//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Shadows of the Past // Story: Equestria's Peril // by KJay //------------------------------// "Twilight, my student, lock the doors, and shut the windows. Everypony gather around. What I need to share with you is of dire importance, and must remain a secret amongst us and only us." The sun goddess seemed edgy as the elements and humans sat in front of her. The dim lit room made for an unsettling atmosphere in Twilight's home. Fluttershy noticed Kelly messing with his bandaged wrist. "Oh...um...try not to mess with it. That could agitate it more." Kelly smiled at her. "I know, it just stings thats all." "Okay, Princess, the library is secure." Twilight curtained the last window, and joined the semi-circle. She then looked at Spike who was still on the upper floor listening in. "Spike, I think you need to go." Spike's arms fell in dissapointment. "Aww, but I wanna hear this too, it sounds exciting!" Celestia gave him a stern look. "Please Spike, this is not something you need to hear, mind you it is a serious matter." The Princess almost sounded motherly. Spike crossed his arms and pouted. "I wish everypony would stop treating me like a baby." Twilight levitated him to the door. "Sorry, Spike, we'll catch you later. Why don't you go see if you can help around town?" Spike, shrugged, and left; of course with no intention of actually obeying this time around. The group then looked once again at Celestia. "So what could be so bad to talk about that we havta swear secrecy Princess?" Applejack sounded apprehensive at the thought of having to lie. "A dark part of Equestrian history that has been kept secret since I was very, very young." Celestia spoke with her eyes closed. 'I don't believe this,' Kelly thought. 'How much could there be outside of the actual show?!' 'Heh, I bet alot more people would watch MLP if it were anything like this morning.' Daniel echoed in his head. "But, Princess, Equestrian History is one of my most fruitful studies, and the most tramatic event I've ever read was the emerge of Nightmare Moon. I've never even heard about this...Ferindher character." "That, Twilight, is because this perticular event was not set in ink, it was never recorded in history. We presumed Ferindher to be dealt with for eternity. It seems we were wrong." "Just who is this Ferindher?" Rarity chimed in. The Princess let her head hang low, and she gave a long sigh. "I will tell you all of Ferindher's disturbing legacy, and how he was defeated, but I must emphasize that none of you tell anypony. This was a time of war, something that Equestria had never dealt with before, something my parents had to face for the first time. It was decided for the better that such depressing chronicles should not echo through the generations to come, that instead it should fade into the background, until it was nothing, not even to be considered a mare's tale." Now everyone was intrigued, this promised to be quite the story. The main six, and humans leaned forward and were silent, signaling the alicorn to continue. "Twilight, you of course know of the time that Discord ruled, and Luna and I used the elements to subdue him and gain control of Equestria once more?" Twilight nodded. "Well, what took place beforehoof is what aided Discord in his temporary position; the end of a war." She said grimly, and paused dramatically. "The war...against Ferindher." Twilight's eyes gleamed. She found it difficult to hold back her excitement to learn about a major conflict that no book could tell her about. Celestia went on. "Years before Discord appeared a distant, but cruel tyrant; Ferindher, held domain over a land that is much different from Equestria's serenity, quite the opposite in fact. It's a realm of sorrow, and decay, and it seemed fitting for the way he ruled his kingom. During these times, my parents were the rulers of Equestria while Luna and I were being taught the fundamentals of leadership. Word of Ferindher's presence far from our home were brought to us by rumors from the Griffin and Dragon providences. We paid the rumors no mind, but soon came to call him the Lord of Shadows." "How long had he been ruling?" Dash asked. "Nopony knows for sure, but he presided within a castle much like Canterlot's only his was darker; literally and fuguratively. Apparently, he could manifest power from the very darkness around him, the most efficient opportunity being nighttime, though at the time, we did not know this. It took great lengths of time and energy for him to draw enough power to create his...subjects." "You mean those meanie party poopers who came to Ponyville all-" Pinkie then proceeded to punch the air and make a