy asked. He went to the cart and picked up the shovel. Then, using power combined it with a pickaxe. When he clicked the button, pick a blade has been replaced by a shovel. "I can." He said happily. He began to collect the tools to find and connect with each other. When he finished, he decided to extract crystals. "So much has to be enough." Phone guy said. Five carts were filled with crystals. Phone guy called phantom Freddy, phantom BB, phantom Mangle, phantom Chica and phantom Foxy. Each animatronic grabbed one car and moved into the living room. Then animatronic disappeared. "Good. I have what is most important. I wonder if using these crystals, I can do it ... Why is this pull off. I learned the techniques of magic and alchemy. With books from Canterlot I can do a lot of things that have not been invented by the ponies." Phone guy said, happily. He walked over to the table and dropped dishes, and then put his blueprints. "This project is brilliant. Time to change attitude. Do something amazing." 'Like what? 'Asked Vincent. Suddenly Phone guy flew two large skull with bags full of crystals. 'How do you gain these things without the knowledge of Celestia? ' "I have no idea." Phone guy replied. Then he began to rummage in the bag, and after a while he took the black and red crystals. Then he took a few pieces of armor, called the skull, made several amendments and over. "Finally. Coffee. Now every day is a happy day. Now to the point." He said. He took out a universal tool and began to rebuild. When finished, the tool looked like the handle of a sword. Phone guy pressed a button and the handle pushed a metal rod and joined blades pick. They were made of dark beam, but around emit red ray. Phone guy clicked again and the blade is retracted and the rod too, and in its place came forward with a long blade of the same color as the pickaxe. "Blaster saber!" Phone guy shouted. 'I think lightsaber. 'Improved Vincent. Phone guy denied. "No. My is a blaster saber. Because of this." He said removing the mini Gaster blaster out of the holder. "With this form different radial blades. For example, pickaxe, shovel and blaster saber." Phone guy said. Vincent ignored it and stopped paying attention. Phone guy decided to return to his home. "Let me go, you plant!" Shouted Blueblood. Floon glanced at him, his left eye. "Heh. You think you can tell me what to do. I killed you in every possible way, but every time I did RESET. That is why you are still alive, but don't remember. I can not you bear it, because I will kill you one more time. Then, I will use you to win on my own. " He added. Blueblood stared at him in disbelief and when he wanted to say something, was pierced four lianas and torn to pieces. Floon looked at it with a broad smile and a frantic, enjoying every small, but a great burst of blood. His left eye blinked red and green. Blueblood was all and was like before puncture. "I can play like that all day." He said. "How we stand with crystals?" Phone guy asked. Nightmare Freddy looked at him. "We have about twenty boxes. This should be enough to build a machine." Nightmare Freddy replied. Phone guy clapped his hands. "I'll need a lot of gold and iron. A few precious gems will also be required. In addition, some silver." Phone guy said. Then, using his power, he called all the animatronics from FNaF 1, FNaF 2, FNaF 3, FNaF 4 and FNaF world. "Listen, everyone. We're going to have some fun in Canterlot! Everyone we go!" Phone guy shouted and began to run with his army towards Canterlot. "What is this? An earthquake or something ?!" Shouted questioning Flowey. Suddenly the wily different animals living in Everfree. "What spooked them so? The bigger question. Should I be afraid?" Asked Flowey. Suddenly, the trees began to fall, and a moment later ran Phone guy and his army animatronics. Flowey stared at it in disbelief. When they disappeared, Flowey didn't move from the spot. "What happened ?!" Shouted questioning Flowey. Then he shook himself and looked toward the distant smoke withers. "They run towards Canterlot. Not this time Phone guy! It is I get the elements of harmony!" Flowey shouted, and then hid in the ground and headed in the same direction. "I really like it." Said maniacally Floon. "I don't know what you're talking about. Where are we at all ?!" Demanded Blueblood. Floon laughed. "We are in