Peace Porridge Hot

by Metool Bard

Angle of Attack

Little Strongheart had never flown before. Sure, she was used to galloping across train cars and climbing onto the back of sandwyrms, but never in her life had she ever soared through the sky like a dragon. And as she peered down at the desert sands from Celestia's sky chariot, she didn't know whether to be awestruck or terrified.

"You alright there, Little Strongheart?"

Little Strongheart flinched and turned to Gilda, who opted to fly right beside the chariot.

"Um, yeah. Fine," Little Strongheart said. "I-I just had no idea we'd be so high up."

"It's rather spectacular, isn't it?" said Celestia.

"Y-yes, I suppose it, is..."

Little Strongheart turned to address Celestia, only to find that her eyes were closed in meditation. Her horn pulsated with magic, and at the same time, she could see the sun rise behind her. Little Strongheart's eyes widened in awe while Gilda shielded her eyes from the blinding display.

"Whoa. Heh. Kinda forgot that you control the sun around here," said Gilda.

Celestia smiled as she opened her eyes and powered down. "Just because I'm away on a mission doesn't mean I should neglect my other duties," she said sagely. "Even if it is a conflict of interest."

Little Strongheart knitted her brow. "Are you sure you don't want to make the day a bit longer to give Lord Ember more time?"

"Positive. It wouldn't be fair to my sister, or the rest of Equestria, for that matter," said Celestia.

"I suppose not," Little Strongheart conceded. "I'm just a bit worried, that's all. Needles and the Dragoons are a great bunch; don't get me wrong. But, how do I put this? They're still learning."

"We're all still learning, Little Strongheart," Celestia quipped. "I suggest letting your friends figure things out on their own. We are just making sure that those poachers don't interfere with their lesson."

Her stomach growled, and she blushed. "But first, I think some breakfast is in order."

"Gotcha covered," said Gilda, taking out a few scones. "My Grandpa Gruff brought these in to serve at the conference. I managed to swipe a few before we left."

Little Strongheart accepted on of the scones and took a bite. Her eyes snapped open as her taste buds were sent into a state of pure bliss. The pastry was light and flakey, but not too crumbly. The sweet blending of butterscotch and cinnamon flavor danced in her mouth.

"This is remarkable!" she exclaimed. "I never knew griffons were such fabulous bakers!"

Celestia raised an eyebrow and sampled a scone herself. "O-oh my. I-it's truly like nothing I've ever tasted. You must give Kibitz the recipe when we get back to Canterlot."

"Thanks. It's my family's special recipe," Gilda gushed. "And you're not gonna believe this, but those griffon scones are what saved the town of Griffonstone. Well, after I got some help from Pinkie Pie, that is. You don't wanna know what they tasted like before."

"I wasn't about to ask," said Little Strongheart.

Celestia let out a small chuckle before looking through a small luggage trunk sitting next to her. Gilda's eyes sparkled with interest.

"What's that you got there, Your Highness?" she inquired.

Celestia smiled. "First of all, there's no need for formalities, Gilda. Not for a pranking spree," she said. "Secondly, these are a few little fun tricks that I normally employ at Chuckle-Lot. I figured they'd serve us quite well in our mission."

"Chuckle-Lot?" asked Gilda, scratching her head as she snarfed down a griffon scone.

"I've heard of this tradition before. It's a banquet where the rulers of Equestria show their less-serious side," Little Strongheart explained. "Sort of a way to get the populous to feel more comfortable around them."

"Sweet," said Gilda, wringing her talons. "So, what kinda goods are we talking about here?"

Celestia looked over the side of the chariot. Her lips curled into a coy smile as she managed to spot a trail of dirt traveling through the sand.

"I think we'll be using the first of them soon," she said. "Straight Arrow, En Passant. Lower your altitude and stay behind that dirt trail."

"Are we landing, Your Highness?" asked one of the Royal Guards.

"Not quite," said Celestia, rummaging through her trunk. "We have some business to take care of first..."


The dirt trail came to a halt as Isabelle poked her head out of the ground. After some shuffling, Pepito emerged beside her.

"Why we stop here?" Pepito asked.

Isabelle sniffed the air and scowled. "Redstone. The Cobaltvest pack has been here."


"My old family," Isabelle clarified. "I was initially tasked by Cortez Cobaltvest to bring my brother back, but you know how that turned out."

"Sí, sí. I know," said Pepito. "You try and catch Toro, you keep missing, then you give up and become poacher instead."

"It's my stupid brother who keeps missing," Isabelle snarled. "He never had the guts to hurt me, not even when we hurt his precious dragon friends."