few growling noises. Celestia promptly nodded. "Ferindher created servants to renovate his castle and the land around him, soldiers to build a military regime, and by speculation a few other monstrosities. It wasn't long after his power and population grew that he got a hold of an old tablet that held an evil essence within it. It's origin is still unkown. This tablet granted Ferindher more power than he had hoped to achieve over the next century." "Oh, my...just how powerful had he become?" Fluttershy wimpered. Celestia grimmaced. "Powerful enough to launch a full assault. Among his shadow subjects, he created spies to overwatch the different providences; Equestria included. Our quiet and peaceful way of life seemed to be an easier target to Ferindher rather than the Dragons or Griffins. Needless to say, we were not prepared." "Tarnation..." Applejack muttered. "The attack was swift, but the royal guard was able to hold them back long enough to evacuate...most...of the citizens." A tear ran down the Princess' cheek. Twilight trotted up to her mentor and comforted her with a hoof. Celestia smiled at her kindness. "Then what?" Twilight asked hesitantly. "We were losing. Along with the soldiers, there were also hulking beasts that seemed almost...mindless. Their destructive tactics were so careless, that they injured guards and shadows alike, perhaps a mishap in Ferindher's creation. Many towns were still being built back then, but Canterlot had been his main concern." "But why, why would Ferindher just pounce completely unprovoked?!" Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. Celestia simply shrugged. "To spread evil, greed, power lust, or it might just be all of those and more. Ferindher is a monster born from darkness and hatred, suffering is probably just another joke to him." Celestia stated with no kindness in her tone. "But Canterlot wans't lost to'em was it?" Applejack said getting back on track. "No, he came close, but no. A stalemate soon swept from the territory between Equestria and his kingdom. I...can't recall what we called his land. Few battles were fought directly, most of the time small skirmishes would ensue with little to no casualties. For the moment we were able to hold our own; Ferindher underestimated us. This went on for almost a year. It was during then that my parents were contemplating putting themselves on the frontlines in hopes to bring an end to the conflict. The only thing that stopped them from doing that any sooner...were my sister and I. After we could safely return to the castle, they discussed it almost every day, and every day Luna and I would plead, cry, and beg them not to go. I'm sure you can understand why." "You didn't want to lose them..." Rarity said with tears in her eyes. Celestia was also starting to cry as well. "Soon they had no choice. Too many brave ponies and stallions had lost their lives, and if they didn't intervene, it was only a matter of time until Ferindher got what he wanted. They...they said they'd be back soon and left, but my sister and I knew better. They had rushed our final leadership lessons for a reason. Within a few weeks, the stalemate was pushed all the way back to Ferindher's castle...and...and my parents had to...m-make sure Ferindher was dealt with p-permanently." Celestia's voice was starting to break up a bit, and tears were freely flowing. "They conjured the powers of the sun and moon, and used them to create a beam of energy to crumble Ferindher's foundation along with Ferindher himself. B-but...attacking our home...and taking innocent lives wasn't good enough for him...in a l-last ditch effort...Ferindher used the power of the tablet...to infect...my parents with a deadly dark magic. A magic that grips your body...a-and slowly drains away your life." She was audibly sobbing now. The ponies were doing the same. Pinkie cried the loudest as her mane and tail hung straight and flat. The humans kept their eyes closed tightly in empathy for the Princess, and in hatred for Ferindher. Droplets were also streaming down their faces. "Ferindher was stopped, his armies and castle fell, but at the cost of our parent's lives. The commanding guards who fought alongside them retrieved the acursed tablet, and prepared a charriot to bring back mother and father, so they could be properly buried. Before they could return, Discord took the opportunity to take Equestria as his own. With few guards to stand in his way, he was met with minimal opposition. Luna and I were so distrought by the news of our parents that we...couldn't bring ourselves to stop Discord before he took over." Celestia ceased her tears, and her voice grew angry. "It was all Ferindher's fault, he brought