Everfree forest. In a small shed, which was I found and repaired." Floon replied. Suddenly the earth began to shake, and Blueblood looked panicked. "What's happening?!" Shouted Floon. Suddenly the shed ran Phone guy with an army of animatronics When they disappeared, the two walls were large holes. Floon eyes were the size of pins. Then he shook his head and looked toward the cloud. "This idiot can ruin my plan! I'm not going to lose what I have gained!" Shouted Floon and buried in the ground. Blueblood thought Floon leave him alone, but suddenly he was dragged to the ground. "Yeah! Come on! We'll get as soon as possible!" Phone guy was screaming. The path he must travel is very long. ' Do you think it's a good idea? 'Asked Vincent. *Of course. I'm not going to stop until I get there. * Phone guy answered. 5 hours later "I have no strength to go." Phone guy said, crawling on the ground. Animatronics walked before slowly. "We'll make a break. Here we camp, and tomorrow we will move on." Phone guy said. Then he fell to the ground. Not far behind the hill, someone hid and watched as Phone guy does. "What's he doing? I thought he was going to get to Canterlot, even today." Said Flowey moving the binoculars. He was surprised at what he does Phone guy, but he remembered the important thing. "He can not use the elements of harmony. But I can. Even if it's not him on the elements of harmony, it and so I was the first they'll get. Nothing will stop me. If I go now, I have a better chance to win . " Said Flowey, and then sank into the ground. However, near the river, there was someone else who was watching the Phone guy and Flowey. "I can not let this yellow weed stood in my way. I will use all the forces that have, and I get elements of harmony. Then absorb the soul of every living being and become a god. Phone guy and Flowey not prevent me in the government of Equestria. No, no, no. The government of the entire planet! " Floon shouted and fell to the ground. "Also you have the feeling that someone was watching us?" Phone guy asked. Everyone shrugged. "Well. We're going back to the spacing of tents." He said. Next day "Well army. There is nothing to laze. We go immediately." Ordered Phone guy. "What about tents?" Asked Springtrap. Phone guy snapped his fingers and the tents were gone. "I have no more questions." Said animatronic. Then all the way to continued Canterlot. After eight hours of the race, all were on the outskirts of the city. "Fine. We'll do it in an unexpected way. Set the catapult!" Ordered Phone guy. Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear lined sling that looked like, that from angry birds. Then they have bent rubber and held. Phone guy was sure that it is well positioned pointed thumbs up. "You know. It's probably a bad idea." Phone guy said, but Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear let go the rubber, but Phone guy wasn't fired. He turned and looked at the rubber. "What is?" He asked. "I think ... GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Before he could finish, the slingshot fired him. He flew all the way over buildings, came up through one of the windows in the castle. "That hurt." Said sore Phone guy. When he stood up and brushed himself off, he looked around the room. For him looked familiar. "Isn't it a coincidence room Tia?" He asked himself. Suddenly the door opened and Princess Celestia entered. When she noticed Phone guy immediately loaded spell and shot him in the head. "How many times do I have to say it? It's nothing you would do! It took me out when I was a bargain! Now I'm here with an army, and you can not do anything." Phone guy said. Celestia raised an eyebrow. "With what army?" She asked. Suddenly into the room bursts guard. "Princess! We were attacked by strange creatures." The guard said. When he saw guy Phone, he stood in front of a princess and assumed a defensive posture. "Don't even try to approach the princess." He said. Phone guy laughed lightly, then held out his hand. Head Phone guy flashed blue and yellow, and before the guard appeared blue heart. Phone guy waved his hand to the side, hitting unicorn to the wall. "Now I have a real fun." Phone guy said. All around was gray and the background music began. Phone guy loaded his powers and began the battle for fireballs. He wasn't going to give up. "Remember, I killed