The Lost Sibling

by Teotle

Attack on Canterlot

Cadance and Shining Armor took Nyx and Teotle to see Celestia and Luna in the throne room after the staff told them of an emergency. when they arrived, the sisters were dressed in armor. Celestia wore bright gold armor, while Luna's Armor was black as the night sky.

"Why the armor?" Teotle asked.

The sisters looked at them with bold expressions, but Teotle could tell in their eyes that they were afraid. "It is your sister, Teotle." Luna replied. "She has become the host of your blood father, Shadowflame."

They all looked at the sisters with disbelief, how could Shadowflame posses someone other than his children? wasn't the hosst supposed to have his power in order to be possessed?

Celestia then said, "She has collected an army of slaves from the Everfree Forest. She has recruited birds, beast, and even the trees have been taken by his will to dominate."

"How can that happen?" Nyx asked. "don't you need to have all of his power to...?"

"Its more complicated than that, Nyx." Teotle interrupted. "It's true that someone could become a vessel for his soul by having his power, but that's only because his power is twisted and evil. With each drop of his power, the person will be more easy for him to control. However, there is another way for him to posses someone. They would have to say yes."

"Say yes?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh huh." Teotle replied. "They would have to say the yes to his offer. The offer for him to make them stronger. My mother told me of that trick. All Shadowflame has to do is get the person to say yes to his offer and they will become a slave to his soul."

"I see." Celestia remarked.

"Scarlet Rose must have made a deal with Shadowflame to give her some of his power." Said Luna.

"That still doesn't explain how he could contact her." Said Celestia. "He couldn't have a physical form until he possessed her."

"Is that important?" Teotle asked, forging a suit of armor with his magic and spirit energy. "Because I think we need to focus on the situation at hand."

Nyx made some armor for herself and said, "I agree."

Celesta nodded and allowed Cadance and Shining armor to get their own armor on. Both Teotle and Nyx had see througb armor. Teotle's armor had a bright blue aura of blue flame, like his magic. Nyx's had a bright crystal aura to it, like a star in the night sky. Cadance wore a sut of silver armor with pink finish. shining armor wore a suit of gold armor with dark blue finish.

Everypony was suited up for battle when they went outside to the streets, with royal guards behind them.

"Is everypony ready?" Asked Celestia.

"Yeah." Teotle replied. "Just remember, the more life he takes from living things, the stronger he becomes."

"How do we defeat his forces?" Asked Luna.

"We don't want to hurt them, they are still alive inside. Restrain them if you can, keep them busy if need be. Me and Nyx will take out my sister."

Celestia then began to direct the royal guards. Shining armor and Cadance were to lead the citizens to safety while she and Luna would fight off Shadowflame's slaves and try to clear a path for Nyx and Teotle to free Scarlet Rose.

As the battle went on, mares and colts were darting down the street to the castle gates, escorted by the royal guard. Monsters such as Hydras, timberwolves, Manticores, Ursa's, and even peaceful animals of the forest were charging after the citizens of Canterlot.

Teotle and Nyx fought their way through the horde of enemies until they finally found Scarlet. She has a black aura blazing around her. She looked as if she had lost a fight with a forest fire with burns that went all the way down to the bone. Her body was slowly decaying as Shadowflame's grip on her grew tighter.

"SCARLET!" Teotle yelled, hoping to somehow wake her up from her possession. When that didn't work, he held his sword aloft and said, "It doesn't have to be like this."

"Oh, but it does." Scarlet replied. Her voice didn't sound like her own. It was over lapped by Shadowflame's brunt charcoal like voice. It sounded like nails on a chalk board, and it brought a tear in Teotle's eye. Scarlet continued and said, "I've waited a long time for this moment. I will not be denied my revenge for my mother and father."

"IT WASN'T HIS FAULT!" Nyx shouted in anger. "Do you really think your parents would want you to attack Canterlot and add to the body count?"

Scarlet snarled and replied, "They would want our people to be safe. They would want Shadowflame and his conspirators stopped in their tracks."

"You don't know that." Teotle argued.

"Do you?" Scarlet growled. She took out her bow and arrow and prepared to aim. She then whispered, "Prove it."