so many centuries of peace and serenity to an end simply because he could not control his own avidity. Mother, father...That was the only day that I had wished Ferindher had survived...so that I may end him myself." The alicorn's words reeked of loathing. Uneasiness settled amongst the ponies, and Kelly. Never had Celestia spoken with such venom in her words. One by one, the main six shared their grief, and sympathy for the Princess with either a gentle hoof, or a warm hug. "So, if Ferindher has returned, then what do we do?" Twilight's question actually brought Celestia's attention to the boys. "You two." The Princess addressed calmy. The humans stared back at her. "Neither of you have said a single word this entire time." Celestia brow elevated. The boys looked at each other; Kelly was the first to speak. "It's just that...I've actually been wondering why you would tell us about all of this." He gestured to himself and his friend. "Yeah, and I've just been really focused on what you were saying. I guess I never would have thought something so morbid could happen to a place that seems so...innocent and carefree." Daniel added. Celestia nodded in understanding. "The reason I have told you two about these events is because; after your selfless actions this morning, you have shown me that I can trust you." Celestia smiled once again. "You have also showed me that perhaps...you may be able to help us." She said in a questioning voice. The humans shared a puzzled glance. "Of course, you do not have to if you do not wish. This will no doubt be a very dangerous matter that some I fear...will not return from." "So you mean become like a royal guard?" Kelly asked. "In a sense, you would be trained by our finest warriors and given a place to stay among the barracks perhaps. You both have proven your strength, and it seems Equestria could use all the help it can get." "I-I don't know what to say." Daniel stuttered. He sounded more surprised than excited. Kelly only took a few seconds to think about it. After all, he was a brony, and what kind of brony wouldn't do all that they could to protect their friends. "Princess Celestia, I accept." Kelly proclaimed as he stood up. Daniel stood after him, but was still unsure. He wasn't a brony, at least not as much as Kelly. But Kelly was his pal, he would stick with him through the roughest times, and give as much support as he could. Besides, even if he didn't care for the show, that factor seemed pretty insignificant now that he was friends with the elements. "Me too, I'm ready to help." Celestia stood and approached the humans. She gave each of them a teary smile, before embracing them both. "Thank you...I will not soon forget your courage." The elements each gave their thanks as well for the human's determination. "So what do you want us to do?" Dash asked. "I will return later today with each of the elements for you to safeguard. I only need each and every one of you to stay vigilant alongside the royal guards." "Shouldn't tha guards know what their watchin' out fer?" Applejack pondered. Celestia put a hoof behind her head. "I suppose I forgot to mention that some of the guards might have knowledge of Ferindher, but they were sworn to secrecy upon initiation much like all of you here today." The Princess began to exit the library right before she gave a final statement. "Twilight, whenever you can, keep me up to date with any new suspicions, or activity that might lead back to Ferindher. Kelly, Daniel; I will speak to the guards of your decision, and prepare a charriot to Canterlot right away. Please meet me at City Hall in about an hour." "Si, seƱorita." Daniel joked. The alicorn blankly stared for a second, but shrugged it off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come here, Derpy!" Kelly held his arms out wide to squeeze the grey pegasus before he departed for Canterlot. "Awww, how long will you guys be gone?" Kelly broke the embrace. "Not sure, we have to be trained to help you guys better if anything like this were to happen again." Daniel was busy giving farewells to Lyra and Bon Bon. Within the week, the humans were no doubt incredibly popular and liked by virually everypony in town. "Don't worry everyone, we'll be back soon! Stay safe!" Daniel called as he waved and stepped onto the charriot, with Kelly following. The ponies waved bye and wished the humans luck in Canterlot as the charriot was lifted from the ground; bound for Equestria's capitol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that evening Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both sputtered laughter as they munched cupcakes, and contemplated possible pranks to pull next week. Sugarcube Corner was