you several times? Well, you should. You death won't forget. I think the only alicorns can remember things from before RESET. I will remember every RESET, I'll do it. I'm not going to give up." Phone guy said. "You don't get elements of harmony again!" Cried Celestia. Phone guy laughed. "Hehehe. I'm not talking now about the elements of harmony. Now I have something else in mind. I need a large amount of gold, silver, iron and gems. With my technical knowledge and alchemical, I will be able to create a device that will make me a god like, and maybe even more than that. I have not had contact with the material I needed, but I get it. " Phone guy said. After several attacks, he did attack and great balls of fire began to create smaller. The fight lasted until suddenly something hit Phone guy. He turned around, but found nothing. "Wait. I know what I wanted to do." Phone guy said, turning away. Then he was pierced with a spear. Phone guy looked at the weapon protruding from his belly and slightly laughed. "Nice try." He said. Then he grabbed the spear with both hands and pulled it, then tossed it aside. The wound, which was created as a result of the attack, had recovered. "But you'll need something more to stop me." Phone guy said. He had to make another attack, while around him there were bullets. "Wait a minute. I recognize these bullets." He said, but then this hit him, causing that flew out the window. Celestia was confused about what had happened. "Howdy." Said someone, who Celestia heard only once. The princess turned around and saw a yellow flower. "We have not seen a little bit of time, but it's not bad. Because I can do what I want now." Said Flowey. "Give me the elements of harmony, and I promise you that none of your ponies won't suffer." He said when his face was darker. Then it returned to normal. "If you don't, then I'll start at Twilight, then Luna, then Cadence, and finally the rest." He said with a sickly voice. Celestia looked frightened. "I won't do it." Said firmly. Flowey nodded. "That's not what I wanted to hear." He said. Then around Celestia appeared bullets. "DIE." He said darkly. Bullets began to approach the Celestia, but before it hit her, it disappeared. "What?" Asked Flowey. Then he was struck by fireball and rejected. "Not on my watch you flower." Phone guy said. Celestia looked at him in shock. He used the moment and quickly closed the door, then locked them by bones. "Better safe than sorry." He said. Then he went in search of treasure, to get the materials he needs. "What do you want?" Asked angry Flowey. Phone guy pointed at himself questioningly. "Are you talking to me?" He asked. Flowey was upset. "And who else can I talk?" He asked. Phone guy looked around, then looked at Flowey. "You could talk to that guy." Phone guy said, pointing behind the Flowey. He looked puzzled. "Who are you talking about?" Asked Flowey turning, but nobody was there. "Did you just ..." He stopped when he noticed that the Phone guy disappeared. "He took on the oldest thing in world." Said cheerfully Phone guy. He went into a room full of stained glass, and then destroyed the door. "There are always where." He said opening the box with elements of harmony. "Celestia, you lazy ..." "Lazy? What do you mean?" Asked Celestia. Phone guy closed the box and smile slightly. (I think.) "Oh. I thought you were closed." Said uncertainly Phone guy. Celestia looked at her horn and back at him. "Oh. You can use magic. Note to self. The next time stun Celestia, and then go after your goal." "Don't give me no choice Phone guy. I have to use force." Said Celestia removing the axe. Phone guy lightly laughed. "You can see that the real fun is just beginning." Phone guy said, and the background music began. "We finally played something that everyone who reads this book expecting. Yes. I'm talking to you, the readers. Be ready." ... ... ... WTF?!?!?!?! "Who are you talking to?" Asked Celestia. "It's not your problem." Phone guy replied. Then next to him appeared a bar that was showing all the attacks fnaf world. "Maybe pizza?" He asked. Suddenly, the attack began 'pizza wheel'. "What ya say? Do ya like it?" Phone guy asked. "I'll fight you to protect my little ponies." Said determined Celestia. Suddenly the earth shook, and Phone guy fell down. The box fell and opened up, and the elements of harmony came