"He care about you," said Pepito.

Isabelle scoffed. "Oh, please. He's just a coward. Much like you, actually."

"¿Qué? I no cow's ward."

Isabelle palmed her face. "Cobarde."

"Oh, sí. Yes, I get it now," said Pepito. He blinked a few times before giving Isabelle a dirty look. "Hey. That no nice."

"It's true, you spineless shellfish," Isabelle stated. "Here we are, about to be set for life, and you want to back out."

"That no being cow's ward, Señorita Isabelle," said Pepito. "That being... Um..."

He took out his dictionary and flipped through the pages. "Smart. Sí, I think that word."

Isabelle swiped the book from Pepito's claws and bopped him on the head with it. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Now c'mon. If Cortez and his goons are around here, they could be after our bounty."


Isabelle groaned. "You know what? I'm not explaining it to your slow brain again. Just follow my lead."

She sniffed the air again, prowling around while Pepito skittered behind her. She then smirked.

"Dragons due east," she said. "It might be the Dragon Lord."

"How you know is Dragon Lord and not ordinary dragon?" Pepito inquired.

Isabelle snorted. "Don't test me, Pepito."

"It honest question," Pepito said flatly. Before he could repeat it, he noticed a strange silhouette in the morning sky. "Uh, Señorita?"

"I don't want to hear another word out of you, Pepito," Isabelle growled, oblivious to the shadow descending upon her.

"No, this important," Pepito insisted, pointing at the sky.

"I know what you're gonna say, Pepito," said Isabelle. "It's not too late. We still have a chance to give up and fade into obscurity. That's not happening."

"I no say that. I no even know what up-skirt-ity mean. But Señorita Isabelle—"

"¡Pensé que le dije cerrar para arriba!" Isabelle snapped, staring down at Pepito. "I swear, one more word out of you, and I'll—"

"Bombs away!"

Out of the sky, a golden chariot flew by Isabelle and Pepito. From it, several water balloons rained down on Isabelle's hair, drenching her with a strong-smelling liquid. Her nose twitched, and she immediately covered it up.

"Gah~! Wh-what is this stuff?!" she screamed in a nasally voice.

Pepito skittered up to her and sniffed her a few times. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm. I know what that is," he mused. "That, um... What word for it? Um, you have my dictionary, yes?"

Isabelle groaned and handed the book back to Pepito. He quickly flipped through it.

"Ah, this it. Es una mofeta."

Isabelle's eyes widened "A skunk?! Ugh~!" She frantically sniffed the air. "Blast it! I lost the scent! Why didn't you say something?!"

Pepito deadpanned. "I no dignify that."

Isabelle snarled. "Well, that's just great. Now we have to get this mess fixed before we resume the hunt."

"You know, it not too late," said Pepito.

Isabelle gave Pepito a glare. "I don't want to hear it," she growled. "We're getting that Dragon Lord, we're going to be rich and famous, and you're gonna like it!"

Without another word, she dove underground. Pepito looked towards where the chariot was heading and rubbed the side of his head. With a shrug and a sigh, he followed Isabelle.


The chariot landed a few meters away, and Gilda was roaring with laughter.

"Oh man! That was the best!" she guffawed.

"It'll certainly buy Lord Ember and those Dragoons some time," said Celestia.

"Um, what was in those balloons?" asked Little Strongheart.

Celestia smiled. "Garlic magically modified to smell like skunk spray. I may be a prankster, but I'm not cruel."

"So, what now, Your Highness?" asked Straight Arrow.

Little Strongheart furrowed her brow and took a look at the ground. "Hmm. The Dragoons haven't passed through this area," she mused. "But I know where their hideout is. From there, we can see where they're going and shadow them."

"Thus making sure those poachers don't catch 'em by surprise," said Gilda, pounding her fist into her palm. "Nice. Please tell me you have more where that came from, Princess Celestia."

"Indeed I do," said Celestia mischievously. "But we must be discreet. Straight Arrow, En Passant. You may return to the palace. We'll be alright here."

The guards looked at each other before sharing a shrug.

"Um, yes, Your Highness," said En Passant. "Are you—?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Celestia, cutting across her guard. "If I need your assistance, you'll know."

"Of course, Your Highness," said En Passant with a bow.

The two of them took off into the air, leaving Celestia, Little Strongheart, and Gilda behind.

"I hope you two don't mind, but I prefer the freedom of running over the open plains," said Little Strongheart. "Now, let's get moving!"

She galloped due west with Celestia and Gilda flying right behind her. Unbeknownst to any of them, a small grey flame watched from afar before whisking away over the horizon...