a good place to hatch ideas for the duo. Dash finished her pastry, and shot Pinkie a worried look. "Hey Pinkie...you know who...sounds pretty serious about his plans for Equestria. I mean, Celestia's parents couldn't even..." Pinkie's smile dissapeared, but quickly returned as she put a hoof around her cyan friend. "Dashie...as long as we've got each other and the elements of harmony, no stinky shadow pooper could ever rain on this parade!" Pinkie proceeded to juggle cupcakes around in hopes to cheer up Dash. It worked. Dash laughed at Pinkie's antics. "Y'know Pinkie, you might be annoying sometimes, but you really are a ray of sunshine too." "Aw, thanks Dashie! I-HEY!" Dash laughed even harder at Pinkie's delayed reaction. Pinkie did an over the top backflip. "Hey, how do you think Kelly, and Daniel are doing right now?" Dash put a hoof to her chin. "Well considering they get to hang out at Canterlot Castle, kick it with royalty, and get special training from the best fighters among the royal guard...I'd say they're having the time of their life." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile Daniel slowly began to pick himself up as he spit out the dirt that flew in his mouth upon impact. "C'mon human, I was told your kind was stronger than this. This is just sad." Daniel's trainee taunted him. "Ease up Meta Shroud, you've humiliated him enough as it is, now how about training him?" A second guard by the name of Chival Glow scolded his fellow guard; pausing his own battle with Kelly, who wasn't faring so well either. "Calm down, Chival, he knows I'm just messing with him." Daniel stood, and took a powerful swing at his teacher. Meta easily dodged his sloppy technique and parried with a smack to the head, knocking Daniel over again. All four had been training with basic wooden swords as to make sure no one was hurt...too bad. "You've gotta get a solid stance before you put so much power into one attack, human." Daniel just groaned in response. Kelly finally climbed to his feet, and shook his head from being 'punch' drunk. "This time, I'll attack and you see if you can dodge and parry, like Meta had done." Chival instructed. Kelly shook his head a final time, and prepared for Chival's assault. Chival and Meta were both unicorns, and since unicorns could manipulate weapons in such a way other ponies could not; not to mention other magical powers, they were usual the most useful in combat. Chival swiftly moved to Kelly's right, but pivoted and stepped to the left in an attempt to fake him out. Kelly wasn't ready, he brought his sword up to Chival's original direction, and didn't have time to bring the wood blade across his body to block his teacher's change in direction. The wood thwacked Kelly's side, and he stumbled back trying to regain his footing. Chival took advantage of his unbalanced student, and knocked him backwards with a forceful thrust. Kelly just lie on his back, groaning in pain and frustration. "Oh, fuck this." He cursed under his breath. Daniel had picked himself up once again, and this time waited for Meta to make a move. Meta smirked and dashed straight forward. Daniel was expecting a full front attack, but to his dismay the sword that moved alongside Meta vanished into thin air, making Daniel lower his guard in confusion. "What the-" Daniel felt agony vibrate from the back of his skull, as the timber weapon reappeared from behind him. He fell to his knees and shouted. "Hey! That was a cheap shot!" Meta laughed. "Is that what your gonna say when the enemy buries his weapon in the back of your head?" Daniel just grunted in obvious annoyance. "Alright you two, I think thats enough for one evening. And don't feel bad, this was your first day after all." Chival wrapped his magic around Kelly's weapon, as Meta did Daniel's. "We'll meet you guys in the dining hall later." Meta called as he and Chival left the training grounds. Battered, and bruised, Kelly and Daniel reluctantly followed the unicorns inside moments later. "This shit sucks." Daniel groaned. "I know, but just wait. We could probably learn alot from these guys. remember, it's for our friends." Daniel rolled his eyes, but agreed anyway. Kelly chuckled. "Still think we could've kicked their asses a week ago?" "Hey, that was different. Those guards were pegasi, not cheap shot unicorns." Daniel playfully countered. Alright guys, this will be the last update until late July or early August. I'll be back from Missouri on July 26th, so somewhere around there. As always hope you guys like it so far, and don't forget to look over to see if I missed something in case I didn't catch it. Thank you all so much for the support, you guys are awesome! Have a great summer!