out. "What happened to the elements of harmony?" He asked in shock. "What is going on?" Phone guy asked. When he looked at the crystals, he sees that they are all gray. "What did you do?!" Phone guy shouted. "I didn't do anything!" Cried Celestia. "Ahahahah. Hahahahahah HA." Reached laugh. Suddenly the windows were broken and to the room got up vines. The whole castle shook, and Celestia could not keep balance. Phone guy picked up and put them to his head. "Fredbear. What's going on?" Phone guy asked. "The whole castle is entangled and big screen appeared on the front. It looks like a monster made the castle his body. I see big hands, a lot of cables and what looks like pieces of a human." Said Fredbear. "Flowey." Said angry Phone guy. "Yes. I saw him. He ran away as possible as he can. And I think I see a pony near screen." Said Fredbear. "If it's not Flowey, then who?" Phone guy asked. Suddenly between him and Celestia appeared red flower. "Howdy. Or better. HELLo. How are you? I think Phone guy doesn't recognize me because he meet me just now. I Floon the flower." Said Floon. "How is it possible that only now I know about you?" Phone guy asked. Floon rolled his eyes. "You're incredibly stupid." He said. Floon suddenly felt the earthquake. "What is?" He asked. Then he noticed something, but he quickly escaped. "What was that?!" "4th wall, bitch!" Phone guy shouted. "I have an update 2. Now I have more than you think." He said. His hands flashed blue and began to attack the 4th wall. Suddenly everything became gray and time stopped. "You think why I can talk to you. It's simple. I use attack 4th wall. I have control over it, which means that you see. Now let's get back to the point." ... Everything was back to normal. ... Almost. "Oh yeah? Watch this." Said Floon. Then he puts in the ground. Suddenly the vines that were attacked from the walls. Phone guy instinctively made his attack with fire, but nothing happened. Then he took out of his pocket a universal knife and set blaster saber. Long blade slid out and Phone guy with a strong blow cut all the vines. "GHaaaRh, I will show you!" Shouted Floon. The whole room began to fall apart. "I didn't think I die at your side." Phone guy said standing by Celestia. She pulled away. "I thought you want to kill everypony." She said. Phone guy laughed nervously. "I don't like to kill. I am a pacifist, in principle, not ..." "Then why you killed me the first time?" Asked Celestia. "I had no choice. Peering in files Ortix, I learned that I was in the universe, which is a treasure trove for favorite things Ortix. Among other things Undertale. That's why I have the powers of SAVE and LOAD. The problem is that the underground is also here, which means a few problems, but for me it's nothing. " Phone guy said. "If this plan would not succeed, then I was going to go and enlist the help of Chara." He added. "I don't know what are you talking about." Said confused Celestia. "Generally the whole underground is empty, but not entirely. You know what? Screw this!" Phone guy said. Suddenly he rose into the air and fired bones, which stopped between each pillar and then widened stopping the crushing wall. Then two Gaster blasters destroyed the locked door. Phone guy landed on the ground, then grabbed Celestia and took her from the room before the bones were broken and room was crushed. "You owe me the biggest and most expensive cake." Phone guy said. Then he noticed that his blaster saber was still on. He turned it off and put it in his pocket. "You know, where is the center of the castle?" He asked. "Why do you want to know? After all, you want to destroy me." Said Celestia. Phone guy growled in frustration. "Because I want to destroy the Floon. He stands in the way of me. I think he used the souls, because I use elements of harmony. But that means ..." "I used the same souls ponies, which are carriers elements of harmony? Yes, I killed them without hesitation. Captures all! One thing which Flowey is right. It's kill or BE KILLED! AHAHAHAHAHA!" "No! You monster!" Cried Celestia. "I'm sorry about Twilight." Phone guy said. "You liar! I should destroy you!" Celestia shouted at Phone guy. He was upset. "You can call me as you want. But my family is the one thing that makes it let so to speak. No one has ever destroyed our honor, saying that we are liars. I'll show you the