I can listen

by walkonfour


He eventually arose with the reluctance of pony used to being woken well past what could be considered a practical time. His already poor mood as not helped along by the pain in his back- the prince was not accustomed to sleeping on couches, and had woken in the night, more than once to find himself in agony. Still, it wasn’t too bad, given the circumstances; he had actually gotten off rather lightly considering his un-gentlecolty behaviour last night. He made a mental note to apologise to Twilight before she began her inevitable interrogation.

“Twilight you awake?”

No answer from upstairs. She must have gone out for the morning, the prince decided. No matter.

Making himself at home, the prince headed to the kitchen, helping himself to a portion of oats from the cupboard. Simple fare, but it would serve nonetheless. He returned to the main atrium of the library to eat his meal, whilst awaiting the librarian’s return. As he chewed down the basic breakfast, he wondered if he should have just assumed that Twilight wouldn’t mind him helping himself to her food. Surely not, he decided.

“You’re awake? Good.” The librarian had entered by the front door; clearly she had been up for some time already. Blueblood stood up, so as to properly greet his gracious host.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle, good morning.”

The unicorn did not respond to the Princes greeting, being engrossed as she was by the newspaper she had magically suspended mere inches from her nose.

“Ahem, miss Sparkle….”.

“Hmm?” the young mare looked up from her scroll, apparently remembering she was not in fact alone in her library.

“ I was wondering if you had given any thought as to, well, letting me go back to Canterlot, perhaps?”


Yes, miss Sparkle. I need to return, to re-evaluate my position so to speak... Besides, have come to understand the value of a more subtle approach when it comes to romance. When one sends a letter, the response is rarely as….physical, don’t you think?”


“Never mind” Blueblood was beginning to believe that Twilight had no suspicions as to what he was actually doing in Ponyville- or if she did, she was keeping quiet about it.

“Anyway, I think I worked out what you’re doing in Ponyville, and what you were doing at Sweet Apple Acres last night” at that, she levitated the newspaper before her over to Blueblood.

Prince and unknown accomplice (left) almost destroy Caterlot! National outrage!

Even as a member of the royal household, it wasn’t every day you saw yourself on the front page of a national newspaper. As for his ‘Unknown Accomplice’….

“Does Big Macintosh Know?”

“Not yet. Applejack is looking for him though. Don’t think I would want to be in his shoes when she caches up.” Twilight retired the paper form Blueblood. “Never would have though he had it in him. You’re a bad influence, Prince Blueblood”

“Me?” the prince was shocked at the idea to say the least. “I’ll have you know it was all his idea.”, he said, though far louder than he intended.

“I find it hard to believe that… well anyway I don’t think you can go back to Canterlot until this little situation has resolved itself. Oh and Blueblood…”


“I’m sorry Applejack didn’t like your flowers”

“Wait- How did you!?!” the now mortified prince was at a loss as to how she could have figured out his intentions so fast.

“She’s like one of my closest friends. The whole Elements of Harmony thing? Anyway she’s more of a… well, a practical pony. Next time how about you try a little explanation before the romantic gesture?” twilight smiled at the Prince, and not unkindly. If her studies in friendship had taught her anything, it was that most ponies were good at heart- and no doubt even a pony as seemingly callous as Blueblood had something in him worthy of redemption.

“I’ll certainly keep that in mind. Thank you, Twilight Sparkle- I mean for everything. If it wasn’t for you, I would probably be on the streets of Ponyville right now.”

Twilight realised that perhaps she was seeing something of a new Blueblood peeking out from behind a lifetime of pomp and arrogance. Blueblood, she knew, was perhaps only a little older than her, and like twilight, he had spent his formative years in Caterlot Castle. It was an unusual way to grow up, isolated from other foals and surrounded by important ponies. There’s probably a letter to the princess in here somewhere, thought Twilight, something about a generation of poorly adjusted nobleponies…..

Big Macintosh was looking down at the paper before him, entirely focused on the single page in front of him. He had read the traitorous document through no less than three times already. It was all there. His picture, looking the worse for wear with Prince Blueblood. Eyewitness accounts who had apparently seen himself and the prince breaking every law of common decency. There could be no doubt.

“You quite finished there sugarcube?”

Big Macintosh looked up from the paper slowly, eyes fixing on his clearly enraged sister. A few minutes ago, she had come bursting through the door of the Carousel Boutique, demanding that Big Macintosh explain himself. Rarity had assumed big Macintosh spending the night had caused some upset on the farm. It quickly became apparent, however, that Applejack had an entirely different axe to grind. When she had busted through the door, Rarity and Big Macintosh had been sat together in the shop, blissfully enjoying their recent reunion.
“Blueblood? Really? Don’t you remember wut he done said about our apples? And what he did to Rarity? How could you Big Mac?”
The workhorse deliberated for a moment “Good to see you got your priorities straight there sis” Macintosh replied, chuckling. Bluey’s alright by the way, you jus’ need ta get to know him.”

“so you two friends or somthin’? That way he came by the farm yesterday?


“That all you goin’ ta say”

“Eeyup. Rarity here’s invited me to stay for breakfast, and I don’t rightly intend to leave a lady hangin’” Big Macintosh nodded towards Rarity, who was still sat, now blushing, beside him.

Perhaps if she was in a better mood, Applejack would have apologised for all the torment she had caused the couple over the last few days, but she had work to do.

“Well, chances are Bluebloods still over at Twilight’s, so I’m gonna go give him a piece’o’my mind for corruptin’ my big Brother.” Applejack turned and left, clearly still raging.

As she left, Rarity turned to her coltfriend next to her;

“Darling, do you think she’s figured it out yet?”

“y’mean that Bluebloods Sweet on her? Eenope”