truth! Because I am Dan Lockcall!" Phone guy said. Then he took elements of harmony and took the crystals, which put it in his head. Then he began to run toward the exit, destroying each vine, which encountered. "Nobody is going to call me a liar!" Phone guy shouted jumping and destroing door. It was a mistake. "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Umpf!" "Dude. When it comes to a hard landing, then you beat your record." Said jokingly Fredbear. "Buddy. It hurts!" Phone guy yelled so loudly that Fredbear fell over. "Fortunately, I have a SAVE point in Canterlot before I jumped." He said. "The doors fall off." Phone guy said standing in front of the door. "Maybe I can do it in a different way." He thought. Suddenly he heard hoofsteps. When he looked back, he saw that Celestia ran toward him." What do you want? "Asked Phone guy. "Follow me." She said. Phone guy raised his eyebrows. "You trust me?" He asked. Celestia looked in his direction. "Sorta." She said, and then began to run. Phone guy ran after her. "I still don't give up on the magic of friendship." Phone guy said. "But I didn't say anything." Said confused Celestia. "What? No, no. It turned out that I have a voice in my head that didn't correspond to any element of harmony, and after the event with my omega form began to sound. Worst of all, it sounds like you." Phone guy said. "Oh. Anyway, the center of the castle is here." Celestia said, pointing to the library. Phone guy looked at her like 'Are you kidding me?'. "It's important that we're here." Phone guy said. When he opened the door, he saw that the vines are in the middle of the room and hold six souls. "I know that between us isn't good, but would you consider my proposal to change sides?" Asked Celestia. Phone guy looked at her and they both stared, until he was shock. "I will consider." Phone guy said running to the vine. Suddenly the screen and big paws appear. "Did you think I didn't know about your arrival? Well. I'll show you what I can do." Said Floon. "Yeah. You forgot something." Phone guy said. Floon raised an eyebrow. "4TH WALL!" Phone guy shouted. Suddenly, two blue wall hit the screen and displayed a blue background. "Sucker". Phone guy said. Then he went to the vine and opened it like a door. He reached out souls, which become blue and circled around his hand. Then he turned toward Celestia, pointing thumbs up. "I didn't know if I can trust you, but now I see that I could." Celestia said with a small smile. Phone guy gently smiled and then laughed. "Oh. If you think so, you are wrong. I didn't say what is my intentions, but with the power of the six souls and elements of harmony, I will be more powerful. No one can stop me!" Phone guy shouted and began to laugh. 'THUD' Phone guy fell to the floor, and Fredbear held metal pipe and held six souls in his magical grip. "Forgive me, so unannounced, but I didn't want to know it. He bounced a little, but I think the most important thing is..." He said taking his hand around which circled souls. He threw the pipe aside and took out the elements of harmony. "If you need help in restoring Twilight and her friends to life, then say." Celestia was shocked, but when she heard a proposal from Fredbear, she almost wept with happiness. "Yes. Please. Do it." She said. Fredbear nodded. "Then it's done." He said. Suddenly, a bright flash the souls disappeared. "They will be in their homes and they won't remember what happened. They may have new abilities, but it isn't a problem." Said Fredbear. "What abilities?" Asked Celestia. "Such as Phone guy, but not all. I don't know who did what he can, but keep an eye on them." Fredbear said, grabbing and pulling him along. "Ah. I almost forgot. Here. It will be useful to you." He said throwing ball of light. Celestia wanted to catch it, but the bullet entered Celestia. She was surprised. "What was that?" She asked. Fredbear stood Phone guy at the door. "Something that will help you fight with Phone guy. A couple of attacks and skills king Asgore. You will learn more in your time." He said. Then he went elsewhere. Celestia went into the hallway, but Fredbear disappeared. "Thank you." She said quietly, but then seems she realized something. "Uhh. I'll need a lot of help with removing castle to the ground." She said, exasperated. "It could be worse." Fredbear voice echoed in her head.